All I Want Is You (9 page)

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Chapter Fifteen


              I put on my robe on and went to answer my door, Blu was gonna stay with me for a week because Skie was at some addition in Cali. I opened the door and Blu was looking down at her phone and looked up when she noticed I was standing there.

              “Hey Remi thanks for letting me crash with you for the week.” We walked into my apartment.

              “No problem Blu, anything you need, I’ll help you out,” I flirted. I went to the kitchen and turned on the coffee maker.

              “You want anything to eat,Blu?” I yelled looking through my fridge. I was about to make me a breakfast burrito.

              “Nah I’m good, thanks for asking.” She hadn’t been off her phone, since she walked into the door I knew she was texting Skie.

              I grabbed the extra set of keys I made and walked out to the living room. I watched Blu for a moment, she was so beautiful to me.

              “Here, I made a copy of the keys. So, you can come and go as you please,” I smiled at her. “Your room is right through those double doors. Please make yourself at home.” I walked back into the kitchen with Blu behind me.

              “I am grateful that you’re letting me stay here. I don’t want to be home right now.” She looked a little sad.

              “No problem, so are you okay? You’re looking a little different them normal.” I turned on my stove to start heating everything up, I turned back around to face her.

              “I could be better, I just found out who my father was, and there is all this stuff going on. Now Skie leaves, I want her to follow her dreams but I also need her right now.” She looked down at her hands.

              “What is her audition for anyway and why all the way out in Cali?” I already knew the answer to that. I anonymously sent in some dancing videos of Skie so she could leave. I grabbed a mug and filled it up with coffee.

              “She has an audition for a lead role for this new lesbian dance movie, I guess they saw her videos online and contacted her. I’m gonna go take a nap, I had to get up pretty earlier,” she walked into the room that I said she could stay in, and closed the door.

              I finished making my breakfast and went to my own room. I turned on the TV and turned it up loud. Love and hip hop Atlanta was on, my favorite show. I ate my breakfast, then took off my robe. I was naked under it, I loved being naked I was a very sexual person. I wasn’t into committed relationships; I liked to have fun. Fuck who I want and to be free.

              I asked Blu to be in my crew for a reason, I had a little crush on her for a while so I thought asking her to join would have gave us time to really get to know each other. Then, here steps in Skie fucking up my chance. I hated Skie with a passion, she never did anything to me. But, she had the one thing I wanted, I grew up with no mother and a single father. I had my issues but so does everyone.

              I could get a little obsessive when I want something or someone. I stalked Blu, I know more about her than she thought I did. I knew if Skie got that movie roll she would have to live in Cali for a year, that would be more than enough time to make Blu mine.

              I laid on my bed, and spread my legs. I took one hand and rubbed my nipples while the other one went to my honey pot. Whenever I thought about Blu I got turned out and wet. I entered my fingers inside of me and circled around I wish this was Blu fucking me. I grabbed onto my nipples harder and started moving my fingers faster. I started moaning loud while thoughts of Blu naked ran through my mind. I wanted her in the worst way, I started going fast and fast. I couldn’t take it anymore so I grabbed the dildo that I had in my nightstand and slammed it inside me. I screamed out in ecstasy, the next thing I knew I was squirting all over the place.

              I got off the bed and opened my door, and Blu was laying on the couch watching a movie. I walked out my room naked and into the bathroom. I hoped she got a good view of what she was missing. I washed up and grabbed my towel and headed back to my room.

              Blu must have gone to her room or left, after she saw me naked. I put on a pair of skull leggings and a see-through back t-shirt and headed out the door. I jumped into my car and headed over to my fuck buddies house. I was sexually frustrated and my little fun didn’t help with anything.

              I pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car, I walked to my lover’s door and knocked. I was getting impatient with waiting for him to the door, the moment I was about to leave the door swung open.

              “Oh what a surprise,” Midnight smirked at me and moved a little so I can walk inside. I looked around and notice there was a lot of expensive shit in there. I knew midnight was up to something but I didn’t ask questions.

              Well look at you, ran into some money? I looked around and smiled, too bad I didn’t like Midnight like that or I would love to be on his side. If he was really starting to do it big.

              “So what do I owe the pleasure of this visit,” he ignored my questions and lit a blunt and took a hit.

              “Why else would I bother coming over to come over, Midnight?” I softly squeezed his dick. And smiled up at him.

              “Nah ma, I don’t have time for that right now. I was just about to be on my way out, I have shit to do.” He pushed me back and grabbed his keys.

              “When have you ever turned me away, Midnight?” I crossed my arms and gave him a look that could kill. I was pissed at him for turning me down.

              “Look Remi, we both know you don’t really like niggas like that. We were fun while it lasted. But now I’m making money and can get all the pussy I want.”

              “So what if I don’t want to be with a guy, you are just supposed to break me off and we go our separate ways,” I huffed getting angrier.

