All Good Things Absolved (17 page)

Read All Good Things Absolved Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Novel

BOOK: All Good Things Absolved
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The Officiant spoke. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Jace and Olivia Rush. You may kiss your bride."

Jace pulled me into his chest, one hand resting possessively on my hip as the other cupped the back of my neck. His lips met mine in a hot, possessive kiss that held the power to not only build worlds, but shatter them. I felt his kiss in the deepest, most obscure parts of my body and I melted against him. He made me feel complete and yet needing more at the same time. His kiss was quenching to the soul while starting a fire burning in my body. It was the perfect balance of passion I wouldn't trade for anything.

Jace broke the kiss first and the world came back to me. Cheers sounded through the tent as the voices of our family and friends coursed around us in a thunder of joy. Jace pulled me into his side and started immediately walking down the aisle. We were going to take pictures of the day I knew I would remember with warmth for the rest of my life. The day I gave myself completely to the man I had loved since day one.


Chapter 16

The reception was glowing even hours after the party had started. Glimmering crystal lights hung from the ceiling of a white tent and more white fabric draped in wispy tendrils from the roof before being clipped back up and lowered again to the floor along the tents walls. Everything glimmered gold and beige. It was stunning and I wouldn't change it for a thing. We'd done our circles around the guests and we were now free to enjoy our evening. I was blissfully happy.

"Share your thoughts, Mrs. Rush." Jace's tone was commanding as ever. I knew it was something that would never change and I didn't want it to. I loved his ever-constant air of authority.

"I'm thinking I can't wait to be a mother to your child and the wife of your dreams - and that I am really hot." The last part was an afterthought. The October night was chilly but beneath the tent was warm.

Jace grinned. "You're already a mother to my child and the most amazing wife a man could ask for." He winked. "And you are most definitely hot."

"Why thank you," I fluttered my lashes at him. "But I'm actually overheating. Take me outside?"

"It's cold outside." He shook his head.

"That's the point, husband."

"I don't want you to catch a chill, wife." His cobalt eyes glimmered, rivaling the hanging crystals above.

"Jace," I sighed and fanned my face. "I'm really hot."

"All right." He looked unimpressed but I didn't care. I was boiling. The dress wasn't big or anything, but it was heavier than I remembered it being. Jace shrugged out of his suit jacket. "You'll wear my jacket though."

I nodded. "Deal."

"Compromise." He countered. "We'll have to learn to do that."

"You'll have to learn that not everything goes your way." I returned in my innocent 'I know I'm being a smart-ass but you still love me' tone.

Jace watched me with one raised brow as I slipped my arms into his jacket before stepping from the tent. His hand was settled against my lower back and I could feel the heat radiating from him even through the layers of material denying skin-to-skin contact.

"Better?" His voice was gruff.

I nodded. "Better."

Jace led me across the yard to a bench. We were far enough away from the tent to hear the lapping of ocean waves gliding onto the sandy shore. The air had a chilly bite to it, but I didn't mind. It was peaceful out here - away from the excitement and music of the party.

Jace sat down and pulled me into his lap. It was so easy to curl into his chest and that was exactly what I did. I tucked my head beneath his chin and closed my eyes against the night with only the sounds of joy, nature and his heartbeat in my ear. "This will be our view for years, Angel."

I smiled. "I love this view."

"I know."

"Promise we'll sit out on our porch drinking tea and laughing even when were old and wrinkly?"

"I promise." He laughed. "But we've got a while before wrinkles."

"Then promise we'll sit in the sand and watch our children play?" I spoke softly. "We will love them and give them the attention they deserve - that they will become before our work."

"You're really afraid of work taking my time, aren't you?"

I nodded. "I am."

"I've set up an interview for a personal assistant." His words were tense.

I pulled back to look into his face, a smile creeping into my own. "You did? When?"

"A week ago." He rubbed my back. "I know how much it means to you."

"When is the interview?"

"After Christmas when we get back from British Columbia."

I smiled and kissed him slowly. "Thank you."

"Anything for you, Angel." He murmured huskily against my lips. "Speaking of British Columbia, you know you won't be skiing."

