Adjournment (The Fate Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Adjournment (The Fate Series)
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It’s one of those days I feel like I have my life all together. I smile to myself as we get onto the elevator. 

“Damn, I forgot my gym bag. I’ll meet you down there,” Lexi says, getting off. 

“Grab mine too!” I manage to get out before the door shuts in my face.

Yes, I think I’ll go back to the gym. That is how good today is looking.

It reaches its destination, the doors open, and my smile widens as I step off. With my head held high I make my way down the front hall toward Stanley at the door.

“Oh looks like someone is off on a new job!” He gives me a bright smile.

“You better believe it! Don’t wait up for me, dawling,” I boast in my best “Upper East Side” voice.

When I get outside I notice it must have just finished raining since everything is wet and little rivers have formed on the sides of the street flowing toward the drains. 


Turning my back to the street I begin to text Lexi that it rained and to grab the umbrellas in case, but I see she’s already standing in the door way talking to Stanley. 

I turn back toward the street to grab a cab just as a motorcycle speeds up the side between the sidewalk and moving cars. By the time I realize the puddle he is about to go through, it’s too late. I’m soaked, and he’s gone. 

“Son. Of. A. Bitch!” I yell out, holding my arms out as a cab pulls up slowly. 

At least someone saw the puddle.

Lexi comes up behind me, pushing me toward the cab.

“Wait!” I shove against her, digging my heels into the ground as she pushes me closer.

“I can’t go yet! I have to get changed!” I screech.

“We don’t have time you’re going to have to get cleaned up on our way. It’s seven forty-five, we still have to get there, set up and discuss what’s going on,” she says in an annoyed tone.

Giving me one last jolt toward the car, she opens the door, pushes me in, and closes the door behind me.

      Walking to the back of the car, she puts the makeup cases in the trunk then makes her way around to the other side to get in… looking perfect.

Of freaking course! Because did she get hit with a ton of dirty rain water and God knows what else?

Nope! She didn’t! 

I fold my arms over my chest, twisting my body to look out the window as our apartment gets further and further away. She gives the driver the address and sits back to get comfortable. That’s when I hear her… sniffing the air. I already know where this is going.

“What is that smell?” she says, looking around shifting in her seat. Her eyes land on me. “Oh no…” She leans over to smell me. “Oh no! We have to clean you up when we get there. This is awful. I can’t even sit next to you! What the hell happened?” Holding her nose she waves her hand at me like it will keep the smell away from her.

I don’t even want to know what that smell is.

“I don’t know, some crazy motorcyclist came out of nowhere and drove through a puddle, soaking me as he happily went on his merry way.” I frown.

“What do you have on under that shirt? Maybe Jacob will have something from the shoot they won’t use.” She’s still holding her nose but looking pleased with her new idea.

After rolling down her window, she picks up her phone and starts feverishly pounding away at the screen.

“What on earth are you beating on that phone about?” I stare at her.

Oh my sunglasses!

Removing my equally gross sunglasses from my hair where I slid them, I look them over but there is no way I am going to put them back on right now.

“I am texting everyone so they will meet us as soon as we get there so they can fix you before we meet with the photographer. I’m sorry, but I can’t in the name of friendship let anyone else see you like this. Jacob said he will look for something that you can wear and Kate will wash your hair when we get there—that should leave us plenty of time to set up and have our meeting.”

Again she is acting pleased with how well she handled my situation.

Slouching into my seat I try to enjoy the ride but since my front half is wet and smelly it’s hard to do so.

Did I mention it’s muggy out today?

What happened to the cool air from the other night?

This feels like hell.

Muggy, smelly, damp… hell. 

Before I have time to bitch, we’re here, and she is once again pushing me, only this time it’s to get out of the cab. 

“Sorry, but I can’t smell you any longer—is that a cigarette butt in your hair?” She cringes as she plucks it out of my hair.

Just my luck.

I can’t hide the look of disgust on my face as I go to get my stuff out of the trunk. Lexi pays the driver, and she is again pushing at me to get inside.

“Would you please remove your hands from my ass?” I yell over my shoulder.

“If you would walk faster I wouldn’t have to! Besides it’s one of the few clean parts of your outfit. I am behind you, you know? It’s like walking in a constant fog of you.” She gags, pushing me up the steps and into the building.

Now she’s just being ridiculous.

It isn’t that bad.

Kate is standing at the door waiting for and grabs my arm to fix my hair as soon as I walk in. 

Thankfully Lexi has already pulled the butt out of my hair. 

She starts to talk to me but turns her face away.

“Oh dear, you smell terrible! Like old coffee and…”

“I get it!” I cut her off.

“I’m not sure what I can do for the rest of you but let’s get the-what is in your hair?” she says as she picks through my hair like a monkey looking for a bug to eat.

“Don’t ask, just fix,” Jacob says walking toward us.

“It’s a good thing your hair is short. We are going to have to use the bathroom sink.” She points to where the restrooms are.


I’m not sure how many of you has ever attempted this fun maneuver but just imagine trying to fit your head and hair into your bathroom sink to wash it…

Yeah, that’s what I’m about to do.

When we’re in the bathroom I lean over to stick my head into the sink.

“No, this isn’t going to work. Can you take off your shoes?” Kate asks.

I stand up quickly looking at her like she’s crazy.

“You want me to stand on this floor in my bare feet?” I shriek.

Raising an eyebrow at me, she steps back.

“That is what you’re having the hardest time with? Not the fact that you were covered with dirty stagnant street water?” She looks me over.

Fair enough.

I give in, kicking off my shoes as I inwardly cringe and stick my head into the sink for her to wash my hair.

