AdamsObsession (7 page)

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Authors: Sabrina York

BOOK: AdamsObsession
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She trembled.

The music played on, dragging her deeper into a seductive
trance. He felt so good against her and smelled divine. She was caught in a
fragile net of arousal and she didn’t ever want to escape. It was magical.

As they danced, his warm palm slid along the length of her
dress from her shoulders down her back, to settle on her hips. Leisurely, his
fingers splayed, tested. His breathing became heavy, hot and damp against her
cheek. His hand slipped lower and gently, tentatively, flexed.

Wait. Was he cupping her ass?

The sensation was there for a heartbeat, a breath, and then
it was gone. Katherine pulled back and peeped up at his face. His expression
stunned her. Pure, ravenous hunger.

Her heart lurched and she stumbled. She tripped on her own
two feet in those ridiculous heels and fell against him. She hadn’t planned it.
At least, she didn’t think she had. But she stumbled and fell forward. Her
pelvis pressed against his. And… Oh dear God.

He was hard.

And large.

He throbbed against her.

Their eyes met and his nostrils flared. He flicked a glance
at her lips and licked his own. His arms tightened, pulling her closer, rubbing
her against him. And she was a willing participant. It felt so good.

Her knees failed her and to catch her balance, she levered
herself away. As their bodies separated, the sudden lack of warmth was a shock
to her system. She yearned to step in, step closer once more, but lacked the

Their gazes continued to tangle though. It seemed to her
that a message passed between them. She thought he was going to kiss her, that
his head was going to drop down and he would place his mouth upon hers and…

But he didn’t kiss her. He merely blinked several times and
stepped away.

It took her a moment to realize the music had ended and they
stood alone on the dance floor.

He led her back to the table, wrapped in an awkward silence.
She took her seat with a dull thump. Humiliation burned her cheeks. She’d
thrown herself at him. Literally. She’d plastered her body against his.
Practically mooned over him with a passion that was obvious. He’d had the
chance to kiss her. He’d had the chance to take her. And he’d backed away.

Savage had been wrong. Completely and utterly wrong.

Adam did not want her. He didn’t want her at all.

The thought was crushing.


They left the club shortly after their dance, Adam quickly
settling the bill and hailing a cab. He was silent, brooding all the way back
to the hotel. And Katherine hadn’t a clue what to say or do to break his mood.
Despite their interchange on the dance floor, despite Savage’s insistence that
the dance actually
something, Katherine really had no idea if Adam
would be receptive to an approach from her.

Even if all the stars were aligned in her favor and he did
find her attractive—even if that suspicious bulge had, in fact, been a hard-on
for her, which by now she was beginning to doubt—it was well-known around the
office that the Trillo brothers never went fishing in the company pond.
Adam had felt a fleeting arousal for a woman who fell into his arms, he would
never pursue such an attraction if it might interfere with work.

That was Adam’s rule of thumb, after all. Nothing interfered
with work.

Yet he had taken her to a club rather than to the reception…

Katherine sighed and leaned her head against the window,
confused and, quite frankly, sexually frustrated. She flicked a glance at
Adam’s austere profile. The muscles were bunched in his cheek as they always
bunched when he was working through a thorny problem. He was probably thinking
about work. He certainly wasn’t thinking about

She determinedly ignored the tears prickling at her lids.

Oh well. Adam had his chance. As their eyes had met, as
their bodies touched, he’d had his chance to make a move but he hadn’t. Katherine
just had to accept that all her fantasies about him were simply that.
Fantasies. And all of Savage’s babbling was nonsense.

Adam Trillo didn’t want her. That hard-on had probably been
her imagination. His cell phone. A banana.

She swallowed a hysterical little laugh. Damn. It was a
bitter pill.

How she wished she was the kind of woman who could seduce a
man like him—confidently, fearlessly. Just walk right up to him, rip open her
blouse and reveal her hunger.

She wanted him so much. She had for so long, sometimes the
ache felt like a familiar friend. What she wouldn’t give to have a chance with
him. A night with him. Just one amazing tryst.



