Alien Sex 101 (11 page)

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Authors: Allie Ritch

BOOK: Alien Sex 101
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At this point, all Quinn had to do was narrate. “Huv has fully mounted his partner now and is holding still in order to let her adjust to his intrusion.”

“To the New Earthlings, this is known as the missionary position,” Xindra added. She sounded a little strained. “Allurians simply call this second position.”

Huv started to thrust, and the only thing audible besides his and Deina’s grunting was the breathing of the other students. Quinn checked to see how Pixie was reacting and was glad to see she had a healthy interest. Before he turned back to the models, he caught the expression on Glynn’s face. The man wore such a look of longing that it was almost painful to see. But what part of this exactly was he yearning for?

“So they just thrust?” Trett ventured to ask. “They don’t engage in any other movement?”

Thanks to their research, Quinn understood the man’s surprise. “Not like Ibration males. The man can engage in a circular motion to stir himself inside the female, or he can grind against her, but the natural imperative for these races is to thrust. Huv, can you show us those other motions?”

Huv’s answer was nearly unintelligible, but he agreed. Tensing his muscles, he began to draw concentric circles with his hips.

“Ah!” Deina cried out and clutched his buttocks. She seemed to be pulling him closer. “Please.”

“Come for me,” her partner huffed.

They could see the sweat dripping down Huv’s spine, but he kept his rhythm steady. Deina strained beneath him, obviously getting close. Just when she started to keen and toss her head, Huv bore down and ground against her. She instantly climaxed.

“See there.” Quinn used his laser pointer on the screen. “You can see the muscle contractions of her orgasm. The longer and harder she spasms like that, the better her climax.”

Huv groaned aloud and clenched his teeth. “I’m not going to last much longer.”

“Why don’t you switch to first position?” Xindra suggested.

Quinn’s loins felt hot and heavy, and he couldn’t take his eyes off the models as they rearranged themselves. This was exactly how he wanted his wife later—the same way she’d taken him their first time.

“As you can see,” Xindra said, “the Allurian first position puts the woman on top facing the man. She can ride him at her own pace, or he can thrust up using his legs.”

The two weren’t wasting any time. Bracing herself on the table, Deina bounced up and down with serious vigor. Clearly pushed to the edge of his control, Huv was more or less lunging into her with all of his might. They both started moaning, and the thick musk of sex filled the room. Deina caressed her breasts while her partner strummed her clit.

“Again,” she announced happily. “I’m coming again. Please, now, now!”

Her body seemed to curl in on itself as if her womb had imploded. Quinn had to shift his stance to make more room in his pants, and he had no doubt the whole male student body was in a similar condition. Huv’s groan seemed to set off a hum deep in the seat of Quinn’s testicles as the man gave one final upward plunge and went rigid.

Xindra’s voice sounded remarkably calm. “As you can see onscreen, Huv is now ejaculating inside her vagina. You can see the pulses of seminal fluid and sperm spurting out of his urethra now.”

Sure enough, there it was. Quinn was leaking a bit himself.

“Unlike the semen of some races,” she added, “Allurian ejaculate is blue.”

With a final shudder, Huv pulled out so they could see the thin coating on his softening shaft and the insides of Deina’s thighs. The man cushioned his head against her breast and gasped for breath.

It was time to wrap this class up. When Quinn finally tore his gaze away, he caught sight of movement near the door. Mera gave him a small wave hello and stepped back, indicating she’d wait until they were done. She had her own key pass to the gym, so there was no need to wonder how she’d gotten in.

“There you have it,” Quinn concluded. “Intercourse between an Allurian male and a New Earthling female. Any questions?”

A few people shook their heads, but Spri spoke up. “How often do they do this?”

“It depends on the couple,” Xindra answered. “Some may indulge a few times a week, while others might couple several times a day. The degree of desire depends on a large number of variables, including opportunity, stress factors, hormones, and much more.”

“Anybody else?”

That was it. After what seemed like an eternity, the class slowly began to file out. A couple of people noticed Mera standing there and exchanged a few words with her, but Quinn couldn’t hear what they said. Meanwhile, he and Xindra went to check on their models, who needed a few extra minutes to recover before they pulled on their robes.

