All Good Things Absolved (3 page)

Read All Good Things Absolved Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Novel

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At my silence, Jace kissed my forehead. Slowly, he pulled out of me. "Come on. Let's get showered."

I smiled. I loved showering with him and at the thought I shimmied to the edge of the bed, beaming excitedly. "Let's."

Jace led me to the shower, quickly fixing the water to a decadent temperature before standing back and waving me in. "Ladies first, Angel."

I curtsied playfully. "Why, thank you sir." Jace reached out and slapped my behind as I pranced past him. I squealed as I spun around to face him, frightened that I would receive another slap on the rear if I left it exposed. "What was that for?"

"I couldn't resist." He shrugged helplessly. "You were flaunting it."

"I was not."

"You were." He stepped toward me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. His shaft was rock hard. Again. Hadn't he had enough? Oh, who was I kidding? He was insatiable and apparently so was I, because I was wet and my mouth was watering.

I stepped back, feeling the water pebble against my back and into my hair as I continued stepping back until my shoulders and back pressed into the wall. He had me cornered. The thought sent my stomach into a frenzy of feeling. It was as though it was filled to the brim with butterflies. God, I loved this man and all the feelings he induced within me. He made me feel so alive.

Jace cocked his head. "You're trapped, Angel. What are you going to do?"

My voice was husky. "I'm going to surrender."

He smiled the cocky grin I loved. "I like the sound of those words coming from your lips."

"You do?"

"Oh yeah, Angel." He nodded. "I do." With those words, Jace took my hand in his. He guided my hand to his hard shaft and I instantly wrapped my fingers around the thick circumference. His eyes darkened as I began pumping him, working him as the water beat down on us. He throbbed in my hand and I soon grasped hold of his balls with my other. They were heavy. I knew he wanted me. I knew he wanted release within me. And, I wanted him.

Without my eyes ever leaving his, I pressed my back tight to the wall, lifting one foot onto the stone bench in the shower so my core was brazenly exposed to him. I guided his tip to my core and pressed my hips into him. I could see he was struggling as I slowly took him in, filling myself with his heavenly thickness. When I had him to the hilt, he groaned and I knew he was a man of broken will. His arms were around me in a second, gathering me against his chest as he rocked into me.

And, I surrendered the power. He took me slowly at first, guiding my hips in an exquisitely leisurely movement that left me panting breathlessly. My stomach felt as though I was on a roller coaster as pleasure built within me. It clenched in an unrequited need he delayed giving to me as he watched my struggle of passion move over my face. I threw my head back, shoving my breasts into his face as I pressed my hips against him. I wanted him harder - I wanted him rough. I needed him. I needed him deep and consuming.

"Jace please," I begged on a ragged breath.

"Tell me, Angel." I could feel his eyes on me.

"I need you deep. I need hard," I whimpered. "I need,"

"Angel." He kissed the hollow of my neck. "I need you like this. Gentle."

I moaned. "No, please,"

Jace peeled me from the wall and lowered me to the floor. He sat down in the water, positioning me on his lap. I curled my legs around his waist, rocking my hips into him. I felt suspended in pleasure. It was a sweet kind of agony I had never before experienced as he held me there at the brink of an orgasm. My entire body was singing with indulgence as I ground onto him, tightening my legs around his back with every excruciatingly blissful movement. Jace's hands were splayed on my backside, pressing me into him before pulling me away. I could feel his climax climbing within him as he grew within me. His length throbbed with every thrust and I moaned at the feel of his pleasure growing. He was on the brink of bursting and so was I. Every fiber of my being was strung tight as the cord of a guitar.

"I'm there, Angel. Come with me." I met his eyes, eager to see him undone within me as I shattered. A cry of release left my lips as I shuddered around him, my fingers digging into the muscles of his shoulder blades. Jace dipped his head to my chest as I tilted mine back. His arms wrapped around my waist, clutching me to him as he pumped himself inside me. Filling me. I felt his lips on my chest between my breasts as he breathed against my skin and I shivered despite the warm water. If I could, I would spend the rest of eternity making love to this man.

"I love you, Jace."

