All Good Things Absolved (6 page)

Read All Good Things Absolved Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Novel

BOOK: All Good Things Absolved
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"I want to go home, Jace." She whispered. "Please take me home."

"Okay," I nodded. I looked to Caleb and he gave me a small tight nod. He would continue looking into it. He would view the tapes and I knew he would look for Bryce Cane in the mass of people. I gathered Olivia into my arms, holding her to my chest as I walked to the door of my office. "Call me, Caleb."

"You know I will." Caleb replied tightly. From the corner of my eye, I saw Bethany study Olivia through curious eyes but I turned my back and walked out. I was taking Olivia home. If that was where she wanted to be, then that was where we were going. I wouldn't deny her. I couldn't deny her. I fucking loved her more than anything. I knew I would have to show her the photo, because only she could tell me what happened that day when fairytale loves fell to the wayside. But that day wasn't today. She'd gone through enough for one day.


Chapter 5

I lay awake holding Olivia in my arms. Upon walking through the door to our home she'd gone immediately up the stairs to our bedroom where she stripped from her clothing and crawled into bed. She didn't say anything to me, but throughout the night, I woke to the feel of her body shuddering as she cried. It killed me. I knew there was nothing I could do but hold her - and I did. I held her all night, even when she struggled to move away from me I held her. I refused to allow her to sort through this on her own. I would be here for her and with her through the good and the bad until the very end. I would never walk away from her. Especially while she was in a time of need.

Now it was morning. Through my slightly dimmed windows, early sunlight spilled onto the floor. Her head was on my chest, her ear over my heartbeat. She always seemed to lay her head on my chest where my heart lay. It was as though her need to hear its sturdy beat was instinctual. It seemed to calm her and that made me feel useful and powerful and just - hers. It sparked a primal feeling within me to know that something so simple was all she needed from me to feel safe and soothed. It was liberating to know only I could give this to her. No one else possessed my heartbeat. It was not something money could buy. But if she wanted it - it was hers.

I started a slow, rhythmic pattern of circles on the bare skin of her back. I knew she would wake soon and I wanted her to feel as calm as possible. With my heartbeat and the gentle touch of my fingertips over her skin, how could she not? These were two things I had come to know she loved.

My lips twitched, the corners lifting slightly when she shivered. This was a telltale sign she could feel my touch through her sleep and I knew I only had another few short moments before she was fully awake. I closed my eyes and let myself feel her as she woke. A small moan escaped her lips as she shifted. The feel of her eyelash against my chest as she blinked her first time elicited a reluctant shiver from deep within me. It rocked my bones. She did that to me. She affected me entirely on an almost surreal level. Everything I felt toward her was primal.



I loved her. She was mine. I'd staked my claim on her and there was no way - come heaven or hell - that I was ever letting her go.

"Good morning," she murmured against my chest. She shifted and I felt soft, warm lips press against my pecks.

"Good morning." I replied. My voice was gruff. It had nothing to do with it being early and everything to do with her naked body sprawled over mine - her lips on the skin of my bare chest. I didn't ask her how she slept because I already knew. It had been a shitty night for the both of us.

Her voice was quiet when she spoke. "I'm sorry."

"Why?" I sounded angry - and admittedly I was. Why the hell was she sorry?

"I couldn't stop...crying." She pulled a shaky breath into her lungs and I tightened my arms around her. "You barely got any sleep."

"I got enough sleep, Angel." I sighed. "Why were you crying?"

"I'm angry." She sounded angry. "And I'm afraid and frustrated."

My throat tightened at her words and when they cracked from the extent of her potent emotions, I felt myself grow hot with anger so fierce it was dangerous. No one had the right to frighten her this way. I was angry with the man who was sending her these stupid letters and twisted gifts. And, I was angry with myself because no matter what I did, I couldn't seem to shield her from him. Short of locking her up in our penthouse, there was nothing more I could do that she wouldn't fight me on. But damn, this guy was dangerous and he was taking his fucking game too far. I'd never been afraid of anything in my entire life, but I was afraid for Olivia. I was afraid for the child growing inside her. I was afraid for our child. I was afraid of losing someone I'd grown to care for more than my own life - more than anything else in the world - because Olivia and this child were my life. They were everything to me. Olivia possessed everything I'd always desired but never known I could possibly possess. She was meaning to my existence and this waste of skin was threatening her. If I ever came into contact with him, all hell would surely break loose because I would not be in my right state of mind when I acted. I knew this. And it was for this reason I prayed Gabe or Caleb found him before I did.

