Ain't No Wifey

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Authors: Jahquel J.

BOOK: Ain't No Wifey
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Too many wifeys; not enough wives.













This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


© 2014 Royalty Publishing House.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.

I dedicate this to all the side chicks
. When you say, “I do,” the preacher doesn’t ask, “Do you take such and such to be your lawfully wedded wifey?” He says WIFE. Stop living in LaLa Land. Leave that man alone and go get your OWN!


I also dedicate this to my lovely WIVES. When that man is fucking up, go in your closet and slip on the freak 'em dress. Remind him he put a ring on your finger for a reason not a season.


















Chapter One



Minka looked at the results of her pregnancy test with tears in her eyes. She couldn’t be someone's mom. She couldn’t even take care of herself. She loved her god son; however, she didn’t think she was capable to love her own child. Hell, her own parents didn’t even want her. If it was possible, she would kick herself in the face for being so careless and not using protection. When she thought more into it, she had a glimpse of hope. Maybe, she would finally have that love she never had from her parents. The thought quickly diminished when she thought of losing her curvaceous body.

Minka put the pregnancy test away in her white python skin Hermes Birkin. She was still working and needed to put the personal feelings aside until she was alone and able to deal with them. George walked in the room and threw his jacket over the couch in the corner of the room.

“What was so important you needed to leave in the middle of dinner to take care of it?” he asked obviously annoyed.

Minka fixed her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She closed her mouth and started taking her Herve Ledger black cocktail dress off to get down on her knees and taste him. She kept her bra and panty set on and stood in front of George with a pair of nude pumps on. Minka crawled on the floor toward him, and then started pulling at his pants. She released his stiff dick from his boxers before she took him in her warm mouth. Minka sucked, spit, and slobbed on George’s dick for a good ten minutes before he unleashed his load in her mouth. She swallowed it and got back up to her feet, satisfied with the work she’d just put in.

Very well, Minka. I’m going to lie down for a bit. I’m a little bit winded.” George smiled exposing his pearly white dentures.

I’ll just head out. Talk to you soon, George.” Minka winked at him then slipped her dress back on.

got undressed, laid on the bed, and turned to sports center to catch the score on the basketball game. Minka grabbed her bag. She stopped by the nightstand and grabbed the envelope with her name on it before leaving the hotel room.

Minka Santos was one of the baddest that ever did it; she was a rare breed. She would suck a dick, and then if she needed to, bust her gun. Minka made a living fucking wealthy men and that didn’t exclude married men. She never felt guilty, if anything, she felt blessed. It afforded her to live in expensive condos and drive a BMW.

She never hated what she did
. She just hated the situations she was put in; like now. She was pregnant and didn’t know who the father of her child was. Minka was torn between if she was going to keep it or not. If she did she would at least love for her child to have a father and mother unlike her.

Minka’s mother, Morocco, had Minka when she just sixteen years old. Morocco never told her parents who fathered Minka which made her
parents ashamed and furious that their sixteen year old child was not only pregnant, but didn’t know the identity of her child’s father. Morocco was sent to live with her grandparents, away from her privileged suburban life in Greenwich, Connecticut. Her parents sent her to New York, but they told her friends that she was studying abroad in Paris for her senior year.

Living in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn was pure hell for sixteen years old, Morocco. She no longer had her car to drive to school, her weekly tennis lessons, or her credit card. She had to take the bus to and from school every day. Morocco shopped with only a hundred dollar limit, along with wearing old shoes her mother once wore.

Morocco's mother Giselle went to college and got married soon after graduating
. She never stepped foot back in the neighborhood she was raised in. She offered to move her parents to Connecticut countless times and they both refused. Giselle eventually gave up on her parents and went on about her life, only calling a couple times out the year.

Morocco saw the move as a reality check and missed her parents also her life in Connecticut. She got into arguments everyday with the girls at her school for how she spoke and carried herself. They felt she was stuck up and thought she was better than everyone else; which was true.

