Authors: Linette King

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Looking around the room for something to clean his wound with, I knew he would hate me when he woke up. “What’s wrong?” Candy asked, as she noticed my disposition.

“I’m going to have to cut his hair to clean the wound,” I answered her. Looking closely, I noticed it wasn’t very big and it was centered, so he probably wouldn’t notice a patch gone because his dreads are long. “Never mind. I’ll just cut a patch out and he won’t notice,” I said as I tried to convince myself.

After I cut his hair and cleaned the wound, I stepped to the side to allow Doc to take a look. “You did great!” he said with a smile. The humming of Rashard’s phone against the table distracted me from responding. I reached in his pocket, removed the phone, and placed it in the scrub top pocket. We all stood around and watched as Doc put staples in Rashard’s head, closing the wound. “Now, we play the waiting game,” Doc said as he led us into another area that looked exactly like a waiting area. It had chairs, a TV, and coffee. We all took a seat. I watched Candy and Deuce stealing glances out the corner of my eye. I could feel Brandon staring at me but I never looked in his direction.

I was beyond tired as I kept repositioning myself and tried to get comfortable in my chair. I was finally dozing off when my phone started vibrating in my pocket. Pulling it out, I realized I had a text message.

Chardae: what time are you coming? I’m getting worried

I was confused because I don’t know anyone named Chardae but then it dawned on me. I checked Rashard’s text message and he was planning on going to see her tonight. I didn’t know how I was supposed to feel but I do know I don’t like this feeling. “He’s awake,” Doc said before he turned around and headed back to Rashard. I exited out of the message and stuck his phone back in my pocket.

I followed behind the group back into the other room where he was. “Man, how you get caught slipping?” Deuce asked Rashard, who shrugged his shoulders in response.

“I’m glad you’re ok,” I said as I stepped next to Candy. Rashard frowned at me a bit before digging in his pocket to pay Doc. I don’t know how much money he paid him but the knot was huge! I began to wonder what he did outside of school and football. I began to realize that I was feeling someone I knew nothing about. It’s a good thing I’m finding out before I fell in love with him.

“Ready?” I whispered to Candy.

“Yeah,” Candy said as she noticed my uneasiness. We walked back through the house speaking to Doc’s wife, who still didn’t respond or move. She was seated in the same position she was in when we first walked through. Doc got her trained well!

Walking back through the house, I didn’t see the kids but the ladies were seated in the living room watching TV. They shot Candy cold glares as we walked through and it didn’t faze Candy at all. She still didn’t acknowledge them. Once we got to our shoes, Rashard’s phone started vibrating. Pulling it out of my pocket, I noticed Chardae was calling as I stuck his phone down into his shoe before I slipped my heels back on. When we got to the door, I noticed a bag with my dress hanging slightly out of it. I grabbed the bag and made sure it was my dress. Since it was, I grabbed it on my way out the door.




I woke up in the hospital with a horrible headache. Looking around the room, I wondered what hospital I was in. I was laid across a table like a corpse instead of a bed. I felt around for the call button when Doc’s looney ass came scrolling through his wife’s room. “It’s alive!” he said, pretending like I scared him. This man is a lunatic! Doc and I go way back! I know you’re thinking Rashard, you’re only twenty-six, well I met Doc when I was ten years old. I knew something was off with him when I met him. This man used to live down the street from us and he had six Pitbull dogs. Three of them females and three of them males. He would sell their offspring but he wouldn’t dare part with the six original Pitbulls. He used to be a surgeon but for a reason unknown to me, he lost his license and practice that he built from the ground up. I think he had abandonment issues on top of that because not even death separated him and his wife.

After losing his practice, a few years later, he found out his wife had terminal ovarian cancer. They gave her three months to live but she made it another two years without any treatments. Since they had no medical insurance, no doctors would see her. Doc tried finding her an insurance plan but since she was already sick, it would take all of their savings just to keep the insurance current. Doc already had a few screws loose but after she passed away, he got worse. His behavior became calculated, yet manic. I noticed his dogs dropping dead like flies! It was rumored that he was killing his dogs while he studied taxidermy. I guess he was using them for practice. I later found this to be true when I went to visit him one day and he finally invited me in. Their children were in their room playing in the playpen and his wife was seated at the piano. It freaked me the fuck out and I almost ran out of there. Curiosity lead me closer to her, so I could get a look at her face. In the flesh, well so to speak, his dead wife sat stuffed in an upright position at the piano. He talks to her as if she responds and everything, and he wants you to speak too.

“What am I doing here?” I asked Doc, since I’m normally the one bringing people to him.

“Well, somebody hit you across your head and your friend Deuce brought you here,” Doc explained before he walked away. I was confused about why he would walk away in the middle of our conversation until he returned with Deuce, his cousin, Candy, and Tamia. I smiled knowing Tamia was here.

