Ain't No Wifey (10 page)

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Authors: Jahquel J.

BOOK: Ain't No Wifey
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Lunch was over and everybody had left except for Donovan and Milan. Donovan was calling Sasha’s phone back-to-back and she wasn’t answering. He was growing impatient and getting upset. Milan kept reminding him that they were in front of a restaurant and he didn’t need paparazzi getting a shot of him doing the “Kanye West.”

“Where the fuck did she
go? Who the fuck leaves and doesn’t say she leaving especially when she came with somebody?” Donovan vented, obviously bothered by the situation.

girl didn’t look to sane when I told her me and you talked. If I didn’t take kick-boxing, I would be scared.” Milan tried making light of the situation even though she was serious. Sasha gave her the creeps and she was glad she could whoop ass in kick-boxing.

“You so fucking spoiled
. Its comedy, but I like ya stuck up ass. Let’s drive to my studio,” Donovan suggested rubbing Milan’s ass. 

Milan got the keys from the valet to her 2012
Range Rover that Minka was leasing for her. She was grateful her sister could still keep her living the lifestyle she lived in Connecticut. Donovan got in the passenger seat and Milan started the car before pulling off.

They arrived at the studio in only twenty minutes because it was also in Hollywood. Once there, Milan killed the engine and followed Donovan inside the studio. Clients had sessions going on in all of the five rooms so Donovan told Milan to follow him. The two walked into Donovan’s plush office. He had Versace statues and a huge oval desk, and a huge chair with a medusa head on it. Milan couldn’t help herself so she sat in his chair behind the desk. Donovan grabbed a water before he sat down in the seat in front the desk admiring Milan’s sexiness.

“How you feel about Shay moving out the dorm?” he probed. Having spent a lot of time with Milan, he understood the situation bothered her
. Shay was her roommate and only friend on campus.

“I mean she’s grown so if that’s what she wants to do, she could do her
. I ain’t stopping her but I’m not about to get a new roommate so I’m gonna ask my sister to get a little apartment in L.A.,” Milan expressed. She was mad at Shay because Yung Dee was moving her in his condo and officially asked her to be his girl. Shay was such a groupie, she took the first chance to move out and ditch Milan. Milan thought it was too soon and sooner than later Shay would be back crying. Problem is, you couldn’t tell Shay that. She thought she was getting married to a rap star when the nigga barely had a mixtape.

“I might
can help you with your problem.” Donovan stated.

“How is that?”

“I got a place in L.A.. Two bedrooms, one bath and a personal parking spot. It has a gym, pool and all that shit.”

, why you not staying in it?”

“That was where I started from and now I’m here
. You can stay there and just pay the HOA fees.”

“That’s it? Shit
, I’ll take it. Thank you!” Milan felt overjoyed. Now she just had to convince Minka it was a good idea.

“Come give your man some sugar.” Donavan tapped his leg. Milan came around the table to give her
‘official’ unofficial man a kiss.







Sasha sat tapping her heels
, waiting for her two guests to show up. She had managed to get them both here and was ready to start ‘operation get her man’. She looked at her watch and began growing impatient that they were a little late, but she didn’t let that off set her temper. She sipped her guava juice and waited for her guests.

Ten minutes later, Austin came into the restaurant and was pointed into her direction. She calmed down a little and waited for her second guest.

, Austin. Glad you could make it. You remember what we talked about, right?” She asked making sure he knew everything she told him to say.

, to you, too, Sasha. Yes, I remember. The question is, what do I get out of it?”

“I don’t fucking tell Jennifer
how you cheated on her. I know that even though she signed a prenup, she still is eligible for spousal support. Plus, Minka will be single and you can have her back.”

. I heard pregnant cunt is the best cunt.” Austin smiled rubbing his hands together. Sasha' stomach was turning. She wasn’t all the way there but Austin wasn’t there at all. She straightened up when she saw the hostess point Micah to their table. She felt like she was on her first date, minus Austin.

, Micah. You’re late.” Sasha reminded him when he approached the table.

“You’re lucky I fucking showed up
,” he snapped, annoyed.

“Now what do you
want? I got shit to do today.” Sasha ignored Micah and pulled her iPad out, she scrolled through a few pictures Austin sent her and the picture from the gala, then she showed him the picture from the gala first.

“Your fiancé isn’t as pure as you claim
. She’s a prostitute and sleeps with wealthy men for money.”

, I should have known you would have pulled this shit. How I know it ain’t photo shopped?” Micah quizzed.

“That’s why this fine
gentlemen is here with me. He is the father of the baby your fiancé is carrying.”