“Was everything all right?” They were obviously better than all right, but Quinn asked to be polite.

“That was fun,” Huv answered with enthusiasm. “I haven’t come that hard in ages, and the audience sort of added an extra kick.”

Deina heartily agreed. “You’re a good partner.”

That made the Allurian man smile, and they both headed off to get dressed.

Mera finally broke free of the doorway and came over. “Hey, guys. Interesting group you have here. How did the first class go?”

“Really well.” Xindra looked at him excitedly. “I think we should definitely go in for the whole package next week: scanning, touching, sex—the works.”

Quinn had already decided that himself. Although he enjoyed his job as a personal trainer, he’d never looked forward to work like this before. He couldn’t wait until next week.

Mera broke into his lascivious thoughts. “I’m glad it went well. Actually, I wanted to talk to you regarding the week after next. The first part will sound like bad news, but it’s really not.”

“What is it?” Xindra asked. “What’s the first part?”

“I can’t model for you.” Mera held up a hand before they could interrupt. “I landed some extra night work for a few weeks, and there was no way I could turn it down. Don’t worry, though. I can still model for the class after that, and I talked some friends into filling in for me the week after next. They’re a really nice Oquaran couple—been married for nearly twenty-seven years. I told them all about the class, and they have no problem having full sexual relations in front of everybody. They actually miss being able to have public sex like we do back home. They’ll be perfect for you, and then I’ll have an extra week to find a partner for the class after that. Okay?”

Quinn exchanged a questioning glance with his wife and caught her nod. “That’s fine. So far we’ve listed everything as TBA with only a week’s advanced notice. We want to keep the schedule loose enough so that we can convince more of the students to participate as models and accommodate anyone who might want to back out.”

“You explained everything, right?” Xindra verified. “Your friends are okay with being touched by men and women?”

Mera nodded. “I gave them full disclosure, and that’s what they’ll give you too. I just hope you aren’t disappointed. Oquarans don’t put on quite as big a show as what you saw here tonight.”

Xindra waved that aside. “This is educational, remember? We’re just happy for your help.”

Her friend smiled and gave them each a parting hug.

It took another ten minutes before everyone cleared out completely and they were left alone together. Quinn was still partially erect, so the vacancy felt like a blessing. When Xindra turned to him, he saw the same lusty gleam in her eye.

“I feel like celebrating,” she announced in a sultry voice.

He knew his smile held wicked promise. “What do you want to do?”

She tapped her chin as if she had to think about it. “Let’s see. I’ve always wanted to sneak into the boys’ locker room. Maybe I could go molest some unsuspecting fellow in there.”

“Pervert.” He let her catch his hand to lead him away.

All Quinn could do was follow helplessly and try not to trip over his newly pounding erection.

Chapter Six

Water Sports and Other Activities

When it came to fellatio, Xindra knew she wasn’t a connoisseur like some women. In fact, she used to consider the act more as a favor than any kind of pleasant exchange. But that was before she’d tried it on Quinn.

His pleasure, his love, the sounds he made in the back of his throat—they all combined to heat her blood as she explored his textures with her lips and tongue. There was so much to play with too: softness and hardness, strength and weakness, submission and dominance. Kneeling at his feet, she took him beneath the pounding water of the shower and drank the rivulets that trickled down his body. She was so very thirsty. Every now and then, she broke away to chase a water droplet that caught her eye, but she always returned to the main course.

When she lollipopped him thoroughly, he released a rough groan, and the steamy air made the noise as thick and meaty as his penis. His cum was already trickling, and she tested the bouquet against her palate like a fine wine. Honestly, though, she was more of a swilling kind of gal, so she took him deeper.

“That’s it baby.” He hissed in rapture.

His hands fisted in her hair, and she had a brief lick of pain before he loosened his hold and massaged her scalp.

“A little more.” He began thrusting lightly.

Prepared to finish him this way, Xindra breathed slowly and carefully even as her eyes watered. Before she could relax her throat, he abruptly pulled out.

“Not like this,” he growled. “I want inside you.”