“Man, how you get caught slipping?” Deuce asked. Shit, I really don’t even know because I saw the van pull up and I saw a guy jump out. What I didn’t see was someone hit me in my damn head. I didn’t even know someone was close enough to me to hit me. I reached in my pocket and handed Doc a knot of cash. I always gave him a lot, in case I ever need him and I don’t have any money on me.

“I’m glad you’re ok,” Tamia said without looking at me. She whispered something in Candy’s ear before they walked out.

Shaking my head at her little wishy washy ass, I sat up and checked my pocket for my phone. “Looking for your phone?” Doc asked as I nodded my head. “The one that helped me has it,” he answered. I wanted to get up and run behind her because I didn’t have it locked and I didn’t want her to read any of my messages. Them bitches were exclusive and even though we aren’t together, I didn’t want to hurt her.

“Preciate ya Doc,” I said as I shook his hand and slid off the table. I wasn’t at all surprised to be barefoot because when his wife was living, she was a real stickler about your shoes scuffing her floor. It didn’t matter if you were wearing ballerina shoes, she thought they would scuff up her floor. I walked out of the door into his wife’s room and said goodbye before I headed back through his house.

Shay and Brittany were sitting on the couch watching TV. I use to fuck with Brittany’s little short, dark skinned, thick ass hard back in the day. Deuce was fucking with Shay all the way up until he started fucking with Candy. I stopped messing around with Brittany because she was becoming too attached. She forgot that she had a man the whole time we were fucking! It started off as a secret then she started popping up on me unannounced whenever I didn’t answer the phone or text her back. Quite frankly, I didn’t have time to deal with somebody else’s bitch. I remember everything like it just happened.

Deuce and I carried Rudy’s body, that had been shot four times, through Doc’s house so he could work on him. I had blood all over me and Doc offered the shower. I looked at Deuce to make sure he was ok because Doc’s wife sitting at the piano always freaked him out.

While I was in the shower, Brittany stepped in behind me, wrapping her arms around me. She rubbed all over my chest then abs, before placing both hands on my dick. She stroked it to life before turning me around. I allowed her to take control as she dropped down to her knees, taking all of me into her mouth. She deep throated me over and over until I pulled out and came all over her face. She stood up, stepped around, and allowed the shower head to spray my nut off her face before washing up and stepping out.

I stepped out behind her, noticing a pack of condoms on the sink. I ripped it open before pulling out a single condom and running water over the wrapper. I needed to make sure she hadn’t punctured it, trying to sucker me, before I used it. I slid the condom over my dick and sat down on the toilet. I watched as Brittany slid down slowly on my dick. Her pussy gripped me tight as fuck as I placed my hands on her hips to slow down her pace. I was trying everything to keep from nutting prematurely. I slowed her pace, I stared at the picture of the flower, hell, I even thought about purple cows and still came before I was ready! She ain’t mind because she came first.

For the next couple of years, we were sneaking and fucking because she had a man. Soon, I grew tired of fucking her and instead of telling her, I just gradually quit answering. This crazy bitch started flipping out on me wherever and whenever she saw me like the shit was cool. I sat her down one day and told her I was going to tell him if she didn’t chill out, and she never called me again.

“Your bitch gone, you still ain’t speaking?!” Shay asked with an attitude. Deuce doesn’t like people in his business, so he didn’t respond to her at all. We kept walking until we got to our shoes. Before I stuck my foot in my shoes I noticed my phone was ringing inside of it.

“What’s up?” I answered the phone.

“Baby, I been worried sick!” Chardae said with a voice laced with concern.

“I’ll be over shortly,” I said and disconnected the call.

We went outside and hopped in Deuce’s truck, headed to get my car from the club. The whole way there I contemplated calling Tamia. We needed to get to the bottom of this shit before dude came back. I don’t know how she feels but I have a feeling him grabbing Candy was purely an accident.

By the time we pulled up to the club, Chardae had called me twice, like I hadn’t just told her I was coming through. We pulled around back, so I could hop in my ride and the first thing I did was call Candy.

“What’s up boss?” she answered.

“Aye, where ya’ll headed?” I asked.

“My house,” Candy answered.

“Iight. That’s what I was about to tell you to do. How is she?” I asked.

“Good,” she answered. They must be in the car or in the same room because of how short Candy was being with me.

“Iight, I’ll catch up with ya’ll later,” I said to my damn self because Candy had already hung the phone up.


Tiffany: I need to talk to you

Rashard: about???

Tiffany: can’t text it

I don’t know what’s wrong with these bitches and needing to talk to me. First Chardae, now Tiffany, who’s next? Who gone hit ya boy up next with the bullshit? Ain’t shit Tiffany got to talk about important though because I really don’t even fuck with her like that. Not to mention, she only sucks my dick, so I know she ain’t pregnant.

About twenty minutes later, I pulled into Deadman’s Cove and parked in Chardae’s driveway. She must have heard me pull up because she opened the door wearing nothing but a lace teddy. My dick jumped at the sight of her. “Man, get out the doorway with that shit on!” I snapped when I got within earshot.