By the time they arrived at the hotel, she was in a pissy
mood, feeling slighted and resentful. Cheated by life. Why was it the men she
found attractive, the men she actually wanted to fuck, looked right through
her? She was damn tired of it. She had something to offer. Hell, she had a lot
to offer. And she

She had every intention of going online and giving Savage a
piece of her mind. So when they arrived at their suite, she flung a crisp “good
night” over her shoulder at Adam and stormed into her room, closing the door
with a controlled snick. She logged on in a rare fury. She had to wait a few
minutes for him to respond to her insistent call but finally he appeared.

“Hey, Wildkat.” God. Did he have to sound so chipper?

“Savage.” Her greeting was short, clipped, annoyed.

“So,” he asked. “How’d it go?”

“It was dismal.” She glared at the screen. “You were sooo

“What?” He sounded shocked. Katherine snorted in derision.

Savage probably had a vision of her in his head as this
Amazon beauty, some sultry siren, some woman
wanted to fuck. He had
no concept of the reality of the situation. No idea of who she was, how
intimidated she was by a man like Adam Trillo. Adam could have any woman he
wanted. He was that perfect. While she…

“Didn’t he ask you to dance?” He said this as if dancing
with a man was the be-all and end-all in a relationship—like a marriage
proposal or something.

“He did ask me to dance. But—”

“If he asked you to dance, he wants to fuck you. Why don’t
you believe me?”

Katherine shook her head. “It was just a dance.”

“Was it a romantic song?”

She thought back. “Yes.”

“Did you accidentally stumble and rub up against him?”

“It wasn’t much of an accident. These heels are hell on

“But you did feel him up?”


“Was he hard?”

“I think so.”

“You think so?” His bellow resonated through the room. “How
could you not notice if he was hard?”

“I thought he was hard but it was a very brief contact.”

“Because you pulled back.” It wasn’t a question. It was as
though Savage knew of her cowardice. “You should have leaned in. Rubbed

“I couldn’t do that!”

“Why not?”

“He’s my boss.”

“Bullshit. That wouldn’t stop you. Why don’t you just admit
it? He scares you.”

“Of course he scares me. He scares the life out of me.”


She didn’t answer for a long moment. She could hear him
breathing over the speakers, waiting patiently for her response. Finally, she
said it. She admitted the truth to Savage and to herself.

“Because I want him more than any man I’ve ever known. And I
really, seriously doubt he wants me the same way.”

“He wants you.” He sounded so sure, like he
, which
was ridiculous.

Katherine swallowed her tears with a laugh. “You don’t
understand, Savage. He had the chance to kiss me and he didn’t do it.”

“Has it ever occurred to you that he might be as nervous as
you are?”


“Maybe he was waiting for some sign from you?”

“No. That’s crazy.”

“Is it? You’ve already told me you’re reserved. Don’t they
call you the ice queen in the office?”


“So maybe you intimidate

Katherine blew out a breath. No one intimidated Adam Trillo.
No one. “You need to accept the truth. If he wanted me, he would have made a
move tonight. The scene was set. Perfect. Yet he did nothing.”

“I think you’re jumping to conclusions.”

“Am I?”

“You are assuming he’s this totally self-confident guy.”

“He is.”

“No man is totally self-confident. Guys always wonder. Guys
always worry. Especially if it’s a woman we desperately want.”

“He doesn’t desperately want me.”

“Because he didn’t throw himself at you on the dance floor?
Did he at least cop a feel?”

She blushed from the bottom up. “Yes.” He had. The feel of
him gently squeezing her ass had been delightful. She’d wanted it to go on

“Why would a man who had no interest in you cop a feel?”


He laughed. “Yeah. Right. Let’s face it, Kat, you’re
terminally insecure. You need a man who can make you feel like a woman.”

She caught her breath at the shift in his tone. He’d gone
from petulant and preachy to sexy and seductive. As disappointed as she was at
the way the evening had turned out, she was horny. And if there was one thing
Savage could do for her, it was scratch that particular itch.

“Are you that man?”

His chuckle had a dark thread. “Damn straight, I’m that

Katherine shuddered. Those words in that tone…Savage had
sounded just like Adam.

