Ain't No Wifey (13 page)

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Authors: Jahquel J.

BOOK: Ain't No Wifey
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Chapter Twenty-



The bright Florida sun beat down on
Minka’s Tom Ford sun glasses as she rode in the car. Donovan had set up a birthday party and baby shower combo and all she had to do was show up to the party tonight. Her first stop was to her grams’ house; she hadn’t seen her in months and she missed her. Milan sped into the driveway like she was a in a race which made Minka’s stomach upset. 

, Malaysia! Did you have to drive like that? You got me all nauseous.” Minka sucked her teeth and got out the car.

, please, let’s go. Complaining all the damn time.” Milan brushed her sister’s words off. Minka got out the car and walked up the stairs. Her grandmother didn’t know what time she flew in, so she would be surprised. Minka knocked on the door and listened to her grandmother’s house shoes slide across the wooden floors. She peeked through the screen door and cracked the widest grin.

“Happy birthday
, Minkay!” Edna pulled Minka into her arms and sniffed her hair. She loved her grandbaby and missed her crazy.

“Thank you
, Grams! I missed you so much, grandma. Where’s grandpa?” Minka kissed her grandmother back.

“At the golf course.
And who is this gorgeous lady?” She looked at Milan.

, that’s Milan.”

“I know exactly who
she is, looking just like Morocco. If she did nothing else, she made some beautiful children,” she responded and embraced her great granddaughter.

and Milan stayed at their great grandmother’s house for a couple hours before they headed back to Minka’s condo to get ready for the party that night. Donovan gave them clear instructions to take the limo when it arrived and not to be late.


              Minka stood in awe of her outfit. Donovan arranged to have the girls styled for the party. Minka was dressed in a white Tom Ford dress with a zipper that zipped down, exposing her back. She had to get it in a large to accommodate her growing baby bump. The matching Giuseppe zipper back heels offset the outfit. Ashley put her hair in a sock bun and perfected her make-up. Minka slipped her pink pedicured feet into her heels, and then reached for Ashley to help her up off the chair.

, gurl, pregnant or not, I would still fuck you.” Ashley grinned shaking her head. She was dressed in a white Donna Karen jump suit with pink studded Louboutins.

“I see Aaron putting in that work
. Look at that lil booty poking out.” Minka joked, slapping her ass. Milan came strutting in the room with white leather shorts and a matching crop top with white studded ankle strapped heels. She was already turned up and started grinding to an imaginary beat while throwing her loose curls in her hair.

I love this outfit,” Milan said as she continued dancing

“You look good
, Milan,” Ashley complimented as she did her make up. Minka knew it was her baby shower yet, for once, she was being selfish. She was focused more on the party and hoped she received a lot of gifts for herself.

An hour later, Minka and Ashley were walking into the mansion hand-in-hand while  Milan walked ahead. Minka entered the party in astonishment. Donovan had the whole mansion decorated in pink and purple balloons with pictures of Minka’s maternity shoot that she had done last month. Minka started tearing up at the decor. Everybody was dressed in all white; it made the pink Donovan had decorated the house in stand out. She walked into the same kitchen that she was in with Micah a year ago and she was overcome by a wave of emotions come over her but calmed down when she felt Ashley’s hand on her back. Donovan had two cakes; one was her birthday cake and the other one was for the baby.

, bestie, I missed you,” Meghan said running to Minka and hugging her.

, girl, where is this future husband of yours?” Minka held her hand looking around.

“He’s right here
. This is Lorenzo. Babe, this is my bestie, Minka,” Meghan introduced the two. Minka shook the tall man’s hand. He was handsome and she was ecstatic for Meghan and prayed they lasted.





Chapter Twenty-



Micah walked into the mansion, decked out with his Versace shades although it was night. He looked at the decorations and the picture of Minka’s maternity photo shoot caught his eye. Micah almost shed a tear. That was supposed to be him holding her hand and kissing her perfectly shaped stomach. Micah continued to walk around the mansion looking for Minka. He spotted his cousin and Milan in the corner kissing and he needed to know what was up with Donovan not inviting him.

“Yo, Dee. Let me have a word with you real quick.” Micah tried not to lose the temper he had developed over the last couple months.

“Man, how the hell did you find out about the party? Auntie got a big ass mouth.” Donovan grunted, excusing himself from Milan who stood shooting daggers into Micah with her eyes.

“Yeah, she told me but why you didn’t invite me man?” Micah demanded.

“You said you was done with her and this wasn’t your child so why would I invite you? It’s her baby shower and birthday party. I didn’t want to stress her out. I’ve grown to love that girl and her sisters. I’ve been the man holding them down and cousin or no cousin I wasn’t about to let you ruin this for her,” Donovan truthfully spilled.

“I feel you cuz but I just found out some fucked up shit. Sasha set that whole shit up with Austin. I need to get my girl back. I know that’s my baby in her stomach. I was tripping before and I need my wife,” Micah pleaded.

“Damn, why do you think when she left I let her ass go? She fucking crazy and needs help. Go get your girl but don’t expect her sister to be cool. You see how my shawty looking at you,” Donovan teased.

“You and Milan? Nah, man don’t tell me that. That’s lil sis right there”

“That’s wife right there. Expect a wedding sometime soon. Shawty sings, models and she takes care of her man,” Donovan bragged and walked off back to Milan who stayed looking at Micah with a side eye. Micah walked over to Milan and reached out for a hug but she kept looking at him like he was crazy, and then turned back around. Micah pulled her into a bear hug while she tried to get free from him.