"Jace?" Olivia's voice tore through my thoughts. "Say something - anything."

I shook myself from my thoughts. "I'm sorry, Angel." I pulled her against me again and she pressed trembling lips to my chest. "I didn't mean to space out like that."

"What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking about how much I love you."

"Is that all?"

"And how I hate whoever is doing this to you."

She shook her head. "To us, Jace." She corrected. "He is doing this to

I nodded to appease her. But I couldn't help thinking about the pain I'd seen captured in her eyes in the photo. I knew I had to ask her what it was about, but I really didn't want to. Not yet.

Instead, I decided to change the topic. I'd had plans today and I was not about to disregard them because of some scumbag with nothing else on his mind other than vengeful games. He was an amateur and just like every other, he would get caught. There was no doubt in my mind. I had the best people I knew looking into this and I was confident we would get this figured out.

I nudged her. "Go get in the shower, Angel."

She peeled herself from my chest and frowned at me. "Are you coming?"

"I need to make a call first but I'll be in after." I smiled. I hoped it would ease the tension straining from her form.

She nodded. "All right." She leaned in to press a kiss to my temple. It warmed me as her affection always did. "I'll see you soon."

I watched as she walked to the bathroom, leaving the door cracked open for me to join her before I slipped from the bedroom door with my phone in hand. I didn't want her to hear my conversation.

I pressed the phone to my ear and waited. "Jace, been waiting for your call." Caleb answered.

"Yeah," I sighed. "You find anything in the tape?"

"Nothing peculiar." He sounded annoyed. "The guy watched Olivia leave the building before he handed his package in to reception. He knew who to watch for, but when I asked a buddy of mine to run his face through the database I found he works as a male homecare nurse. On the side he makes personal deliveries."

Fuck. An idiot working for extra cash. He probably doesn't even keep records of his deliveries. "Contact him and have him meet me at the office tomorrow first thing in the morning?"

"Already did that, Jace." Caleb sighed. "He met with me first thing this morning. He doesn't know who hired him. It was all arranged through phone conversation and when he gave me the number he had, I found the phone was reported stolen."

"How did he get the package?"

"He found it on his doorstep." Caleb replied tightly and I swore under my breath. "This guy knows what he's doing. And, I don't know why, but I don't think it's Bryce Cane. You might have to show Olivia the photo and the letter. He gave a lot away in the last letter. I know it might hurt her, but maybe she'll know who it is."

"Maybe." The fact that I didn't want to show Olivia the letter hadn't changed. It still made my skin crawl. And I knew it would make her physically ill. I didn't want to do that to her.

"Jace, think about it." Caleb sounded tense. "That's all I'm saying."

I ignored him. "You don't have any other leads?"

"Well, I might have one."

I froze. "What's that?"

"Her brother's in New York."

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the wall. I didn't know who I trusted to be around her and this was killing me. "When did he arrive?"

"His plane came in two days ago around the same time the phone was reported stolen." Caleb paused. "Bryce Cane picked him up from the airport."

"Fuck," I ran a hand through my hair. "And you don't think its Cane?"

"I don't know, Jace." Caleb sounded frustrated. And hell, he wasn't the only one. This was a fucking mind teaser. "I don't know what to think."

I sighed. "Keep looking for me, Caleb. I'm taking Olivia with me to my moms. She'll be safe there."

"Are you staying there too?"

"No," I ran a hand through my hair. "I've got too much shit at the office to do."

"I don't think she'll agree to stay away from you, but good luck."

"Thanks. See you later, Caleb." I hung up the phone and instantly dialed Karen's number.

