Alien Sex 101 (9 page)

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Authors: Allie Ritch

BOOK: Alien Sex 101
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Ranged beside him on either side was Trett, the golden-blond Ibration male with double-pointed ears, and Spri, a Litting woman whose alabaster skin and platinum hair made her appear ethereal. The hulking Nimanian man, Zeo, sprawled languidly in his seat, but his keen stare testified to his alertness. His dark hair was shaved nearly down to his scalp. Only Katra’Ruma, the mature Duosien woman with wavy chocolate hair and aggressive eyes, appeared strong enough to challenge him, at least among the females. Little Pixie, the petite New Earthling with the blonde hair and innocent face, certainly couldn’t hope to hold her own with him. The young woman had confided on her application that she was a virgin. She was the only one still in that state, but Xindra had no intention of singling her out. Whitt, their navy blue-haired Allurian, was young, but somewhat experienced, and he planned to pay as he went. That just left Glynn, the brunet Semhym, who appeared to wear a brooding expression quite naturally.

So this was their class. Xindra watched them look each other over, and there was more than one set of eyes that twinkled with interest. Depending on how things progressed, that could either complicate matters or prove to be an asset later on.

“One more thing before we introduce our models and get started,” Quinn said. “We’d like you all to take a pamphlet on safe sexual practices with you when you leave.”

Xindra was already passing them out.

“I know most of you have been around the space port already and know what you’re doing, but we made sure to compile a list of some of the most cutting-edge options in contraception and disease protection. No matter how worldly you might be, I guarantee you’ll find some on this list that are new to you, and you might want to explore alternatives. In this day and age, there’s no excuse for jeopardizing the health of you or your partner. We may come back to this topic in more detail later in the course, but we wanted to emphasize safety from the get-go.”

To her relief, no one shrugged off the advice or seemed resistant. Even their more senior students appeared interested as they skimmed over the information. It looked like this group was everything they’d hoped for.

It was her turn to talk. “Okay. Without further ado, let’s get started. Tonight’s interracial topic is the Allurian male and the New Earthling female. Please welcome our models for this evening, Huv and Deina.”

Everyone clapped politely as Xindra’s cousin stepped forward with a tall, willowy woman Quinn claimed was a friend’s ex. Both wore matching robes as planned, and neither appeared the least bit fazed as they swept off those scraps of clothing to stand naked in front of the class. Although she certainly didn’t think of her cousin in a sexual way, Xindra was still impressed by how trim and fit he was. His maroon hair had darkened over the years until it was almost black, and he had a flat stomach and good muscle tone in his arms and legs. Beside him, Deina should have looked fragile, except she was nearly the same height as her fellow model. Her hazel eyes held an edge of anticipation that made her look anything but weak. Quinn brought up a full diagram of a New Earthling female on the big overhead screen while Xindra took up a place next to the model with a laser pointer.

“Let’s start with the obvious,” she said. “In general, the females of New Earth are smaller and more delicately boned than the males—something that holds true for most, but not all of the humanoid races. Erogenous zones can include anything from the soles of her feet to the pulse points of her neck, and these zones vary among individuals. Generally, the breasts and nipples are responsive to touch. Rubbing, licking, suckling, and careful nibbling of teeth can all be employed to stimulate this area.

“No matter what the race or combination of races, clear communication is important. You should always engage with your partner so you know what level of roughness works for them and what doesn’t. It’s also important to ask for what you want. Deina, would you care to share your personal preferences in this area?”

The New Earthling woman smiled. “I’m partial to a man sucking on my breasts. Teeth can be exciting once in a while, but I’ve had some guys get too carried away. Sometimes there’s a fine line between just right and too much.”

“If you’re not too embarrassed to do the act,” Quinn broke in, “then you shouldn’t be too embarrassed to ask if your partner is enjoying it. Talking can actually heighten arousal for both participants.”

Xindra fought the heat creeping into her cheeks. She wasn’t usually one to blush, but she couldn’t help remembering the things her husband had said to her during sex. His talking didn’t just heighten her arousal. It made her wild. She had to fight to regain her focus.

