Adjournment (The Fate Series) (15 page)

BOOK: Adjournment (The Fate Series)
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“Come on, Pet. Spin around,” he teases me. 

Dropping my shoulders I give in and walk under our hands to turn.

“Happy?” I square my shoulders when I’m finished.

His fingers still locked with mine, he raises his free hand and his fingers curl around my waist, gripping me and sending my senses into chaos.

“Very. You know, you shouldn’t accept drinks from strangers. What if they’re out to get you?” His dark eyes are fixed on mine, a twinkle of humor dancing through them. Without looking away he lifts his hand from my waist to grab the bartender’s attention again. “What was that?”

Swallowing, I try not to indicate that he is causing my entire body to pulse. 

“Martini.” I step back to get some much needed space, his fingers still laced with mine.


“Very,” I say through my teeth, as I try to politely take my hand back.

Are we flirting?

His fingers tighten around mine so I decide to give up until he relaxes his hand. He turns away to order the drinks, and I take another opportunity to find salvation.

No luck.

“Back to the “out to get me”?” I shift my weight to one hip.

“Yes, well some men might see a girl dressed like you and—well—you know.” He makes a face.

Did he just refer to me as looking easy?

My veins begin to pump my boiling blood through them at record speed. The thought of jumping on his back and beating him with my shoe flashes through my head, but I like these shoes… and I can’t afford to pay for any damages right now. He turns back to the bar to grab our drinks with his free hand and hands me my drink before taking his.

Yup, he still hasn’t let go.

He steps closer then taps his glass against mine.

“What are we toasting to?” he asks.

“You going away.” Taking a sip, I watch as he starts to laugh like I’m kidding. “I’m serious, and I will have you know that my dress…”

Lifting our hands, he places his finger against my lips, and I stop talking. My eyes widen as he steps closer, his scent swimming through the air around us.

“I did not mean to insinuate that you are a slut if that’s what you were thinking. I simply meant some men might see the way you’re dressed and think you’re an easy target.” He moves his finger when he’s finished.

Standing here like an idiot I have nothing snappy to come back with. He’s kind of right, unfortunately there are those men who think my dress is for them when in fact it’s for me.

“May I have my hand back?” I try to wiggle it loose.

After a moment of what looks like him debating, I feel his hand loosen. “You don’t need my permission.” He splays his fingers.

The air in the club swirls around my newly freed hand, and I try to ignore that it feels empty not being twisted with his. He steps closer, reaching up and sweeping my bangs behind my ear. Sucking in a sharp breath from the contact, my brain tells me to move back, to move away, but the aching in my chest makes me stay. With his hand lingering on the side of my face I’m trapped by the intense look in his eyes.

“Come dance with me.” His eyes dart back and forth between my eyes.

The ache in my chest is getting stronger with his request.

Say no.

“You want to dance?” I try to laugh.

His thumb brushes back and forth over my cheek.

“No, but I will for you.” He steps closer, the toes of our shoes bumping to show that we can’t get any closer.

Say no and leave.

“You’re just asking because you know I won’t say yes,” I brush him off.

Why does this feel familiar?

“I’m saying that because I want… no, I need to remember what it’s like to hold you against me, even if it’s only for the length of a song,” he admits.

Yes, my jaw just hit the floor. 

I’m not sure if it’s the alcohol or his words that just stopped my brain.

The nagging in my chest growing stronger since my brain has stopped working is telling me to say yes.

“I can’t.” I bite my lip.

Turning to the crowd, I spot Molly on her way over.

“Can’t or won’t?” His hand pulls against my chin until I’m facing him.


“Both?” I say.

I’m not sure if I’m asking him or me. 

“It’s a beautiful night for a dance.” He pauses as though he’s thinking of the next thing to say.

A beautiful night? We’re in a hot sweaty club, there is nothing beautiful about it.

I look down at the floor, that phrase repeating in my head.

I’ve heard this before… where have I heard this?

Shaking my head, he steps back.

“Another time then?” He sends me a devious smile.

You’re not going to see him for a while… especially if you’re avoiding him. Why not?