After I’m all clean she wraps a towel around my hair, escorting me out to dry it.

I must say, even though it’s a terrible situation, it is nice having someone else do my hair.

“I think these should fit you but-oh good heavens. Girl we need to burn these clothes. You smell like something that leaks from a car! DOES ANYONE HAVE HAND WIPES? Preferably the ones WITH alcohol in them!” Jacob shouts.

It’s a good thing I don’t embarrass easy.

Once my hair is finished I walk to the changing area to strip down.

It’s nothing more than sheets that have been strung up to hide from everyone. And this is a step up from some of the shoots I’ve been to. But I’m blocked from everyone staring at me as I get cleaned up so beggars can’t be choosers. Someone had baby wipes and even though there is no alcohol in them they smell like baby powder which is better than what I smell like now. After wiping my arms and legs down I stand up to look in the mirror.

Other than this stupid brand on my chest I don’t look half bad.

I can hear Jacob in the other room talking about what I should wear, and it seems to take forever for him to get back.

After standing here in my bra and panties for a couple minutes I decide to re-do my makeup when I hear someone coming.

“Thank God! I thought I was going to be in here forever waiting for you!” I yell behind me to Jacob as the curtain moves.

“You were waiting for me?”

The man’s voice isn’t Jacobs, and I turn around to see GQ standing in front of me.

“Not you! Jacob! You get out! I am naked…ish in here,” I shout.

Closing the curtain behind him, he steps in, laughing hysterically as I do my best to cover myself.

“Are you deaf? Get out!”

I don’t care if I am half-dressed, I’m going to push him out if I have to.

Charging up to him, I push against his hard chest to try and make him leave.      

“You are naked in my dressing room, and you have the nerve to toss me out? Besides I’ve been around enough changing rooms to not blush easy. Calm down,” he says, not moving.

Removing my hands from him, I step back and cross my arms.

“You sound like a pig. Aren’t you going to ask why I’m naked in here?”

I’m not sure why but his unconcern concerns me.

“Nope, I heard about your run-in with a crazed motorcyclist.”

Leaning into me, he breathes deep and steps back.

“You smell like… a baby,” he chuckles.

I hold up the wipes for explanation and begin to push him out again.

“So this is what I found for you… oh my God what are you do doing,” Jacob squeals out in laughter.

“Isn’t it obvious? She’s throwing herself at me.” GQ lets out a deep laugh. “Listen Sid, you’re a cute girl and all, but this would never work.”

My eyes widen at his casual demeanor, and I begin pushing again. Grabbing me by my arms he lifts me up as I struggle to get down but it’s no use since he is much taller and stronger than I am.

“Can you guys do this weird flirty thing later? She is in her underwear and needs to get back to work,” Jacob says as GQ places me back on the ground and turns to leave.

“Yeah, you better walk away!” I, for some reason, decide to yell after him.

Taking a deep breath I turn to Jacob who is ear to ear smiles as he begins to show me what he has found.

“Umm, these are great and all, but I don’t dress like this at work.” I can’t help but squish my face up at the outfits.

“I can grab the smelly ones you came in with if you would like those more or you can stay dressed like that and have your caveman boyfriend toss you over his shoulder.” He laughs.

“Fine, fine! What else do you have?” I hold my hands up.

“I was going to say let’s show off that little figure of yours you were hiding under all those black pants and white shirts, but he’s seen it already.” He winks, and I roll my eyes. “So, let’s bring some color to your wardrobe!” he sings out, lifting up a cute dress.

“He’s only seen me in my underwear which is the same as a bathing suit if you think about it,” I deadpan as I take the dress from him.

“Yes, a very sheer in the rear bathing suit. I hear they’re all the rage this year.” He leaves on that note, laughing like a school girl.

“I have lots of color in my wardrobe I will have you know! I just don’t wear it to work. I like to look professional when I come to work.” I cross my arms over my chest, still holding the dress.

“Girl, you look anything but professional for work, and the only color you are wearing is red!” he yells after him.

I stand here holding the dress in front of me for a few seconds.

I could pull this off. It has a collar and buttons down the front which will help cover my branding. The length falls right above my knees, which is appropriate for work.

I slip it on and slide into my stilettos. With a baby wipe I clean them off, and I step back to admire myself. 

I’ve looked worse… like ten minutes ago.

“Oh Sid! You should get soaked with dirty water more often. You look so nice!” Lexi claps as I walk back. 

What a backhanded compliment.

“I am going to take that as a compliment and not an insult to my work clothes.” Raising an eyebrow, I let her know I’m not in the mood.

We walk back to our makeshift vanities in silence to set up before meeting with the photographer. Since we have a few minutes until everyone arrives, I rummage through my bag looking for a snack. I suddenly remember tossing the bags of peanut butter cups in here to give away.

I guess one won’t hurt anything… it’s not like they possess some sort of magical power that will make me want to go back.

Shoving a few peanut butter cups in my mouth, I drop the bag back in and search for my phone to check my messages.

All from my mother and my sisters… this is not my day at all!

Since there is no missed call from my father I know it’s not that important and I slip my phone back into my bag.

Sitting in the chair I wait to begin when it suddenly dawns on me what happened.

“Kate, why is Brett here?” I turn around.

“Because they needed photos done for the movie. It comes out soon you know.” She gives me her chipper tone.

“Then why did Jacob tell me… dammit!” I reach back into my bag, grabbing more candy to self-medicate with.

Why did I cut him off?

“But good news! If it makes it big the sequel will be even bigger!” She claps.                                                                      




What did I do to deserve this?

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