AdamsObsession (11 page)

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Authors: Sabrina York

BOOK: AdamsObsession
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“Oh. Yes.”

“Are you in the bedroom?”


“Is the front door unlocked?”


“Okay, Kat. I want you to lie back on the bed and slip that
vibrator into your pussy. Are you doing it?”

She leaned back and lifted a leg, realizing all of a sudden
that she was facing the mirror. Every move was reflected back to her. She whimpered.

“Is it in?”

“Not yet.” She grabbed it, pushing the thong out of the way
at the same time. As she searched for the right angle, it brushed her clit and
she moaned.

“No playing around.” His words were little more than a
guttural groan. One would think he was as close as she was, judging from the
sharp edge to his voice. “Shove it in.”

She cried out as the thick plug slipped in and filled her.
She pressed it in and in until the anal and clitoral vibrators slipped into
place. “Oh!” she moaned. “It’s in. It feels good. Should I turn it on?”

“No. I want you to lie there, filled, thinking about me. Put
on the blindfold.”

Her heart lurched. She grabbed for the soft scrap, slipping
it over her head. “It’s on.”

“Can you see anything?”



“Are you thinking about me?”

“Oh yes.” Was she ever. Her entire body was aflame. She
ached to stroke herself, rub her clit, her nipples, her tightly puckered
asshole. But she couldn’t. He was in charge. That inflamed her as well.

This had been her fantasy for so long and now it was
happening. With Adam. She shuddered. It scared her to death but she wanted it.
She wanted it bad.

“Now, raise your arms over your head and stretch yourself

She did, wantonly splaying herself across her bed, sobbing
as the thoughts, the feelings, the sensations dominated her body and soul.

“Put your wrists together. Yes. That’s right. Now arch your
back a little. God,” he breathed, “your breasts are beautiful.”

She stilled as she realized his voice was no longer coming
from the Bluetooth in her ear. It was behind her. Even as realization dawned,
something warm touched her nipple. She cried out and involuntarily undulated
her pelvis. The hard vibrator inside her resisted the roll, massaging her.

“Kat, Kat.” His breath was hot in her ear. “You’re

She felt a sharp tug at her wrists and then a pressure. Her
heart stuttered as she realized what he’d done. He’d bound her wrists together
and tethered them to the headboard. She had some wiggle room but only enough to
make it fun for him to watch. She tested the bonds. They were strong.

She was helpless now. Completely in his power. She melted

“I’ve always loved a brass bed.” She felt his touch along
her cheek to her neck, tracing a torturous path toward her breasts. He massaged
the tender flesh there, pinching her nipples until they popped over the cup of
the bra. “God,” he hissed just before his hot mouth enveloped one turgid peak.

Katherine moaned and arched her back. The movement made her
all the more cognizant that her arms were constrained, her pussy was full to
overflowing and both her clit and her rosebud were under pressure. As he
continued to work at her breasts, his hand drifted lower, tangling with the
belt about her waist and then drifting between her thighs. The pressure of his
touch against the twin stimulants of lace and vibrator made her moan.

“Please,” she begged, though she had no idea what she was

He did.

With a quick flick, he turned the vibrator on.

She nearly went into orbit.

With a sharp cry, she twisted against her bonds, desperate
to exert some control over this situation. There was none to be had.

Adam slipped the vibrator out and she howled in denial. He
eased it back in but he was determined to torment her. He pulled it out again.

“Please. Please.”

“What do you want?” A velvet voice.

“I want to come. Please, Adam. Let me come.” In response, he
removed the throbbing monstrosity all together. She heard him switch it off and
felt the thud as he tossed it onto the bed, out of reach. “No!”

He edged her over onto her side and landed a sharp slap on
her bottom. She couldn’t help but twitch and moan as heat speared through her.

“Don’t tell me no,” he warned in a low whisper. “Not when
we’re like this. Do you understand?”

She did. He was telling her that when they were at play like
this, he was in charge. Everywhere else, all bets were off.


“Umm. Good girl.” He drew a tantalizing line along her
crack. “God, you’re wet.” In a rush of movement, he flipped her all the way
over onto her belly. She was leashed to the bedstead but the bonds were loose
enough to allow her to turn.

He yanked off her panties—at this point they were only
getting in the way—and urged her up so he could slip a fat pillow under her
belly. It elevated her hips so her bottom was thrust into an upright and
wide-open display. He slipped two fingers into her cunt and groaned. He
withdrew them and shoved them in again, stroking her deeply.

“You’re one hot piece of ass, aren’t you?”

She whimpered—the internal massage felt so damn good she
could barely issue any response but when she didn’t answer quickly enough, he
landed another sharp slap to her quivering bottom. She cried out in surprise,

“Aren’t you?”

