All of me (16 page)

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Authors: S Michaels

BOOK: All of me
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‘Hmmm, yes please, I can do it, let me do
something for you.’ I insist. I see fight in his eyes before he shrugs, ‘when
you are ready no rush.’

‘Are you working?’ I enquire.

‘Yes, I am opening a new Leisure Centre, in
London, which requires a huge amount of planning.’

‘Do you enjoy your work?’

‘It’s challenging, after every success I lecture
myself no more new enterprises and to concentrate on what I have, but I get
dazzled by a good deal.’ he smiles.

After a tour of the house which holds five
bedrooms, four bathrooms, an office, a dining room, the kitchen/diner and the
Lounge which leads out onto a huge conservatory, I make us cheese on toast and
we sit cross legged on the sofa chatting about everyday life. 

‘This is nice,’ I murmur tiredly from my
corner of the sofa, ‘normal for want of a better word.’

‘Then enjoy it,’ he murmurs quietly.

‘I think I need to go to bed,’ I yawn it is
eleven o clock and despite the two hour nap, I am tired, ‘I think George here
is zapping my energy.’

He smiles, ‘thank you for naming him
George, granddad would have loved that.’

‘My pleasure,’ I mumble, ‘now are you
taking me home, or am I sleeping over?’


Chapter Fourteen

I sleep right through with Matt wrapped
around me, his hand on my bump.  I awake and visit the bathroom, it is seven o
clock and I am fully refreshed.  I wrap myself in Matt’s robe and make my way
to the kitchen to make tea, my gaze drinks in my surroundings this place is
fantastic.  I open the conservatory and it is warm, despite the cold weather
outside. I normally find they are too hot, or too cold, but this is toasty with
underfloor heating I can feel against my bare feet. 

I stand gazing out at the garden
daydreaming, I imagine Matt had heaps of fun as a child running and climbing
the trees.

‘Maybe you can ask your daddy to build you
a swing George,’ I run my hand over my protruding abdomen.

‘What he needs is an old tire hanging from
a tree, like I had,’ a voice calls from behind me and I turn to see Matt’s
handsome face,

‘Well good morning! George and I were just
appreciating the space he will have to run.’

His arms circle me rubbing my tummy, ‘feeling

‘Fully refreshed thank you, I slept soundly.’
I lean back against him.

‘So move in,’ he whispers into my ear,
biting my neck and I groan.

‘No seduction tactics, Matthew,’ I warn and
he chuckles.

 ‘Seems to be the best way we communicate.’

‘Hmmm, how about a compromise?’ I offer.

‘I am listening,’ his hand unties the robe
reaching downwards to my sex, he circles my clitoris before inserting his

I moan, ‘I can’t think when you do that,’ I
pant and he continues.

‘Then don’t think just move in,’ he thrusts
his fingers in and out as he pinches my sensitive nipple with the other hand.

‘Matt,’ I groan as my body awakens.

He pulls out a chair from the table and
releases me leaving me aching, ‘straddle me’ he instructs and I comply,
noticing his arousal in his jogging bottoms.  I rub myself against him as he
sucks my nipple. ‘Hmmm breakfast,’ he moans as he repeats with the other side. 
His hand once again finds my core as he inserts two fingers, ‘ride them,’ he
demands and I throw my head back and ride them hard circling until my insides build
and I release around him. ‘Matt’ I call as I continue to move over them until
my insides settle.

He releases his erection and slides
straight inside, his face tense with lust, ‘oh yeah,’ he calls as he encourages
my hips, I circle his shaft slowly enjoying the feelings rushing through me,
‘that’s it feel it,’ he calls as I drop my lips to his and kiss him slowly.

‘God that feels so good Emily, so real,’
his words have me panting as I increase the pace as he drives inside me nearing
his release, he moves his thumb over my once again throbbing clitoris and
applies enough pressure that has me gasping as the waves flow through me.  He
stills inside me at the same moment and we climax together gasping for air.

