Ain't No Wifey (12 page)

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Authors: Jahquel J.

BOOK: Ain't No Wifey
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Chapter Twenty-Three




              Minka laid across her bed, enjoying the beautiful May weather that was coming thru her balcony doors. She rubbed her stomach feeling her baby girl move around. She felt so at peace and rested that she felt she could take on the world. Her pregnancy made her feel beautiful and energized. She was seven months pregnant and her stomach was big as a house. The doctors said her baby girl was growing big and she would most likely have to have a C-section by the time she hit nine months.

She hadn’t spoken or seen Micah since the day he kicked her out his house. She sent Sharlean the engagement ring. She heard through Sharlean he was dating again. Minka didn’t mind. She knew her past would come out the closet someday and she happened to have lost the love of her life because of it. She kept in contact with Sharlean and Charles and updated them on the baby, in addition to whatever new she was doing in life. Minka promised to visit them the next time she came to Florida which was in a couple days for Meghan’s wedding and her baby shower.

Milan wrote Morocco off after she dumped her on
Minka and didn’t call or send her a gift during the holidays. She now was living in a condo in L.A. with Minka. Milan dropped out of college, forfeiting all of Minka’s money, but paid her back when she got her first advance check from her record label. She was modeling as well as singing while Donovan was managing her. Minka wasn’t mad. College wasn’t for everybody and as long as Milan stayed out her pockets, she was good.

Ashley and Ashland were living across the hall from Minka and their relationship was better than ever. Ashley started dating Aaron again. She was also in therapy to cope with the nightmares she still had from taking Juelz’s life. On one hand, Minka was fine and didn’t regret bussing her gun, but on the other she felt for Ashley’s situation with Ashland.

sublet her apartment in Manhattan. She wasn’t going back to the city anytime soon. Snuff’s brother was still looking for the people who took out his baby brother and wanted whoever’s’ heads on a platter. Tamia moved down south with her girlfriend. She wasn’t as dumb as everybody thought. She had a taken out life insurance on Snuff years ago. She had a good chunk to start over in Atlanta with her kids and new love.             

              Minka partnered in Donovan’s second studio that he opened in L.A.. She made good money from her investment and she didn’t have to work as much; in addition, her money had doubled over time. Ashley had transferred her nursing license and now worked for a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills. Minka planned to get some work done after the baby. Edna and Harry hadn’t seen Minka in a couple months and were excited to see her growing belly. They would also be meeting Milan for the first time.

“What time is our flight tomorrow?”
Milan asked sitting on Minka’s bed with yesterday’s clothes on.

“In the morning, so have your stuff packed. I don’t wanna miss our flight.”
Minka advised walking to her closet.

“Why so early? You know I don’t do

“It’s a lot you don’t do
. Don’t go out tonight, I don’t need you getting lost.”


finished packing. She had gained weight but it went in all the right places. She was all belly, as people said. Her face was a tad swollen. On her feet she was still rocking seven inch pumps and working them.

What’s going on Minkas?” Ashley sat down on the chaise lounge.

Packing… did you start?”

I will tonight probably.”

ood,” Minka said  as she continued looking through the maternity section of her closet to pack in her luggage.

“I can’t wait to go to Florida
. Ashland is so excited to go to Disney World since you know who didn’t take him.”

“Does he ask about him?”
Minka questioned.

, but I tell him he went to take care of something and he will come back when he’s ready.”

“Stop lying to that boy
, Ash,” Minka warned.

, whatever. But your birthday is tomorrow and we will be in Florida so what do you want to do?” Ashley quickly switched the subject.

“Turn up with this big belly
and all. I can have one glass of wine so I will be drinking that glass.” Minka pranced around.

“I'm turning up
, too,” Milan said twerking her ass and intruding on their conversation.

, put that thing away.” Ashley slapped Milan’s ass.

“We will have fun
. I can count on that.” Minka giggled.


Minka walked into the studio to do some work from her office. She didn’t dabble in the music business but she did take care of the books so she came in the office occasionally to check on the books. She put her bag down and logged on her computer when her phone started ringing. She fished her phone out of her bag and answered before it went to voicemail.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Good afternoon. May I speak to Minka Santos?”

. Who is this?”

“My Name is Marcus Goldberif and I have some documents for you left by George Collins.”

“What does George have to give me that’s so important? I haven’t spoken to him in over a couple months.”

              “Mr. Collins died in his sleep two weeks ago. He gave me important instructions to give you these documents.”

h my god! Are you serious? Where are you located?” Minka asked.

“Connecticut. Yes
, I’m sorry to break this news to you.”

“I'm in
L.A. And I won’t be coming to the east coast for a while.”

“I can send you the documents by mail and have them to you in a couple days.”
Minka gave the lawyer her address to the studio and thanked him as she hung up. She continued with her work although she was distressed about George. He was a good old man and she respected him, Minka had grown to like the old man and enjoyed his company even when she wasn’t pleasing him. She was typing on her computer when Donovan came in her office and took a seat, staring at her.

