Alien Sex 101 (8 page)

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Authors: Allie Ritch

BOOK: Alien Sex 101
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Over the next couple of weeks, Quinn accumulated more knowledge about sex than he’d previously gathered in his entire lifetime. It was truly remarkable how much variation there was to what amounted to plugging a peg into a hole. Every evening when they got home, he and Xindra poured over biology and anatomy texts, sex manuals, and the statistics of racial diversity here in Trilanta. Admittedly, the manuals were what caught their attention most, and they felt it only prudent as professionals to test the techniques described. In the rare moments when they were vertical, however, they studied and took notes and prepared a lesson plan for their new Sex Ed course. Once they advertised the class, they had to sift through the flood of applications they received and choose the best candidates.

Xindra voiced her thoughts as she sorted through the files. “I’d like to keep the permanent class size down to eight. Add the occasional pair of models, and that makes ten, so we could let in maybe two people at a time who want to pay on a class by class basis. Any larger and we won’t have the kind of relaxed, friendly atmosphere we’re looking for.”

Quinn agreed. “We’ve got eighty-seven applicants. Twenty-two of those, I’m sorry to say, are suspicious due to past criminal activity, links to sex clubs or porn vids, or because they’re having financial problems, which makes me worry their payments will bounce. Others gave us bogus addresses and contact information, so we can eliminate them. It could be coincidence one guy works as a reporter, but I don’t want to risk being the topic of some kind of exposé. Although I don’t like to discriminate against young men—many of them could really use an education like this—I also don’t trust the ten frat boys applying together. That leaves us with forty-four potentials.”

“I’d like to get a diversified group,” his wife said. “It’ll also make it easier if we choose people who are at least open to participation. There are enough applicants who want the full course that we can hit all of the most populous races here in Trilanta.”

“Let’s start with our hard-core people. Who’s willing to go all the way as a model?”

Xindra glanced at her notes. “I like this Brachoi named Krux. He’s in his late thirties, takes good care of his body, and indicates he’s willing to have full intercourse in front of the class. His only condition is that he and his partner pre-approve each other. On the surface at least, he appears to be one of the more well traveled and worldly applicants, not likely to giggle or grope.”

Quinn skimmed through the man’s file and approved. “I like him. The forty-one-year-old Duosien woman, Katra’Ruma, looks good for similar reasons. I don’t get the feeling she’s a shrinking violet. If anything, she seems a bit jaded. She could help level out the energy and keep any younger students calm and receptive.”

“And she’s also volunteered for full exposure,” Xindra added. “That’s two. How about Trett? He’s an Ibration. Right now he’s only volunteering for full nudity and scans, but he marked down touching and intercourse as ‘undecided.’ There’s a good chance he’s doing what we are and checking out the environment and group before he commits. He’s in his early thirties and lives in the Trilanta suburbs year round.”

“Sounds good. What do you think of…?”

They continued bantering names back and forth until they’d added Spri, a Litting female, a Semhym man named Glynn, and a twenty-two-year-old New Earthling girl nicknamed Pixie. After further discussion, they also decided to allow an Allurian male named Whitt and one of the more animalistic Nimanian males, Zeo, into the class.

Quinn was happy with the lineup. Overall, the group was diverse in race, age, and experience. He moved on to the lesson plan.

“So for our first class, we’ll demonstrate relations between a male Allurian and a female New Earthling. Deina will model with your cousin, Huv, for that. Then we’ll show them the opposite when we model the following week, and you said Mera will take the week after that, right?”

His wife nodded. “She’s fine all the way up through the touching. Penetration depends on whom we get to partner her. She doesn’t have a regular lover, and she’s understandably wary about having sex with some of the other races. After the research I’ve done, I can see a few possibilities, but I want to check out the students in person before I suggest them as partners. I don’t want her hurt again.”

“No argument here.” He liked Mera, and she was doing them a real favor. “If we do find someone, we’ll both be right there with her, not to mention a class full of spectators. We can put a stop to things immediately if either party is uncomfortable.”

Xindra smiled at him like he’d just handed her the moons. “Come here.”