‘Oh my,’ I pant into his neck as he strokes
up and down my back, ‘that was…..’

‘It certainly was,’ he agrees pulling me
nearer as we catch our breaths.

Sometime later we are eating breakfast in
the conservatory, which has become my favorite place, ‘what is the compromise?’
he enquires, ‘not that I am agreeing to it, you two belong here with me.’

I almost reply with a snarky comment but
stop myself shutting my open mouth.

‘Very good,’ he arches an eyebrow, ‘I saw a

I take a breath before frowning at him,
‘maybe even the compromise is off of the table now.’

‘I don’t think so,’ he shakes his head
amused, ‘eat your eggs, you need your strength.’

‘Why? What do you have in mind?’ I grin and
he chuckles.

‘Go on,’ he urges.

‘How about I spend the weekends here with
you, but the weekdays at my flat, seeing as it is so convenient for work?’

‘Emily, I appreciate how hard that was for
you, but I don’t want to miss anything with George.  I need to know you are
eating and caring for yourself.  I am not attempting to control your life,
contrary to what you believe.  Surely you will be giving up work soon anyway,
you cannot continue until you give birth.

‘I am working up to the last minute Matt, I
cannot afford to give up early.  I won’t receive maternity pay I have only been
there five months – I have a little put by until I return to work so we will be
ok for a couple of months.’

‘What do you mean return? You aren’t going
back to work, you need to be a mum!’ he explodes, ‘this is why you need to move
in Emily, I will be supporting you and George you don’t need to work now.’

‘Please understand I cannot give up my
independence, Matt.’ I beg.

‘My child is not going into childcare Emily,’
his lips thin stubbornly.

‘You are being unreasonable,’ I am
attempting to keep my temper.

‘We have money, we don’t need money,’ he
gestures with his hands.

‘No, you have money Matt, not me.’ I snap.

‘We are one and the same now that is what
you need to comprehend, we are a couple who have been given the gift of a child

‘I know that!’ I snarl irritated.

‘Ok, I will look after him, he isn’t going
into childcare at a few weeks old.  I thought you were breastfeeding him?’

‘I am,’ I confirm.

‘How will you manage that from work?’

‘I don’t know, I need to think,’ I rub my
head in frustration.  I haven’t thought about the logistics of all this, all I
have been concerned about is concealing the pregnancy now I don’t have to
reality is setting in.  How can I leave my newborn baby with anyone?

I am stressed and push my plate away, ‘come
on Em,’ he coerces, ‘you have to eat, we will fix it - all I am saying is
George has two parents who are fortunate enough to be able to afford the best
for him and that is his mum caring for him, and not some stranger.’ I nod, but
I am confused.

I remain distracted for the remainder of
the day despite Matts attempt to bring me out of my mood without success.

‘I think I need to go home, I have a ton of
chores to do for the week,’ I murmur after we have had lunch. We had driven out
to the pub that we ate in on our first date overlooking the lake, although with
the winter weather it didn’t appear so pretty.  I picked at my lunch Matt
regarding me carefully.

‘Ok, I have a present for you,’ he utters,
‘that will cheer you up.’

‘For me,’ I smile.

‘Well it is for you and George to keep you both
safe, you are to accept it graciously and thank me next time I see you,’ he
insists, aware of my issues with accepting things, ‘I don’t want any arguments
Emily, do you hear? No crap about charity!’

I am grinning despite myself, ‘what is it?’

‘A smile at last!’ his lips tilt upwards,
‘you like presents?’ he is shocked.

‘I guess I like presents,’ I shrug, ‘I never
really got many.’

‘And yet you battle against anyone doing or
giving you anything, where is the sense in that?’ he frowns.

We park at my flat and Matt comes in, ‘you
sure you don’t want to grab your stuff and come back with me?’

‘No, I haven’t got my car anyway.’

‘I will sort that out tomorrow,’ he nods.