              “Remi why you want the dick so bad? You’re a supposed lesbian right? Go find you a bitch to fuck. Now get the fuck out my house!” He opened his door and made a hand gesture for me to get out.

              I stormed out and ran to my car. He was right, I didn’t like niggas like that, but dick wasn’t always bad and he had a good one. I sped off down the street and headed back home.









Chapter Sixteen


              I watched as Remi left Midnight’s apartment. tonight I planned on taking care of my father’s little problem. I didn’t know that Remi fucked with Midnight, I guess after tonight she wouldn’t be. Shortly after Midnight came out and got into his car, I called my uncle through Bluetooth.

              “What up nephew?” I heard the money machine going in the background.

              “He’s on the move, you have everything ready?” I asked, while I followed Midnight a few cars behind. I didn’t want him to feel like someone was following him.

              “Yeah, little nigga everything set. You sure about this? I can handle this if you want me to.”

              “Nah I want to do this, let’s just say this is a little revenge and a message from the new boss.”

              “Alright see you in a few. “He hung up the phone. I followed Midnight for the next thirty or so minutes while he made some stops. I was getting tired of this following game, he finally pulled up to the smallest trap we ran. My uncle was inside with a set up, we were gonna torture him for a while and then put his dead body on display. You don’t steal from Ghost, anyone who was smart knew that.

              I watched him walk into the house and about five minutes later I followed, I walked to the back and walked inside and down the stairs to the basement.

              “What the fuck you doing here, Ryder?” Midnight looked shocked and scared at the same time.

              “Well, you remember that money you thought you would just take? The money you thought wasn’t coming up short because your boy was supposed to replace? What was his name? “

              “I have no idea, stop playing with me, Ryder. We have a game tomorrow, our last game at that,” He said in a calm voice.

              “So you really thought you could get away with stealing from Ghost? I picked a knife up that was laying on a tray that was set up with other things. I played with it a little and then cut him right above his heart.”

              He screamed out in pain. “You know before I killed your boy, Jordan he told me everything. How y’all was planning on taking over? Does that ring any bells?” I laughed

              “You did what?” he looked terrified. I sliced him open again, this time in his stomach. He yelled in pain.

              “Uncle why don’t you show him?” My uncle picked up a box that was next to his feet and opened it. Inside was Jordan’s head, he showed Midnight and laughed.

              “You know this is what happens when you mess with this family’s money.” My uncle kept laughing. He dropped the box and shot Midnight in his knee caps.

              Midnight screamed out in pain, “please stop I’ll do anything you want me too! I pay you all the money back,” Midnight screamed like a little bitch.

              “It’s a little too late to be crying now, you weren’t crying when you were stealing from my father, now were you?” I laughed and stabbed him in his chest.

              He had tears running down his face. “Man, I’m sorry. I didn’t know Ghost was your father, Ryder, you know you my nigga.”

              I laughed. “We were never boys nigga. Unk you got this? I have a game to get ready for.”

              “Yeah I got this,” he went on torching Midnight and I walked out the house. I got into my car and took a deep breath. That was the first and last time I would be doing that. I drove off, I needed to get out of there. I wasn’t a killer, from now on I was just gonna be the voice.

              I pulled up to my house, I looked down to make sure I didn’t have blood anywhere. When I was done I walked into the house. Camila was sitting at the table eating out the bucket.

              “You okay baby?” I walked up behind her and kissed her on the check, then sat down. I was so tired.

              “Yes, was craving some ice cream, I couldn’t sleep without you. I’m so spoiled now,” she giggled.

              “Well I’m here now,” I grabbed the spoon from her ate the ice cream off it. I laughed at her face.

              “Oh you think your cute? Don’t get stabbed Ryder! Messing with my food,” she laughed.

              “You have a beautiful laugh, now let’s go up to my room.” I put the ice cream back in the fringe and picked up Camila.

              “Let me down,” she giggled. She tried to jump out my arms, but I grabbed her tighter.

              “Where you think you’re going? I can’t carry my girl up to our room?” I laughed and continued to walk up the stairs, once we got in the room I set her in the bed.

              She got under the covers and I got undressed. I needed to take a shower before hopping into bed with her. I turned on my overhead speakers and got into the shower. I knew at the beginning, I didn’t wanna take over, but enjoyed the power I had. I controlled things. I did know one thing, I will never turn into my father.

              I felt arms wrap around me, I jumped but knew it was Camila, I turned around and pulled her closer to me.

              “I love you with everything inside me, Ryder,” she said with tears in her eyes. “’m scared I never stopped loving you. I wouldn’t know what I would do without you.” She kissed my chest and I grabbed her tighter.

              “I love you too Camila, you never have to worry about me leaving. I’m not going anywhere again. We are gonna be a family, I can’t wait to see where the future takes us.” I smiled and gave her a long kiss.



Chapter Eighteen


              I was waiting in the waiting room with other people auditioning for a part in this movie. I was super exited to have this opportunity.

              “Attention everyone!” A lady with Blond hair yelled. “Please be quiet ,while I go over a few rules.”

