Adjournment (The Fate Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Adjournment (The Fate Series)
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Apparently I can’t even dress myself…


“What are you wearing tonight?” Jacob asks, his voice practically yelling into the phone.

Just because you’re on speaker doesn’t mean you have to yell… I can hear you!

I look over the dress I’m holding up to myself. “I got this really cute Marc Jacobs dress from the thrift shop down the street.”

My face falls, my body instantly cringing at the fact I just told him it’s from a thrift shop which means it’s most definitely last season, if not older. It’s really cute and so… me.

Anyhow, what was I saying? Oh, thrift shops… There is a really nice one down the street, I feel like she puts things in the window just to lure me in.

“Ever since that song became popular, people think it’s okay to shop there. This is New York, and people will know it’s not this season!” he shrieks at me.

He doesn’t get that most of us are too focused on trying to get somewhere to ponder if the person walking toward us is modeling the newest fashion trends.

“The club is dark. If a man is looking at my dress to figure out if it is this season or last then he isn’t my type, and I’m not his. I’ll be sure to pass him along to you though, lovey,” I say, laughing at the idea of a straight man being able to tell the difference. 

“Hmm, you’re right, wear it. At least you can pick me up some guys when they come over to tell you how so three years ago your outfit is. You are my work in progress,” he sighs.

He has been saying that since we met. What he conveniently forgets is that I can spot the designer just by looking at the stitch work.

Pretty handy huh?

Yeah, that was sarcasm.

He hates the fact that I wear name brand jeans and not designer jeans. Like I have any use for up-to-date designer clothes now.

“What does this dress look like?” he asks.

Damn, I knew it would come to this.

I squeal with excitement. “Umm, it’s navy with orange dots, cute cap sleeves, and it has pockets!!!” 

I just killed it.

“You are not wearing that sundress to a club. This isn’t a Fourth of July picnic in the Hamptons; we are trying to find someone to have sex with you! I will be over in ten minutes with a change of clothes. You are exhausting! Take that off and wait for me. Oh, and Sidney, at least do your hair and makeup while you’re waiting.”

Of course it would be a gay man who tells me to take off my clothes and wait for him.

“For your information it’s already done!” I sass back.

I can’t believe he has so little faith in me.

“No Sid… no it’s not. Make sure you do that boob shadowy thing you do so we can accentuate what you don’t have.” With that he is gone, and I am left staring at myself in the full length mirror.

It’s not that I’m upset with him. He did tell the truth after all. My dress is really cute, kind of sundressy, but cute none the less. Not club worthy the more I look at it… it does have a touch of the Hamptons the more I stare… actually I have no idea why I bought it. I said it’s so me, but this isn’t me, not the me I am now.

I’ll return it tomorrow.

Exactly ten minutes later Jacob bursts through the bedroom door with a black dress that looks like a sleeve for a normal size person and orders me to slip into it.

Let’s be clear on something, the word “slip” is not what I will be doing to get this thing on, it’s more like some awkward shimmy where I hold my breath and hope for the best.

Should I ask where he got this from? Nah.

Once I’m in, he pulls out a gorgeous pair of red fuck—screw—oh never mind—me heels.

These shoes aren’t meant to be G rated… 

Lexi finishes applying dramatic color to my eyes and I give the curls in my hair one last squeeze.

I’m done… or should I say she is done, because the girl in the mirror is unidentifiable to me.

I’m average pretty… this girl is sex on heels.

I think I am in love with her.

The two of them stand behind me, both slack-jawed and wide-eyed as they stare at their masterpiece.

I spend hours making people look like a better version of themselves, and I’m lucky if I throw on eyeliner and mascara myself. Sometimes, on a good day, I will throw lipstick into the mix. My hair, while it’s always done—it’s never like this. It’s always just pinned back and out of my way. This girl in the mirror, however, looks like she has it all together. Like she has a makeup team behind her that does every-oh wait… she does.

“Okay, can you stop gawking so we can go?” I say, shifting uncomfortably in my heels under their intense gaze.

As though being shocked back to life by my words, they both jump, knocking into each other and saying, “I’m sorry.”

“Sid, if I was straight…” Jacob starts to say, and I hold up my hand to stop him.

“Sid, if I wasn’t straight…“ Lexi starts to say, and I raise my other hand to stop her.

“I get it—under other circumstances you would both want me. That is both flattering and creepy, so let’s go before the spell wears off!” I say, clapping my hands to get a move on.

We walk out of my room, grabbing our things to leave, before giving ourselves one last look in the mirror that hangs by the front door. It’s no surprise that Jacob is dressed in his best fitting pants and shirt—that are just tight enough to show off his amazingly cut body. Lexi is in a black leather strapless dress that ends right under her ass.

Where did she get that?

I lean in close to her. “Where did you get that?” I whisper to her.

“The thrift shop down the street, and if you say anything to Jacob I will make sure to strangle you with it later,” she says through a tight smile.

I nod.

Since I just went through that with him I wouldn’t be so mean as to throw her under the bus. Also I don’t want to wait the hour or so it would take for him to find her something else to wear.

Looking back at the mirror I catch them both watching me.

My head cocks back when I catch their eyes.


“Nothing,” they both reply and head for the door.