"I know, Angel." He lifted his eyes to meet mine and I smiled at the satisfied light that shone through at me. "And I am so fucking deliriously in love with you."

I wanted to stay right where I was all day, with him buried inside me, but I knew I couldn't. My stomach was rumbling and I knew if I didn't eat something soon, I would get one hell of a headache.

"You're hungry." Jace said through narrowed eyes.

"Only a little," I shrugged at my white lie. I was starving. It was impossible not to be after being ravished by Jace. He was an animal.

He tapped my butt. "Up you get," he helped me shift off his lap and I stood, watching him rise to his full height. He towered over me. But he made me feel so deliciously safe. There was no one else in this world I was more safe with than this man before me. The man I completely intended to spend the rest of my life with - the man I was going to have a baby with.

The thought hit me like a ton of bricks and I wondered how I hadn't thought of it sooner. I coughed. "Has David called you yet?"

Jace raised a brow. "I was beginning to think you'd forgotten."

"No." I shook my head. "Just distracted."

"I see."

I frowned. "Has he called?"

"Not yet." Jace continued to study me with those icy blue eyes that made my heart pitter-patter in my chest. "Are you worried?"

"No," I shook my head. But I was. What if he called and said the test was negative? I was just getting used to the idea of a little one in my belly - in my arms - in our life. What if it was all just an elaborate scare? That would kill me. I wanted this baby...

The thought came as a surprise and I knew Jace saw my shock. My eyes were wide and my mouth was hanging open. He would have had to be blind not to see it.

"What's wrong, Angel?" Jace gathered me in his arms, holding the back of my head in his hand. My cheek was pressed against the hard peck of his chest.

"I want it, Jace." I murmured through my shock. "I want this baby."

Jace pulled away to look down on me with furrowed brows. "You've only just realized this?"

"Yes," I nodded. I felt shame flood my cheeks. "But what if I'm not?"

"You are." Jace stated matter of fact. "But if by some chance you aren't, then you will stop birth control immediately and you will become pregnant."

Again, my mouth dropped. "What?"

"I want this with you, Olivia. I'm ready and you are too."

"How do you know?" I asked. I felt breathless.

"Because you love me and I love you. Why shouldn't two people with as much love as we have not have a child?" He had a point. He really did. And, I found myself pondering it. After a long moment, Jace sighed. "I hate not knowing what you're thinking."

"How do you know I'm thinking?"

He tapped my lips. "Because you get this cute little pucker of your lips." He smiled. "And I know you're deep in thought."

"Hmm, you know me so well." I meant every word. There wasn't another soul who knew me so well.

"I know." He nodded, looking mighty proud. "Are you going to share?"

"Share what?" I frowned.

He sighed. "Your thoughts, Olivia."

"Nope." I shook my head. "They're mine."

"Damn it, woman." He captured my jaw in his hands as I giggled, planting a kiss on my lips. "Tell me."

"No." I shook my head, careful not to break contact of his lips on mine. "Never."

"I love you." He whispered. "It pains me to know you're keeping things from me."

When he put it that way - I was nearly helpless. Nearly. "You're trying to manipulate me Mr. Rush. I know your ways."

A low rumble sounded in his chest and he pulled away from me. "You'll be the death of me."

I shook my head. "Never."

"Stop saying forms of no." He narrowed azure eyes on me and I shivered. It was a natural response.

"Never," I beamed as I picked up a bottle of shampoo.

Jace shook his head. "You'll pay for that, Angel."

"I'm sure I will." I challenged him. "With glee."


Chapter 3

I watched Olivia eat her oatmeal and blueberries sprinkled with brown sugar and tried not to appear too nervous. But I had been waiting all morning for David's phone call. It was almost noon now, and I still didn't have a confirmation. I had plans to start making. I needed to know. And, I fucking prayed she was pregnant. Because even though she said she wanted our child now, I was afraid if she found she wasn't pregnant, she would try harder to prevent the possibility of becoming pregnant again. I could admit it was a shock to me that she became pregnant so fast. But it was a joyous one. I wouldn't change it.

"What are
thinking about?" Olivia asked as she set her spoon in her bowl.

"Why would I tell you?" I asked. "It's not like you tell me?"