“My name is Austin and I have been sleeping with
Minka behind your back and my wife’s back. I told her to get an abortion. She said she would pin the baby on you since you were a football player and she was already engaged to you.” Micah started to speak but Austin cut her off and pulled out his phone and dialed a number and put it on speaker.

Minka answered.

Minka, darling, I miss you we need to get together soon.”

, I thought I told you we were done. I’m done with you after you tore my asshole and bit chunks of meat out my inner thigh! Don’t call my phone anymore.” Minka threatened and hung up the phone. Micah was seeing double and couldn’t contain his self, he remained quiet while Sasha went on about Minka’s secret life.

“Is that all
? I need to get home now.” Micah got up and stormed out the door he came in a few minutes ago so in love.

, Austin. I don’t know how I could repay you.”

“By getting with her man quick so I
can get my Minka back in my arms again.” He answered. He drank his water and thought of the possibilities he would have with Minka again.


Sasha pulled up to the motel she was staying at. She had left Donovan’s house with nothing but a bag of clothes and some personal items. She was pissed at Donovan for cheating behind her back. She just wanted her man and when she finally got him she would be the best wife she could.

“Why the fuck can’t they stay away from my men
? They are mine!” Sasha screamed in her car thinking about Minka and Milan. She hated Minka had to come and push her out the picture, by being with Micah. She needed Donovan just in case shit didn’t happen the way she wanted with Micah. Sasha walked into her motel and sat on the edge of her bed watching the news. She almost threw her remote when she read what was on the screen. Micah Jackson traded to the Miami Dolphins.

“What the hell now we gotta move back to Miami
. My babe is not going to like this.” Sasha talked to herself like she and Micah actually had a relationship. Sasha pulled her cellphone out and dialed Meghan. She needed to talk. She let the phone ring and go to voice mail before she sat it down and continued watching the news.

Her phone started to ring and she picked it up on the first ring.

“Hey, Meg?” she sang in the phone.

“What’s up
, Sass? I’m in a meeting right now so tell me you’re alright.”

, I’m fine. I’m just happy and wanted to check on my other half. I’m coming back to Miami.” She yelled even louder.

And where you staying I got a man now and I don’t need my sis crowding our space.”

“Probably tomorrow
. But I’ll get my own shit plus I might be moving in with Mr. Right. We’re back on again.” Meghan paused for a second she was hoping her sister wasn’t having the delusions like when they were a younger. Sasha would have these imaginary boyfriends, to the point she lost her virginity by dildo to convince Meghan she had a real boyfriend.

, I’m happy for you sis. Make sure you come by and see me when you come back. And come spend some time at your business.” She laughed ending the call, she was in the middle of a business meeting to ensure she was promoting Busta Rhymes’ all white party this year and even though her sister didn’t care, she damn sure did.

That bitch never got time for me anymore, fuck her
Sasha thought as she finished watching the news.




Micah stormed in his house
outraged. It was a miracle he made it home. All he was seeing was red. He couldn’t believe Minka would play him like that. He didn’t want to marry a fucking prostitute. He ran up the stairs and stormed into the master bedroom in search for Minka. He located her in the bathroom brushing her hair with a face mask on.

              “Who the fuck baby you carrying, Minka?” Micah asked balling his fist up. He never understood how men hit woman but now the understanding was clear.

“What do you mean? This is your baby I haven’t slept with anyone since we’ve got engaged.
” She put her brush down and walked to Micah.

, don’t fucking lie to me. I know that’s fucking Austin’s baby and I heard you on the phone with him earlier,” He screamed causing Sharlean to come in the room.

, I know you lost your mind screaming at a woman like that. Did you see the news they traded you to the Dolphins,” Sharlean asked looking at her son like he lost his mind.

“Ma, right now is not good
. I got people who handle that. I need a moment with this bitch here.”

“I’ll give you a moment but don’t disrespect that woman like that while she and I are standing in your face
. I taught you better than that.” Sharlean warned and left the room.

Minka washed her face and brushed her hair in a ponytail, she didn’t know what was going on and she didn’t know what was about to go down with the look in Micah’s eyes. She pushed passed him and went into the closet to put on some clothes. She had changed into something sexy so she could give her man what he been asking for but he came in on left field.

“I don’t know what you are talking about Micah
! Yes, I used to have sex with Austin but we weren’t together. Emotionally, it was a business deal. I had sex with him and he paid me money; as far as him having any parts of this baby is false and I don’t know where you got your info from. I stopped messing with Austin before we even got together.” She was trying so hard to figure out who could have told him about Austin. She knew it wasn’t Ashley because she didn’t know who Micah was.

