Authors: Linette King

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“Why the fuck you call me that nigga name?! I’ll kill him!” Bo screamed at me.

“And what will you tell ya’ll mama?” I asked with a smirk on my face. Whap! Bo slapped me so hard it felt like my body took flight. I flew off the couch and landed on my glass coffee table, shattering it upon impact. It took a minute but I was able to get to my knees. Pieces of glass were stuck in my hands and legs as I began to cry.
Kill him bitch, don’t cry! Look what he’s done to you!
Looking to my left, I could see Bo standing over me and where I once saw love, I saw hatred.

I finally was able to stand to my feet. Whap! Bo back handed me and sent me flying out of the glass and against the wall. I watched helplessly as he approached me before getting down on his knees in front of me. “I’m going to help you because I want his girlfriend more than I want you,” he said through gritted teeth, breaking my already broken heart. All of a sudden, he reared back and punched me in my face. I was dazed but I wasn’t out.
See, this bitch done came in the picture and took all of your men! First Ray! Then Brandon! And now Bo! Kill her and it will hurt all of them.

“You’re right!” I said. Now, I need to come up with a plan to kill Tamia.

I watched Bo shake his head before he stormed out the door.



The sound of my phone caused me to look away from the door. My body was hurting so bad; I was afraid to move. I sat in the same spot for so long that my legs started to fall asleep. I tried wiggling them to wake them up but it only made the sensation worse. I could hear footsteps outside in the hallway and knew I desperately needed to lock my door, in case Bo decided to come back. I slowly made my way to my knees, as the footsteps grew closer. My heart started to beat faster as I crawled as fast as I could to my door, leaving a trail of blood behind me. I could feel the glass wedging deeper into the skin of my hands as I crawled to the door. I locked the door just as the footsteps stopped.

I stood to my feet as I looked through my peephole and released a deep breath after realizing it was Mr. Jenkins that lives across the hall. I slowly padded my way to the bathroom to see how much damage had been caused. Looking in the mirror, the tears began to fall instantly as I stared back at myself. Both sides of my face were completely swollen and my right eye looked like it was bleeding. I mean, I look horrible! I looked down at my hands and could barely see the glass but I knew it was there.
You’re still weak! Do I have to do everything for you?
“Oh please, not now! I’m not in the mood!” I said, as I rolled my eyes and grabbed the pain medicine I was prescribed after being shot. I needed to numb the pain to pull as much glass as I could out of me.
You’re worthless!
“Ugh!” I said as I tossed two pills in my mouth. Ignoring her, I turned to run a bath.
You’re pathetic!
I continued to ignore her as I adjusted the water temperature before stopping the tub up.
So, you forgot to take your pain medicine?
“Oh yeah!” I said as I grabbed the pain medicine and popped two pills before pinning my hair up. I examined my face again as the tears started rolling.

I did a double take as I saw my daddy standing behind me, shaking his head. “What’s wrong daddy?” I asked as I looked at him strangely. He didn’t respond to me, he just continued to shake his head.
You’re a disappointment to him!
“No, I’m not! Shut up!” I yelled. I looked back to talk to my daddy but he was gone. I ran through my apartment as I looked for him, but I couldn’t find him.

Feeling defeated, I walked back into the bathroom and turned the water off. Seeing the medicine on the counter reminded me I needed to take some, so I popped two. I looked at my arms and began to pull the shards of glass out of my arms. I stopped and took another pain pill because those two weren’t working yet. I moved on to removing the glass from legs before taking my clothes off. I was careful and closed my eyes, so no glass would get in them.
You better take another pill or when you sit in that water, it’s going to burn like crazy!
“You’re right! I don’t need any more pain,” I said slightly as I slurred my words. I could barely feel my tongue as I popped three pills, so I could sleep peacefully after this.

I climbed into the warm water and laid my head back so I could relax. The water wasn’t hot enough so I leaned up to turn on the hot water before lying back down. The pills felt like they were finally kicking in as my eyelids got so heavy, I couldn’t keep them open. I tried climbing out the tub but I couldn’t move. I looked to my right and my dad was sitting on the toilet watching me. Smiling slightly, I drifted off to sleep.




I woke up to the sound of beeping and although aggravating, it didn’t take me long to realize I was no longer held captive. Looking around my room, I noticed no one was here but me. I began to smile as I looked around the room, looking for someone’s personal effects. I saw nothing and started to laugh. I felt around the bed until I located the call button. Pressing it, I waited patiently for someone to answer.

*Knock, Knock*

“Someone’s awake! How are you feeling?” a nurse asked as she walked in without giving me a chance to say come in.

“Am I here alone? How did I get here?” I asked.