Quinn pulled her to her feet and kissed her savagely. When he tried to pin her against the tiled wall, she used his slippery hold against him. She had other ideas.

“Not so fast.” Sliding out of his grasp, she spanked his tight behind.

His eyes flared wide.

She took him in an unbreakable grip and led him by his favorite body part. “I’ve got plans for you.”

There was a bench seat no more than fifteen feet away. Forcing him down on it, she shoved him onto his back with a domineering push. His breath rushed through his parted lips as he looked up at her. Although she knew he could have resisted her—muscled her into whatever position he wanted—he gave himself over to her. The gift of that and the trust behind it made love swell harder in her chest.

“You don’t know what you do to me, Quinn.”

His gaze turned tender.

Xindra spread her full length over his and kissed him before he could respond. Once she’d done an expert job on his mouth, she pulled back and set her feet on the ground on either side of him. The height of the bench allowed her to straddle him standing. When she stood at full extension, her blooming sex hovered right above the tip of his cock.

“Brace yourself.” Her tone was teasing as she clasped his erection and held it in place while her nether mouth slowly devoured him.

They both moaned in pleasure. It took a few slides up and down to fully encompass him, but then she had him locked in to the root. Quinn bent his legs, which caused her hips to cant so that he stirred inside her. Although she’d never been much of a talker during sex, she decided to use her husband’s strategy against him.

“Are you a strong, virile male?” she asked.

In answer, he ground his hips up. “You can feel that I am.”

“Do you want to be put out to stud? Will you perform well?”

His eyes ignited with desire as he realized what she was doing. She felt his hands slide up the length of her legs to cup her hips.

“Like a thoroughbred,” he said. “But I’m mated for life. There’s only one female I want.”

“Lucky girl. You seem pretty excited. I can tell you’re a good mount. Maybe I should take you for a nice hard ride and get you all hot and lathered. Would you like that, boy?”

“Please.” He flexed his hips again.

“Say it.”

“Ride me hard, mistress,” he said. “Break me in.”

She was more than ready. Pushing up on her feet, Xindra stretched until his cock almost popped out of her and then plummeted down so that her moist flesh slapped against his pelvis. Then she settled into a nice hard canter as she started to ride. Her stance made her feel powerful while his penetration reminded her of her vulnerability. When he started to snap his hips to dig in deeper, his leg hair chafed lightly against the insides of her thighs.

Smacking the side of his rump, she picked up her pace. “Faster, boy. Give me everything you’ve got.”

Her insides wound tighter at her own words, and her eyes rolled back in her head as he started to buck like a wild animal beneath her. They headed into a full gallop. Her thigh muscles burned with glorious heat as she used them to pump herself up and down. She could tell by her husband’s faltering rhythm that he was nearly there, and her sex clenched around his cock in expectation.

“That’s it, you beautiful beast. Almost to the finish line. Almost, almost…” She keened.

His nostrils flared, and his lips peeled back from his teeth as he bellowed. Quinn bucked so hard he would have thrown her off if she hadn’t had her feet beneath her. Xindra had a moment to feel the heat of his release inside her before her own climax struck, blinding her with its intensity. From somewhere far away, she heard herself cry out as she rocked against him.

Ages later, she looked down at the spent male beneath her. Languidly grinding herself down on him, she stroked his quivering thigh with her hand.

“Good boy,” she praised him. “That was magnificent.”

He jerked with one more after-spasm and finally went limp. Xindra would give him a few minutes before she took him back to the shower for a nice rub-down.

* * * *

Quinn couldn’t wait for their second class. Although he didn’t know their students well yet, he already liked them and looked forward to teaching them again. The fact that he and Xindra were going to make love in front of everyone just revved him up more. He enjoyed the anticipation.

Rather than sate himself with his wife, Quinn played games to help build the suspense. One night, he spent an hour massaging Xindra from head to toe before rolling over and going to sleep. Although he hadn’t seen her expression, he knew he’d left her scowling at him.

She caught on fast, though. The following evening, she insisted on showering with him and took her sweet time running a slippery bar of soap all over his body. Just when she’d gotten his cock stiff enough to balance a soap bubble on the tip, she’d broken away and announced she had to wash her hair. The game was on.

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