"I know." I laughed. "I suppose we'll just have to let our secret out."

"I agree."

"We can start right now." I nodded over his shoulder. "Your mom and John are on their way over."

He tensed and I frowned. "They are?"

"We don't have to say anything, I suppose." My tone was hushed.

"No, I want them to know." He cupped my chin in his hand, forcing me to look into his eyes. "I want the world to know."

"Then what's wrong?"

"I think my mom might scream." He winced.

My eyes widened. "Are you serious?"

He nodded. "Yeah,"

I giggled. "If it's with joy then I hope she does."

"It'll be with joy." He assured.

John called out. "There you two are. Everyone's looking for you?"

"I'm sure they are." Jace said dryly.

Karen frowned as she found a seat on a bench facing us. "Is something wrong?"

"Not at all." Jace replied with a hint of a smile. "We have something to tell you."

"Oh crap," John smacked his hands down on his knee. "You're getting a divorce already?"

I laughed but Jace didn't. He didn't think it was funny in the least. "You're a character, John."

Karen nudged him with her elbow. "Grow up."

"Sorry." He straightened himself without looking the least ashamed or sorry.

Karen rubbed her hands together and I could see she was shaking with excitement. She already knew I was pregnant. Nothing got past her, but she wanted to hear confirmation and that was just as good. "What's the news?"

Jace looked to me and I nodded. "Olivia's pregnant."

As predicted, Karen squealed loudly before clamping a hand over her mouth. "I knew it!"

John looked dumbfounded. "That's why you ate all my cinnamon buns." He looked down at my belly before looking up at Karen. "I'm still going to be your favorite, right? You won't take all your goodies over for the baby will you?"

This time Jace laughed and shook his head. Karen ignored him, completely oblivious to his humor as she rocketed off the bench toward me. She grabbed me in her arms and pulled me from Jace's lap. "How far along are you?"

"Two months." I rubbed my belly - a natural reaction.

"Oh," she waved her hands over her face. "I'm so excited. I'm going tot be a grandmother."

I nodded. "You are."

She pulled me to her chest, hugging me tight. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome."

Jace stood and John pulled him into a hug. "Congratulations, Jace. You've got it all."

He looked at me and I felt my heart flutter in my chest as he nodded. "I do."


Chapter 17

Jace walked out of the closet with an armful of clothing before setting it on the bed. Moo-moo, who was lying on his pillow stretched and purred loudly as Jace scratched absently behind his ear. I smiled subtly. He'd moaned and groaned about having Moo-moo move in with him, but now I would be surprised if Jace would ever willingly part with him. If it came down to it, I was pretty sure Jace would fight harder to keep Moo-moo than I would. And I would fight hard. I loved that cat.

"What else do you need?" Jace asked.

"I think this is it." I looked down at the clothing in the bag. "Are you sure Jaylah is all right staying here with Moo-moo?"

Jace nodded, his eyes twinkling like a child on Christmas morning. "I'm sure. She'll be happy to get away from the house for a while with mom and John back from Italy."

I placed the clothing he'd dropped on the bed into a neat pile in the suitcase. "Good." I looked out the bedroom window at the falling snowflakes and sighed. "I can't wait to be in our house."

"Soon," Jace moved to stand behind me. He wrapped his arms around my middle before pressing his warm lips to the soft spot between my neck and shoulder. Slowly, his hands started a rhythmic exploration over the expanse of my stomach. "I can't wait to meet our baby."

I let my head hall back into his chest. "Neither can I." I let my eyelids fall closed as I sighed in thought. "I never imagined this was where my life would take me."

"I can't imagine life any other way." He pulled back from me and I bit my lip to keep from crying out. "You'd better finish up or we'll miss the flight."

"We won't miss it." I scoffed. "It's your plane."

Jace winked. "Zip your suitcase, Mrs. Rush. We have to hit the road."


