Alien Sex 101 (15 page)

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Authors: Allie Ritch

BOOK: Alien Sex 101
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But she didn’t quite come, and neither did he. Frustration added an extra spur to desire. Could Mera really enjoy full intercourse with Trett? Or was that just wishful thinking?

Chapter Eight

Wham, Bam

As class started the following week, Trett concentrated on the lecture with an intensity born of personal gain. If there was any way for him and Mera to be together, here was where he’d learn how. Tonight’s lecture was on Oquaran mating, and—by what he now knew was largely necessity—it was a same-race couple modeling. The pair was also married, which somehow made him think they might have more answers for him.

Xindra called everyone to attention and began. “Everyone, I’d like you to meet Shean and Ebby. They’ve graciously agreed to model for us tonight.”

Everybody clapped in welcome, although Trett knew he couldn’t be the only one who wasn’t sure which one was Shean and which was Ebby. If he had to guess, he’d assume the female was Ebby, but he wasn’t sure. When the couple dropped their robes, his eyes widened.

Like an idiot, Trett shot his hand up for attention. “Do Oquarans shave their pubic region?”

Ibrations did. It was considered good hygiene for both sexes. He’d never really thought about how Mera would look down there. Okay, so maybe he had thought about it, but he hadn’t dared hope.

Although Xindra gave him an odd look, her tone remained professional. “No, Oquarans are naturally bare down there.”

“As you can see on both sexes,” Quinn said, “Oquarans do not have hair anywhere on their bodies except for their heads, their eyebrows, and their eyelashes. Everything else is completely smooth.”

Trett kept his mouth shut, afraid he might groan. He needed to get his brain back online and pay attention to what mattered. All the smooth skin in the world would just be a tease if he couldn’t figure out how he and Mera could join.

Xindra continued the lecture. “Oquaran females tend to have smaller bosoms and more muscular legs than most of the other races. However, their breasts, and especially their nipples, are extremely sensitive to sexual stimulation.”

He already knew that firsthand.

“It’s in the vaginal area that these women are unique.” She pulled up a diagram.

Now Trett focused like a laser beam.

“If you look at this picture and the accompanying scan of Ebby here, you’ll see that she has the usual parts for conception: ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and cervix. However, her urethral and perineal sponges are not made of erectile tissue. These areas are naturally more swollen, thus ensuring a snug fit for a penis whether she’s aroused or not. Similarly, the clitoral bulbs are extremely enlarged and encircle nearly her entire sheath. Thousands of tiny papillae extend from the vaginal walls and are kept moist by a constant layer of lubrication. In essence, these nerve-rich papillae are like thousands of tiny glans, while the overall vagina is an open, tunnel-shaped clit. This means the female receives thousands of points of stimulation during a single penetration, which is almost guaranteed to send her into instant orgasm.”

“You don’t need foreplay?” Spri looked at the model in surprise.

“A little bit is nice,” Ebby answered. “If Shean kisses me or plays with my breasts or rubs me, I’ll get wet on the outside.”

“You’ll see in a moment why more invasive forms of foreplay have an extreme effect on this race,” Quinn added.

Trett was already getting the picture. At first, being that responsive sounded like a great advantage. After all, it meant easy orgasms. However, that kind of nerve sensitivity was also a vulnerability. He could see where a man’s overeager member could bruise and lacerate that tender sheath in short order. Was that the kind of pain Mera was talking about?

The female model, Ebby, sat on the table and opened her legs to display herself. Since she was bare, the view was clear.

Xindra used her laser pointer. “You can see the labia here, just like in other vulvas, but you may have noticed there’s something missing. The Oquaran clitoris is nearly entirely internal. There is only a slightly elevated, bean-shaped bed of nerves where the clit is usually located—what the Oquarans call a starter patch. This area does have a certain level of sensitivity, but it’s akin to, say, a male’s balls—pleasant, but not the main event.”