What saved Morocco
from getting into fights was her growing stomach. Morocco never bonded with her baby once she was born. She felt the little girl was the reason why she was living in hell while her parents vacationed in Bora Bora and Italy.

One day
, Morocco was sitting in the kitchen, watching her grandmother bake pies like she usually did, when she decided to tell her about the decision she’d made.

, I’m giving this baby up for adoption,” she blurted out.

finished taking the pie out the oven and sat down next to Morocco. She couldn’t stand the fact Morocco called her Grandmother instead Grammy like other grandchildren. She was cold and stuck up just like her mother.

, that’s your blood growing in there. She should be raised by her family not strangers,” Edna tried to explain, but Morocco stopped her.

“She’s not my damn blood
. She’s the reason I am here, sleeping on cheap sheets and taking the bus!” Morocco yelled with so much hate in her voice.

, you opening your damn legs is what got you here. Being a fast ass bitch. Your mama was born right here and no matter how far she tries to move away she will always be from here. Have that baby and sign her over to me. I’ll raise that child. I had your mother at fifteen and I raised her. I didn’t shuffle the responsibility off to just anyone.” Edna said, leaving the kitchen.

Hot tears poured down Morocco’s cheeks.

              Two months later, Morocco gave birth to an eight pound, curly hair, hazel eyed, Carmel-skinned baby girl. Morocco stayed with her grandparents for a week until she left to go back to Connecticut with her parents. She never held Minka or acknowledged her. To Morocco, her daughter was a thing of the past.

, Morocco couldn’t wait to drive her Mercedes and see her friends for the summer. She left and never said bye. She didn’t call or ask about her daughter. All Edna received was a two thousand dollar check every month from her son-in-law for Minka. Edna never touched the money. She put in an account for Minka when she turned eighteen or graduated high school; whichever came first.

Minka graduated the top of her class, in addition to being offered a scholarship to Clark Atlanta University. She turned down the scholarship to stay close to her great-grandparents. Minka attended Brooklyn College majoring in business and accounting. As promised, Minka received the money her grandparents had sent her over the years. She bought a new car and moved into the apartment across the hall from her great-grandparents.

Temptation, Minka dated a hustler from her block, who always asked about her. His name was Juelz. Juelz wanted to know who the pretty-eyed bomb shell was. At eighteen, Minka was 5’1 and her complexion was the perfect combination of caramel without a flaw in sight. Her hazel eyes were hypnotizing. She was often asked if they were contacts. Her hair stopped at her back and was naturally colored sandy brown. Minka’s body was what some called a brick house. Her rump was plump and sat up high like a donkey’s ass, combined with thick curvaceous thighs. She was the perfect bi-racial doll.

Juelz couldn’t help
but to cuff the baddest bitch on his block. Minka and Juelz dated for a year before she found out he cheated on her during their relationship. Minka became close with Juelz’s baby mother, Ashley. Ashley was only friends with her since she didn’t know Minka was dating Juelz at the time. Minka ended things with Juelz, but kept her friendship with Ashley. Ashley made Minka the godmother of her and Juelz’s son, Ashland. Ashley became a second commentator on Minka’s life; and vice versa.

As the neighborhood got wors
e, Edna and Harry packed up and retired to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Harry was offered a position as superintendent in a subdivision and Edna used their retirement fund to open a small bakery. Minka still kept in contact with her mother. She married a stock broker named Robert and was still living in Connecticut.

had a half-sibling, who thought she was her aunt instead of half-sister. Minka’s grandparents barely spoke to her unless it was family function where they had to speak. The identity of her father remained unknown.

’s sugar daddy obsession started when she was in town for her mother’s annual gala for underprivileged teens in Brooklyn. She felt like it was her way of giving back when in reality she used it as tax write off and to be in the town’s paper.

