All Good Things Absolved (15 page)

Read All Good Things Absolved Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Novel

BOOK: All Good Things Absolved
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"Oh, that would make me deliriously happy." I returned the sentiment and he shook his head as he closed the door. I watched him walk around the vehicle and wondered how in the world I ever became this lucky as to have him. He was so much more of a man then he gave himself credit for. I knew with heartwarming certainty that he would make a wonderful father one day. And I couldn't wait for that day.

Jace climbed in the car beside me. "Let's get you that pumpkin drink."



We arrived at Karen's house just before supper and I had to admit I was famished. I hadn't eaten in a few hours and that was just too long for me. But as soon as Jace opened the door, I could smell dinner. She was expecting us and obviously cooking up a storm.

"Jace, Liv." John called out from the top of the stairs. I assumed his office was somewhere up there as that was always where he appeared from. "You're here."

"We're here." I grinned at the nickname he adopted from Trisha. "How are you?"

"I'm exhausted." He said exaggeratedly. "Karen's had people coming in and out of here for the past week for the wedding. I have no doubt everything will run smoothly."

"That's good to hear." Jace nodded and his hand rubbed against the small of my back. "You want to go find Mom?"

I nodded. "I do."

"Go on," he nodded to the kitchen. "I'll find you in a bit."

"Okay." I started to walk away but he caught my wrist and quickly pulled me back to him.

"Kiss your fiancé goodbye." He demanded sternly. There was no play in his deep blue eyes. He was serious.

I giggled and planted a slow, lustful kiss on his lips. "I love you." I whispered against his mouth and he groaned.

"You know I love you."

"I do."

"Go on," he pulled away with a mischievously wicked grin on his face. "Tease."

I laughed as I walked away. John looked slightly flustered by our display of affection and that made me happy. If he was flustered then it was something he hadn't seen Jace do before with anyone but me. Although Jace was experienced in most things - I found that I was a first for a lot of things with him. I liked that because he was almost a first for everything with me.

I rounded the corner into the kitchen and found Karen bent over the stove. "It smells like heaven in here."

"Oh Olivia," She stood. "I'm so glad you made it out."

I smiled. "Jace loves coming out here."

"I know." She laughed. "He wouldn't have bought the house next door if he didn't."

"Very true." I nodded. "I can't wait to move in."

"It's an awfully big house for just the two of you." Her blue eyes were twinkling at me and I blushed.

"Maybe one day we'll think of kids." I shrugged as I picked at the hem of my sweater. I'd never been a master liar - I would need to practice.

"One day," she smiled. "I made cinnamon buns. Jace told me how much you love them."

Again, I blushed. This woman was good. "I do."

"Did you want to try on your wedding dress once again before the wedding day?" She asked pointedly and it took all I had not to let my mouth drop to the floor. She so knew I was pregnant and she was trying to get me to spill. So. Not. Happening.

"Um," I shifted. "I just bought it last month. I'm sure it still fits."

"You never know. Besides, your breasts look a little fuller." She smiled and I knew exactly where Jace got his shit-grin. "It could just be the shirt though."

I cocked my head. "I suppose we could try it on just to see."

"Great." She rubbed her hands excitedly. "I'll have John watch the food."

"We could do it later."

"On a full belly?" She shook her head. "We'll do it now."

"All right." There was no sense in arguing with her. The woman knew no bounds.

"Good." She waved for me to follow. "Come. Come."

Karen and I found the boys in Johns study. It wasn't surprising in the least to find they were talking about Italy. The instant I was in the doorway, Jace's shoulders stiffened as though he could feel me without first seeing me, and he turned around in his seat, his eyes instantly finding mine.

"Is everything okay?" He stood from the chair, instinctively reaching out for me.

Karen grinned. "Yes, Olivia is just going to try her dress on before we eat to see if it still fits."

Jace frowned. "Why wouldn't it fit?"

I rolled my eyes. "That's what I said." I leaned into him. "Apparently my breasts look larger."

Jace grinned. "Only slightly."

I glared up at him. "Anyway, you and John will have to watch the food."

Jace caught onto my game and there was no way he was letting me make him miserable. "Gladly."

