Striker (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 4)

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Authors: Glenna Maynard

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BOOK: Striker (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 4)
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Black Rebel Riders’ MC








Book 4

Black Rebel Riders' MC



Glenna Maynard




Copyright © 2014 Glenna Maynard

This is a work of fiction. Names characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual people, alive or dead, business, establishments, locals or events is entirely coincidental. Any reference to real events, business, organizations, or locals is intended only to give the fiction a sense of realism and authenticity.  All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a     retrieval system, or transmitted by any means – electronic, mechanical, photographic (photocopying), recording, or otherwise – without prior permission in writing from the author.

The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the word marks mentioned in this work of fiction Harley Davidson.


ISBN-13: 978-1502545510


ISBN-10: 1502545519



Reading Order


Book 1 Grim The beginning

Book 2 Rumor

Book 3 Baby

Book 4 Striker






This series is dedicated to some people who have meant the world to me. Their love of Harley Davidson and rock 'n roll is something I will always carry with me. Foxy Roxie, Elmer Lee (Cowboy) and my parents Glen & Alice. Thank you for all of the wonderful influences you placed upon me.  Roxie, Elmer and dad I hope you all are riding on that highway in the sky.

This book is for anyone with a dream, who has ever been told no, or that you aren’t good enough. Dreams do happen, they do come true, the fact that you are reading this is proof.  To everyone who has supported me on this journey this book is for you. To those of you who gave Grim a chance and kept coming back for more, I love you. You rock my world.















I have to thank all of my readers who fell in love with Grim. I had no idea going into this series how my Kentucky moonshiners were going to be received. The amount of support is overwhelming and I am so grateful. You all, have no idea how it makes me feel to receive a message from ya’ll.


To my girls in Glenna’s Rebels you are so fanfuckingtastic, you guys are always pushing me to keep going. I love you for that. I love how enthusiastic you are; you always put a smile on my face.


To my book whores you girls keep me sane, you know who you are. Thank you for all the laughs and chats.


To my dumb dumb Dawn, ha ha I love the shit out of you! #TeamFork I would totally fork a bitch for you. Thank you for being such an amazing friend. We will have our world takeover one day. World you have been warned.


To my HBIC Liz, you have been with me from day one. I loves you to bits.  You are my ride or die bitch and one of my best friends, don’t know what I would do without you. I need to see your face one day soon Jax misses Connor.


To my Morgan Jane Mitchell, yes she’s my Morgan LOL! You can’t have her. Thank you for being my go to in all things whether it is life, books or screaming kids phone calls. I love you. I would probably die without your continued support and friendship.


To Laura why are you reading this shouldn’t you be pimping, don’t make me break out the cane. Ha ha thank you for being an amazing supporter, friend, and second pair of eyes. Thank you for not holding back and always telling me how you really feel.


To Nickie thank you for always having my back and being there when I need you. You are a fantastic friend and I cannot wait for your adventure to begin with baby Seidler. You are going to be an amazing mom.


To Chelsea thank you for kicking my ass into gear and for being an awesome friend. You are one hell of an author and I cannot wait to see what ride you bring my way in the future.


To Brett, Brandon and Ava once again thank you for not firing me from being your wife and mom, for always being handcuffed to my computer when I am writing the next book. I do this for you. I love you. Thank you for pushing me to keep pursuing my dreams.

I have traveled many roads, but riding the road to winning her heart is proving to be my greatest journey yet... "Nothing brings me so much pain and pleasure, like her mouth."

My name is Striker Black and this is my story...

Have you ever made a choice that changed everything? A decision that set off a chain of events that you could not control. Have you ever been torn between wishing to go back and change one night if it could repair all of the lives you ruined or being glad that it happened because it brought you, the most precious gift life had to offer?

As long as I can remember, I have sworn to protect her, to give her everything she ever needed. I waited so long for her to put her faith in me to trust in me to cherish her and I failed her. Letting down the one person who mattered most to me broke me, letting her go about nearly killed me.


Baby has loved and lost. Trying to pick up the pieces of her heart, she finds herself in the crosshairs of a tangled mess. Can Baby forgive the past and open her heart to the man who has loved her since she was just a girl? How many times can a heart be wounded before it finally bleeds dry…


Romeo has always been loyal to his patch and one woman has always owned his heart. He is soon finding out that loyalty and love doesn’t always go hand in hand. When a new threat arises Romeo learns the hard way, all is not fair on the road and between the sheets.