Morocco was drunk
, as usual; an hour into the event while hitting on whatever man was around. Minka sat in her mother’s bathroom fixing her makeup when Robert walked in. He didn’t leave the bathroom when he saw her. He just proceeded to the toilet to take a piss, making sure that Minka caught a glimpse of what he was working with; which wasn’t much. Minka wasn’t the least bit interested; she had seen dicks bigger in her teenage years
Being her and Juelz were no longer together and Juelz paid most of Minka’s bills when they were together, Minka saw a way she could pay her bills and have some money on the side. That way was Robert.

ended up fucking Robert on her mother’s vanity. Robert made sure he deposited three grand in her bank account before she left back to New York. They continued their affair and Robert would come to New York just to get a piece of his step-daughter while Minka would stack her bank account.

was able to attend college without working since her step-father paid all her bills and, in addition to that, he kept money in her pockets. He upgraded her Nissan Altima to a BMW truck and Robert also started Minka’s fetish for the finer things. Although, Robert thought he was just fucking his wife’s sister, in reality he was fucking his step-daughter. Not like it mattered to him, she wasn’t his blood and her pussy was just that worthy.

Minka graduated college, Robert was able to get her a job in one of his client’s accounting firms in Manhattan. Minka worked there for two months as an office assistant before she met William, one of the owners of the firm. He flew to the office whenever he was needed. However, once Minka started fucking him, he made any excuse to frequent the city more often. Minka quit working at William’s firm a couple months later, but continued to fuck him. She was making more money being his mistress than working as his poorly paid secretary.

William leased a condo for
Minka in Florida to be closer to her great-grandparents. She flew to Florida to see them once a month, but she mostly stayed in New York. Eventually, Morocco got suspicious of Robert cheating, so Robert stopped sleeping with Minka. Morocco and Robert had a clause in their prenup about cheating on both parties. If he cheated, Morocco would get half of everything he owned. He would rather put up with her drunken ass than lose half of his estate because of a fine piece of ass.

Once Minka and Robert parted ways, Robert stopped financing Minka’s lifestyle. It was like God knew Minka happened to be looking for a new financer because, soon after, George walked into her life. Minka started fucking George, who was William’s father, who was the second owner of the accounting firm. She sometimes would have threesomes with both father and son. Minka was making so much money she didn’t have to work. George would fly Minka wherever he was just to suck his dick, if he wanted, and paid her a monthly stipend of twenty thousand dollars.

George moved her out of her tiny apartment and into a nice lavish condo in mid-town Manhattan while he paid the rent every month. Minka’s hardest decision she had to make consisted of which color she wanted to paint her nails that day. She was able to help move her best friend, Ashley, out her parents’ house and into an apartment building in Harlem. She enrolled her godson in private school as well as maintained the tuition. Ashley was grateful for everything Minka helped her do; she would always be in debt to her. She couldn’t depend on her son’s father; Ashland was four and never met his father.

Minka counted her blessings and thanked god for her gorgeous body and bomb pussy she possessed. She loved the fact she could walk into any room and captivate the heart of a married man or any man without any feelings. Minka lived her life traveling and shopping whenever she wanted, but that didn’t change the fact she was alone. The men she slept with only wanted what she had between her legs. Minka’s grandparents made her want real love; Edna and Harry had been together since they were younger and couldn’t be more in love with each other. Minka wanted love but she didn’t want to love someone for free. Minka’s heart was guarded and only someone worth loving could break down the barriers.




Chapter Two



Present Day ….

              Minka walked into her three bedrooms two baths condo feeling mentally exhausted. She was fresh off the plane from Dallas, Texas with George. Minka knew she could rest since his son, William, was on a family vacation with his wife. That didn’t stop William from requesting pictures of her with nothing on or sticking foreign objects in her tight little hole. He was just that freaky. She ran a bath and stripped down to her birthday suit and sank into the tub. To Minka, the best feeling in the world was being home alone with just her thoughts. She spent two days in Florida with her Great-grandparents. Afterwards, she caught a red eye to Dallas with George.

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