Quinn drew closer and grinned against her lips as she kissed him. When she took his hand and began leading him across the room, he followed her like a well trained puppy.

“The kitchen counter?” he asked hopefully.

“It’s the only surface we haven’t tried yet.” She shot him a sultry look over her shoulder. “Besides, I’m in the mood for something hot and covered in syrup.”


Her greedy chuckle had him starving for his own taste of sweet.

* * * *

Twenty minutes later, they were sticky and shaking, and Xindra had to brace herself when she crawled over her husband’s prone body and mounted him. Although the feel of his cock stretching her was always a treat, she winced when she put her weight on her knees.

Quinn grunted. “Hard.”

Xindra tried to oblige him with a firm downward thrust, but he shook his head.

“Too hard,” he clarified. “Need a bed.”

Using those muscles he’d honed so well, he did a sit-up, slid off the counter, and started carrying her toward their bedroom. How he managed it without dislodging her, she wasn’t sure, but she clamped her legs around him and felt him slip deeper. Every step he took made his erection bob and jolt inside her, causing her to moan and gasp. He emitted a grumbling sound deep in his throat and then groaned in relief when they finally reached the bed. Forcing her to straighten one leg, he tumbled them onto their sides with her other leg still hooked over his hip.

“Much better.” He sighed as he started to flex his spine and thrust.

Xindra keened in agreement as she squirmed to meet him. Locked together face-to-face, she felt like they were children whispering secrets to one another in bed. Naughty children. Cupping his cheek, she kissed his lips, his forehead, and the stubborn tilt of his chin. He tweaked her nipple and rubbed her back. His strokes evolved into steady rocking, shuttling him in and out of her moistened passage.

“Have I told you how much I love you,” he whispered, staring into her eyes.

In, out, in, out…

“Only every day.” She panted hard. “And no more than I love you.”

Stab, retreat, stab, retreat…

“It’s worth saying again. I love you more than anything.”

Xindra didn’t just declare her love back. She cried it out long and strong and poured it down his throat as she penetrated him with her tongue.

He kept her in his arms even after he’d softened and pulled out. She caressed his face with her fingertips while he brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

“Practice makes perfect,” he said.

They were certainly getting a lot of practice.

Chapter Five

Okay class, let’s begin

“Did you test the scanner feed to make sure the screen is working?”

Quinn looked at Xindra and nodded in reassurance, but he could tell his usually intrepid wife was nervous.

Although they were both comfortable with teaching, this course was something new for them. They were anxious to meet their new students and see how they’d respond to the format and curriculum. Everything was in place for the evening except for the models, who were due to arrive in another five to ten minutes. All he and Xindra had to do was change into fresh clothes and get ready to welcome everybody and take attendance.

“Do you think we picked the right room?” Xindra was still fretting. “We wanted everyone to have enough space to move around and get a good view, but maybe something more closed in would make them more comfortable.”

Quinn leaned in and kissed her. If she didn’t calm down soon, she’d make him nervous too. No student of any age would respond well to frantic instructors.

“Easy.” Hoping to relax her, he kissed her again. “The screen is functioning, the room is fine, and everything will work out. Just breathe, baby.”

She nodded, but he could see her chewing the corner of her lip. As she headed for the locker room, her knuckles flashed white where she gripped her gym bag.

“Just don’t forget to lock the front door after everyone is here,” she added. “We don’t want someone uninvited wandering in.”

His eyebrow hiked up. Since soothing words weren’t doing the trick, it was time for more serious action.

“Come on.” Sliding his hand down to cup her backside, he hustled her into the women’s locker room. At this time of the evening, they had the place to themselves.

“What are you doing?”

He didn’t bother vocalizing an answer. Instead, he spun her around and used his larger body to cage her against the metal lockers lined up to the right. He didn’t even activate the lights. The soft glow of the touch-screen locks was the only illumination. They didn’t have much time, so he didn’t waste any on preliminaries. Slipping his hands beneath her pants and underwear, he palmed her bare rear and gave it a good squeeze before shoving her clothes down.

“Are you kidding?” She gasped when he ripped off her shoes to strip her the rest of the way. “Everyone’s going to be here any second.”