“Sure, another time,” I nod. “In fact the next time I see you and there is music I will dance with you the entire time.” I push my finger into his chest.

“That sounds like a promise.” He takes a swig of his beer.

I can make this promise… how often do I see him where there’s music? I can just avoid the park, or anywhere else that might have music… forever.

“It is. I promise you, Simon McAllister, the next time we are at an event that has music I will dance with you.” I laugh at the obscurity of this conversation.

“The whole time?” He sends me daring look.

“Every second.” I raise my shoulders and continue to joke.

“I’m going to hold you to that.” He points his beer at me before taking another drink.

My heart for a second swells at the idea of lying in his arms, but I know that isn’t the type of holding he means. “Be my guest.” I take another sip of my liquid courage.

Part of me wishes this was a promise I would be held to.

I need to stop drinking and get away from him.

“Sidney, you won’t believe who is here—you three!” I hear Molly yell as she approached us. 

Uh oh.

“Just one… the other two are looking for you and Morgan.” He holds his hands up at her.

“How did you know we were in?” She crosses her arms over her chest.

Sending me wink, I catch on, at the same time we both say it.

“Chase,” we deadpan. He lifts his hand to the bartender while Molly begins her rant.

“I should have known, that fucking stalker. He needs to give it a rest.” She shakes her head. “If something happens tonight I’m holding you three liable for all damages and the expenses.” She smacks his arm.

“Fair enough.” He hands her a martini.

Fair enough? Who is this man?

“Well, aren’t you just laying on the charm tonight?” She lifts her drink to him.

“I just so happen to be the most charismatic man you will ever meet.” He taps glasses with her. “And who are we not believing is here?”

“Brett Davis, and I thought Chase was the most charismatic?” she smirks, taking a mouthful of her drink.

I scan the room looking for Brett while they continue to talk.

“Careful what you say Molly, Dean is always just a phone call away.” He pulls out his phone. “My siblings are much worse than yours.”

“That’s only because Morgan has to behave herself, and Sidney is too proper now,” she scoffs at him.

“Thank you.” I smile at her.

Turning her head to me, her face is filled with contempt. “It wasn’t a compliment,” they both say at the same time.

What did I do?

I narrow my eyes at them.

“There she is!” I hear a voice from behind me.

Turning around, I feel an overwhelming sense of joy to see GQ and Lexi.

I’m saved.

“Well, well, well.” Lexi’s mouth transfers into a crooked smile.

Oh dammit.

“Mr. McAllister, fancy seeing you here. What is this twice in a week? Careful, you might look like a stalker.” She hands him her glass. “You owe me from the last time, I would love a martini.” She smiles, and he agrees.

“Not going to let it go are you?” he yells over the music.

“Not a chance.” She points down to her feet. “You see these shoes? They zip around my ankles. I’ve learned,” she muses.

What the hell.

GQ steps closer so only I can hear what he’s going to say. “This isn’t much more than you had on this morning,” he laughs.

I don’t.

“Very funny.” I roll my eyes.

“Who’s the guy burning a hole through me?” His attention flickers away for a brief second.

“His name is Simon,” I mutter.

“I thought so,” he laughs.


“Simon and Molly, this is Brett.” I introduce them.

“Are you a good actor?” GQ asks.

Pinching my brow together I look at him.


“Her boyfriend,” Lexi yells as I go to answer him.

Wait… wait, what.

Feeling my blood drain from my head, I look back and forth between them.

A suspicious smile on both of their faces.

“My love,” Brett pulls me into his side without missing a beat. Bending his head into the crook of my neck, he fills me in. “Lexi asked me to save you. It’s improv.” 

Now that, my friends, is a great friend.

Kissing me square on the lips, I freeze and then remember improv. I close my eyes, trying to act.

I’m not half bad actually.

When he pulls away I try to look breathless even though I feel transparent.

I felt nothing.

I don’t have a brother but I can sort of see that expression, “like kissing your brother,” now.

“Wait.” Molly looks at us then to Lexi. I notice it all click into place when she reads Lexi’s eyes. “Oh yes. I’ve heard so much about you.” She gives an awkward laugh then hits her forehead with her palm.