It rang three times before she picked up the phone. "Jace," I could practically hear her grinning. "I've been waiting to hear from you."

"Hey, mom." I started pacing the length of the hall. "How are you?"

"Oh, I'm good. How are you?"

"Fine." I knew I sounded stressed and I would have to tone it down if I didn't want to sit through her questioning me. "I was thinking of coming out today with Olivia?"

"That sounds lovely." She paused. "Is something wrong?"

"No. We're great." And that was the truth. Olivia and I were great. "I'll see you later."

"Okay," I could hear her uncertainty. "See you."

I hung up and quickly marched to the bathroom. To Olivia.


I sat on the floor of the shower waiting for Jace. I'd lit a single candle and placed it next to the shower. The water massaged my back, but it did nothing to quell the ache within me for Jace. I wanted him with me more than anything. Actually, I needed him with me. I felt so incomplete without him it was awful and ridiculous. But it was the truth none-the-less.

I needed Jace in a way I had never needed any other. He was like water - or air. He was vital to my existence. I'd proved that to myself when I asked him to walk out of my life never to return. I'd spent seven entire weeks completely void of all life. It had been excruciating. And to this day, I had no idea how I'd survived.

"Olivia?" Jace's worried voice sounded from the door. I looked up to see him striding across the floor in long, quick movements. "Are you all right?"

I didn't say anything as he opened the door and stepped into the shower, pajama pants and all. He scooped me into his arms and held me tight. I hadn't meant to worry him, but I didn't want to push him away either. This was exactly where I wanted to be.

His nose delved into my hair and he inhaled my scent. "Why were you on the floor?"

I answered with truth. "It was comfortable."

He laughed, but the sound was strained. "You scared me."

I looked up into his eyes. "I'm a grown woman, Jace. You don't need to worry about me so much."

"You can tell me that all you like, Angel. It's not going to change a thing."

"I'll bet it won't." I pressed my lips to his, already feeling hot in my core. "Take off your pants and make love to me."

His eyes glimmered with anticipation and - love. "I can't refuse that command."

I laughed. "I know."

Jace lifted me easily from his lap before removing the sopping material from his magnificent body. He was so gorgeous. I could look at him for eternity and never grow bored. He had a body that was clearly adored by the Gods - chiseled to perfection. Washboard abs blended into a decadent V that trailed to his hard, thick cock. His legs were strong and powerful, lined in muscles and his arms were just as intricately carved. He was divine. Completely and utterly perfect. He made my mouth water just looking at him. Without invite, I grasped his cock in my hands and shifted to my knees. A small gasp sounded from his lips, fueling my desire to taste him and I flicked out my tongue to lick his tip.

"Angel," there was a plea in his tone and I felt my heart flutter. I wanted him to beg for me. I wanted to know he needed me the same way I needed him. But at the same time, I wanted him to take what he wanted from me. I wanted him to know I would deny him nothing. Ever.

"Tell me what you want, Jace." I spoke with my lips still pressed to his tip.

He groaned. "Your mouth."

"What about my mouth?" I asked. I knew exactly what he wanted. And I ached to give it to him. "Tell me."

"Fuck, Angel." He moaned as I grazed my teeth over his sensitive head before suckling with my tongue, wrapping my lips around his hard circumference tight. "I want you to take me deep in your mouth. I want to feel the back of your throat and I want to hear you struggle to take me deeper still. Fuck me with your mouth."

Wet hot desire pooled in my core and I took him deep. I felt him throbbing against the back of my throat. Pulsating over my tongue. My gag reflexes were triggered as he flexed his hips, pushing himself deeper inside my mouth, but I continued taking him. I wanted this raw and rough and carnal. And that was how it was happening. I took his balls in my hand, massaging them as I pumped him with my mouth, sucking in hard quick motions. He groaned and I knew he was moments from coming in my mouth. I couldn't wait. I wanted him to come in my mouth. I wanted him to come inside me and all over me. I wanted him to claim me for the rest of eternity as his. Was it possessive? Yes. More than what I knew was safe to feel. But I didn't care. I wanted it. I wanted it real and if real was possessive then I wanted it that way too.

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