“I’m sorry daddy. C’mon,” she said and pulled me by my hand into the living room. Chardae may live in the projects but when you’re inside, it doesn’t feel like project housing. She had shit laid! The best of everything!

I watched her plump ass sway from side to side as I followed behind her. She sat on one couch and I sat on the other one. She grabbed an unopened pregnancy test from underneath the table before sitting it on top. “I figured you’d want me to take another one once you got here,” she said and looked at me.

“You damn right, let’s go!” I said as I stood to my feet.

“You wanna watch?” she asked with her nose turned up like I’m nasty!

“Man, I don’t trust you, hell yea, I’m fina watch! Shit, you probably got your pregnant friend piss in there ready!” I snapped while I shook my head.

Chardae sucked her teeth while snatching the test up and storming to the bathroom. I watched her tear the test open before cutting her eyes at me. I leaned against the wall as Chardae squatted over the toilet and positioned the stick under the stream of urine. After she was done, she placed the cap on the test and sat it on the counter.

This is going to be the longest two minutes of my life!




After dropping Tiffany off at home, I began to contemplate whether or not I should really call my partner up.
Why wouldn’t you call?
“Ah shit! Not you again! Leave me alone, I got this!” I yelled out loud.
If you did, I wouldn’t be here.
“You’re not real! You are NOT REAL! NOT REAL! NOT REAL! NOT REAL!” I screamed over and over while I shook my head with my hands pressed tightly over my ears.
HaHaHa! Are you done yet? Because you’re acting real crazy right now.
“Fuck you, I’m not crazy!”
Just call him numb nuts because I’m not about to argue with you.
Grabbing my phone and quickly dialing his number, I swerved into the parking lot of my apartment complex.

“Hello,” he answered.

“I need a favor,” I said.

“One of them? Ok, what do I get Michelle?” he asked, which caused me to roll my eyes.

“What do you want?” I asked, almost scared of the answer.

“You,” he responded. That’s exactly what I was afraid of. It’s not like his sex wasn’t good, it just wasn’t wanted. I really don’t want to but we have to come up with a plan to get Rashard back to me. Our last plan backfired, so we have to be extra careful and plan everything precisely. “Hello?” he said and interrupted my thoughts.

“Ok. C’mon,” I said and disconnected the call. This would be the start of many nights I could do without.

About an hour later, there was a knock at my door. I didn’t ask who it was because I already knew. “What’s up baby?” he asked me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“Nothing, come on in,” I said as I walked away. We sat down on the couch and began searching for something to watch.

“What’s going on?” he asked and grabbed my hand that held the remote control.

“I need Ray back,” I said, which caused him to roll his eyes.

“Why? I want you but you want him. You must don’t know yet?” he asked, which caused me to look in his direction.

“Know what?” I asked.

“Shard has a girlfriend,” he answered me.

I shook my head slowly. “Not for long,” I said.

“What’s the plan and I hope it’s better than the last bright idea you had!” he said with an attitude.

“Listen, I’m sorry about that,” I said.

“Sorry doesn’t bring my child back, do it! You wanted me to get you pregnant so you could trap him and it didn’t work, and you killed my child! Our child! Our son or daughter! And why?! What did you get out of it?” he snapped. I knew he was mad because the vein in the middle of his forehead was protruding.

I know you’re thinking I’m some kind of trifling monster but I’m not. I tried to trick Ray into marrying me but when he didn’t fall for it, I couldn’t keep the baby. If it was Ray’s child, I would have but since it wasn’t, I couldn’t risk it breaking us up. I had no idea that the fact that I lied about being pregnant by him was enough to break us up. We were good when we were together but I wanted us to be great! I wanted to have his baby so bad but he was always so careful! He always wore a condom and still pulled out when he came. I had no choice but to get pregnant by someone else.

“You don’t hear me talking to you?!” he yelled and caused me to jump.
Who the fuck is he yelling at like that?

“Don’t start!” I yelled.
That’s what you need to be telling his ass! He’s the one yelling about to get this issue!
“You’re getting on my nerves, just shut up ok! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” I yelled and punched the side of my head.

“Baby, listen, I’m sorry for yelling. Calm down ok,” he said and pulled me to him. He positioned me, so I’d be lying on his chest. The beating of his heart calmed me almost instantly. We laid across the couch and held each until we drifted off to sleep.

“MMMHHHHH! AAAAHHH! YES! Right there, baby!” I moaned out as he devoured my pussy. My toes started tingling as I balled them up. I felt a rush of energy flow through my body before I began to shake. Normally, I’d clinch my body but I rode the wave of that orgasm completely. “Ray, you’re the truth baby!” I said before I opened my eyes. Disappointment quickly washed over me as I stared into the face of Bo. How quickly did I forget about the plan we were supposed to be making before we fell asleep?! He was frowning at me with that vein protruding again as I rolled my eyes inward.

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