Minka requested, wondering why he was staring at her.

“You know you’re gonna see my cousin at the wedding this weekend.”

              “What do I care? What me and Micah had is over and he made that clear when he called me out my name and threw me out his house. So as far as me and Micah, the only thing me and him have in common is this baby and he thinks she’s not even his.” Minka reminded Donovan.

“You know I believe you
, right?” Donovan sincerely declared.

, I know. I wish he did. But enough sulking, my birthday is tomorrow and my baby shower.”

“I know
. I got my god-daughter some official shit.” He bragged getting gassed.

forever spoiling her. I already got to kick Milan out so I can do her room.” Minka chuckled. Milan gave up Donavan’s condo to be closer to her sister.

’s coming right home with daddy where she belong.” Donovan grinned.

. I don’t want to hear that,” Minka squealed, throwing a paper clip at Donovan.




Chapter Twenty-Four



, I need to get a dress for the wedding.” Lisa walked into the bedroom fully dressed.

“We can go tomorrow if you want
. I got to check out my moms and pops today, so I’ll be gone for most of the day.” Micah rubbed Lisa’s ass.

Micah was in a tough situation
. He had feelings for Lisa but he still loved Minka. Micah felt the more he and Lisa spent time together, the more he fell for her. Lisa was the daughter of the owner of the Miami Dolphin. Micah met her during one of the games and the two hit it off right away. He was looking for a way to forget Minka and he ended up falling for Lisa.

Micah questioned Donovan about
Minka. Donovan never volunteered too much information; just enough where he didn’t violate Minka’s trust. Micah wanted to know if she was dating. Also, if she was still pregnant? Was she still the most beautiful woman he ever saw? He missed her so much but couldn’t get past the fact she played him.

Micah was excited about the wedding
. This was his chance to see how she looked, even though she probably hated his guts. Micah was confused about his situation with Lisa. They never put a title on what they had, nor did Lisa ever pressure him to.

Micah settled in Miami fast. He found a mansion to lease until his mansion in California sold. He was having the best season he’d ever had and managed to get a couple more endorsement deals. Micah lost some weight from all the juice cleansing Lisa had him doing. He was slowly losing the weight and quickly building back muscle.

, are you listening?” Lisa gently tugged Micah’s arm.

. Sorry, bae, I was in deep thought. What happened?”

“I was telling you not to forget the banana and spinach smoothie I made. I’ll be with my father today and I hope to see you later.” Lisa kissed Micah’s lips and left.


Micah pulled into his parent’s driveway and killed the engine. He loved living in the same state as his mother but also hated that she popped up anytime she wanted unannounced; that’s how she found out about Lisa. Sharlean wasn’t mad she was more disappointed. In her mind, Micah was expecting baby with Minka and had jumped straight into a relationship with Lisa. She felt that men always jumped into something new without tying the loose ends with their last relationship. Charles was sitting on the porch with a cigar lit relaxing on his only day off. He loved his career, but he loved days he could sit back and enjoy his wife’s cooking.

, pops, what’s going on?”

“Nothing but life
, Micah. Take a seat.” Shannon offered Micah a seat.

“Where mama at?”

“Cooking dinner. We had reservations but she wanted to stay in and chillax.”

I'mma go check her. See you before I leave, pops.” Micah got up and went into the house where his mother was going H.A.M. in the kitchen. She had pineapple upside down cake, hush puppies, Chicago dogs, macaroni and cheese with fried fish and greens with ham hocks.

“What’s the occasion
, ma?” Micah questioned.

“Me and your step-pappy going to have some good food and enjoy each other’s company
, that’s all. What you up to this weekend? You know Minka’s birthday tomorrow.”

“That’s cool
. I know, how do you know?”

“Donovan just called earlier and invited me
over. She wants me there and I’m gonna go.” Sharlean informed Micah, not mentioning it was also Minka’s baby shower. Micah and Minka were both stubborn and if this was what it took to get both in the same room, she was game.

“Why Dee didn’t invite me?” Micah was clearly offended.

Donovan is throwing it, so maybe he felt it wasn’t appropriate.” Sharlean tried to sugar coat the truth.

“What’s the dress code? And when is it?”

“It’s Friday, which is tomorrow. It’s classy, no sneakers or jeans and all white. Don’t mess that woman’s party up. She already had a lot going on being alone with her situation and all.”

“Her situation?
What you mean?”

“You will soon learn
, son. Make sure you look sharp.” Sharlean zipped her lips, she thanked GOD her plan was working.

, I got to go. See you tomorrow.” Micah rushed out the house with his phone to his ear making arrangements already.

“Don’t bring that new chick.” Sharlean hollered after him.

“I won’t!” Micah yelled back.


The smooth music of Maxwell’s
blared through the speakers, with candles and scented incense lit around the room. Micah stood admiring his outfit, his stylist, Tiffany, picked last minute. Micah met Tiffany through Lisa. She was an upcoming stylist. Micah never minded that she was new to the game because she always did her job well, plus she put him in a mellow mood with her incense and candles. Dating Lisa encouraged him to step out his comfort zone with clothes.