“Moving on, let’s look at the internal anatomy.” She started with the diagram to show the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and vagina.

A couple of the men squirmed when she described the menstrual cycle, but she noticed Whitt’s eyes popped wide in surprise. Apparently she wasn’t the only Allurian ignorant of New Earthling fertility cycles. Whitt didn’t, however, seem shocked to learn that the alien females were soft and smooth inside, which meant he’d had at least one New Earthling lover.

“I should take a moment here to mention the hymen.” Xindra shot a brief glance at Pixie before addressing the class at large. “New Earthling women have a membrane inside them that helps prevent infection. The hymen can be weakened or broken by certain rigorous physical activities over time, or it may remain intact until the female’s first act of copulation. Some women choose to have their maidenhead dealt with surgically before this happens, while others feel it’s more natural and special to let a lover tear through it upon first penetration. If the hymen is broken during intercourse, the resulting sensation can be anything from moderate discomfort to extreme pain depending on the individual and the condition of the membrane at that time. Bleeding follows.”

Trett spoke up with a frown. “It can really be that hurtful? Ibration women have a similar breach gate, but even the most bumbling male can open their passage without causing distress.”

“Brachoi virgins are similar to the New Earthlings,” Krux put in. “Older, more experienced males are used to initiate the young females so they aren’t hurt more than necessary.”

Katra’Ruma cocked an eyebrow at him. “And how many virgin Brachoi have you taken?”

Far from appearing offended by the question, Krux looked like he was having a good time. “Seven. The position in my culture is similar to acting as a mentor. In each case, I was approached by the families when their females reached maturity. I eased the women through the rite of passage, introduced them to pleasure, and remained a family friend. Occasionally, the women still come to me for advice when they experience difficulties with their sexual relations.”

“Nimanian females do not have such barriers,” Zeo said gruffly.

Xindra was pleased they were jumping in like this. This was exactly the kind of friendly, relaxed environment she’d been hoping for. Everybody could swap information and experiences.

“Many of the races’ females don’t,” she explained. “For some races, the males are the ones who suffer pain or discomfort during the loss of virginity, but we’ll talk about that in a later class.”

Not wanting to get too sidetracked, she redirected attention to their New Earthling model. “You’ve all gotten a good look at the diagrams, but real life isn’t quite as neat as these drawings would lead you to believe. If you’ll look here, you can compare.”

Quinn turned on the medical scanner, a sleek silver tower with a touch-screen display. Here in the gym, they usually used it to check for sprains, pulls, or fractures or to calculate percentage of body fat and muscle mass, but the device had far more programs available. Zooming in on Deina’s pelvis, Quinn gave the students an internal peek at the model’s reproductive system. The image appeared on the big overhead screen.

Xindra indicated each area with her laser pointer. “During sexual arousal, the greater vestibular glands located here and here secrete moisture. Primary lubrication, however, is created deeper inside the vagina. During intercourse, several nerve-rich areas are stimulated, largely depending on which wall of the vagina—or in some cases, the rectum—receive the most attention.”

She had to use the 3-D diagram to demonstrate.

“This pillow of tissue, called the urethral sponge, rests against the pubic bone and gets hit more readily when a New Earthling female is penetrated from behind. Some women find too much contact unpleasant, though, so some caution is advised. On the opposite end, so to speak, the perineal sponge…”

One by one, Xindra went over the various glands, sponges, bulbs, and tissues—what each was called and how it could be excited during sexual activity. Although she used the scientific terms to lend the lecture authority, she worried that the students’ eyes might glaze over. Fortunately, they all appeared interested, and Deina kept the speech from growing too dry.

“Personally, I’ve never gone for the anal stuff,” the New Earthling said when Xindra finished describing rectal stimulation.

Xindra was glad the model felt comfortable enough to share.

Pushing the scanner out of the way, Quinn turned it off for the next part. As instructed, Deina hopped up on the sterilized demonstration table behind her and leaned back on one hand. They’d made sure the top of the table was thickly padded so the models would be comfortable. Splitting her legs wide, Deina propped her heels on the edge and used her free hand to part herself so the class had a good view of her vulva.