"Right," I shook my head. "You'll probably burn it."

"You know I can cook." His tone was low.

I didn't give him the satisfaction of hearing me agree. Instead, I just nodded. Karen slid her hand into mine, linking her fingers through mine. "Come on now." She tugged and Jace let her take me away. All the while, I felt his loving eyes on my back. "Let's try on your dress."

Karen led me to a bedroom I soon realized was hers. It was white and tan and cozy. I instantly fell in love with her room. She turned to flash a grin at me. "I keep it in my closet. That way I know it's always safe."

"Thank you. I would hate for Jace to see it before the wedding." I crossed the room to the bed.

"Me too." She shook her head. "But that boy is nosy as all hell. I remember Christmas with him to be horrible. He always knew what he was getting."

The thought made me laugh - a little Jace peeking through the wrapping to see his presents. I'd never had the desire to spoil my Christmas that way. "I can imagine."

"He and Jaylah were a handful." She nodded to herself and I knew she was remembering. "Do you want boys or girls?"

"I would love either." I sat down on her bed. "But I want a boy."

"In my opinion boys are easier." We sat in silence for a moment - Karen in the past - myself in the future. "Well, I suppose we should try on your dress."

I nodded and she disappeared into her closet before reappearing with the dress in hand. I sighed as soon as I caught sight of it. I loved it more now than I did in the store. It really was perfect.

"It's gorgeous." I breathed as I reached for the billowing lace. I was so happy I found this dress. It was

"Put it on," Karen encouraged. I didn't need to be told twice. I stripped from my comfy clothing before slipping into the dress. Karen rounded around my back to tie it up. "It still fits."

"I knew it would." I replied factually.

"Hmm." Was all she said. When she was finished lacing up the back, she turned me to a mirror. "Gorgeous."

"It is."

"You are." She hugged me tight. "I'm so happy he found you."

Tears misted in my eyes. I was overly emotional. "I'm so happy I found him. He's everything I've ever needed."

"And you're everything he's ever needed." She kissed my shoulder and in the mirror I could see tears in her eyes. "You're soul mates."


Chapter 14

I sat on the king sized bed in the guest bedroom and sighed as I let myself flop back into the comfort of the duvet. I was full of turkey, cinnamon buns and tea. As I stared up at the roof, I felt as though I could sleep for days and days. I was exhausted, but I had too much on my mind for sleep. "We're getting married in two days."

"We are." Jace murmured from the opposite side of the room. I propped myself up on my elbows to watch him strip from his clothing.

Damn...he was gorgeous. Greek God kind of beautiful. I knew I could look at him for the rest of eternity and never ever feel bored. I would never tire of staring at him - I would never tire of his scent on my skin and I would most certainly never tire of standing next to him for the rest of my life. Karen was right when she said we were soul mates. Jace Rush was the not only the keeper of my soul, but I was the keeper of his. We belonged together and we were so privileged to have found one another. Most never find their soul mate. But I know without a doubt that I have. And I am so grateful.

"Your mom knows." I spoke quietly and blue eyes flashed up to meet mine. His hands rested on the button of his jeans, paused in movement. The muscles in his bare chest flexed.

"She knows what?" He popped the button and strode across the room to stand before me. He kneed my legs open and stood between them as I remained resting against the bed.

"She knows I'm pregnant."

"Did you tell her?" He cocked his head.


"Then she doesn't know. She suspects." He leaned down to hover over me. My shoulder blades pressed into the back of the bed.

"She knows, Jace."

His eyes swept over my face. "Maybe."

"Did you tell her?"

He shook his head. "No I didn't." His lips pressed against mine and I tasted tea. "I want to do that together."

I pressed my nails against his back as fire swept through me. Having him hovering over me so close without touching me was agonizing. I hadn't had him in almost five days and I couldn't wait any longer. It would kill me. I knew it would.


"Bathe with me." I pleaded. "I need to feel close to you."

Jace sighed. "We can't have sex, Angel."

"Why not?"

He growled low in his throat. "Because I'm afraid of hurting you or the baby."

"You won't." I moaned.

"You don't know that." He stated reluctantly.

