All of me (7 page)

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Authors: S Michaels

BOOK: All of me
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‘Wet already Emily?’ he whispers,
slipping a finger inside my entrance.  I feel my nipples tighten and my insides

I groan as he thrusts it in and out,
adding another finger, as he continues his assault.  I am panting, moving my
hips around his fingers, as his thumb applies pressure to my throbbing

‘Oh Matt,’ I call, as I feel my legs
wobble and my entire body convulse around his probing fingers, he holds me
upright as I release around him.

‘Oh yes, baby,’ he murmurs, ‘you like?’

‘I like,’ I confirm and he chuckles.  He
pushes my shorts and pants down my legs, I step out of them automatically and
he pulls off my vest and bra.

‘Now that, I like,’ he keeps me facing
the other way as he leans me over the sofa, my ass pointing up in the air, ‘god,
I need to be inside you, Emily,’ he groans, as he strokes down my back to my
rear end, ‘so much’ he drops to his knees and licks my entrance, ‘so sweet,’ he
mumbles, his words causing my insides to clench, once again, in apprehension. 
I cannot believe I have missed out on all this, I am so turned on, his tongue
thrusts inside me and I push back urging him deeper.

‘I need you inside me,’ I pant, my whole
body tingling with sensation, ‘Matt,’ I call.

‘What do you want Emily?’ he whispers
against my molten sex.

‘You, inside me, now!’ I instruct
impatiently.  He stands, dropping his jeans and pants pulling his t-shirt over
his head, I hear rustling and I know he is covering himself with the condom.  I
feel him at my entrance and push back, he thrusts inside in one hard stroke and
I realize that last weekend was only a taster, he had been holding himself

‘Oh yeah,’ I moan.  I am meeting him
thrust for thrust as he leans forward and cups my breasts, pinching my nipples
hard sending frissons of pleasure down to my sex, ‘faster!’ I demand and he circles
around and around.  His hand moves to my front to stroke my clitoris, resulting
in me immediately exploding around him, shouting out his name as he thrusts
deep inside, calling me, as he milks himself into me.

‘Shit,’ I call, panting.

‘Fuck Emily,’ he gasps, ‘I hope you
haven’t been practicing without me,’ I giggle breathlessly at his words, he
pulls out gently and removes the condom, disposing of it as I stand.  He moves
back over to me and envelops me into his arms, ‘that was some welcome, little
lady,’ he kisses me tenderly and I return to my bubble of lust, my eyelids
heavy as our kiss continues.

‘Do you want dinner?’ he whispers.

‘No, shall we order take out, then I
don’t have to get dressed?’ I suggest.

‘I am all for you not getting dressed,’
he kisses my forehead, ‘and there are so many other ways I want to fuck you,
Emily,’ he whispers into my ear, the words alone causing my insides to flutter.    


‘Good morning, Matt!’ Lucy calls, as she
enters into her car with Tom, at noon on Saturday.

‘Good morning. I hope you are feeling
better today, Lucy?’ Matt calls as he waves at Tom.

‘I am, thank you.  My husband is treating
me to lunch,’ she grins, before gingerly sitting in the front of Tom’s

I throw a warning glare at Lucy, as she
grins like a Cheshire cat before winking at me, ‘she thought I was gay,’ I
mutter to Matt and he chuckles, ‘really! Shall I inform her you definitely
aren’t gay?’ he teases and I toss him a stern look.

‘How do you know I am not bisexual?’ I
tease back.

‘As long as I can watch, that’s fine!’ he
grins and I slap his arm playfully.

‘Thank you for the practice,’ I rub my
hands up his biceps, he has a body to die for.

‘Thank you for the workout,’ he wraps me
in his arms, kissing my neck.

‘Hmmm, you may have to come back in if
you keep at that,’ I push myself against him.

‘How is a man to earn his living when
such temptations are placed before him?’ he jests.

‘Go make your millions,’ I push him away

‘See you soon,’ he drops a kiss and is


Sunday, I spend doing research on
surrogacy. I can do this for my sister, I know I can, there are long drawn out
cases where it takes two years for the surrogate to become pregnant, but there
are circumstances where it works immediately.  This is the biggest gift I can
give to Lucy and Tom and they deserve it, they will be great parents.  I slam
my laptop shut and go to collect my laundry, decision made.

