All I Want Is You (15 page)

BOOK: All I Want Is You
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              I was on my way to go meet up with Remi. She said she wanted to talk about the last time I saw her. At first I was gonna say no, but then I thought I should see what she had to say. I missed Skie like crazy me and Monroe planned on surprising her next month by going to visit. We called each other every night when we were in bed and fell asleep on the phone or we skyped. We texted when we could during the day. I had a feeling things will be okay, after I asked her to marry me, she went out the next day and got me a ring too. She didn’t want anyone to think I was on the market when she was away.

              That night we have some of the best sex we ever had. The next day we stayed in bed all day. Then she had to pack and get ready to leave. we decided not to get married until after her movie came out. I pulled up to the coffee shop that me and Remi agreed to meet at. I saw her sitting at one of the outside tables with two coffees in front of her. I took a deep breath and got out the car. I sat down in the empty chair across from her. She looked different, her hair was cut in a bob and it was jet black. She also looked like she gained a little weight since I stayed at her house.

              “Hi Blu, thanks for meeting me here. I really thought I owed you an apology for everything that happened while you were staying at my place. I was out of line and I shouldn’t have done it.” she smiled and took a sip of her coffee.

              “I have been over everything that happened at your house Remi, you did cross over a line but I accept your apology. I took a sip of the coffee she got for me, it tasted perfect.

              “So me and the crew decided that we were gonna try to make it in the dance world together. I was also wondering if you could be our Chorographer, we will pay you, just name a price. That is another reason I wanted to meet up with you today.” She looked at me with a serious face.

              “It will be three hundred every week, we can set up times later.” She would be the second group I would be working with. I smiled at her happy that she asked.

              “You know Midnight got murdered right?” She looked at me with sadness in her face. I knew he got killed. “His body was dumped into a river and pictures were all over the internet and news when his body was found.

              “Yes, I did. I didn’t know you and midnight hung out though.” I looked at her sideways and took a sip of my coffee.

              “We kind of had a romantic relationship, the day he went missing we got into a really big fight and it didn’t end very well. Then I found out he got murdered, I wonder who could do something like that. I knew he was into some really bad things, but not bad enough to get himself killed.” She looked into her now empty cup.

              “I really don’t know what to say, me and him had a past too but he wasn’t such a nice guy to me.” I finished my coffee and put my hands on the table. I noticed Remi’s eyes get really big.

              “Your engaged?” She grabbed my hand and looked at my ring. Her mouth was hung open, she closed it real fast and her face went blank.

              “Yes, it happened a few days before Skie left for her movie. I asked her to marry me. The wedding will be after her movie release.” I smiled and looked at my ring. Every time I looked down at my finger I thought of Skie and how happy I felt that day.

              “Wow, well congratulations, Blu. That is some exciting news, I wish you two the best.” She smiled at me, and patted my hand.

              I looked at her for a moment, and then smiled back at her. I wasn’t gonna call her out on the fakeness because we would be working together, but I could tell in her voice that she was not very happy about the news.

              “So when would you in the crew like to come in? We should start working soon so you can get some gigs.” I crossed my arms with a smile.

              “Well I was thinking as soon as possible. It’s been awhile since we all were together.” I noticed she kept looking at my lips.

              “Well how about next week, I’ll text you the day and time. I really should get going now.” I got up and walked to my car without another word. Once I was in my car I sped off towards the mall, I hadn’t gone shopping in a while. I went up the parking ramp. I finally found a spot in the back and went into the mall, I didn’t know what I wanted to get but I was gonna leave here with something.

              I went into the coach store and smiled at all my choices, I decided on two bags and matching wallets. I’ve been in the mall for four hours, I was so tired I had to go to the car twice already and put my bags inside the trunk. It was time for me to call it a day. I got to my car and put the bags in the back. I was about to open the driver side door when I was grabbed and a bag went over my head, I tried to fight but there was no use. Someone grabbed my legs, so I wasn’t touching the ground anymore. I was shoved into a car and they sped away. Once we got to where they were taking me, someone roughly grabbed me and threw me over their shoulders. I was slapped down into a chair. While we were in the car they tied my wrist and ankles. I felt someone cut into my arm; I wouldn’t show then any emotion. I couldn’t understand anything they were saying because they were speaking in Spanish. I was pissed the fuck off and felt hopeless, someone was definitely asking to die. All of a sudden, the bag got taken off my head. I looked around; they brought me to an empty warehouse. There were about five other guys standing around but the one person who stood out the most was Linda’s boyfriend. The door to the left of me opened I couldn’t see who walked in then I smelt a familiar perfume.

              “Sorry, I’m late baby, there was traffic,” Linda came into view. My blood was boiling; I was pissed the fuck off at this moment, all I saw was red.

              “How dare you bitch!” I spat and tried to get loose, but then a guy came over and punched me in the jaw. I saw Linda flinch out the corner of my eye and her little boyfriend laughing. I couldn’t remember his name at the moment and that really didn’t matter.