‘So, where’s my present?’ my gaze moves
over him, ‘or is it you?’

‘You are easily pleased, would you be happy
with just me?’ his eyes sparkle.

‘Yes,’ I murmur embarrassed and he grins.

‘Bashful? That is a new one for you Miss
Taylor. Right, I am going to leave you to it. I have an inkling you need to
hash a few things over in your brain.  Just know this, I am not going anywhere
Emily and you need to learn to trust in me.  I
have you in my bed
every night with our son nearby, it is written in the stars’ he kisses me

Wow, that was romantic.  I glance out of
the window and down below watching as Matt enters into his vehicle and drives
off.  I feel all warm and fuzzy and totally muddled.


Walking into work the next day, I am
confused could I arrive here leaving my child with a stranger?  What about the
money?  It would go against everything I believe in to be supported by Matt,
but what do I believe in now? Lucy and my lives have changed dramatically. 

People around the office are all now openly
gaping at my bump that until a week ago they never knew existed, I need to purchase
some new clothes, possible maternity ones normal baggy clothes just aren’t
cutting it anymore. 

I spend my lunch hour in the department
store buying a couple of staple items before returning to work.  I nibble on a
sandwich as I work, during the afternoon Matt running through my mind
continuously.  He was going to find me again he said that at the hospital it
isn’t all about the baby, but what happens if it all goes wrong?  I guess I
could always go back to Lucy and Tom they would have me back in the flat.

I reach my flat and a man approaches me
with a clipboard, ‘Miss Taylor, I have a delivery for you,’ oh my present, I
smile up at the man how does he know it is me?

‘Oh yes.’

‘Just sign there please,’ I sign my name
expecting flowers or something but he walks towards the road, ‘just this way
Miss Taylor.’

I frown wondering if he is an axe murderer
or not when he stops opening a car door, I am not getting in there.  He walks
back to me, ‘courtesy of a Mr Ritchie,’ he hands me a set of keys and points to
a car behind, he has bought me a car? What the fuck!  I circle the white BMW
4x4 my mouth open, he cannot buy me a car!

I find my mobile and call him, ‘you cannot
buy me a car,’ I greet him incredulously.

‘Yes Emily I can, and I have!’ he has fight
in his voice.

‘Yes, but Matt…’ I warn.

‘It has enough room for a pram and baby
seat in the back and it is safe for you Emily,’ he justifies his actions, ‘and
before you start it isn’t charity, it is a man buying the mother of his child a

‘Matt,’ I answer for no reason at all.

‘Please don’t fight me Emily, drive over
and see me, you can thank me in person,’ he tempts.

I remain silent for a moment absorbing
everything, ‘I bet you aren’t home anyway,’ I glance at my watch aware of the
long hour’s Matt works.

‘I can be in thirty minutes,’ he croons.

‘Ok, only because I want to drive it you
understand,’ I agree.

‘Not too fast,’ he warns ‘I will text you
the postcode, it has a sat nav.’

‘A sat nav!’ I am excited, despite my

He chuckles, ‘don’t eat, I will cook.’

I enter the flat dumbstruck that he has
bought me a BMW!  I jump in the shower and dress in one of my maternity
outfits, a simple black dress which reaches my knee and hugs my body in all the
right places preventing the smock top look.  My bump is emphasized slightly by
the little pocket that it sits in towards the front but my waist and rear end
is shown off with the cut of the dress.  I put on my kitten heels and brush my
hair down knowing that if I don’t Matt will release it from the hair band
anyway and apply some fresh makeup.  I pack an overnight bag, just in case, and
climb into my new car.

I am grinning as I familiarize myself with
the controls and dials, I type in the postcode to the sat nav and adjust the
seat.  I am off, I drive cautiously at first not used to driving an automatic,
but before long I am flying along the roads on the way to Matt.  As I approach
his gates they open automatically and I realize there must be a sensor or something
on the car.  I park up and Matt appears by my door opening it.

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