"Dance with me Striker." I take Baby by the hand and lead her to the floor. ‘We Got Tonight’ is playing loud and I hold her body tight against mine. Fuck, she smells so good. I suck in a deep breath and place a little distance between us, but she draws me back in and lays her head on my shoulder. “Where's your girl at? Figured she'd have your mark on her arm by now," she teases. Having her close, like this feels so right and so wrong. I have always loved Baby, but I have also always known that I don’t stand a chance with her. She has always had a thing for my brother, Rebel. I do not see what attracts her to him, other than what a jerk he has always been towards her. Guess she is like every other woman, they love an asshole.

“Nah, her parents are in town and they are tight ass stuck up fuckers. They'd never approve of their daughter being with me." That is the appeal of being with Aspen. There isn’t any expectations between us. She knows I will never be serious about her, just as I know she uses me to get at her parents. But I lied to Baby just now, Aspen wanted to see me and I blew her off, because I knew tonight was Baby’s graduation night and I wanted to be here for her, to celebrate. I may have just wanted to see her before I leave in the morning. I haven’t ever been longer than a day or two without at least catching sight of her on the club property.

The song changes to ‘Family Tradition’.  Baby smiles at me as our bodies stay close, like we have always fit together. "Well they sure as fuck don't know what in the hell they are missing." She laughs, and I almost can’t stand it, it is the sweetest sound I have ever heard. Even when we were kids she had that laugh, it always touched my heart. I twirl her around, resisting the urge to ravish her mouth.

"So where in the fuck you been lately, you don't ever come around. You haven't been to a family breakfast over at mom's in months. You got a man I don't know about? Or is it because of my dumbass brother?" I steer our conversation into safer territory.

"Just had a lot going on. Tell Foxie I'll be over in the morning to make up for it."

"I'm going to hold you to it, but you can start making it up to me by finding us some smoke, I'm tapped out. And I'd like to go out tonight in style. Chicago is going to be a lot of work and no play." I dread Chicago, but at the same time, I am happy for the change. In Chicago, I won’t have to watch Baby fall in love with someone who isn’t me. I’m not ready to be the man that can tame her wild ass. Moreover, going up against Grim, to place a claim on her is scary as shit. He killed my father for screwing him over, I cannot even begin to imagine what in the hell he would do if I ever hurt his daughter.

"Alright I got you. Meet me at your apartment in about ten minutes.” Baby takes off, and I make a mad dash to my place to pick up my shit.

My apartment is a mess; old beer bottles line the coffee table. Not wasting any time I grab the trashcan from my kitchen and start tossing anything in, even my work clothes from earlier today. I make a mental note to have one of the potentials come by and clean sometime after I get to Chicago. Aspen rarely comes by so I am not used to keeping the apartment picked up for female company.

Baby shows up moments later, looking even more beautiful than she did a bit ago. Her red hair frames her face, her wild honey eyes sparkling so full of promise. What I wouldn’t give to have just one night with her.

"You know Grim will have both our asses if he catches us smoking his good shit." I take the weed from her and roll us a joint. "Before I get too blazed to remember, I got you something." I have been debating on giving her the bracelet, but she is here and if I don’t do it now I never will.

Walking into my room my palms are sweating. This is the first time I have ever given any woman jewelry. What if she hates it or thinks it is lame? I don’t know why I am freaking so bad over this, it’s just a fuckin’ bracelet. I grab the bag and take it to her, placing it in her lap. Her lips curve upward in an amused smile. Baby is enjoying my embarrassment. I smooth my hands over my hair, pushing it out of my face and take a seat beside of her on the couch.

"Open it." I nudge her shoulder, eager to see her reaction.

She squeals, she loves it, I am relieved, and now I feel like I can relax and enjoy that joint. We spend some time talking about what each charm represents. My favorite is the tree. When we were kids, Baby was sad about not having her mom and her old man always being out on the road. She said she felt alone. It was a small gesture, but I remembered my mom buying some trees and shit to plant around the Roadhouse. I stole a magnolia tree and when Baby and I planted it, I told her as long as that tree had its roots in the soil, she would have me, and we would always be rooted together.

She rolls us another joint and grabs us another jar of shine. "You want to play?" I ask noticing her eyeing the game controllers. I cannot even count how many times we have played together over the years.

"You're on. Let's kick some zombitch ass!" Baby cheers with excitement. We play a few rounds and the two of us are feeling pretty fucking good at this point. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my last night in Drag Creek than with Baby.

"Striker tonight was the best night I have had in a long time. Thank you for hanging out with me, best night I have had in a while." She leans over, falling into me, her soft velvety lips, crash into me. Fucking amazing. I can’t stop myself from pulling her to me and having a full taste of her. She deepens the kiss sucking on my tongue, best-goddamned kiss I have ever had the pleasure of receiving.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time," I whisper against her neck biting and sucking her sensitive flesh moving towards her collarbone. God I want her.