              “So Ms. Blu is it? My name is Mika; you know me as Linda’s new man. I’m also gonna be the person who takes over Ghost’s Empire.” He chuckled and pulled up a chair in front of me.

              “You think so?” I laughed. “It can’t be taken so easy, Mika,” I said with venom in my voice. “You see people will notice I’m gone; I’m the daughter of Ghost for crying out loud.”

              “You see I brought you here to show you that you’re not untouchable, I also want some more information and you will give it to me,” He smirked then lifted up a finger. One of his people rolled over a tray that was covered with a towel, Mika lifted up the towel and there was a bunch of different knifes and needles.

              “So this is how it’s gonna go Blu, I’m going to ask you a question and then you’re gonna answer and if you don’t answer. If you don’t want to corporate I will take one of my many tools and use it on you. Oh and this needle is filled with a high dosage of meth,” He clapped his hands together and smiled.

              “Now everyone gets the fuck out and go do your jobs!” He yelled at his workers and it was only Linda, me ,him and one other person.

              “So first question, who is Ghost’s supplier?” He grabbed the smallest knife on the tray and played with it in his hands.

              “I’m not telling you shit,” I said in an even tone. The next thing I knew he stabbed me in my right leg. I bit my bottle lip, fuck that hurt. I really hopd Linda really was working for Ryder and told him where we were, Or else, she knew this whole time who Mika was. A few hours had passed, and I was going in and out. My face was swollen and I had cuts and stab wounds all over my body. 

              Mika kept asking question after question and I wouldn’t answer a thing. I was so used to the pain at this point that I didn’t feel a single thing. I wanted him to just kill me already; no one was coming for me. I knew Mika was talking, but I couldn’t hear a word he was saying, I didn’t want to. He kicked me to the floor in the chair, and  the whole building around us was on fire and I heard a big boom I saw Mika grab Linda and run out the warehouse, that was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.







              I just finished all my scenes for the day; I was so tired. I loved my job but it got so tiring. There were some really long days and some were short since I wasn’t in every scene. I looked at the engagement ring on my ring; I refused to take it off during filing. It made me feel like Blu was with me cheering me on. I finally made it into my small apartment; everything here was paid for as long as I am a part of the movie. I bumped into Lizzie the first day I got back into town. I told her I had a fiancé and she still flirted. But as long as I know I’m being faithful I didn’t care. The last few days together were heaven, I couldn’t ask for a better person by my side. I turned on my sixty-inch plasma, and took off my shoes. Right now all I wanted was a glass of red wine and a bubble bath. I got undressed and walked into the bathroom and turned the water on hot and put two bath bombs into the tub. I grabbed my phone and got in, I wanted to talk to Blu. I missed her voice and I missed her touch. I couldn’t wait to see her.

              I called her with no answer, so I was gonna wait a few minutes and call back. She usually answered when I called. I knew she wasn’t working right now. It was too late in Florida; I looked at my phone and decided to call again. She still didn’t pick up, I decided to call Monroe since she knew everyone’s business.

              “What it do bestie?” Monroe was laughing at our inside joke. If she was here she would see the crazy look I was giving her.

              “Nothing much just got home now in a bubble bath.” I relaxed my body and sank into the water a little more.

              “Shouldn’t you be calling Blu or something, shit I love you and all but we aren’t like that Skie.” Monroe laughed once again at her own joke.

              “That’s what I’m calling you about. I tried calling her twice with no answer; she always picks up my calls. I have a bad feeling; can you see if you can call Ryder or her?” I stuck out my bottom lip like she could see what I was doing.

              “Yeah, I’ll call her and if I don’t get an answer I’ll call Ryder or her mom. I’m sure it’s nothing. Both of you have been busy doing y’all thang; maybe she just fell asleep or something.”

              “Thank you; you are the best person ever right now. Call me back if you find out anything.” We hung up the phone and I sank down further into the tub.

              I drank three glasses of wine; I finally got out of the tub. I felt so relaxed; I grabbed my big fluffy dark blue towel and wrapped it around myself. I went into my bedroom and grabbed a pair of boy boxers and a tank top. I got dressed then went into the kitchen to fix me a pizza. Tonight I was gonna catch up on my show American Horror story and wait for Blu or Monroe to call me.

              I popped the pizza in the oven and went to sit on the couch, I grabbed the remote and pulled up my Hulu plus app on my smart t.v. it felt so nice to be able to come home after a long day and not have to do anything. I had a late start tomorrow, so I would be able to sleep in. The timer for my pizza went off and I grabbed the whole pizza and some soda out the fridge and sat back down, I hit play and watched my show and ate. I just finished two episodes when my phone rang.

              “Hello?” I picked it up without looking at who was calling. It had to be Blu or Monroe.

              “Skie something happened to Blu.” Monroe said in a worried tone, she told me what happened and I dropped my phone.










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