Now I wish I had worn the other dress.

“Sid, this is a big deal so stay calm and you know… don’t do that laughy thing you do,” Lexi says trying to coach me. I think?

What the hell, I have gone out to clubs before!

“Women aren’t supposed to laugh over a whisper.” I brush them off.

Lexi shakes her head at me.

“Yes and don’t bend over! If you drop something dip straight down… God help us if you bend over; you’ll cause heart attacks!” Jacob squeals, causing them both to start laughing.

My dress, like Lexis’, falls right under my ass, leaving nothing to the imagination.

“Okay so don’t laugh and don’t bend, got it. Anything else oh wise leaders?” I can’t help but lay on the sarcasm as I hit the button for the elevator.

“Hmm, most importantly stay out of trouble.” Jacob points a warning finger at me.

I give him my best attempt at a confused look.

“Trouble? Please, I’ve come a long way since that girl you once knew. Is that what all this coaching is about?” Blowing them off, I step into the little hell-box when it arrives.

“Yes, we both remember the last time we had a big night out, and that guy that you are completely not in love with was there. You both wound up replacing uniforms for three waitresses and both bartenders, and the mirror behind the bar, and the ambulance ride for the bartenders. Am I forgetting anything?” Jacobs looks at Lexi.

“My shoes,” she snaps through her teeth.

“First of all, that was his fault. He should have been a gentleman and paid for it all,” I scowl, remembering that night.

“I still don’t understand why you had to throw my shoe,” Lexi whines crossing her arms.

“I would have thrown something else but watching it bounce around on the tip of your toe was driving me to my last nerve. It was there, it got launched. Moving on, I’m completely in control and work very hard to avoid him. It’s worked for this long.” I manage to smile calmly at them.

“That’s true. She didn’t toss anything at breakfast the other day,” Lexi flashes me a coy smile.

I’ll get you back for that, don’t worry. 

Getting off the elevator, we walk toward the front door to grab a cab.

“Oh, a night out.” Stanley smiles opening the door. “I’ll make sure I come up with a really good alibi for you this time”, he chuckles.

“Relax…” I pat his cheek.

Jacob stops, standing next to Stanley.

“Just in case though, we were upstairs the whole night and ordered pizza around eleven.” Jacob opens his wallet handing Stanley enough money for the pizza he’s already ordered.

“Enjoy!” he then tells him and walks out.

Unbelievable! Nothing’s going to happen.

Arriving at the new club I hop -well- wiggle out. If you could see the dress you would get it. Being with Jacob means we walk right past the huge line of people and are ushered right in.

How does he do it? This club just opened!

We walk through the front and into the dark hall that leads to the club and it takes my eyes a minute to adjust to the lighting. Bright lights flash in lines all over the main dance floor showing off a little of the club’s décor but from what I can see it’s mostly deep reds and purples. The high chandeliers give off an almost Moulin Rouge feel.

Thank God for Jacob, I would have looked so out of place. It’s been awhile since I’ve gone out to a club, never mind an opening weekend.

We start to walk through the thick crowd of bodies, people yelling at each other and laughing, while not being able to make out what anyone is saying. Girls dancing with their heads back, holding their glasses high so as not to bump anyone with them. The deep bass in the club is enough to reset the rhythm of my heartbeat. When we finally make it to one of the bars Jacob gets the attention of the bartender. 

After grabbing our drinks we walk toward the low lit steps that lead up to the other levels. I look around and see there are four floors, each looking over the massive dance floor that makes up the entire first floor. As we walk up the steps I spot him.

“I didn’t know he would be here,” I yell to them, causing both of them to stop dead on the steps and look around.

“HEY! Don’t stop, people can see up my dress! Find him when we get up there!” I’m shouting as I push against the back of Lexi.

They start walking again and when we get to the second floor, we smile at the man standing guard over the section we are trying to enter.

“They are with us.” Kate comes over and informs the man.  Jacob notices a small round table that has been abandoned so we grab it and throw our bags down. I glance over my shoulder to see a mob of girls surrounding GQ. 

Of course they would flock to him. But I don’t see Miss Lead with him or anywhere around him. I thought she would be glued to him so she could keep the vultures from circling.

“Okay, where is he? The mission tonight is to keep you both apart as long as possible,” Jacob says, taking a drink to calm his nerves.

“What? No, not him. I meant GQ!” I yell at him.

“Oh, good! I thought we would eventually be kicked out. You need better signals.” He breathes, taking another sip of his drink.

“I see some of the cast and crew behind him. Let’s go mingle,” Lexi shouts while pointing over at them. I notice he is signing some girl’s chest. 


The crew is on the other side of the branded girls, and I can’t make it around them. As I start to excuse my way through them a large hand grasps my arm and I am spun around to face him and his big fake laugh.

“Looks like I’ve missed one.” 

Before I can pull away I feel the damp tip of a marker touch right above my breast and I am frozen in horror as the tip moves its way across my skin leaving a thick black marking behind.

That motherfucker just signed his name to my chest!!! 

Coming out of my haze, I snatch the marker out of his hand, twisting it around only to reveal the word PERMANENT. I stumble back in shock, trying to cover the new tattoo I’ve just been given. His playboy smirk falls from his face when his eyes meet mine.


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