"I do, Jace." I felt frustration boil in my chest. I was pregnant and even though I didn't have the cravings, I definitely had the mood swings and hormone imbalance. "It's my body."

"It's my body." He corrected and even sounded offended.

I gurgled a groan. "Whatever." I pushed at his chest and he moved away from me. "I'm having a bath."

Jace sat down on the end of the bed as I moved into the bathroom. My heart felt so heavy and hurt, I was helpless against the tears that began to flow steadily from my eyes. All I wanted - all I needed - was Jace. I needed to feel him against me - inside me. Was it really so much to ask? It had been four days since the attack and I had healed better than I expected. Jace treated me like a queen the entire time - but now I was tired of feeling like I was breakable. I wanted to feel wanted. I needed to feel needed. The fact that I didn't hurt physically didn't mean I wasn't in excruciating emotional pain at his constant rejection.

The door opened behind me and Jace stepped into the bathroom before shutting it quietly behind him. He moved to a shelf beside the bathtub and lit a candle before he turned off the light. The warm light of the flame cast dim shadows over the beige walls of the bathroom and I tried desperately to stop my tears without being obvious but I couldn't. When the sound of his jeans rubbing with each step he took closer to me echoed through the space, my heart beat faster. He stopped behind me but he didn't touch me. I could feel his heat. It made me shiver despite its warmth.

"Look at me." His voice was low and commanding. It wasn't a tone to refuse and I didn't. Slowly I turned to face him. When he caught sight of my tears I watched his heart shatter in the depths of his blue eyes. "Fuck, Angel." He pulled me into his arms, pressing my face into his chest.

"I hate this, Jace." I cried.

"You hate what?"

"I hate that you can't touch me." I was shaking now. "I hate that you refuse to love me because of what...he did." I couldn't bring myself to say his name. Not after everything he had done. "I hate that you don't want me the way I want you."

I knew I was being petty with my last comment, but it was the truth. I hated - fucking hated how he didn't want me the same way. It hurt my pride and bruised my self-esteem.

"You think I don't fucking want you?" His hand moved from where it was embedded in my hair to the small of my back and he pulled me against him. His hard erection pressed against my belly and I moaned. Through the fabric of his jeans I could feel him pulsing with need against me. "Do you feel me, Angel? Do you feel my want now?"

"Then take me." I begged. "I need this. I need you inside me." I cried and whished I could stop. "It's been too long."

A growl of broken will erupted from his lips and he cupped my face, tilting it to meet his. "I want you so fucking bad it hurts." He sighed. "I can't fight this with you begging for it but I need to know you'll tell me if I hurt you. You'll be honest with me."

Oh thank God. He was most definitely a man of broken will. "I promise, Jace." I whispered. "Just make love to me."

He nodded. "In the bath."

As soon as he said the words I disentangled myself from his arms to tear my clothing from my body. My nipples were already pebbled, stretching toward him with untamable desire. Every inch of my skin felt as though it was on fire. From the top of my head to the tip of my toes I was filled with hyperawareness for him. I could feel his scorching blue eyes on me, watching me as I stood before him naked and needy.

"You're so beautiful." His voice was husky.

"Take your jeans off." I breathed.

He shook his head. "Not yet." I felt like a child about to stomp my foot in a tantrum as he turned his back to me to turn the tap. Warm water poured from the spout and he poured bubbles into the mixture. "Get in the water."

"You're awfully demanding."

He shook his head. "I don't think I'm the demanding one tonight, Angel." For some reason, his words sounded like a warning. "Get in the water."

I nodded eagerly as I walked toward the tub. I made a point of brushing my chest against his naked torso as I stepped into the water and he hissed in a sharp breath. The sound was so erotic, I felt a surge of liquid pool between my legs. It was white-hot desire. I wanted him more than ever before. I was certain. My clit throbbed in a dance of painful pleasure and my swollen breasts ached for the feel of his teeth sliding gently over my nipples. My knees were weak and my hands shook. Every nerve in my body was alive and singing in wait for him to take me.

Slowly, I lowered myself into the water and looked up at him with what I hoped were fuck-me eyes.

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