“Here we have the labia majora, the outer lips,” Xindra explained, “and the labia minora farther in. When a New Earthling is sexually aroused, the labia minora will swell and darken to an inviting red, the clitoris will grow erect until its glans peeks out of its hood, and the greater vestibular glands I pointed out earlier will lubricate her.”

Deina glanced down at her already glistening folds and smiled. “Looks like all this talk’s got me going already.”

A couple of the more nervous students laughed. Krux grinned back at her, while Glynn suddenly looked rapt.

Although the woman appeared at ease, Xindra checked just to be sure. “Deina, are you still okay with having the students touch you?”

The model agreed, not showing the slightest hint of hesitation.

“All right, if you’d like to get a hands-on feel, you’re invited to come up and conduct an internal and external examination, or you can simply get a closer look. Please use the hand sanitizers on the side table before and after you touch.”

To Xindra’s immediate relief, almost everyone got up and approached. Only Glynn remained seated, actively scowling although he made no move to leave.

Xindra exchanged a questioning glance with her husband, but Quinn responded with a shrug. Returning her attention to the students, she discovered Pixie was the first one at the table since she hadn’t stopped to clean her hands. The girl just wanted a closer look.

“Is that th-the clitoris there?” Pixie blushed and pointed in such a vague fashion that she could have been indicating the whole area. The girl was unbelievably shy, which explained why she was still a virgin at her age.

“Right here, honey.” Deina said it gently and tapped her fingertip against the small button.

“For most races, the clitoris plays an extremely important role in female orgasm.” Hoping not to embarrass the young woman, Xindra delivered the information matter-of-factly. “This small bundle is dense in nerves, and there’s a lot of stimulation with its internal components as well. Even if a woman doesn’t participate in full coitus, the clitoris can be employed in masturbation, hand jobs by a partner, or oral sex.”

Still glowing bright red, Pixie nodded and walked back to her seat.

Zeo watched her go before he stepped up to the female model. “New Earthlings aren’t as hairy as Nimanians.”

His voice was nearly a growl, and Xindra couldn’t tell whether he thought this diversity was a good thing or bad.

Ignoring her, he turned to look at Quinn. “I’ve never smelled a New Earthling woman in heat.”

Quinn’s eyebrows shot up, but he nodded with authority. “That’s right. Although New Earthling females do ovulate, they don’t put out powerful pheromones or go into a period of intense sexual need the way Nimanian females do.”

Zeo grunted and glanced back at Deina. “You’ll accept my finger?”


Xindra was amazed the model trusted the fierce male. If it had been her, she would have at least warned him to be careful. But her worry was unnecessary.

Despite his feral demeanor, Zeo eased his finger inside so slowly and gently it was almost a loving gesture. He rotated his hand, clearly getting a good feel, and then his knuckles reappeared one by one. With a delicate touch of her clit, he combed his fingers through her nether hair, took a quick sniff of his damp finger, and made room for the next person.

Whitt was the second person waiting for a feel. He kept his finger inside for a long moment, not really moving, and cupped Deina’s pubic bone with his other hand.

“I’ll never get over the springy curls and the smooth interior,” he remarked to Huv, who stood like a naked statue a few paces away.

Huv grinned in understanding. “All that softness. It’s like humping a hot pillow.”

Krux chuckled softly while Katra’Ruma bowed close as if she was examining a rare gem.

“Some races have special trigger spots inside them,” the Duosien remarked levelly. “Do New Earthling women enjoy such things?”

“Some women find that stimulation against the front wall of the vagina about two or three inches in is intensely pleasurable,” Xindra answered. “There’s a degree of enjoyable sensation along any of the areas that have erectile tissue.”

The woman carefully reached out and touched Deina’s clit. When she spoke, her voice was without inflection. “And New Earthling females can come from external stimulation alone?”

“Correct.” Xindra didn’t know what else to say.

With a regal nod, Katra’Ruma returned to her seat.

Krux regarded the Duosien quizzically before taking her place. He didn’t speak to the model. Placing one hand on Deina’s thigh as if he’d pin her there, he shoved a finger in with a smooth, hard push. His eyes flickered from Deina’s genitals to the model’s face.

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