“Well, the police said you were abducted a while ago. They think you escaped and a cab driver found you. I guess he didn’t want to be a part of the investigation because he left you at the doors of the E.R. You were medically cleared and then admitted to me. I’m your Nurse, Jennifer,” she explained before smiling. I didn’t know what to say. I remembered everything clearly but I didn’t want to say anything for fear that I’d have to tell what I did to him to make him come after me.

“I have someone that’s in school shadowing me today, do you mind students?” Nurse Jennifer asked.

“No ma’am, it’s fine,” I answered, not really caring. As long as the student wasn’t the lady that had been torturing me, I’m good with whoever is left.

“Ok sweetheart. I’m sorry you had to go through what you’ve been through. The police will probably be back soon to ask you a few questions. Can I get you anything?” Nurse Jennifer asked.

“Food, please. Can I get some chicken strips and fries?” I asked.

“Yes ma’am,” she said and walked out of the door. I noticed she kept looking at my hands, so I looked at them as well. My fingernails were gone but I couldn’t feel any pain at all. I know my body had been hurting, so they must have me on some good stuff for me not to feel anything. I laid in the bed wishing I had my phone, so I could tell someone I’m ok but the only people’s number I know by heart are Tamia and Amere. Grabbing the hospital phone, I placed the call.

“Hello?” a female answered the phone.

“Babe, was that my phone?” I heard a man ask. After that, I heard muffled sounds like the phone was being hidden or something. I couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t just hang up and say no. “Why you answering my damn phone? Don’t walk away from me!” he said as I smiled while eavesdropping. There was some scuffling before the line went dead.

I was about to call right back but my food had arrived. The guy that brought my food in looked good enough to eat! The fact that he works in the cafeteria let me know I’m out of his league though. He can’t support me or my shopping habits the way my sponsors can, so I’m not even going to entertain the idea of my thick thighs being wrapped around this sexy beast before me. I looked down and could see his large dick print through his black work pants. The clearing of his throat brought my eyes back up to his face. His strong cheekbones drew me in slowly. He smiled a weak smile and flashed a crooked smile that made me turn my nose up at him.

“Good Afternoon. Here’s your food. Can I get you anything else?” he asked and his voice put my pussy on ten. It was so smooth and deep, yet it carried, even though he was speaking low. I sat in my bed and stared at him before my eyes began to roam down to his chiseled chest. I could see his pecks through the white collar shirt he had on. I allowed my eyes to travel back down to the bulge in his pants pressing against his zipper until he cleared his throat again. Glancing back up at him, I could feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I’d never had a guy make me blush! Hell, I’d never even looked at a broke guy this long. “Have a good day ma’am,” he said before he turned around to leave out of the room.

“Wait. What’s your name?” I asked in an effort to get him to stay a little bit longer.

He paused without turning around. “Joe,” he said before he walked out and closed the door behind him.

I missed his presence instantly as I laid back in bed fantasizing about the things I could do to him. “Hmmm. Joe,” I moaned softly as my fingers found their way to my pearl. I began to finger myself with my index and middle finger while applying pressure to my clit with my thumb. Circling my hips faster and faster, I could feel my orgasm building up. I hadn’t had a nut in so long, it was building faster than I’d ever imagined it would. I laid in the hospital bed pleasing myself with thoughts of Joe the cafeteria guy on my mind. “Ssssnnnhhhh aaahhhh Joe,” I moaned as the flood gates were released and I came all over my fingers and bed linen. “Shit!” I said as I flipped the thin blanket off me before jumping out the bed. I aggressively snatched the sheet off the bed when I noticed someone standing in the door. I almost threw all of the bed linen down until I realized Joe was standing there with this serious expression on his face. My cheeks flushed yet again with embarrassment as I lowered my head.

“I forgot to give you your drink,” he said and stepped completely in the room to sit it next to my plate of food on top of a napkin. I didn’t say anything because I was too damned ashamed. I don’t know how much he saw but I know he saw enough to think I’m crazy. I didn’t move until I heard the door close.

I threw the bed linen in a bag and set it by the door before searching the cabinets for a new sheet and cover. I redressed the bed before sitting down in the bed to eat. I shocked myself cleaning up behind myself since Tamia normally does it, so I guess I don’t need her.

Speaking of Tamia, I wonder if she’s been worried about me or if she’s gone on with her life. Well, since she has a new best friend, I know she’d gone on with her life. It’s pretty fucked up too! I can’t wait until I see her because I’m going to fuck her up for this big mess she’s caused in my life.

After I finished my chicken tenders, I made that call again. “What’s good?” the sweet sound of Amere could be heard through the phone as he answered.

“Hey,” I said as my heart began to beat faster.

“Who this?” he asked, which pissed me off.

