Adjournment (The Fate Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Adjournment (The Fate Series)
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Here’s to wearing sunglasses at night…


“Seriously? What is wrong with you?” I screech, frantically trying to pull away from the death grip he has locked my arm in.

The eager women quickly swarm between us breaking his grip. I’m able to storm off without him trying to run after me.

Not that I honestly think he would.

I rush over to Jacob and Lexi, who are laughing with the rest of the crew. Fighting back the anger, I can feel the marker dig into my palm from my grip.  

“What happened to you!?” Jacob screeches. “All my hard work, who-wait, does that say Davis?” Jacob yells sounding amused.

My almost tears are soon replaced my anger and rage. “That bastard branded me!!!” 

“Here he comes!” Jacob yells.

“Sidney, I’m so sorry! Let me get that off for you,” GQ says, attempting to remove the ink with club soda.

“I am not a dress, you moron!” I slap his hands away. Lexi gently places her hands over his.

“Brett, maybe you should remove your hands from her before someone takes a photo. Sid, calm down. We’ll get it off. Let’s go and-”

“It’s permanent marker!” I whine, holding out the marker that I stole off the dickhead.

“Oh shit. Maybe we can—umm—let me Google this. You aren’t the first person to have marker on your skin.” She grabs her phone from her purse.

“Don’t worry about it,” I mumble, waving my hands. “I’ll look it up when I get home. I’m going to leave; I want this off as soon as possible.” I wave my arms in front of myself.

With a one-arm hug to Lexi, I turn to GQ, shoving the marker into his chest. “I believe you’re going to be needing this,” I growl.

Not caring if anyone can see up my dress I make my way down the steps as fast as possible and head through the sea of bodies toward the exit. Pushing open the door to leave, the cool night air rushes toward me. 

I didn’t realize how hot it was in there or how loud. There are people screaming and pointing at me.

No… Not me… My chest… 

Damn him!

“Oh. My. God!!! Is Brett Davis in there!?” some girl yells out. 

Like, OMG, is she crying?

Don’t be a bitch to the little fan girl, Sidney.

Nodding my answer I start to walk down the street away from the club. I turn back just in time to catch his stupid disguised-self from the corner of my eye walking out of the club behind me… WITH MY FRIENDS! With my head held high I strut over to everyone as Lexi sees me and yells something. But I’m not paying attention to her, I am out for revenge and no longer in control. As I get in front of GQ I stop.

“I feel terrible, I was coming to look for you. Please let me make it up to you.” He places his hands on my arms.

I place my hand on his chest and lean in close so he has to bend down to hear me. Wearing my sexiest smile I look into his eyes; his breathing stops, I watch as fear takes over his face.

He has no idea what I’m even capable of…

“Do you still have the marker?” I say in a deep sultry voice.

He doesn’t say anything, just gives a slight nod. My smile widens.

“Good. You’re going to need it, sweetheart.” I breathe my words in a way that even I don’t recognize.

It kind of feels good to let the bitch out.

My hand continues to slide up his chest to his neck while still staring into his eyes. Just as he starts to speak I reach up ripping off his hat and glasses. 

Honestly glasses, who are you fooling? It’s nighttime.

Before he can stop me I spin him to face his waiting crowd and yell out, “You’re welcome, ladies!!!” giving him a firm push into needy hands. He’s yelling something, but over the screams and cries I can’t make it out. A satisfied smile spreads across my lips until I turn to a group of shocked faces.


“I suddenly feel the urge to go out. What about you guys?” I beam.

Lexi laughs and Jacob scowls at me as I walk closer.

“So much for under control,” Jacob sasses as we walk down the street. 

“I don’t even know that girl but she was amazing! Don’t you want to get that off?” Kate says reminding me of my branding.

“Nah, I’ll work on it tomorrow,” I start to say as Lexi yells out, “Let’s celebrate!!!!” 

“We are really going to leave him?” Kate says looking back.

“Abso-fucking-lutely, it’s not like we have to see him tomorrow at work!” Lexi cheers.

“Well…” The corners of her mouth pull back.

“I know, I’ll have to deal with him eventually, but that won’t be for a while.” I pull her along to our next adventure.

“Sid…” Jacob begins.

“I know, I slipped up. I’m better now, it was just a moment of weakness.” I pat his shoulder.

The night is beautiful with a slight breeze. We arrive at the next club where again there are bodies everywhere dancing and moving to the music. We grab our drinks and hit the dance floor burning off the calories of the alcohol. After about the fourth martini I forget all about the marker incident. It’s around two in the morning when Lexi and I decide it’s time to go. Saying our goodbyes, we head for the exit. I’m anticipating the cool air rush this time as the door opens and it hits me. We’re outside grabbing a cab when Lexi holds up the business cards she collected.

They will go home and be deposited into a fishbowl where she will pick a lucky winner out of them to rebound with. If she wasn’t my best friend, I would find the act disgraceful, but it’s Lexi and I love her. As she reads all their names she bumps my arm with her elbow.

“This guy asked me to give you this.” Holding the card between her pointer and middle finger for me, she continues to sort through them.

“I don’t trust your taste in men but I’ll ask anyways. Was he cute?” I take it from her.

“No, he wasn’t cute, he was hot!” She fans herself.

Flipping the card around I notice the company name, an uneasy feeling hits me.

“Simon McAllister?” I say through my teeth.