“Let me ask you this, Kat. What would you do if he stared
you in the eye and said he wanted you?”

“He wouldn’t say that.”

“Play along, sweetheart. Imagine you’re standing there,
face-to-face with this guy and he says, ‘Kat, I want to fuck you.’ What do you

She snorted a laugh. “After I faint?”


She thought about it for a moment. Thought about what she
wanted, what she would do if she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Adam
wanted her. She shivered.

Her response came in a whisper. It was all she could manage.
“Anything. Anything he asked.”

“God.” She heard his harsh exhalation of breath, the
guttural groan rippling over the connection. “Kat. There’s something I need you
to do.” His voice was low, hard. A certain intense timbre vibrated from him to

“Yes?” A pulse surged between her legs. Anticipation
sizzled. Finally. Finally he was going to drop all that nonsense about Adam and
get down to making her come.

“First, what are you wearing?”

It was all Katherine could do to hold back her laugh. “Not
that again.”

“Seriously. I want an answer.”

She shrugged. “A cocktail dress. Black. With heels.”

“Put on your teddy,” he commanded and she complied.

She slipped off her dress and bra, dropping both on the
floor, and pulled her satin teddy from her suitcase. It felt cool slipping over
her skin. It caught on her hard nipples, making them grow fatter. She moaned as
she rubbed them, just a little, to enhance the mood.

“Mmm. It feels good.”

“Are you wearing the teddy?”


“Perfect. What do you have on under it?”

“Nothing. Well, panties.”

“Perfect. Do you still have the heels on?”

“Yes.” She did. As much as she hated them, she loved the
elegant line of her legs when she wore them. Besides, the heels completely
changed the way she felt in the black teddy. In the full-length mirror behind
the door, she seemed practically sexy.

“How do you look?”


“I’ll bet.” The words were heavy and harsh. “I wish I could
see you. Now. There’s something I want you to do.”


“I want you to go and get two ice cubes.”

“What?” Was he insane? She’d have to walk all the way
through the suite to the kitchen. “In my teddy?”


“He might see me.”

“What if he does? Maybe he’ll fuck you. That’s what you
want. Isn’t it?”

Katherine didn’t answer.

“Isn’t it? Deep down, you want him to shove his cock into
your pussy and fuck you ‘til you scream. Isn’t it?”

Again, she didn’t respond.

“Answer me.”

“Yes. Yes.”

“Then go to the kitchen. In your teddy. And get two ice
cubes. Oh. And Wildkat?”


“Before you go, take off the panties.”


“Take them off. I want you completely exposed. And I want
you to know how exposed you are.”

“I can’t.”

“You can. If you don’t, I’ll have to punish you.”


“No, Kat. No questions. Just do it.”

She stood by the door for several minutes, contemplating
this challenge and, most especially, how it made her feel. She was liquid
inside, quivering. Her clit throbbed. Her pussy lips were swollen and

After a long internal debate, she decided she would go to
the kitchen and get the ice cubes wearing her teddy but she would leave her
panties in place. Utterly bare-assed was a little further than she was willing
to go, especially when Adam might discover her at any moment.

Besides…Savage would never know she had cheated just a

She turned the knob and peered out into the hallway. There
was no one there. She slipped through the shadows and into the living room,
heading toward the kitchen. She pushed open the swinging door and froze.

There stood Adam Trillo cracking out ice cubes at the
counter. His chest was bare—a magnificent panoply of rippling muscles and
scattered darkling dust. He wore only baggy gray sweatpants held up, it seemed,
by the enormous bulge in the front.

“Hey there, Wildkat,” he purred. “What took you so long?”

And her heart stopped beating.

Chapter Eight


“Adam!” A flush rose from her tender clit up to her tingling
lips. “What are you doing in here?”

“Isn’t that obvious, Kat?” He leaned his hip against the
countertop. “I’m waiting for you.”


“Oh, come now. Don’t tell me you haven’t figured it out
yet?” His hot gaze skated over her like a laser, making her burn. As his roving
eye snagged on her hard nipples tenting the bodice of her teddy, he stilled,
swallowed. “God, Kat. You look phenomenal. Come here.”

