Authors: Linette King

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When Steve threw me in the back of the cab, I didn’t even fight to get out. I just laid back thinking of the days of my life when everything was carefree. All the way back when my mom was still alive and it was us against the world. Back when grades weren’t an issue and boys weren’t a thought. I would give anything to go back to those days and get out of my current situation.

“What the fuck?” Steve said out loud, snapping me out of my thoughts. I sat up and looked out the window and saw Deuce, Brandon, and Candy following closely behind us. I smiled on the inside because I knew they were going to save me. It’s beginning to look like a pattern with Brandon saving me and Rashard being M.I.A

Steve swerved hard and sent me flying into the door. I sat upright and put my seatbelt on. He continued to drive crazy trying to lose them but I knew they would save me. I knew from the look on Candy’s face back at the house that she was going to come find me. I looked out the back window again when Steve turned off. I started to panic when Deuce kept driving.

“Don’t look so scared Tamia. I’m going to have fun with you,” Steve said as he looked at me through the rearview mirror before parking the cab.

“Suck a dick!” I said back to him, which caused him to frown, probably from the memory of what happened to his. “Do you have a dick, Steve? I know we did a number on you. Did they cut it off to save your life?” I asked, fucking with him. He reached back and stabbed me in the leg with an antenna, causing me to scream out in pain. The pain subsided as I stared at the antenna in my leg and started laughing. Steve looked at me like I was crazy. “I’m going to kill you but don’t worry, it will be quick,” I said and Steve pulled off.

When I looked back, I saw Deuce found us and was now back behind us. “1, 2, they’re coming for you. 3, 4, you shouldn’t have come for more. 5, 6, Steve’s got no dick!” I sang like I was singing the Freddie Krueger song. Steve didn’t respond. Instead, he pushed the antenna deeper. I laughed loudly because I knew I was going to kill him.
A gunshot sound made me look back to see my knight hanging out the window with a gun. We swerved slightly but Steve was able to gain control of the vehicle.

I sat back waiting for them to shoot out another tire but they didn’t.
A car hit us from the side and we flipped about four times. My seat belt broke after we landed upside down and I fell on my head. I grabbed the antenna and snatched it from my leg and stabbed Steve in his stomach with it. Candy came out of nowhere and snatched me out the car and pulled me towards the truck. “Do you have a gun?” I asked and she looked at me sideways. “I need to kill him or he will come back,” I explained.

She waved Brandon over because Deuce ran off to the car that hit us. “She need your gun,” Candy said to Brandon. He grabbed my other arm and lifted me higher. The smell of his cologne was making me horny. I know sex should be the last thing on my mind but I hadn’t had actual sex since Amere over four years ago! We got to the car just in time for Steve to be trying to wiggle his way out the window. I pulled away from Candy and Brandon, so I could do this alone. “Hey Steve!” I said, which caught his attention. “You should have left me alone,” I said before I squeezed the trigger. I was aiming for his head but when the gun jerked, it caused me to hit his neck. I watched his eyes close before walking closer to check his pulse.
Yep! He’s as dead as a door knob
, I thought to myself smiling before falling backwards.

Brandon scooped me up and carried me to the truck. “You smell so good,” I said, shocking myself. He smiled and sat me in the backseat. When I looked to my right, I saw Rashard and his legs were bleeding something serious. “Are you ok?” I asked him because he didn’t look so good.

“You asking me like you ok,” he said before he passed out. I pulled my shirt over my head and ripped it in half. I tied both pieces around his legs above the wounds to slow the bleeding down. I reached over and checked his pulse, and it was barely detectable. He was losing way too much blood.

I looked up at Deuce, who was glancing back occasionally. When our eyes connected, he nodded his head. Several minutes later, we pulled up to Doc’s house and went through all the same shit we went through last time. We all took our shoes off, the bitches were still rude, and his wife was still doing her damn makeup.

“You ready?” Doc asked me. I stood to my feet and headed into the examination room. I knew I was fine but it was Rashard that I was worried about.

“How is he?” I asked Doc as he gave me a tetanus shot for my leg wound.

“He lost a lot of blood and has slipped into a coma. I have my people bringing blood over to give him a blood transfusion and after that, of course, you know it’s up to him,” Doc said as he cleaned my face.

After I was done, we all left and went back to my apartment. Candy and I stayed in the car while Deuce and Brandon loaded a few boxes in the very back. Instead of staying at Candy’s house that night, we all stayed over at Deuce’s house.



I’ll never understand how this happened. My baby didn’t survive long enough for the doctor to find her any blood. I’d been crying ever since it happened. I didn’t leave out the room for anything! I prayed and prayed and prayed, but my prayers weren’t answered! Now, my baby is gone. My precious Amiria is gone and everyone involved will pay.

I walked out of the hospital and made a call to Andre. “What’s up baby?” he answered the phone.

“My baby is dead, and now Tamia and everyone she loves must die,” I said.

“I’ve been waiting on you. I’m in the parking lot.”

“Alright, I’m on my way out,” I said, about to hang up when he called my name. “Yes?” I asked.

“I got some people out here with me who’s ready to bring it,” he said and disconnected the call.

“Everything’s going to be ok,” the nurse said that had been with me.

I completely ignored her as I made my way outside looking for Andre. When I spotted him, he was standing around a group of people next to a van. “Hey everybody,” I said with a light smile.

“I’m sorry for your loss babe,” Andre said as he walked up to me before giving me a hug. “Let me introduce you to everybody. Everybody here has some type of beef with Tamia, Rashard, and Armani, so we’re going to take them out together. This is my boy Twan, Tiffany, Michelle, and Bo. Twan is tired of being under Rashard while he play us like we don’t know he’s running shit. Tiffany is here because her cousin Michelle is here. Michelle is tired of Rashard hurting her and she wants to kill Tamia. Bo is Rashard’s brother and he has always hated him,” he said and nodded towards the people leaning against the van.

I looked over at the small woman that wore baggy pants and a large jacket with the hood tied securely around her head. “Who is that?” I asked.

“That’s Daphney. Tamia and Armani ruined her life when they tried to kill the love of her life. She thought he was dead and got addicted to drugs. When he got better, he came to find her and got her clean before they both came looking for Tamia and Armani. They found Armani first and she’d been torturing her everyday but they don’t have her anymore. She just wants to hurt them how they hurt her,” he explained.

“Oh my gosh. How do you know them?” I asked Daphney.

“I’m Armani’s mother,” she said, which caused my jaw to drop because I had no idea Armani even had a damn mother, and we’re all from the same place. I looked over at Andre, who was smiling at me.

“The man they tried to kill is my uncle I was telling you about,” Andre said to me.

“So, it’s set. We’re killing them all?” I asked. Everyone nodded their heads.



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