I let my head rest against the cushioned softness of the seat of Jace's private plane as the sound of Trisha's laughter filtered through my mind. I'd been married to the man of my dreams for just over a month and I was still deliriously happy. I hoped - no, I prayed this happiness would never meet an end. I couldn't imagine waking in the mornings without seeing Jace. I couldn't imagine looking into my future and not seeing him. It was implausible. I would rather die a thousand deaths than to ever let him go. I'd learned my lesson once and it had been a bitter pill to swallow. There was no doubt in my mind that I needed Jace like I needed air to breathe.

My life was a fairytale - but there had been a lot of hiking hills to get where I was with Jace. From accepting him for who he was, demons and all to having my past relationship barge into our lives with violence, nearly robbing us of the thread holding our every dream intact. The fact that I'd been so close to losing my child because of Bryce's brutal attack had me more than willing to accept Gabe as my constant bodyguard for whenever Jace couldn't be with me - which was almost never. I was always safe. I no longer felt the need to fight for constant independence. The risk was simply too high. Over the last month, I'd overheard Jace on the phone with Caleb and Gabe talking about Lexie and a possible connection to Bryce. I didn't think it was a possibility - the world couldn't possibly be so small that the two of them were acquaintances, but I knew Jace could never be too certain and I was in no position to trust. After Bryce, I kept to my inner circle of newfound family, and trusted friends. I didn't need anything more. I had Jace. He was my everything. He was my world. What more could I possibly ask for when already I had it all?

"Wake up, Liv!" Trisha bellowed. "You're not sleeping away this trip."

I opened one eye. "I'm pregnant. I need my sleep."

She shook her head with one testy brow raised. "I still can't believe you didn't tell me when you found out. That's serious betrayal."

I rolled my eyes and Trey chuckled. "Well, you better get over it because you will soon be an Aunty."

She beamed. "I'll be a kick-ass Aunty."

Jace coughed, his hand tightening on my thigh. "That's worrisome."

"Don't worry, Daddy." She winked. "I'll have the little one in leather in no time."

I glanced at Jace and burst out laughing. He looked like he was moments away from having a heart attack - or killing her. I wasn't sure which. "If this baby is a girl, she will not be wearing leather."

Trey looked ready to bust a gut. "Trisha, you're going to send the guy to an early grave."

She shrugged. "Payback for making my best friend keep secrets."

Jace tightened his fists and I set my hand over his. "Honey, don't worry about it." I cooed. "Trisha will be too concerned with frills and fluffy blankets to be purchasing leather." I glared at Trisha. "You'll be a model Aunt."

She blew me a kiss. "You have no idea."

Trey grinned at me. "So a spring baby, huh?"

"April." I nodded, rubbing my belly absently. I had a little bump.

"My parents are so excited to see you." She sighed. "They are going to freak."

"I'm sure they will." I grinned. I couldn't wait to tell Trisha's parents I was going to have a child. I knew they would pepper Jace and I with questions and I couldn't wait to answer them with the dreams we'd lived out together for the last month as we lay in bed wrapped up in each other.

Jace and I had skipped out on a honeymoon so he could take off the first two weeks of December to accompany me to British Columbia. It's not that we couldn't afford it, but he didn't have the interview for a personal assistant set up until we came back from our holiday and he couldn't leave the office for so long without his attendance. I understood and I didn't mind. I'd made him promise to have everything set up so he could work from home, leaving his personal assistant and Caleb to run things at the head office for when the baby came. Until then, I didn't mind sharing him. Well, I did mind - but not nearly as much as I will when the little one appears.

Jace leaned into me, interrupting my thoughts. "Are you nervous?"

I scoffed. "No. Why would I be?"

"You keep chewing at your lip." He nodded to my mouth. "You only do that when you're nervous or mad."

I shook my head. "Or deep in thought."

"That too." He shrugged. "Do you want to share?"

My heart felt light. "I'm thinking about when the baby comes."

"What about?"

"How I'll see you at home so much more."

"You will." He vowed.

"I know." I rested my head against his shoulder and sighed. "I believe you."

Trisha groaned and I looked across the seating area at her. "Look at those two." She nudged Trey. "They're like two high school kids who can't keep their hands off each other."

He shook his head in exasperation. "They're married."

"I know," she nodded. "Isn't it once the marriage license is signed that all romance vanishes and you're left with nude underwear and missionary sex?"

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