Dropping my gaze to the floor, I remember I’m being watched and look back up to smile at Molly who steps closer to GQ so she can squeeze his muscle. I take in Simon from the corner of my eye.

Noticing the ticking in his neck, the way he clenches his jaw, jealousy does not look good on him.

Who am I kidding, yes it does! Serves him right thinking I’m some kind of yo-yo who he can just toss out and snap back at his will.

“You have?” GQ asks Molly, his voice filled with delight.

“Yes, you have been the topic of a few conversations.” She grins.

What is she talking about? I’ve never talked about him other than work.

Lexi sends me a look so I give a small faint shrug back.

“Molly get off the poor man.” I toss out a fake laugh I’ve never heard myself do before as Molly continues to swoon.

“I have heard a lot about you as well.” He ignores me and continues to talk.

“And you’re still talking to me? It seems we have ourselves a keeper.” Molly turns to me with a bright smile.

Uhhh, no… we don’t. 

With a concentrated smile I turn to Simon who doesn’t look as amused as I am. Narrowing his eyes at me, I shoot the same look back to him.

“I have space reserved upstairs,” GQ says.

His hand sliding down my back, he pinches my ass, and I jump away taking a seething breath.

He leans in close, his nose brushing against mine, a twinkle in his eyes.

“Do that again, and I’ll make you regret it,” I growl through a tight smile.

Grabbing my face, he smashes our lips together then releases me. “I love you too, darling.” His voice does this slight southern twang thing. “I’ll leave you to catch up with your… friend,” he muses, eyeing Simon up.

He must be working on an accent. Actors… once they go into character, they don’t stop until the film is over.

“After you.” He gestures to Molly.

“What makes you so sure I’m not the evil sister?” She looks up at him, casting her best attempt at an evil smile.

“From what I’ve heard, you don’t look like you’re going to kill me with a look, or beat me with a shoe. Where is she by the way?” he laughs.

Dammit, I hope Simon didn’t catch his slight slip up of me and my sisters.

Biting my lip, I look down at the floor even if I can still feel Simon’s eyes on me.

“She’s around. I wouldn’t worry too much about her,” she says wrapping her arm around his as they walk away with Lexi strolling happily behind them.

“Wait, why are you taking her?” I shout.

“Collateral,” he hollers back. Molly laughs.

“That only counts when it’s something I want back,” I yell behind him.

Turning back toward me, Molly sticks her tongue out before disappearing into the crowd.

“Boyfriend?” He presses his lips together. Unable to verbally lie or look him in the eyes I slowly nod. “Well then, you should probably go—he is The Brett Davis after all.” Simon points up to where the party is, and I give a breathy laugh from his nickname.

For some reason that suddenly doesn’t feel like my thing but I need to get away from Simon, because he’s clouding my judgment.

“You’re right, I should go save Morgan from your brothers.” I excuse myself. “I’ll see you around?” I look up at him.

Did I just ask him that out loud?

His face softening into a beautiful smile, he winks. “I always do.” He lets out a deep laugh.  

Excitement races through me, and I turn to walk away. My smile as wide as someone who was just told they won a million dollars.

Oh, God, I need to lay off the alcohol.

I’m smarter than this.

“Oh… and, Pet.” He grabs my arm pulling me to a stop.

His fingertips leave a hot trail as they travel down my arm to my hand, and I begin to imagine what it would be like to have that sensation all over me.

He stops when they reach my palm. The tips brushing and dancing on the inside of my hand send tiny sparks through me.

He steps closer until I can feel the heat of his chest against my shoulder. The material of his suit lightly brushing against my revealed skin makes it prickle with awareness. Tightening every muscle in me to suppress a shiver, I grind my teeth at how traitorous my body has become. He leans in close, his lips brushing against my ear making my knees tremble. The air is saturated with his scent as I try to steady my breathing and after a moment of what feels like him just torturing me, he begins to speak.

“Remember, don’t take drinks from strangers.” His breath dances down my neck onto my shoulder as he gives the warning. Turning my head I watch as he lifts my hand to his mouth to leave a chaste kiss before walking away.

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