I visit the gym on Sunday evening without
bumping into Matt, but on Tuesday, I notice him running on the treadmill, sweat
glistening from his body, as I enter the room.  I stand for a moment
appreciating his beauty before moving to the other end of the gym and locating
a treadmill myself.  I am gasping with Bastille singing through my ear buds,
when I notice his handsome face in front of me, I grin but continue until he
presses a button slowing me down.

‘Hey!’ I call, pulling the ear buds out.

‘Hi Emily,’ he grins, ‘were you avoiding

‘No, just letting you do your thing,’ I
return and he narrows his eyes.

‘How are things?’ he enquires.

‘Good, you?’ I ask.

‘Busy, but good, want to do some
weights?’ he tempts.

‘Sure, can you give me ten minutes?’ I
ask, he nods and vamps up the pace, before disappearing with a smile.

‘So hold, two, three and four.  Good you
are doing better,’ he praises.

‘Thank you,’ I pant.

‘Just remember to keep the muscles strong
here,’ his hand moves over my core and I feel my insides warm.  He senses it
and grins moving his hand down to my hip whispering into my ear, ‘does my touch
do things to you Emily?’ My eyes find his before flickering around the room, he
chuckles bending and kissing me quickly. ‘Want to grab a smoothie?’

‘Sure,’ I smile.

Matt is showered and dressed in his work
suit and shirt, minus the jacket, when I enter the café.  He has already bought
us smoothies and is talking to one of the personal trainers.  He notices me and
moves towards me leaning down to kiss me, I feel embarrassed at the action and
flush glancing around me to check whether anyone has noticed.

‘Relax,’ he sits moving the smoothie my

‘Thank you,’ I ignore him, sipping the
drink gratefully.

‘How are things in Emily’s world?’ he

‘I thought we already covered this,’ I

He chuckles, ‘so, when can I see you

‘Are you not seeing me now, Mr Ritchie?’
I muse.

‘I can see you are in your usual,
delightful mood, Miss Taylor, dinner Friday?’ he suggests.

‘At my place?’ I enquire, as my
imagination awakens.

‘No, in a public place. I am beginning to
feel like a sex object’ he teases and I grin over to him our eyes clashing.

‘Ok, that will be good, but you know I am
not looking for a relationship, Matt?’ I warn.

 ‘Neither am I, but I haven’t finished
practicing with you yet Emily,’ his words send my insides churning at the
possibilities, ‘I will pick you up from work and we will have an early one,’ he

‘You don’t know where I work?’ I test.

‘Oh Emily, thee of little faith,’ he tuts,
‘what time do you finish?’

‘Five thirty, do you want me to send you
the address?’ I check.

He smiles, ‘sure, if it makes me appear
less of a stalker,’ to which, I smile.


Chapter Seven

It is midweek when Tom and I are
bickering over the surrogacy thing once again, ‘what about Matt?’ he queries,
‘you are just beginning a relationship, you cannot be pregnant.’

‘Matt and I are casual we aren’t starting
any relationship, we are both aware of what it is.  I wouldn’t have sex whilst
we are going through the process, or while I am pregnant.’ I reassure him.

‘Don’t get me wrong Emily, I think you
are fantastic for even offering us your womb to grow our baby in, but it just
doesn’t seem right to take a year or more of your life.’

‘What are the alternatives Tom?’ I snap.

He holds his hands up immune to my
attitude, ‘I don’t know, I am looking out for you here before you get all
haughty with me.’

‘I know, I am sorry,’ I sigh, ‘you know
all the legal jargon here Tom, a stranger could run off with your baby, at
least with me you are certain that I would be eager to be an auntie only.’

‘You are aware that you would have to
give up work for a bit and be pumped with hormones?’ his astute eyes regard
mine searching for a reaction.

‘Yes, I have done my homework!’ I reply
irritated by his tone.

‘We have an appointment with the
fertility specialist tomorrow evening, if you would like to join us maybe we
can discuss it there?’