“That’s not my fuc
king baby, so don’t try to push it on me with that shit. I knew I should of used a condom on your hoe ass. Only thing you is that you were disguised and I couldn’t see who you really were, slut, but I know now.” Micah made sure to use low blows. It helped soothe the pain he felt.

, Micah? I’m not a slut I did that so I could survive. I like the better things, is that so wrong? My mother left me when I was a newborn so she could live her nice life and left me to grow up in Brooklyn with nothing to my name. I had to step up and use what I had to get where I wanted to be. Yeah, it’s wrong and it seems shallow but I am the person I am because of it. This is your baby. I cut everyone off when I met you and been living off my savings. I’m damn near broke paying out of pocket for my sister’s college and leasing a car for her. I love you and not what you can give me. Baby, please believe me.” Minka cried with tears falling down her face. She was so hurt at the stuff Micah was saying.

, get a damn job. The famous hoe line ‘is I did what I had to do’. It’s time for me to do what I have to do. Get the fuck out and don’t take shit. I’ll send your shit.” Micah shouted. He looked at her face and could tell she was hurt. It hurt him to say them words to her but his pride wouldn’t allow him to take them back.

“I love you and I know you’re mad but if and when you
’re ready I’ll be here for you. You told me that I have to believe in something, I do… us.” Minka wiped her face then she grabbed her bag and keys and turned to leave without saying another word. If he didn’t believe it was his baby than she would prove him wrong. She wasn’t going to kill another innocent child because of her reckless living. Minka walked passed Sharlean and out the door to her rental car. She started the car and pulled out looking back at the house she thought she was going to start her future in.



Minka was in Milan’s dorm feeling like a piece of shit. Milan accepted her with open hands. Minka had no place to stay in California and she had about fifty-thousand dollars left in savings after paying all Milan’s college fees. She was truly regretting all the shopping sprees and the useless spending on things she didn’t need. She had a baby coming and needed a way to live and raise her child.

“Now what happened?” Milan asked still getting ready for her date with Donovan.

“He found out about my past and now he thinks the baby isn’t his. But it is. I left everyone alone when I met him. I love him.”

              “What exactly do you mean by past?”

“I fuck wealthy men
. I fucked your god-father William and his father and other married men.”

, Minka. You getting down with mom flow now. I’m not judging but how do you know you’re not pregnant with any of the other men, baby.” She questioned.

“I used a condom every time
. When I got with Micah I cut everybody off. The only thing I did was go to a gala with George but I didn’t fuck him, in fact, I told him about the engagement, I was done and he respected that.” Minka sobbed. 

Milan put her arms around her big sister and rocked her
. She felt so bad and didn’t wish this on anyone. To finally find happiness and to have it ripped from under you had to be the worst feeling.

Minka, I feel for you. You don’t deserve any of this and I wish it was me. Do you want me to stay in tonight? We could rent a movie and order food.” Milan offered running her hands through Minka’s hair.

“No, you go have fun. I’ll order me something and see you tomorrow.”

, call me if you need me.” Milan left out the door making sure to lock it behind her. Minka laid on the bed watching
Coming to America
and recapping on what went down earlier. Suddenly, she felt her phone buzz indicating she had a message.

Where are you?

Milan’s dorm room. 212

I’m on my way
. You want something to eat?

A ginger ale.

Alright, I’ll be there in twenty minutes.

Twenty minutes later, Minka dragged herself to open the door. She opened the door and Sharlean burst in the dorm and put down the 3 liter ginger ale she was carrying.

“What is going on? Micah won’t tell me shit and I want to hear it from the horse’s mouth.” Sharlean stood with her hands on her hips.

“I sleep with men for money, well, I use to. That’s how I made a living. Yeah, I could have went and used my degree but I didn’t. When I met Micah, I stopped and was committed to him. Now I’m pregnant and he thinks it’s not his and I cheated on him. I’ll be fine. I don’t need a man to raise my child so we will be good.” Minka held back her tears.

“If I thought that grandbaby wasn’t mine I wouldn’t be here
. I see the way you look at my son with pure love and bliss in your eyes. My grandbaby will be fine because she or he is a Jackson. My son is stubborn as hell and he gets that from his daddy, God bless his soul, but I will remain here for you and the baby if he wants to be a part or not. When you have that baby, we will slap the hell out of him with the results to the DNA test.” Sharlean chuckled.

Minka hugged Sharlean and held on to her, letting the tears she held on to fall freely. She didn’t want to let go but she knew she had to be strong and hold her own like she had been doing for the longest. Edna didn’t raise a quitter and she damn sure wasn’t about to become one now.   

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