She could protest all she wanted, but he could smell her arousal when he slid back up her body.

“Do you know a better way to burn off tension?” He tugged off his shirt, stomped out of his shoes, and dropped his pants.

Her lips parted and she stared at him in shock. This was the first time Quinn had ever seen her look so vulnerable, and the sense of power that gave him kicked his arousal from the red zone to somewhere off the charts. His testicles lurched up like he was ready to come, and his erection turned as hard as reinforced titanium.

Reaching forward, he snagged her top and peeled her shirt and bra over her head. He didn’t bother pulling the obstruction farther than that. Leaving the cloth tangled around her arms, he pinned her wrists over her head. Her breasts flushed rosy pink before he even sucked them, and she undulated helplessly when he caught her nipple between his teeth. Apologizing with a lick, he then yanked one of her legs over his hip, aimed, and speared her in one harsh surge. Her tight, ridged sheath—still so special and wondrous to him—sucked him in like a dream. She tried to smother the sound, but she cried out as he took her. Quinn had no intention of being quiet.

Bang, bang, bang… He made sure to pummel her hard and lean his weight into his grip on her arms. The metal lockers at her back clattered loudly with every thrust. She could do nothing but helplessly receive him, which was just how he wanted her.

Xindra protested between pleasured squeaks. “Please, they’ll catch us. The class will be here any second.”

“Any second,” he agreed, already picking up his pace. Their bodies made a frantic sucking and smacking sound where he repeatedly impaled her. “I bet they can hear us banging clear across the building. They’ll come for us and find me humping you in the girls’ locker room like a sex-crazed teenager. Will they see you orgasm? Will you climax as they stare at you?”

She moaned, and he could feel her channel tightening around him. His words were getting to her just as he intended. They really did have a matter of untold moments before they had company, so they both needed to come fast. Reaching down, Quinn strummed her clit as he went at her like a pressure compactor on hyperdrive. He grunted to the accompaniment of metal percussion, just waiting for her to hit that one sweet note before he let himself follow. She was taking longer than he expected, although he could tell she was at the razor’s edge.

“I hear the door.” He was lying, but he knew how to get to her. “They’re here, baby. Let them see you come hard. That’s it. Now!”

He had the privilege of being the only one to witness her abandon. Xindra arched and bucked so violently she nearly toppled him, and her eyes clenched tightly as she strained her neck back and sobbed for joy. In the next instant, he was there with her, pumping and pumping his hot seed like a maniac as he gripped her quivering thigh.

“So good.” He groaned as he ground upward to steal a last few pulses of pleasure.

Her vagina fluttered a few more times before she went limp. She trembled as he lowered her second foot to the floor. When he was sure she could stand on her own, he kissed her soundly and moved to grab his clean clothes. He shuddered in pleasure-pain as the cloth of his pants touched his oversensitive cock, but he had a smile on his face now.

“Still feeling nervous?” he asked.

“No.” Returning a stunning grin, she pulled her pants on and covered those glorious breasts. “I just need to get my toes to uncurl so I can put on my shoes.”

That made him laugh and steal another kiss before he helped her. A couple of minutes later, they exited the locker room just in time to see their models and a few of the students walking through the front door.


As Xindra stood at the front of her new classroom, she wondered if it was obvious she’d just been well tumbled by her husband. Her lips felt bruised, and she was sure her eyes were too bright, but she had to admit she now felt very relaxed. If she could just get her brain back online, then maybe she could pull this off. Fortunately, Quinn was delivering the welcome speech.

While he did, she looked over their students, who sat in a loose crescent of chairs facing her. Krux, one of their older students, was the most eye-catching. The Brachoi’s body fairly rippled with bulging muscles, and his four stout arms, all currently crossed over his business suit, were hard to miss. If this wasn’t enough to snag her attention, then his light cherry skin—said to turn as red as an overexcited erection when he was aroused—topped off his unusual appeal. Although his face was cut in stern, severe lines, his eyes were calm and intelligent. His dark hair, which was a shade of crimson so deep it was nearly black, was neatly trimmed.

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