“This looks good
. I like the way it feels and I’m feeling these loafers,” Micah stared at his outfit. He had on a pair of white dress pants with a gold and white silk Versace button up shirt and the matching loafers. He couldn’t lie; he felt like he was on his biggie shit.

. I have a date and I didn’t need to be here all night.” Tiffany replied. Putting the rest of the clothes on the hangers.

“Tiffany, you always do the damn thing and you pulled through last minute so throw in something extra. Please don’t mention this to Lisa
.” Micah smiled.

never do, big poppa. My lips are sealed.” She laughed joking on his attire.

“You got jokes,
” Micah chuckled.

Back at the house, Micah pulled into his garage and killed his engine; he went through the side door and into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Lisa sat on the stool eating a bowl of cereal while watching the night news. Micah wasn’t surprised; Lisa had keys to his house when he went to away games, she would check on the house for his reinsurance.

“How was your day?” Micah asked retrieving a bottle of water.

“I went shopping with my Tiffany earlier. I found the perfect dress and shoes.” Lisa chewed her cereal.

“I guess you had a good day
, huh? I had a long day so I’m calling in early tonight.” Micah yawned.

“How is your mother? When will I get to
officially meet her? We’ve been dating for three months and I have no title nor have I met your family,” Lisa whined. Micah discreetly rolled his eyes. Just when he though they were on the same page, here she came with this shit.

aight. When the time is right, Lisa. I don’t want to put a title and ruin what we have. Let’s say I call you my woman, then we will start arguing about my whereabouts and shit that’s not necessary. When the time is right, it will happen. Don’t rush it.” Micah kissed Lisa on the forehead and retreated upstairs.

Micah laid in the bed with his feet up watching the basketball game. He needed his boy
, LeBron, to win. He wondered what Minka was doing and if she still snored lightly when she slept. He needed to see his baby bad. He regretted kicking her out and speaking to her in that way when it took so long for her to open up to him and let him see all of her. Micah felt regretful; they could have made it work. Minka mentioned to him that her past wasn’t clean. Who’s past didn’t have some stuff they regretted? Micah was trying to fall asleep but his phone kept vibrating so he finally answered it.


“Is this Micah Jackson?” The voice asked.

“Yeah what’s up...? Who’s this?”

“My name is Austin. We met a couple months ago... do you remember?”

“Oh, the white man? How did you get my number?”

“It wasn’t easy, but I know a couple people that know people. Do you think we can meet tomorrow morning before my flight?

“Why do we need to meet?” Micah sat up on the bed.

“I have some information for you and I’m sure you will want it. Meet me at News Café in South Beach tomorrow around 10. My flight leaves at 12.” Austin instructed, then ended the call.


Micah sat in the café eating a bagel with Lox and cream cheese. Austin had called and advised him that he would be a couple minutes late. Micah bit his bagel and the enjoyed conversations of others as he waited. Austin walked in fifteen minutes late with a brief case and small luggage.

“Hi, Micah. Thanks for meeting me on short notice.” Austin extended his hand. Micah shook it and finished his coffee.

“What is so important that I needed to meet with you out of all people?” Micah replied, not bothering to hide his repulsion.

“If you remembered our last encounter wasn’t as pleasant, I believe this one will leave you on better terms.” Austin sat down and sipped the water in front of him.

“Is that so? Stop beating around the bush and speak your mind.” Micah warned.

“Alright, where do I start? Sasha and I only know each other through business; my ex-wife, Jennifer, hired her for parties. Sasha actually introduced Minka and me during a celebrity poker match one year.”

“Now that you explained this back story… what does it have to do with me?”

“Sasha came up with this plan to break you and Minka up, the baby she is carrying isn’t mine. Minka stopped talking to me for some other issue that we had,” Austin revealed.

e had been holding on to this information for so long. The agreement was Sasha wouldn’t tell Jennifer about him and Minka. Sasha went back on her deal and now Austin was in a middle of a divorce and fighting for his assets. Austin figured he would get Sasha for breeching their invisible contract.

“So you mean to tell me
that you and that sick bitch made this plan to destroy a relationship? Dawg, I understand your situation. You didn’t want to be caught with your pants down, but, come on, you could have reached out and told me on the low. Where is this bitch now?” Micah exclaimed.

“I understand completely
. My marriage was in danger and I could have acted more differently. Last I heard she was engaged to a lawyer.”

“How do you know all this information?” Micah asked with his eye brow raised.

              “Don’t get me wrong, my wife and I may be divorcing but I still hit that a couple times a week. Pillow talk is amazing with a gossip queen.” Austin smirked. He stood up and reached for Micah’s hand. Micah shook it.

“Better news like I said
. The pleasure was all mines and I’m sorry for the situation it put you in.” Austin turned to leave. Micah shook his head and paid his bill. He didn’t know which way to turn. He now had Lisa who wanted to be more in his life and he also had Minka whom he still loved and wanted to make it work with.

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