“Yes.” Her response hung on a breath. Ah! Another slap. And
another. She twitched and moaned at both.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes. I’m a hot piece of ass.”

“Yeah. You are.” He spread his fingers inside her. She
shuddered. “And you’re all mine.”

He pulled out of her with a wet plop. She could feel him
doing something down at the end of the bed but she had no clue what it could
be. And then there was an ominous tightening at her ankles. Her heart thudded
as, one after the other, he secured her legs to either end of the footboard,
forcing her open to his gaze, his touch.

“Oh, Adam.” She shuddered.

“You like that?” He returned to his spot in the middle of
the bed. “Do you like feeling helpless? At my mercy?”

“Yes. Yes.” Truly, she did. She was unable to see, unable to
move. He controlled her completely.

He bent down and nibbled gently on her neck then worked his
way down her back with exquisite patience and skill. He came to her ass, still
elevated, still stinging from his earlier slaps, and he kissed her there too.
He moved lower. His tongue danced along her slit. She cried out at the
sensation as he dabbled here and there, in places no one else had ever been.

“Adam,” she warbled as his tongue probed her puckered

He chuckled. “Don’t worry. That’s not my target.” Drifting
lower, his mouth found her clitoris. And he sucked.

She nearly came off the bed, so severe was the sensation. He
ignored her cries, her pleas, her moans as he consumed her, incessantly
rubbing, licking, tweaking and pressing—all the while working in and out of her
clenching, quivering quim—until she shuddered and collapsed, near mindless with


When Adam could take no more, when he thought for sure he
was going to lose his sanity if this continued, he mounted her. Thrust in deep.
Rode her.

He rode her hard and rough, noting when she roused again,
when her pussy clenched and shuddered, when her cries rose and thick juices
flooded her channel.

Then he rode her even harder, like a wild man, savagely
possessing her, fucking her—the way a wolf fucks a mate in heat—exulting when
he felt her orgasm rise and crest once more, quickly followed by his own.

His climax was intense, a hot wash of exquisite pleasure
that swamped him in wave after blinding wave.

All the while, one thought rocketed through his mind,
punctuated with each hard thrust, each feral groan.




No one else could have her.

Chapter Twelve


Katherine sashayed into the office the next morning feeling
very much like a new woman. Last night had been phenomenal. Adam had taken her
from every angle, making her come more times than she’d thought possible. Her
pussy and nipples still thrummed from all the attention they’d endured.

More than that, she’d finally lived out her lifelong sexual
fantasy. It had been everything she ever dreamed of and more.

Adam was everything she had ever dreamed of and more.

She felt so…complete.

A slow, sultry smile drifted across her face as she
remembered one particular…interchange in the shower, where she’d brought Adam
to the edge of insanity with her mouth. She’d made
beg. It had been
an enlightening experience.

For the first time, she realized she could twist a man
around her little finger and make him writhe with ecstasy.

And for the first time it had hit her, really hit her, on a
bone-deep level. Adam wanted her as much as she wanted him. She’d heard his
whispers last night though she’d been nearly delusional with passion herself.
She’d heard him declare, with each thrust, she was
his, his, his

Most importantly, for the first time, she realized she could
win his heart.

Her mind reeled at the thought.

Having his body was a wonderful thing but having his heart
and soul as well…well, that would be a dream come true. And now, today, it
seemed as though it could really happen.

She knew how important it was to keep their private and
business lives separate—knew from personal experience how dangerous it was to
become involved with someone from work—but today all she wanted to do was stand
on her chair and warble it to the rooftops.

That was a dangerous inclination. It was absolutely
essential that their affair remain a secret. No one could know.

They were going to have to be very careful. Circumspect.
Inconspicuous. Prudent.

She tossed her hair over her shoulder as she rounded the
corner to her office. She’d decided to wear it down this morning because Adam
loved it down. She’d also decided to soften her style. She wore a navy suit and
a pretty mauve blouse with a plunging neckline and heels. Adam loved her in

Long, dangly earrings completed the new, relaxed persona.
She knew she looked attractive and sexy—probably well-fucked too—and that
knowledge gave a spring to her step and a decided wiggle to her walk.

As she passed Kenny and Jack in the hall, they turned and
watched her, their mouths agape, drooling a little perhaps.

It didn’t bother her that they might suspect the reason for
the change in her demeanor. They would never know it was Adam who’d put that
satisfied smile on her face.

As she came to her office, she flicked a quick glance
through Adam’s door. Her smile blossomed. He was there, at his desk. Both he
and Tristan had their heads bent over a printout. God, he was handsome this

She dropped her laptop and purse on the desk and picked up
the phone, quickly punching in his extension. Leaning a hip on her desk, she
watched him with hungry eyes.