How did he even see me?

“Yeah he was watching you like a hawk getting ready to attack. When I walked over to the bar he asked me to give you his card. He seemed very interested.” She wiggles her brows, hailing a cab.

“I’m sure he was,” I mumble.

Interested in what though? And why do I find myself caring?

“I hate you,” I snap at her.

“He kept his distance, didn’t bother you… and he did say he’d see you around.” She fans herself with the cards.

“How could I forget?” I groan. 

Getting into the cab I can’t even look at her.

“And why would you want to? I wonder if he still rocks that leather jacket he used to sport…” She bites her bottom lip.

With a sadistic smile I already know the answer to that.

“He doesn’t,” I frown.

“That’s too bad.” She sighs. “Wait, how do you know that?”

“I just do.” I shrug.

After a long annoying twenty questions car ride home, second round in the elevator ride up, we’re home and I’m sober.

Opening the door, I kick off my shoes and walk into the kitchen to get a bottle of wine. I pour a glass, place it on the counter for Lexi, and pour another one.

Just because I’m aggravated with her doesn’t mean I’ll withhold wine.

“Say you care.” She points at me.


“I won’t, because I don’t.” I hold her glass out to her.

“Then why is his card on the counter next to you.”

Without a second glance at it I flick it off into the trash.

“Very mature. You two are perfect for each other,” she huffs. Finishing her wine, she goes to her room.

The next morning I wake up to my phone ringing for the umpteenth time. 

Do people not understand that I am off today?  

I reach for my phone and slide my finger across the screen to answer it. 

“Hey, wench!” Jacob yells. 

I swear that jerk can sense my headache and is torturing me on purpose.


“Yikes, did you drink the bar last night? Oh my God, speaking of bars and drinking. I am in love!”

Shifting around in my bed, I manage to sit up without falling off.

“What does either of those things have to do with you being in love?” I ask.

Slowly sliding my feet over the side, I wait until everything stops moving long enough to get up. 

I remember drinking four martinis, but I feel like I drank more. 

I hate myself right now.

“Umm, hello? I was with my love at a bar and we were drinking, that’s what. Oh he is so cute! Don’t you think?” he hesitates waiting for me to answer.

I don’t remember…

“Yes he is so adorable!” I gush.

Oh why did I just do that?

“He stayed over and then went to get coffee and treats for us this morning… I am in LOVE girl!” he yells into the phone… again.

My brain is crying right now.

“That is great Jacob. I am thrilled for you. I think I’m going to pass out for a while and call you back after the world stops spinning. Do you need anything?”

My hand frantically searches for something to grab onto, while I check to see if I can stand. It’s no use—my ass hits the floor hard, but it hurts my brain more.

“Wait, I called to remind you we have a photo shoot tomorrow. The shoot is at ten am so be there with your sexy sober self by eight thirty. I have all the photos of your designs, and we can go over the look with the photographer tomorrow before anyone gets there. Oh and one more thing…”

Well this is kind of last minute… That’s strange.

“Did anyone bother to tell me?” I snap.

“Actually yes. We all told you but you’ve been in the clouds lately,” he retorts.

Likely excuse…

“Hey, Lexi is coming in; I will call you back after I wake up from being hung over.” I hang up, tossing my phone up onto the bed behind me.

I usually hate cutting people off, but his voice is like nails on my brain right now.

Still on the floor, I lean back against the bed and look up at the clock on the table next to me.

Seven am? Who calls someone with a hangover at SEVEN IN THE MORNING! Oh that man is going to get it when I get my hands on him tomorrow! 

Lexi shuffles in carrying my garbage can, two bottles of water, and a bottle of aspirin.

It’s nice to know that even pretty girls can look bad with a hangover. 

“You drank half the bottle of Baileys,” she mutters.

Oh yes… I forgot about that.

“That explains a lot.” I tip my head back against the bed.

“We have work tomorrow, a photo shoot,” I somehow manage to say while taking one of the bottles of water and the aspirin off her. She sets my garbage can down and lies back on my bed, feet still on the ground, as though she’s trying to stop the room from spinning.

“I know. I’m going to die right here if you don’t mind. Wake me tomorrow.” She yawns as her hand searches for a pillow.

Grabbing onto my nightstand, I hold on to slowly lift myself off the floor until I’m able to lie back on the bed. We just stay there silent until we are both asleep, feet firmly planted on the floor. 

This is going to suck when we have to get up.



Here’s to working on a Sunday…


Since yesterday was spent mostly sleeping with a few breaks to order out every meal, we didn’t get much done. Thankfully our makeup is always packed and ready to go.

“I was thinking about hitting the gym after the shoot, and then the store. We are out of everything except lemons. I don’t remember buying lemons though,” I say, doing my makeup routine in front of the mirror. 

Let’s spice it up today and slap a little lipstick on. 

I might not look like me from the club, but I also don’t look like me from yesterday, which I’m thankful for because she scared me. I’m pretty sure there are three places that will never deliver here again…

“You ready to go?” Lexi squeaks out.

Well she’s overly giddy today and has been on cloud nine all morning. I can’t blame her. This is one of the perks about our job, everything is always changing. Every movie, shoot, location is new. It helps make the job adventurous. 

Grabbing my things, I give myself one more glance in the mirror and smooth my white button-down and perfectly pleated black pants while sliding on my pointy stilettos.

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