Turning to Ebby, Xindra got the model’s go-ahead and invited everyone up to touch. Trett discovered he was inexplicably nervous as he jumped in line. As usual, that New Earthling girl, Pixie, was mostly interested in looking, although Zeo silently encouraged her to do more. The Nimanian was next, and despite his intimidating demeanor, his touch was clearly careful as he pushed his finger into the model’s vagina. Trett watched Ebby’s cheeks turn instantly rosy, and she sighed in a way that vibrated through every male in the room. Zeo tilted his head to study her before withdrawing.

Krux was next, and the man couldn’t seem to resist repositioning the woman’s legs a touch wider. This time, he used only one thick finger instead of two, but even that appeared to be one finger too many. It was halfway in when Ebby’s back bowed and she came with a long moan.

Even the urbane Brachoi’s eyes popped wide in surprise. “Her walls feel like thick velvet.”

The model shuddered hard when he pulled his finger back out.

Trett was next, and he took his time. He tested the woman’s so-called starter patch, watching closely to see her reaction. Although she definitely enjoyed it, he could tell his touch was an added tease, not something that drove her wild. Then he pushed his finger inside her sheath and had to brace his legs as her muscles instantly fisted it in climax. He could feel what Krux had meant—a soft, fuzzy surface to the plush walls of her vagina. It felt like it would feel good around a man’s shaft.

He removed his intruding digit. “Can you get sore just from this?”

Ebby whimpered. “Yes. If a partner were to rub inside me too much, I’d chafe and grow painfully sore very quickly.”

Her answer worried him. “I’m sorry. Should we stop? Are we hurting you?”

The Oquaran smiled and shook her head. “Oh, no. This feels like an orgy, and I’m older, so I can take more stimulation than the young girls. I wouldn’t want to model for a bigger class, though.”

“Is it just a thrusting motion that eventually hurts? Would a vibrator cause the same problem?”

She blinked and seemed to consider that. “I don’t know. I’ve never tried one. If the motion was small and the device well lubricated, I don’t see why that would be a problem.” She laughed. “Of course, one can only endure penetration so long before that in itself grows uncomfortable, but an Oquaran could certainly indulge for quite some time before that happened.”

Satisfied, he returned to his seat, watching in wonder as the rest of the class inadvertently brought her to orgasm again and again with their explorations. Quinn then began describing the Oquaran male, and Trett forced himself to pay equal attention.

Apparently the man had a penis covered in hypersensitive cilia. Quinn compared the texture of the glans to a New Earthling peach and the shaft to a tongue. All the hair-like protuberances angled upwards so that the male effectively laved the entire interior of the female on the way in. After a short side discussion, the instructors deemed it best not to allow the students to touch Shean, who was already fully erect. Trett figured this was best—not only to keep the man in fitting form for the intercourse demonstration, but also to cut down on the cleanup.

Paradoxically, the actual sex act seemed sort of anticlimactic. The couple was clearly in love, but their bodies expressed the sentiment in the briefest spurts. Using the side of the table, Shean stayed standing while he positioned his wife on the edge. He stepped between her legs, shoved himself in, and they both cried out in simultaneous orgasm. The class could see Shean’s semen pulsing out of him on the overhead screen. As soon as he was empty, he withdrew and held his lover in his arms. After a few minutes of rest filled by Q&A, Ebby lay back on the table, and her husband slowly stroked in again, causing another instantaneous climax. That was it. Trett supposed that left more time for cuddling.

As the class was concluded and the other students began to leave, he wondered how he might use his new knowledge to his advantage. Ebby seemed to think thrusting was the problem, which meant an Ibration male like him had potential as a partner. But how the hell did you have sex with someone who was done before you even got started? Maybe he and Mera would have to start fooling around with that. He wanted to know what was possible before next week’s class—the one she’d volunteered to model for. Because he certainly wasn’t going to let her perform sex with anybody else.

With that in mind, he waited until the room was mostly empty before approaching the instructors. They were handing the models their robes and shutting down the med scanner for the night.

Xindra was the first one to spot him, and she turned with a smile. “Did you have another question?”

“Actually, I wanted to volunteer.” Trett tried to keep his voice steady. “Mera says you still haven’t locked in a male model for next week, so I’d like to do it.”

Her smile dimmed, and she turned to her husband. The New Earthling man stepped up beside her and took her hand.