“Nigga, I should be popping a cap in ya ass not laughing with your ass. You hurt my sister and I ain’t cool with that. She should have never had to go damn near her whole pregnancy without you.” Milan looked up into Micah’s eyes.

“You right. I can admit that was a coward way of thinking and I should have been there even if we weren’t together. Standing here now, I can honestly say I want…..Nah, I
Minka back.” Micah looked Milan in her green eyes.

“Well, go get her. She over there sitting on the white and pink throne. I think your parents are with her,” she punched him.

“Milan, we gonna talk about this here.” Micah pointed his hand from Milan to Donovan.

              “Yea, whatever this is my baby.” Milan kissed Donovan on the lips.

Micah made his way through the crowd
, stopping to say hi to a couple people before he finally made it to Minka. Minka’s back was turned yet he knew it was her; he could tell that ass from anywhere even though it had got bigger over time. She was talking to his parents and her great grandparents.

“Hello, Minka. How you doing?” Micah asked tapping her on her shoulder and feeling the feelings he felt for her shoot through his body.

“Boy, what the hell are you doing here?” Sharlean played it off though she smiled inside.

“It’s okay Sharlean. Hello, Micah. How are you?” Minka finally turned toward him.

“I'm good. Can we talk somewhere alone?”

“Yeah, give me a minute. Meet me on the balcony off the kitchen.” She turned back to his parents and her grandparents. Micah sat on the balcony for ten minutes before Minka came out to join him. She walked over to the patio set, sat down and looked at Micah.

“You wanted to talk. What’s on your mind?” Minka questioned. She took her heels off, rubbed her feet, and then struggled to slip it back on.

“I wanna apologize for the way I confronted you about the situation. I should have handled it like a grown ass man not a high school boy. I was wrong and now I know that’s my daughter you’re carrying, I’m sorry I wasn’t here for your pregnancy but I would like to be there for the rest of it.”

“You come crash my party, apologize and you want things to go back to how they use to be. I been forgave you. I knew my past wasn’t squeaky clean besides, I told you that, but you chose to listen to whoever had your head gassed and look how that turned out. You’re right about one thing and that’s about the paternity of this baby. Enjoy the baby shower and I will let you know the date of the delivery.” Minka rubbed her stomach and rolled her neck.

“Come on, Minka, a nigga is sorry. You know I love you. It’s not a day that went by that I didn’t think about you. I love you, baby, and I realized I made a mistake and I want you and our baby. I won’t stop until I get you back,” Micah pled.

“What you want? Me to move to Miami and just leave the people who helped me get past the problems I had…the same people who went to every doctor appointment and was there when I was sick from the pregnancy? I have a family now in L.A. and I'm not leaving them because you finally came to a realization that I'm not carrying no other man’s baby but yours,” Minka huffed.

“I’ll come to L.A.. I could live here on season and back in L.A. during the off season. I didn’t sell the house yet, we could make this work,” Micah promised. Minka didn’t get to answer before Milan and Sasha came out on the balcony with screw faces on. Milan had her hands balled up mad.

“Minka, this bitch is making a fool of herself asking for her man. Who the fuck is her man? And why she here? We went over the list a thousand times and I don’t remember an Shisha.”

“It’s Sasha, bitch, get the name right,” Sasha slurred.

“Baby, why didn’t you tell me you was coming here? I would have come with you.” Sasha reached out to Micah but he pushed her away. Micah looked at Sasha confused. He hadn’t heard from Sasha in months. Not to mention Austin just informed him she was engaged to another man.

“This bitch is tripping,” Milan said, annoyed she were starting shit.

“She damn sure is, it’s safe to say she is my ex friend” Minka laughed. She found comedy in the whole situation.

“Bitch, I was never your friend to be your ex-friend. I couldn’t stand your ass and, even still pregnant, I can’t help but to leap over there and punch you in your stomach a few times.” Sasha threatened. She held on to the railing to keep from falling. The six shots of Hennessey had crept up on her.

“Hoe, I wish you would. I may have been bought up in the suburbs but I will fuck your ass up like I was from the hoods of Brooklyn if you touch my sister.” Milan moved in front of her sister. She slid out of her heels and quickly took her sister’s heels off, too, just in case she had to rush her away from this crazy bitch.

“Sasha, I ain’t none of your man. I don’t even speak to you. How the hell can I be your man? I don’t appreciate you coming to my fiancé’s baby shower starting shit.” Micah took control because he had witnessed drunken rampages first-hand. Ashley stepped on the balcony and wondered why Milan was out her heels with her hands on her hips looking like she was ready to fight.

“What happened, Milan? Ashley probed confused.

              “This bitch talking about she gonna punch Minka in her stomach and something about she fucking this nigga.” Milan pronounced never taking her eyes off Sasha.

“Who the fuck is he? And who is this starving looking bitch?” Ashley interfered.

“Ash, this is Micah and this is my ex best friend. You met her sister earlier. That’s whose wedding we’re going to Sunday,” Minka explained. Ashley tapped into her New York demeanor and got ratchet real quick. She let hanging in Beverly Hills tame her a little bit but she wasn’t about to let her girl be threatened by this bitch.

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