              Everyone in the room got quit, she looked like she walked out of a fashion magazine. I looked took out my headphone and paid attention.

              “My name is Lizze, I will be passing out a paper of songs. I hope none of you brought any music with you. When your name gets called you will go into room be in  there with three people. A random song from this this list will start playing and you will need to free style. Then they’ll hand you a script and you’ll act it out. Then tomorrow you will get a call if you are getting cast. Good luck everyone.” She clapped her hands and started handing out the paper.

              I put my headphones back in, this was something I was really good at. I always freestyled and I added a few moves me and Blu worked on together. I missed her and the last few days had been crazy. I have been dancing and acting my ass off, I was hoping this process would be over soon. I couldn’t wait for Blu to be back in my arms. I missed her voice and her smile, I missed waking up next to her every day. I knew if I got this role, we would be apart for a year, but we could visit each other. What if she didn’t wanna be together if I got this role? That was one thing I was so scared about. I looked at the list of songs that I could possible get during my audition. I looked around the room and watched as some people stretched and others talked to each other.

              “Skie you’re up next!” Lizze called, I got up and walked over to her. I took my headphones out my ears and put them into my bag.

              “Well hello there Skie,” she flirted and touched my arm. “Follow me, Hun” she winked and I followed her into the room. There were three people sitting at the table.

              “Hello Skie! I’m the director of this here lovely film. My name is Henry,” he put his hand out for me to shake.

              “Hi Henry, thank you for this opportunity, I shook his hand and sat down my bag and took off my hoodie.

              “I loved the videos I saw, I am looking forward to possibly working with you, now I’m sure Lizze went over the rules. I pick out a song and you do a freestyle dance. I wanna see if you can dance on the spot. There is no pressure I want you to have fun, good luck.”

              I stood in the middle of the dance floor and looked around there were high ceilings and mirrors all over the walls.

              I did a few stretches, ready for the song to come on, I pushed everything out of my mind and focused on my body and the movements it was making.

              Beautiful liars by Shakira and Beyoncé came on, I was low-key hoping I would get this song.

He said I'm worth it, his one desire

              I know things about 'em that you wouldn't wanna read about

He kissed me, his one and only, (yes) beautiful Liar

Tell me how you tolerate the things that you just found out about


You never know

Why are we the ones who suffer

I have to let go

He won't be the one to cry


(Ay) Let's not kill the karma

(Ay) Let's not start a fight

(Ay) It's not worth the drama

For a beautiful liar

Can't we laugh about it (Ha Ha Ha)

(Oh) It's not worth our time

(Oh) We can live without 'em

Just a beautiful liar

              I started to move my body body like they did in the video, I was moving my hips and stomach as well as putting my own moves in. I danced like it my life depended on it. once the song was over they all clapped their hands.

              “Skie Skie Skie!” Henry said with excitement in his voice, I would like you to be my lead lola. I know I’m not supposed to offer until I see everyone, but I need you in my movie! I’ve seen some of your acting tapes already.”

              “Oh my god! I covered my mouth with my hands and jumped up and down. Yes, yes, yes! I’ll take it!”

              “Well welcome to the team Skie, we will see you in a few months.” He gave me a hug and I walked out the room with a smile on my face. I went to my hotel room across the street and went to my room. I jumped on my bed. I was so excited. I stopped jumping and went to text Blu. I wanted her to be the first one to know that I got the role.

Skie: Hey Babe

              Blu: Hey, how did it go?

              Skie: I got offered the lead role of Lola!! I start filming in a few months.

              Blu: WOW! So you took it without even talking to me about it!

I looked at the text Blu just sent and I felt guilty. I really didn’t even think about how all this would affect her. I was just so excited to get offered the roll that I just said yes.

Skie: I’m sorry, I was so excited I didn’t think (sad face)

Blu: Yeah, Well congrats! See you when you get home I gotta go.

I didn’t notice I had tears running down my face tell they landed on my phone. Me getting the role is about to change everything.

I grabbed my suite case and started to pack my things. I had a plane to catch in a few hours. All that was on my mind was getting to Blu and making it right. I messed up; I knew she would have told me to go. But, she is right I could have talked to her about it first. We haven’t even been together a full year yet and here I am about to be miles away. I got everything together and headed out the room to the front desk to check out. I was too busy looking at my phone when I bumped into someone.

“I’m so sorry!!” I looked up and there was Lizzie “Oh hi Lizzie!” I smiled at her and helped her stand up straight.

“Skie, I actually came to talk to you!” She touched my arm with her hand and bit her lip.

I backed up away from her, “What’s up lizzie?” I smiled. I really didn’t feel comfortable around her.

“I just wanted to give you my number for when you get back in town. Maybe we can have lunch or something. She smiled the handed me a card with her number and address, then walked away.”

“What the fuck?” I shook my head and continued walking to the front. I had a girlfriend that I love, so I threw Lizzie’s number in the trash.







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