Her mouth dropped and I felt a grin light my face. "I tell you...sometimes."

"And I tell you sometimes." I raised a brow as she pondered this. Maybe from now on she would tell me her thoughts.

"Fine, whatever." She shrugged, feigning disinterest. She did a shitty job. I could see she was prickly over my lack of response. "I don't care."

"I'm sure." I was about to start teasing her when my phone rang in the pocket of my jeans. Olivia immediately froze and her face paled.

"Is that?" She didn't finish. But we both knew who she was asking about.

I picked up my phone. "David," I answered. "I've been waiting." My eyes were trained on Olivia the entire time I held my phone to my ear.

"Yes, sorry. I got to the office a little later than usual." He paused and I could hear papers flipping in the background. "The test was positive. Olivia is pregnant."

"Thank you." I said gruffly. I could see Olivia's confusion as she watched me, trying to make sense of the conversation.

"Congratulations, Jace." David replied. "I'll let you go so you can tell Olivia the news."

"Thanks." I said again. I didn't want to give anything away to Olivia while I was on the phone. I could see her hands nervously worrying the fringes of her sweater as she waited for me to finish my conversation. As soon as I hung up, I heard her take a deep breath of air into her lungs.


I cocked my head. "What do you want?"

She frowned. "What did he say, Jace?"

"I'm asking you what you want?" I repeated.

She stood silently for a few minutes and all the while my heart felt as though it was about to rip its way from my chest. I needed her to tell me she wanted our child. I needed her to want it before I told her for certain that she was pregnant.

"Jace," she began. "I know I'm pregnant." Her voice was quiet and her eyes were beginning to mist with tears. "I just know. It's early, but I know. And I can admit that it came as a shock I couldn't swallow yesterday, but today I can. I want this child we're having. I will love this child with everything I have inside of me and so will you." A tear fell from her eyes. "So don't you dare tell me I'm not," her voice cracked and I caved.

In one second, I was sitting across the kitchen from her and the next she was in my arms. "You are, Angel." I spoke into the curve of her neck. "We are." A sob fell from her lips, toppling into the silence as I cradled her face in my hands. "Tell me these are happy tears."

She nodded. "They are, Jace." Her body shook so hard it worried me. "I'm so happy. I am."

I laughed. "Me too, Angel."

Her voice was small and adamant when she spoke again. "But you'll need to get an assistant."

I laughed even harder. If I loved this woman any more, my heart would surely burst. She filled me with more life than I ever imagined I would feel. She was the definition of reason, the entirety of meaning. Every day I had with her was a gift and I would do anything and everything to ensure I had as many as possible.

When I didn't answer her, she pulled back to glare at me. "You will get an assistant. Won't you?"

"Am I not with you enough?" I asked.

She frowned and shook her head without thinking. "It will never be enough, Jace. I will always want more."

I smiled. "I feel the same way."

"So, you'll get an assistant?"

I shrugged. "We'll see."

"Jace," she sighed heavily as she shook her head.

I caught her face in my hands and kissed her mouth. "When can we tell my mother?"

She pinned me with conniving brown eyes. "When can I tell Trisha?"

I frowned. "How about we celebrate first?"

She smiled excitedly and I felt my heart swell. I fucking loved that smile. "Celebrate how?"

"Well, I'm thinking we should move the wedding up."

She laughed. A high-pitched squeal of giggles before her face turned serious and she stepped back away from me. There's the hackles I was expecting. "Why would we do that?"

"Because you're pregnant and we have other things we need to begin doing."

"Like what?"

"Like getting everything ready for a baby." I said seriously.

She sighed as she carried her bowl to the dishwasher, placing it inside. "Jace, we only have two months to plan our wedding as it is. Why would you think we could do it in any less time?"

"I was thinking the middle of October."

Her brows raised. "You're delusional."

"No, I'm confident." I argued.

She chuckled. "I'm pretty sure delusional is more accurate."

"Olivia." I warned and she pursed her lips.

"Get rid of that tone, Jace." Wow. That was an angry mother tone if there ever was one. She would catch on just fine to motherhood. I was certain. I really don't even understand what she's afraid of.

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