He made a face as his phone rang, clearly annoyed at the
interruption. He reached for the receiver without lifting his eyes from the
papers they were studying.

“Adam Trillo.” His voice was rough, deep, as though he
hadn’t gotten much sleep last night. As though he’d become a little hoarse from
begging for mercy or crying out in exultation…or something.

“Good morning,” she purred.

His eyes snapped up to meet hers across the hall and he
sucked in a breath. His mouth dropped open as he took in her appearance. “My

“What is it?” Katherine could hear Tristan over the line but
he was still peering at the papers on the desk, so she shot Adam a sexy smile.

“Um. Nothing.” Adam swallowed heavily and scrubbed his face
with his palm. “Could you give me a sec?”

At that, Tristan frowned. “Okay. But I’ll see you at the
meeting, right?”

Adam nodded. “Yeah. The meeting.”

“Okay.” Tristan gathered up his papers and prepared to

As he turned, his gaze fell upon Katherine perched on her
desk with the receiver to her ear. She smiled at him and waved saucily.
Tristan’s expression darkened and he frowned at Adam. “Don’t miss the meeting.”

“Huh?” Adam’s attention wasn’t on Tristan. It was fixed on
Katherine. The way she liked it.

Tristan stomped across the hall. “Good morning, Katherine.
And aren’t you lovely this morning.” The words were cordial but his tone was

Katherine blinked. “Why, thank you, Tristan.”

“Do me a favor?”


Tristan nodded in the direction of Adam’s office. “Make sure
he’s at the meeting at nine?”

“Of course.”

“Oh, and Katherine?”

“Yes, Tristan?”

He looked her up and down in a meaningful manner. “Don’t
start a riot with the interns, okay?”

Katherine bit her lip to hold back her smile and, as Tristan
removed himself, muttering under his breath, she kicked the door shut with her
sharp-toed heels. Adam stood and shut his door as well. He leaned against his
desk, facing her. They stared at each other through the full-length windows.

“I missed you,” he said at long last.

“You shouldn’t have left.”

He chuckled. “I had to. If I’d stayed, I would have fucked
myself to death.”

“Yeah but what a way to go.”

“You are gorgeous.”

“Do you like it?”

“You know I do. I want to come across the hall and bend you
over the desk and fuck you silly.”

She smiled. “I’m already silly. And what a show that would
be.” This, she said as Kenny and Jack and a virtual herd of junior programmers
traipsed down the hall, slowing tellingly at her window.

Adam frowned. “You should never wear your hair down,” he

“You liked it last night.” With a shiver, she recalled how
he’d fisted those soft tendrils around his hard cock and stroked himself to

“I don’t like them liking it.” He glared at the interns who
were, in turn, staring at Kat. He stormed to the door and opening it a crack,
bellowed, “Don’t you have some work to do?”

They scattered like little rats frightened by a hungry old
tomcat. All but Jack. Jack just stood there in the hall, glancing from Adam to
Katherine and back again.

Adam narrowed his eyes at him. “What?” he snapped.

“I need to talk to Katherine,” Jack said ingenuously. Adam
recognized the glint in Jack’s eye. It was one he saw in his own mirror
whenever he thought of Kat, of kissing Kat, of fucking Kat.

“Later. We’re on a conference call,” Adam growled and Jack
backed away.

“Okay, okay. Later, Katherine.” He sketched a wave and slunk
away, his proverbial tail between his legs.

Adam picked up the phone again and leaned against his desk.
“What the hell was that about?”

Kat shrugged. “Who cares? Where were we?”

“We were talking about your goddamn hair. Put it up.”

“But you like it down.”

“When we’re private, Kat. I don’t want Jack seeing it like
that, for Christ’s sake.”

“Why do you care? He’s never going to touch it. He’s never
going to run his fingers through it. He’s never going to stroke himself with it
like you did last night.”

“Jesus, Kat.” Adam staggered a little. He plopped down in
his seat, eyes burning. “That was phenomenal.”

“Last night was phenomenal.”

“What did you like best?”


He snorted a laugh. “Which time?”

“All of them.”

“Come on. You have to have a favorite.”

She shrugged, stroking the vee of her blouse in a way that
would direct his attention to her cleavage. “My favorite orgasms were the ones
with you inside me.” She watched with glee as he shuddered.

“I want you now,” he grated harshly. “We can go to the
executive washroom. The door locks.”

“We can’t.”

“Why the hell not?”

“Because I promised Tristan you’d be at the meeting in…” She
checked her watch. “Five minutes.”


“You can spend the next five minutes cooling your ardor.”

“I could cool it in about three if you went with me to the
executive washroom.”

“Maybe later. I have to get ready for the meeting as well.
Oh, and Adam?” She blinked innocently.

