All Good Things Absolved (14 page)

Read All Good Things Absolved Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Novel

BOOK: All Good Things Absolved
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"No," I gasped.

"Angel," Jace's brow furrowed as I wobbled. My knees felt weak and my world felt as though it had been ripped to shreds.

"I can't," I whispered. "My baby," A sob caught onto my words as my world went black.


I woke up in the ambulance. I knew this because Jace was sitting down by my feet, his hand set possessively - protectively on my ankle. There was a man and a woman, both with impenetrable faces. They were so calm. I didn't know what to think. I was terrified.

"What's going on?" I asked. "Jace?"

"I'm here, Angel." He promptly started moving his hand against my ankle. "You're safe."

"The baby?"

"We'll know when we get you to a doctor. You need to stay relaxed." The woman replied calmly. I hated this calm. It was deceiving and it only served to make me that much more anxious.

"When will that be?"

"We're on our way." She continued. "You need to keep calm."

"I am calm." I snapped. I couldn't help it.

"Angle, you're going to be all right." Jace cooed.

"I don't care about me, Jace. I care about our baby." I felt tears well in my eyes and frustration bloom in my chest.

"I know you're afraid, but you need to keep calm. It's the best you can do right now." The female spoke again. This time, I heard sympathy in her voice and my throat closed.

I shut my eyes against the view of the roof and the tears pricking my lids and I prayed. I prayed for the precious ember of life Jace and I had created. I prayed.

I didn't say anything when we arrived at the hospital, or as I was rolled into a private room. I didn't speak at all. I didn't even speak when Dr. David Bower marched quickly into the room with a stricken look on his face. I knew he had questions, but thankfully he didn't ask them. I couldn't have answered.

I watched as he set up a machine with nimble fingers. At the end of a cord there was a wand. I knew what he was doing. He was checking to see if there was a heartbeat.

"I'm going to need you to lift your dress for me, Olivia." His tone was gentle. I wished it were monotone. Then maybe I wouldn't feel desperation clawing its way up my throat already.

"Angel?" Jace's voice was low. "Do you want me to lift your dress?"

I shrugged. "Sure."

Jace pulled my dress up over my stomach. "The gel will be warm but the wand will be cool." David said somberly.

I nodded again and waited as he poured warm gel over my stomach before rubbing it in with the cool smooth end of the wand. I couldn't have cared what it felt like. I was numb.

The room was silent as he moved the wand across the expanse of my stomach. Thankfully, I was no longer bleeding. I thought that was a good sign, but no one had acknowledged it - so I really didn't know.

The monitor sounded almost fuzzy. I didn't know what I was listening to when David smiled. "You're little one's strong."

A small but steady thud met my ear and my eyes instantly filled with tears of relief. I let them come as Jace pulled my face into his chest. His heart was pounding so hard and fast it was almost frightening.

"You hear that, Angel?" Jace whispered into my hair. "Our baby is strong. Just like its mom."

"Just like you." I whispered through a blindingly large smile.

"There are some things we have to go over and I'd like to examine you more thoroughly," David interrupted our moment with a serious voice. "And then the police need a statement."

I nodded. "What do you mean examine me?"

"I want to be certain there was nothing torn or broken in the assault."

Jace frowned. "You were filled in?"

"Gabe called me to be sure I was here. He knows I'm the only doctor you'll see and it's a good thing he called because I wouldn't have been here when you arrived otherwise." His eyes traced my face with sympathy. "He filled me in on a few of the details and from what I can see, he wasn't exaggerating. I would like to be certain there is no serious damage before I release her."

Jace nodded. "I'm not leaving."

"I wouldn't have bothered to ask." David smiled patiently.

For the next hour he tested every bruise and bone beneath the swollen skin. Luckily for me, my ribs weren't broken either, just badly bruised. All in all I was fine. I'd had a scare but there were no broken bones and I was still carrying my baby. David prescribed bed rest for the next few days and I agreed eagerly. There was nowhere else I would rather be then in bed with Jace. And I knew he would be there. I knew he wouldn't leave me alone.