“B-but, Adam…” she stuttered, unable to think, to move. Her
brain, overheated as it was, wasn’t working very well. She was swamped with the
realization that Adam had called her Wildkat. That he was cracking out ice
cubes, for heaven’s sake. That he was…

Oh dear God.

He was Savage.

And even as the realization flooded her, spilling a new kind
of heat into her veins, so also dawned the insight that if Adam was Savage, he
had known her identity all along. Mortification swamped her and she covered her
face with her hands. “Oh God,” she moaned. “Oh God.” She took a step back.
Another. The desire to flee overwhelmed her.

“Kat.” His sharp tone snapped her out of her cocoon of
misery. “Come. Here.” His command was compelling and, numbly, she complied. She
couldn’t help herself. She couldn’t deny this desire, she most certainly
couldn’t refuse such an order. She was drawn to him. Her chagrin became nothing
in the face of her raging hunger.

She’d wanted him for so long, and so much. That he was here,
now, beckoning her closer, sent chills up her spine, liquefied her. She stepped
close to him, close enough to feel the heat coming off his body in scalding
waves. She could see his pulse throbbing at his temples, the bunching muscles
in his jaw. He was keeping himself under tight rein—the thought that he needed
such control elated her.

“Adam,” she whispered, taking another tiny step toward him.

He stroked her lower lip with a gentle thumb. “I love
hearing you say my name.”


“Kat.” He stood there, eyes burning into hers. She felt a
second tick by, two. And then he broke. He grabbed her hips and yanked her hard
against him.

She groaned as his hard cock nudged her belly. His mouth
came down on hers in a hot, wet rush and he consumed her. He explored her lips
with rough passion, thrust his tongue deep between them. And he growled. His
hands were all over her, stroking her back, her spine, her hips and—finally—her
breasts through the satin of the teddy.

“Jesus.” He found a hardened nipple and tweaked it gently.
“I’ve dreamed of this, Kat. You have no idea.”

She sank into his words like a steaming bath. They enrobed
her in warmth, arousal, confidence. Exultation thrummed with every beat of her
He wanted her.

She wanted him.

She could have him.

A slow, playful grin blossomed on her face. “I think I

She watched him, avidly reading his every expression as her
trembling fingers trailed around his nipple. He sucked in a breath when she
scraped that hard button with a nail.

He growled, jerked back from the waist up and stared at her.
His cock pulsed against her belly. He bent his knees and rubbed himself against
her mound, her clit. Their pulses, joined there, beat in frantic tandem.

“I want you so bad.” He kissed her forehead, her shoulder,
her neck. “I never want you to doubt that again.”

“How could I?”

His rod, thick and hard, surged against her.

“I’ll spend the rest of the night proving it to you.” He ran
his palms down her sides to the hem of her teddy and lower, sending shivers
dancing along the flesh of her thighs. He skimmed a seductive trail up to the
curve of her ass.

But then he stilled, his body tensed, his eyes narrowed. “I
thought I told you, no panties.”

She shuddered at his expression. “I know but—”

“I was very specific. I said I wanted you to feel
vulnerable. Open to me.”

“I know but I—”

He stepped back. “You cheated.”

She shook her head. Panic surged. “No, Adam. I just—”

“Do you know what this means, Kat?” He ground the words out,
rough and raw.

His withdrawal devastated her. She felt cold, swamped with
the sudden urge to cry. “W-what?”

His eyes burned. “It means I’m going to have to punish you.”

Her knees trembled. The thought of punishment from him made
her weak with longing. Submissively, she dropped her gaze. It fixated on a
rather fascinating bulge. She bit her lip and peeped up at him.

“I was…naughty.” She couldn’t help but tempt him, torment
him as he was tormenting her. Shyly, she caressed the front of his sweatpants.
His cock bobbed in response and Adam sucked in a breath through his teeth. “I
think I need to be punished.”