“After this lesson,” Quinn said calmly, “I’m sure you’re aware that Mera has special needs in the sexual department. She’s a good friend of ours, and we won’t stand for her being hurt.”

Trett nodded, but he didn’t back down. “And I’m sure you know enough about Ibration physiology to realize I might be a good partner for her. We’ve been seeing each other for a couple of weeks now, and the chemistry is definitely there. The last thing I want is to hurt her. We’re going to end up exploring the possibility of sex eventually. All I’m asking for right now is to pair her with me so that she’s with someone who cares about her. We can just sign on for touching until she and I verify we can fully join. You could focus on Ibration males since you haven’t covered my race yet. If you think about it, Mera and I are exactly what this course is about. We can explain the difficulties mixed-race couples face.”

Although Quinn looked surprised, Xindra must have heard about his relationship with Mera. She appeared speculative.

“That’s a good idea.” She glanced at her husband, who nodded. “We’ll plug in ‘Ibration male and interracial relations’ as next week’s topic. That way, if Mera doesn’t approve or wants to back out, she still can. You’ll be on the hook, though.”

Mera was lucky to have such loyal friends.

“I’m good for it,” he answered quietly. He turned to leave.

“Hey, Trett.” Quinn stopped him and looked at him man to man. “Just a word of warning from someone who’s been there. You’ll make things a lot easier on both of you if you talk about your bodies and what to expect
you’re lost in the heat of passion. Some surprises aren’t as fun as others.”

That dragged a smile out of Trett, and he nodded before he strode out.

* * * *

“So what did you think?” Mera was both curious and uneasy to hear what Trett thought about the Oquaran sex lesson.

Their busy work schedules had kept them apart for a couple of days, but she’d finally invited him over. They’d finished dinner, and he now sat with her on her sofa.

“I think you have a remarkable body.” He took her hand in his and gazed at her with warmth in his eyes. “I’ll admit it was kind of a shock when Ebby kept coming and coming during the hands-on part, but there was something sexy about it too. It kind of takes the pressure off a guy to know his woman can climax that easily. I’m not worried about pleasuring you, but I’m still a little concerned about hurting you. You’re so delicate inside.”

“Everything’s relative.”

She didn’t like to think of herself as “delicate,” though she supposed it was true. Strangely, Trett had a knack for making her feel fragile and feminine at the same time that he boosted her esteem and made her feel strong. She wasn’t sure what to make of that.

“Do you know anything about Ibration males?” he asked. “Sexually?”

After a moment of thought, she shook her head. She’d tried New Earthling, Allurian, and Flexian men, but she’d never been with an Ibration. You’d think she was working on some sort of collection except she hadn’t enjoyed any of the alien men—not past the first few seconds. Mera really wanted Trett to be different.

“Come here.” He pulled her closer beside him and clasped the back of her hand in his palm.

Not knowing what to expect, she followed his lead and met his heated gaze.

He placed her hand flat against his chest so that she could feel his strong heartbeat underneath. Then he slid her palm slowly down toward his waistband.

“We’re going to do a little exploring,” he told her. “Just hands and mouths—nothing that will feel bad. Trust me, Mera. I won’t hurt you.”

“I do trust you.”

Her skin already felt hot, and she started to tingle between her legs when he reached for his fly. He broke the seal and opened his pants far enough to free his shirttails and spring his erection. Although she could see the blushing tip and the better part of his shaft rising from the fabric, the rest of his cock was obscured.

“When I take a woman,” he explained at a deeper octave, “I thrust into her twice to fully seat myself.”

Pushing her hand farther down, he wrapped her fingers around his dick. Then he guided her through two quick pulls from root to apex. His penis was smoother than an Oquaran male’s, and she was pretty sure it was stiffer too.

Mera was captivated by the look on Trett’s face as she stroked him. His pupils dilated and he jerked his head back into the cushion of the sofa. Exercising obvious restraint, he turned to nuzzle her neck before he whispered the next part in her ear.

“That’s it. Two strokes and I’m deep, deep inside you. I lock into place, and then the real fun begins.”

She shivered, as much from his hot breath against the whorls of hair near her ear as from his description. “What happens then?”

“Wait for it.” He positioned her hand over the head of his cock.

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