"Don't say things like that unless you mean them, you've got a girlfriend..." Tonight Aspen is the farthest thing from my mind, with Baby here looking so sexy, tasting so good, giving me what I have been denying myself—Aspen who?

"Baby, you taste so motherfuckin' sweet, smell so damned good, skin so smooth." I run my hands over her stomach, brushing my fingers over her breasts; I need them in my mouth. My cock is stretching, aching to fill her, to give her every inch of me. Her response is welcoming, as she pulls my shirt over my head. We continue nipping, rubbing, tasting, exploring each other’s bodies. If I don’t have her soon I am going to combust. She sucks on my lip ring, making my dick twitch.

I explore further, running my hands over her thighs and up to her wet panties. I hook the silk material to the side and tease her clit slowly with my thick finger. She lets out a whimper, nearly causing me to cum in my pants.

"Take me to bed Striker," she moans tightening her tight cunt around my finger. She bites her lip and I can’t take it. So fucking sexy. I swear nothing brings me more pleasure and pain than her mouth. I take her in my arms and carry her to my bed. She looks stunning lying here waiting for me to make her feel so damned good.

"Have I ever told you how breathtakingly beautiful you are Baby, I swear nothing has ever been as beautiful as you are." My lips find their way to her mouth again after kissing up her neck; I am trying so hard to control myself. I need to do this slowly, I want her to know how much I desire her, and I want to worship her heart, body, and soul. "Baby, I want to do this right, I don't want to just fuck. You, you deserve to be made love to. I have loved you since we were kids. And I am going to give you what you deserve." Fu-uuck, I just told her how I really feel. I am not ready to tell her this shit yet. Neither of us are ready. Baby needs to experience life a little more. If I were to claim her now, she’d resent me later on because there are so many things she has yet to experience.

"You love me?" She is looking deep in my eyes seeing the window to my soul. I can’t hurt her and say no, because I do love her.

"So much, never thought I'd get the chance to tell show you..." I undress her, and show her just how much.

Taking my time kissing down her throat to her breasts, I suck on each pointed peak, massaging, caressing her delicate mounds. She is squirming wanting to be touched more, her hips shift, I know what she wants but she is going to work for it. I take her belly ring between my teeth tugging on it before sucking on it. Wrapping my arms around her thighs, I spread her apart, and work my hungry mouth over her pussy. “Fuck, Baby, you taste out of this world, sweetest thing ever.” She moans in ecstasy. "Touch yourself, Baby; show me what you want me to do to you."

Her cheeks blush, I need to give her more encouragement. I swirl my tongue inside her slit, and bite down on her clit. "Show me," I command taking her hand in mine romancing her body together. She is hesitant at first but gives into the sensation, and shoves our fingers inside her cunt; killing me, it feels so damned sensual.

"Do you feel how wet you are, how responsive you are to my touch. You are driving me wild.”  Sweeping her hair from her face, I delve my finger in her mouth, showing her how good she tastes. I kiss her soft and slow allover tracing all of her tattoos with my tongue. Rocking back on my calves, I take in how beautiful she truly is, it feels like a dream, I can’t believe this is happening. I keep waiting to wake up or for her to tell me to stop.

When she urges me to continue, I settle between her legs pressing into her, slowly giving her body time to welcome me. "So fucking tight."  It feels like her pussy was made just for me. She stretches accepting me further.

A single tear escapes her face. I hate that I am causing her physical pain. "I'm sorry, if this is hurting, but I promise it will feel good in a minute, but if you want me to stop I will. But please don't tell me to stop, you feel so good, so motherfcukin' tight, like a silk glove wrapped around me."

"I don't want you to stop," she bucks her hips, receiving every inch of me fully. Making love to Baby is like nothing else I have ever felt. I have been with plenty of women, but it has never felt this way. I’m not just talking physical, there is an emotional connection, and I know she feels it too.

"Harder," she demands, digging her nails deep in my flesh. I give her exactly what she wants slamming into her, drawing my cock in and out at a quickened pace. Baby orgasms and it is my undoing, as I cum inside her filling her with all I have.

I collapse beside of her, as the realization hits me that we didn’t use protection. I don’t want to be a jerk by bringing it up and making her feel uncomfortable.

"I never thought anyone could ever make me feel the way you just did." Baby is looking at me with such devotion. I am afraid she is going to expect more than I can offer. I should have had more self-control. I should have stopped her when she first touched her lips to mine.

"What's the matter, did I say something wrong?"

"No, you were perfect, you are flawless." I kiss her cheek easing the tension and take her into the shower with me.

After our shower Baby falls asleep in my arms, I don’t want this night to end. When tomorrow comes this will all be over. Chicago and Aspen are waiting on me…

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