‘Sure!’ I nod.

Lucy is overjoyed that Tom is even
entertaining the idea as he was so against it originally, he wants his own
children, as does Lucy, so needs must….

Sitting in the clinic discussing the pros
and cons of surrogacy reality hits for all concerned, I would obviously feel
the effects of the drugs, hormones and the pregnancy itself, stretch marks,
morning sickness and the labor. Lucy wouldn’t be feeling those things so may
not bond with the baby, as well as she should, and Tom wouldn’t watch his wife
grow with his baby, but his sister in law. 

‘Come, let’s go eat,’ Tom insists,
driving us to an Italian restaurant where we all sit in silence for the first
five minutes, absorbing all the clinical talk that has been thrown around over
the past hour.

‘It’s all so complicated,’ Lucy sighs, ‘I
thought it would be easy.’

‘Lucy, if it is what you want then I will
do it for you, whatever the process,’ I assure her.

‘But am I being selfish towards you,
expecting too much?’ she pleads her eyes emotional with unshed tears.

‘Yes!’ Tom announces, ‘Emily is just
starting to live,’ he reminds his wife.

‘Right stop!’ I call, ‘I am perfectly
capable of making my own mind up here, no one is coercing me into it and I am
going in with my eyes wide open.’ They glance over at me, ‘I won’t be able to
work for a bit, so the rent may have to be dropped for a while, other than that
I can cope, but can you two?’ I probe.

‘I don’t know,’ Tom announces, ‘another
woman carrying my baby, whether it is Lucy’s egg or not, just doesn’t sit well
with me.’ He finally admits.

‘So, you don’t want children?’ Lucy
states, sternly.

‘Of course Luce, but I don’t know if this
is the way.’ His eyes penetrate hers with empathy, but resolution.

‘Can I get a glass of Sauvignon Blanc
please,’ I call to the waiter, ‘anyone else?’

‘Me too,’ Lucy adds and Tom shakes his

‘You two have to allow someone else to
have an opinion, you can’t railroad me on this….and getting drunk won’t solve it,
Lucy,’ he addresses his wife sternly, who turns away from him.

‘Leave the bottle please,’ she instructs
the waiter, and Tom slumps back in his chair fuming.

We pull up on the drive at ten o clock,
after our meal, I climb out of the vehicle and thank Tom for dinner moving directly
to my flat, fully aware that Lucy and Tom are heading for a rare domestic.


Friday after work, Matt is waiting for me
in his work suit, smiling as I walk towards him, ‘well, hi there gorgeous,’ he
utters as I reach him.  His gaze moves over my black short skirt, a red
sleeveless top and my red shoes, ‘oh Emily, you know what they say about red
shoes,’ he teases lightly.

‘No, what do they say?’ I question him,

‘Red shoes, no knickers!’ he grins and I
roll my eyes, he tilts my chin and kisses me too briefly.

‘Good day?’ I enquire.

‘Not bad, spent most of it in the car,
checking out a few of the opposition,’ he shares, ‘what about you how, are
things in the world of Reception?’

‘Dull! I hate reception,’ I express, ‘my
worse placement, all that smiling and being agreeable just doesn’t sit right
with me.’

‘Why does that not surprise me?’ he takes
my hand as we stride down the road.

‘Walking?’ I query.

‘Yes, there is a lovely place I know,
just around the corner,’ he insists.


On the drive home the sexual tension
surrounds us, Matt has had his hand on my thigh for the duration of our meal. 
The hypnotic stroking of his thumb across my bare legs drives me to
distraction, when I stop him he grins in realization of what sensations his
actions were promoting. 

We arrive back at my flat and Matt joins
me for a coffee.  I switch on the kettle and reenter the living area where Matt
is moving towards me, a sparkle in his eye. He unbuttons my top, peeling it off
over my head and unclasping my bra, I see the impatience in his eyes which are
dark with lust.  I move my hand around and unbutton my skirt pulling it, with
my underwear, down my legs, stepping out of it.  His gaze penetrates mine as
all the air leaves my lungs, I feel suffocated his eyes mirror mine as he steps
even closer.

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