“Mani,” I stated plainly.

“Oh shit! I thought you got kidnapped! I’m glad you iight, where you at?” he asked, causing me to smile.

“Detroit Medical Center.” I answered as I read the name off the call button to reach the nurse’s station.

“Want me to come through or you got somebody up there?” he asked.

“Naw, nobody knows I’m free. C’mon,” I said before I disconnected the call with a big grin on my face.

“Somebody’s in good spirits I see,” someone said and walked into my room. I looked at the door and noticed it was my nurse but I can’t remember her name.

“Yes ma’am. I can’t wait until I can go home,” I said to her, ready to get back to my normal routine.

“Well, all of your test came back normal so you can go just as soon as these fellows talk to you. I’ll work up your discharge papers while ya’ll talk. I wish you could have met my student today. She’s sick so she couldn’t come in,” she said before she walked out of my room.

Two men dressed in cheap suits and shoes walked in right after my nurse walked out. I immediately turned my nose up in disgust at their appearances and cologne that smelled stale.  “Good Evening Ms.,” he paused to look at his notepad. “Ms. Wright. I’m Detective Monroe and this is my partner Detective, Smith,” Detective Monroe continued introducing them both. I knew off top that my case isn’t a priority because they didn’t even know my name when they came in my room. The least they could have done was read the damn notepad before entering.

“We just have a few questions for you,” Detective Smith said and stepped closer to my bed. “Did you know the man who abducted you?” he asked as I shook my head. “Did you see him at all?” he asked as I shook my head.

“Is there anyone you know of that would want to hurt you?” Detective Monroe asked, which pissed me off. Rolling my eyes, I hopped out of bed, completely aware that the back of my gown was open and exposing my big round ass. When I glanced back at them, both of their mouths were on the floor.

“I don’t know who he was and I don’t know why he did it. All I know is it was done and I woke up here, so I guess it’s over. Now, all I want to do is go home,” I stated without turning completely around to face them. I left my ass in plain view, just to distract them from asking me anymore questions.

“Um... uh… if you remember anything, give me a call,” Detective Smith said and placed his card next to my Sprite.

“Me too,” Detective Monroe said following suit before running into Detective Smith. I shook my head at the lack of professionalism in the police department as I watched them scurry out of the door.

Grabbing the phone, I called Amere back because I now needed a ride and not a visitor. I called twice but he didn’t answer. I didn’t want to leave a voicemail because he had a girlfriend and I didn’t want to cause problems at the time. I’d hate to have to beat Lisa’s ass just because I’m fucking Amere.

My nurse came in, removed my IV, and gave me medicine that made my mouth feel like I swallowed cotton balls. I grabbed my Sprite about to drink it when I saw a number with Joe’s name underneath it. Smiling bright, I popped my Sprite open and drank the entire thing without stopping. I took a chance at asking Joe for help, although he didn’t look like he could help me do anything. I was dropped off with no clothes and I can’t leave the hospital with this gown on. Well, I could but I didn’t want to.

“Yeah!” Joe answered his phone on the second ring. I recognized his deep low voice instantly.

“Hey um, this is Armani,” I said.

“And who is Armani?” he asked. It pissed me off until I realized I hadn’t told him my name. Hell, he hadn’t even asked me what my name was.

“The girl you brought chicken tenders to and forgot my Sprite,” I said and he laughed the sexiest laugh I had ever heard.

“Yea the one playing in her pussy and saying my name. What’s up?” he asked as my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

“I need a favor,” I said, slightly scared that he would not be able to help me.

“What?” he asked.

“I’m getting discharged right now and I don’t have a phone or any clothes. I need a ride home, if you can,” I said putting it all on the table.

“Iight,” he said and disconnected the call.

I sat down looking crazy because he hung up on me. I know I only called him because I needed him but damn, he could have done a proper send off. A few minutes later, my nurse walked in with my discharge papers. “I know I said I was ready to go but I just found a ride,” I said looking down. I have never felt so vulnerable in my entire adult life as I have today alone.

“It’s fine sweetie. You can wait in here until your ride gets here,” she said to me before she left the room.

A few minutes later, Joe walked into my room wearing a white T-shirt and some jeans with some Jordan flip flops and socks. “You ready?” he asked without speaking first. I couldn’t help but notice his entire demeanor changed from this morning. He seemed rude now when he seemed courteous earlier today.

“Yes,” I said and slid on the hospital booties before following him out of the door. He walked up to an all-black Audi A8 and my mouth hit the floor. I stopped to make sure he was going to get in before I hopped in the passenger seat with him. He pulled off fast like we weren’t in a parking lot. He was speeding like he knew where he was going and I just sat back ready to enjoy the ride.


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