"I suppose I should hand you over to the police now." He eyed both Jace and I. "If you need anything or start feeling any abdominal pains I need to know immediately."

"You will." Jace promised gruffly. "Thanks David."

"Anytime." He nodded before slipping from the room. I was certain he was giving the police a speech about avoiding heightened stress and I wasn't certain if it was for my wellbeing or their own - he knew Jace well. It wasn't rocket science. If they stressed me out Jace would stress them out.

Jace's hand caressed the side of my face. I could feel it was swollen and I fought the need to wince under his touch. My flesh was tender and Jace knew without my having to tell him that I wanted him to stop. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"I should have been there." He scraped his teeth over his bottom lip and my heart cracked. He couldn't be blaming himself for this. "I shouldn't have let you go alone."

"Jace," I sighed. "Don't do this. Don't blame yourself. It happened and I'm okay. The baby is okay. We're okay."

"But it shouldn't have happened, Olivia." He shook his head. "I should be able to protect you."

I smiled. "You do. You did. If you hadn't have come for me - I don't know what would have happened." That was a lie. We both knew what would have happened. I wouldn't be here and neither would Bryce and Jace would be locked away in a cell. The thought was too much to bear.

"I love you." His blue eyes were filled with passion. They were so bright they burned my skin. "You mean more to me than I ever imagined possible. There is nothing in this world I wouldn't give to you. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you. But I could never go on living without you. Do you understand me?"

I nodded. "You will never have to, Jace. Bryce will be locked away - won't he?"

His eyes were dark. "He'll be gone."

I frowned and my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. "What does that mean?"

Jace didn't have time to reply as the door opened and two officers stepped into the room. Suddenly, it didn't feel so spacious. They took up a lot of space. Mentally. For reasons completely unknown to me, police had always made me unexplainably nervous.

"Olivia LeRoux, I'm Officer Bryan and this is Officer Wilder." He smiled. "We've been assigned to your case."

"There is no case." I said bluntly. "I was attacked, assaulted and almost raped not to mention I almost lost my baby because of Bryce Cane. I want him charged and convicted."

Officer Bryan's eyes widened and he nodded. "We have a few questions for you if you will,"

"Go ahead." I shrugged. "It won't change the end result."

He nodded as though uncomfortable. But I felt interrogated. Just having them here to question me made me feel as though I wasn't the victim, but that I had somehow tempted Bryce into doing what he did. I felt as though they were judging me and I didn't like it. However, they were only doing their job...that much I could understand.

The questions only lasted for the better part of fifteen minutes before they excused themselves. I wasn't alone for a minute with Jace before David reentered the room.

"How are you feeling?"

"Just really tired." I replied on a sigh.

"Well," he looked at Jace. "You can take her home. But remember what I said. She needs rest."

Jace eyed David warningly. "You don't have to tell me what she needs more then once."

He nodded before looking at me again. "Any pain and you call me. Don't hesitate."

I grinned. "I won't."


Chapter 13

I looked across the couch at Jace and sighed. His fingers worked the bottoms of my feet in a deliciously amazing massage. We'd been lazing around for four days and I was getting slightly stir crazy. The fact that the wedding was in three days wasn't adding any stress to the fact I'd been wrapped up in Jace's arms - without getting any action either. He wanted to wait until we were married. I knew it was more to ensure I was completely healed before we had sex again. And, I would have been all right with that if I wasn't so freaking horny all the time. It was silly, but being pregnant really did something to the libido. I mean, it was on serious overdrive and Jace was determined to pretend it wasn't. It was just down right silly. I felt fine.

"I think we should go out today." I proposed.

"Where did you want to go?" Jace asked.

"I don't know," I hummed. "What about the race track?"

"No." His tone was so blunt I was shocked. For a moment I was rendered speechless but after a long moment of silence I found my ability to speak.

"Why not?"

"It's not safe."

"That ridiculous." I snapped. "You know it is."

"Olivia, we're not discussing this. We're not going so drop it."

I pulled my foot from his lap. "Don't tell me what to do."

He sighed. "Olivia, I thought I was going to lose you once in this past week, can we please not put me through the possibility again. We can stay in and enjoy each other."