“Yes, Kat?”

“While you are cooling your ardor, I want you to think about


“Remember the outfit you gave me last night? The thong and
the demi-bra and the belt?”

“Yes?” A raspy whisper.

“I’m wearing them right now.”


Adam was late for the meeting.

As she sat in her usual seat—ignoring Shannon, who was
reminding everyone about the company banquet that evening—Katherine glanced
down the hallway, watching for him to appear, but he didn’t.

Tristan wasn’t pleased at his brother’s truancy. He leaned
toward Katherine and hissed so none of the others could hear, “This wasn’t
supposed to interfere with work.”

Katherine’s heart stuttered at the realization Tristan knew
about her and Adam, and then she remembered Adam’s insistence that Tristan be
told. Still, that made her more self-conscious. She unobtrusively coiled her
hair into a neat bun.

“He’ll be here,” she responded softly. “Do you want me to go
find him?”

Tristan’s eyes widened in horror. “Good God, no. I’ll have
Shannon track him down.”

But it wasn’t necessary. At that moment, Adam exited the
executive washroom and entered the boardroom.

“Sorry I’m late. I got held up.” With a meaningful glance at
Katherine, he took his seat at the table across from her.

“Okay.” With only a small glare at his brother, Tristan
began the meeting. “Today we’re talking about a new beta program Jack and Kenny
have designed. It’s a virtual reality platform that needs serious testing
before the launch. I am asking everyone to download a copy and put it through
its paces.”

The meeting droned on and on with Tristan, Jack and Kenny
babbling about the new software. The others watched the presentation screen
with rapt attention but Katherine was otherwise occupied.

Oh, she pretended to be watching the screen and nodded when
the others nodded and plastered a concerned expression on her face when
potential problems were addressed. But all the while, she was fascinated by the
toe, the big, fat male toe that slipped up her leg and under her skirt and was
rubbing against her crotch.

By the time the meeting adjourned to the lab to further
explore the software, Katherine was in a puddle. She was certain the chair
would be forever stained with the cream of her passion. As the rest of the
crowd trooped off to the lab, Adam snagged her arm and dragged her, unresisting,
into the executive washroom.

He locked the door behind them.

“You were a bad girl to tease me like that.” His voice was a
little unsteady as he bent her over the back of an overstuffed armchair and
flipped up her skirt. He stroked her slit, groaning at the dampness he found
there. “I’ve been going crazy, thinking of you in that thong.”

A sharp slap stung her buttocks and she gasped. She gasped
again as he yanked the thong down to her knees.

“I saw you come in here.” She shot an accusing glance at him
over her shoulder. “I know you jacked off.”

“Did I?” His eyes were burning, intense. “Maybe I was doing
something else.”

She shuddered as he stepped in front of her and produced
some Velcro straps, which he attached to the chair’s front legs and then to her
wrists. He stepped behind her and did the same to her ankles, anchoring her
over the back of the chair, her legs splayed apart. She couldn’t help but moan
and writhe a little at the knowledge that she was tied, wide open to the chair
with her skirt flipped up to reveal her bare ass. So helpless, so completely

In the executive washroom.

His hand fell on her quivering cheeks once more and drifted
down to toy with her clit. He leaned over to whisper into her ear, “Now I’m
going to tease you.”

She shuddered in horror. “Adam! What about the others?
They’ll hear.”

“No they won’t.” He eased a finger into her seeping cunt and
she shuddered. “They’ll be in the lab for at least an hour.”

It was true but any one of them could return at any time.
Tristan could come in search of them. Shannon could wander back to make more
coffee. Anything could happen.


The realization that they could be caught at any moment
inflamed them both and Adam’s teasing didn’t last too long. Kat’s panting pleas
and frantic moans quickly drove him close to the edge. He yanked down his pants
and seated his cock in her pussy, pressing in deep and hard. She was hot. Wet.

Her groan was guttural. It echoed relief and bliss. “Yes,
Adam.” She twisted against the bonds as if desperate to open wider for him. He
shifted position and leaned in to fuck her harder, to take her more fully. She
clenched around him.

He plowed in and out of her like a piston, pounding away at
her soft cavern, aware of every twitch, every shiver, knowing when she sucked
in a deep breath and bore down, knowing when she was
coming. He perched on his toes so he could shove himself deeper.

Tight tingles surged at the base of his cock, accompanied by
the telltale swelling that wedged him more tightly within her. A simmering fire
raced through him as his insistent cum fought for release. But he held back. He

For her.

When she came, she was resplendent. She threw her head back
and, mouth agape, she gazed at him in the mirror, awe lining her expression.
Her cunt rippled in forceful spasms. He allowed the milking muscles to bring
him to the edge as well. And together, they fell, flew.

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