“Oh yeah.” He crushed her against him, ravaged her with his
lips. When he surfaced, he was breathless. “I’m gonna show you what happens
when you don’t follow orders.”

His words, the heat in his eyes, his earthy scent set
something ablaze within her. Katherine felt the last of her resistance, the
last of her diffidence, the fetters that held her soul captive, go up in
flames. Burn away.

Blind, ravaging lust for him consumed her.

“Mmm.” Breath coming in short pants, she leaned closer and
rubbed his cock against her soft mound. “Is this what you wanted me to do when
we were dancing?”

“God, yeah.” He growled, a low feral sound, and ground
himself against her. He bent his head and captured her lips with his and ate at
her mouth. “Take them off,” he hissed. “Take them off and give them to me.”

With a whimper, she slipped the panties off and handed them
to him, dangling the lace scrap from her fingertips. He took them and brought
them to his nostrils, breathing in deeply, never breaking eye contact with her.

“Sweet.” He advanced on her, backing her against the wall,
cornering her, dominating her with his large form. “So sweet.”

His hand trailed down her hip to her thigh. Her breath
hitched when it skated back up…beneath the lace hem of her teddy. Sinuously, he
drifted closer and closer to her center. She could feel every beat of her heart
in her clit.

“What do you want?” His voice was breathy, hungry.

Then again, so was she.

“I want you to touch me.”

“Here?” He stroked her, ever so lightly, teasing her
swollen, sensitive flesh, tracing her slit.

She gasped and grabbed at his muscled shoulders to keep her
balance when her knees threatened to fail her. “Yes.” She tried to arch her
back, tried to press into his tantalizing touch, but he wouldn’t allow it.

“Patience, Kat.” He chuckled and dipped his head to feed at
the tender flesh of her neck. She arched again and cried out as thrill after
thrill skated along her nerves.

He made another tantalizing pass over her aching flesh and
she growled with frustration.
She wanted more. She sucked his
earlobe into her mouth, stabbed her tongue into the bell of his ear. He froze,
hissing out a hot breath. She felt his heat intensify, his pulse leap, so she
did it again and again until he was writhing against her, moaning. Exultant, she
pulled back and reveled in the sight of his handsome, lust-flown face. She’d
found one of his buttons. She vowed to find many more.

“Touch me,” she commanded and this time he didn’t refuse. He
found her and he stroked. She felt him part her lips, felt the cool air kiss
her clit but not…not… “Adam!” A thread of desperation laced her tone. “Touch

It was his turn to smile smugly as she writhed against him.
He held her wide, open, but refused to touch her tender nub. “Say please.”

When she refused, he brushed against her clit, the mere hint
of a caress. Every muscle clenched. She threw her head back and pressed toward
him to no avail.

He buried his face in her hair and whispered, “It’s a small
word, sweeting. Just say it.” This entreaty was accompanied by another measured

Katherine’s pride crumbled. “Please! Oh God. Please.”

The reward was immediate.

“Yes.” He hissed his satisfaction and stroked her hard, hot
little nub.

She collapsed against him as a small orgasm shook her.

He pressed a little deeper, teasing the entrance to her
dripping pussy and she froze, sucked in a breath of anticipation. He hovered
there, ever so close, not filling her, not slipping inside, not shoving inside,
not ravaging her the way she wanted, the way she’d dreamed. The way she craved.

“Put your fingers in me,” she urged him in a hot and heady
voice. She could hardly believe she was saying this, out loud, to Adam. Didn’t
know where she found the courage. It was rooted, perhaps, in her raging lust.
Her desperation. She didn’t care. Couldn’t care anymore what he thought of her,
if only he would…if only he would… “Do it!”

“You want that?” His expression was tight, dark and driven.
“You want my fingers in your pussy?”

“Yes, Adam.”

He smiled. It was a wicked grin. “What do you say?”

She growled in frustration but said it. How could she not?
“Please, Adam. Please.”

His expression darkened. He rubbed her clit again but
something was different. It was…rough. With a shock, she realized he was
rubbing her slit with her panties. The friction, the coarse material of the
lace, increased the intensity. The sensation stole her breath. She moaned in
agony. Ecstasy.

