Midnight Rider (Ralph Cotton Western Series)

BOOK: Midnight Rider (Ralph Cotton Western Series)
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As if suddenly realizing someone was watching him from behind, Frank Penta turned around, smoking rifle in hand, and looked at Rochenbach through a haze of gun smoke. Seeing that Rochenbach had him cold, the rifle in Rock’s hands pointed, aimed and cocked at him, Penta gave him a strange, tight grin.

“Some fight, huh, Rock?” he called out above the roar of gunfire, sounding as if the two of them had been close friends.

“Yes, it is,” Rock agreed. His right eye fixed down the rifle sights; he squeezed the trigger….


Ralph Cotton



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Copyright © Ralph Cotton, 2012

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For Mary Lynn…
of course

Table of Content

Part 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Part 2

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Part 3

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27



Chapter 1

Denver City, Colorado Territory

In the silvery light of dawn, U.S. Secret Service agent Avrial Rochenbach stepped down from his big dun out in front of the seedy Great Westerner Hotel, located on the outskirts of Denver City. He unwrapped a wool muffler from around his bare head and left it hanging from his shoulders. He looked back and forth along the street, which had just started coming to life for the day. A curl of steam wafted in his breath.

Scabbed onto the right side of the hotel beneath a shed roof stood Andrew Grolin’s Lucky Nut Saloon. On a faded, hand-painted sign above the saloon, a large nut—of a variety Rochenbach was unfamiliar with—stood upright between a large, frothy mug of beer and two large, tumbling dice.

Rochenbach spun his reins around an iron hitch rail, stepped onto the boardwalk and inside the Lucky Nut. Before he’d made three steps across the stone-tiled floor, two gunmen at the bar turned toward him quickly.

“Whoa! Stop yourself right there,” one called out, a Henry rifle in his hand, leveled at Rochenbach. “Did you hear anybody say we’re open for business yet?”

Rochenbach made no reply; he didn’t stop either. He continued across the floor, his forearm carelessly shoving back the right side of his long wool coat, where a black-handled Remington stood across his lower belly.

On the other side of the bar, Andrew Grolin looked up from counting a thick stack of money, a big black cigar in his teeth. He stalled for a second before saying anything, observing how everyone handled themselves.

“Hey, sumbitch! Are you deaf or something?” the same gunman called out to Rochenbach, he and the other gunman spreading a few feet apart, ready for whatever came next.

Grolin already saw what was coming if he didn’t do something to stop it. A belly rig like this? The slightest move of either of his men, this newcomer would pivot left a half turn. The big Remington would slip out of its holster as if his body had moved away from it and left it hanging in midair. It would come up arm’s length slick and fast.
Bang, you’re dead!
Grolin thought.

“It’s all right, Spiller. I’ve been expecting this man,” he said at the last second, before the scene he’d played out in his head began acting itself out on the floor.

“Whatever you say, boss,” said Denton Spiller.

The two men backed up a step; Spiller eyed the bareheaded newcomer up and down as Rochenbach stopped and returned his stare, his long wool coat
still pushed back out of the way on his right side. The wool muffler hung from his shoulders.

“You need to be more careful how you enter a room, mister,” the gunman cautioned him, lowering his rifle barrel almost grudgingly.

“Obliged,” Rochenbach said flatly. “I’ve been working on it.” He let his coat fall back into place now that the rifle barrel wasn’t pointed at him.

Rochenbach held the gunman’s stare until Andrew Grolin took his cigar from his mouth and looked back and forth between the two, still appraising, still gauging the tensile of each man’s will.

“Spiller,” he said, “you and Pres meet Avrial Rochenbach.” He turned his eyes to Rochenbach. “Rock, this is Denton Spiller and Preston Casings. Two of my best damn men.”

Rochenbach nodded; the two nodded in return. None of the men raised their hands from gun level.

“I heard of you, Rochenbach,” said Casings. “You’re the Midnight Rider, the fellow who prefers working in the dark of night.” He looked Rock up and down. “Also the fellow who got himself chased out of the Pinkertons.”

“Really?” said Spiller to Rochenbach with a cold stare. “How does that feel, getting chased out?”

“I can show you,” Rochenbach said.

Spiller started to bristle.

“Easy, men,” Andrew Grolin said with a short, dark chuckle. He gestured to Spiller and said, “You and Pres take a walk. I want to talk to Rock here in private. He’s going to be riding with us.”

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