"You can't keep me locked up in here forever." I pouted. "It's not healthy and I'll get tired of you."

He raised a brow. "You think?"

I frowned. "No," I shook my head. I was pouting. "But that's not healthy either. I need to get out of here." I pointed at the little black fur ball on the chair. "Even Moo-moo is tired of me being here. He doesn't even cuddle me anymore."

Jace rolled his eyes. "He's a cat. He doesn't know what he wants."

"Not true." I glared at Moo-moo. "He wants us to go out and get some fresh air. Can't we go for a walk or something?"

"It's cold outside."

I pursed my lips. "Jace," I moaned. "Let's go to your mothers."

He grinned. It was the shit-grin. "I think we can do that."

I let my head fall back as I laughed - in glee. "I'm going to take a shower."

"I'm coming with you."

I waggled my brows. "Really?"

"To wash your hair." Jace elaborated pointedly and I rolled my eyes.

"You do that."

"I will." He said confidently. I loved his confidence.

Jace followed me up the steps and into the bathroom. I instantly stripped from my clothing as he set the water temperature. I was standing in the mirror, studying the now faint coloring of bruising left behind by Bryce only four days ago. I was happy I healed nice and quick. I couldn't imagine getting married with a black eye. What was left of my bruise should be gone within three days time and if it wasn't, I knew cover up would conceal them.

As far as I knew, Bryce was in jail and would be for a long time if Jace's horrendously expensive lawyers had anything to say about it. I hoped they succeeded in keeping him locked away for as long as possible. Somehow, after all that happened, Trisha still didn't know I was pregnant. Gabe kept our secret and I was thankful to him for it. It meant a lot to Jace that we tell him mom before anyone else and I wanted to honor that. He wanted to let her know after the wedding and I couldn't wait to tell her. I think she will be excited to have a little one around again.

Jace stepped behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You're so beautiful."

I smiled and leaned my head back into the nook of his shoulder. "You're a sweet talker."

"I'm being serious." His eyes met mine in the mirror. "You are gorgeous."

My voice was husky. "Thank you."

"I love you."

"I love you more." I turned around in his arms slowly before raising up on my tiptoes and pressing a kiss to his lips. "I will always love you."

"Let's stay the night at my parents."

I nodded. "Let's."


At Jace's insistence, I wore a comfortable pair of black yoga pants tucked into knee-high boots and a long brown sweater that hung down to my thighs. It was baggy but fit comfortably under the dressy black jacket he bought me. I brought two outfits with me and a pair of pajamas despite the fact Jace said I wouldn't need them. I planned on wearing them regardless. Sleeping beside his naked body without making love to him was pure torture. It wasn't fair. So, until he decided to make love to me I was sleeping wrapped in clothes. I knew it was going to be a fight but I prayed I would win.

"We're taking the Range Rover today." He stated matter of fact.

"Really?" I hadn't been in anything but the Bugatti. "Better tires and more room for you if you want it."

"I'm good in the Bugatti." I protested.

"We're taking the Range Rover."

"Isn't it a little big for you?" I teased and he scowled.

"No." He walked to the passenger door. "Get in."

I climbed up inside and settled myself in the seat as he reached over for the buckle. "Are you happy now?"

He grinned his shit-grin and placed a quick kiss on my lips. "Deliriously."


He frowned as he pulled away. "Are you?"

"I would be if I got a pumpkin spiced latte from Starbucks." I flashed him the biggest smile I had and he laughed. It was a lovely sound. It made my toes tingle and my heart warm. I loved this man. I knew I should support my own business, but no one made pumpkin spiced lattes like Starbucks.

"I think we can manage that." He smiled. "Is this a pregnancy craving?"

"Do you expect pregnant women to want to eat the entire world?" I asked. He'd asked this question before.

"No," he shrugged. "It's not something you normally want so I'm curious. And, I want to know what our baby makes you crave."

I touched his cheek. "This is a seasonal craving."

"Has there been a pregnancy craving?"

"Only for your mother's cinnamon buns."

"I believe she's made them again."

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