“I like that sound,” he said. “Let’s see if we can hear some

Thick fingers—two of them—slipped up and inside her,
dragging the panties with them. He filled her completely. Unbidden, another
moan slipped out.

He withdrew but before she could complain, they were on
their way back in, dragging more of the panties inside her. And then she was
filled with them. With one final thrust, he jammed the fabric deep into her
dripping pussy. They felt awkward and unnatural and she couldn’t help but clasp
her inner muscles around them.

“Do you like that?” He watched her as he rubbed her clit.
“Do you like the way they feel so deep inside you? That’s your punishment for
wearing them against my wishes.”

She tried to catch her breath. Each movement, each internal
twitch, reminded her of what he’d done and how hot it made her. “Yes, Adam.”

“Do you like it when I rub your clit?”


His eyes burned into her. “It’s not enough for me. Come

He took her arm and led her out of the kitchen, into the
dining and living room area. He yanked out one of the dining-room chairs with
arms and seated himself. He pulled her toward him.

“Closer.” He urged her forward until their knees touched.
“Straddle the chair.” His expression was hard, resolute. His tone commanding
and cold.

Katherine balked. Straddling the arms of the chair would
open her up to him with mortifying vulnerability. She backed away. “Adam…”

“Do it.”

She recognized the longing in his eyes, felt it to the core
of her being. He wanted this. He
this. That in itself was a
charge she couldn’t refuse. He wanted her open, vulnerable. Judging from his
expression, he just plain wanted her.

She stepped to the chair and settled one leg and then the
other over the arms until her pussy was wide open at eye level. He moaned and
pulled her closer and she grabbed at the back of the chair for balance. And
then she grabbed at him—his head, his hair, his shoulders—because he leaned
forward and placed his mouth upon her.

His kiss was gentle. He ran his tongue up her slit, allowing
it to dance inside, teasing and tender. He nuzzled deeper. Scrabbling for
balance, Katherine whimpered. His lips were soft and sweet, speaking to her,
loving her. The sensations were astounding. He touched her clit with his
tongue, flicked it, sucked.
Oh heavens.
He sucked. Katherine threw her
head back and cried out as another orgasm consumed her. Glorious sensations
trickled through her, a rain of delight.

Adam didn’t let the orgasm die. He sucked again and, at the
same time, slipped his fingers deep into her already full pussy. Her orgasm
rose and swelled as he found and stroked a tender spot deep within her womb.
Her vision blurred and her lungs burned as every muscle in her body clenched,
quivered, pulsed with pleasure. Just as she crested, he yanked the panties out.
A new unbearable surge of sensation swelled and burst. She collapsed, undone,
in his arms.

When she came back to herself, he was cradling her in his
lap and kissing her, warm wet busses on her forehead, her cheeks, her eyelids.

“Still doubt that I want you?” he asked softly.

She stared at him. God, he made her feel wonderful. Free. In
so many ways. She shot him an impish smile. “That was unbelievable.” She
stroked his thick neck, his broad chest, his flat stomach. Her hand came to
rest on his rock-hard cock. “But I can’t help thinking we forgot something.”

He stood, setting her on her feet. “I haven’t forgotten
anything. Come over here.”

He grabbed a cushion from the sofa and dropped it onto the
coffee table. He pressed her down on it until she was perched on her knees with
her backside in the air. She was perfectly positioned for what she hoped was
coming next.

She peeped over her shoulder and wiggled her butt
impatiently. She couldn’t help it. “Well? Come on.”

But he didn’t. He didn’t come on. Instead he shook his head.
“I changed my mind.”

“What?” she squawked. It was an actual squawk.

Adam laughed. “Not about that. Oh, I’m gonna fuck you. But I
want to look into your eyes when I enter you for the first time.”

“Oh,” she said softly. Yes. That would be nice.

He arranged her on the edge of the coffee table facing him.
He spread her legs apart and knelt before her, scooting close. So close she
could taste his breath. Heat rolled off him in waves. He pulled her closer and
kissed her savagely. Heat rose within her. It spiked as his palm drifted to her

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