AdamsObsession (4 page)

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Authors: Sabrina York

BOOK: AdamsObsession
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“Yes. God. Yes.”

She chortled. “Too bad. You have to hold out until I give
you permission to come. You bad boy.”

“No. Jesus, Kat. I can’t.”

“Oh. But you have to. Hold back as long as you can. I’m not
done playing with you yet.”

“I can’t. I can’t.”

“Do you know what I want to do now?”

“No!” He sounded a little desperate himself. She could hear
the slap of skin against skin as he stroked his cock, and the restless rustle
of bed sheets as he fought against the oncoming explosion.

“I want to tease your rosebud.”

“What?” He was panting, thrashing.

She picked up his intensity and increased her pace, rubbing
her slit in a frantic frenzy. With her other hand, she plucked at her nipples.
They were close. They were both so close. The tension between them was
palpable, as if someone had strung an electric wire from one to the other. The
air fairly sizzled.

“Can you feel me there? Probing your asshole while I suck on
your fat cock? Does it feel good?”

“God. Kat. I’m going to come. I can’t help it. I can’t…”

He came with a shuddering groan, his mindless cries sending
her over the edge as well. She shoved deeper into her pussy and rode herself to
a riotous release with his continuing gasps and moans playing counterpoint to

“Oh yes,” she cried. “Yes, Adam, yes.”

So lost was she in her passion, she barely realized she’d
cried out
name in her delirious release.

Chapter Five


Work was crazy the next day. When Katherine got to the
office, everyone was running around like chickens with their proverbial heads
cut off.

Tristan Trillo was in a tizzy. “Staff meeting,” he bellowed
at her as he rushed past. “In the boardroom. Five minutes.” He raked his
fingers through his hair, making it stand up in short spikes.

Five minutes was enough time to grab a cup of coffee,
Katherine figured.

She was wrong. When she got to the kitchen, she was
mortified to see all the pots were empty. With a desiccated mug in hand, she
headed for the boardroom, hoping Shannon had the sense to set up a coffee bar.
If this was going to be a marathon meeting, she’d need her fix.

She met Sara coming out of the ladies’ room and gave her
best friend a hug. Heavens, she’d missed her. “How was your vacation?”
Katherine asked.

Sara shrugged. “So-so.”

No kidding. She’d spent most of it in a hospital waiting
room. “And how’s your mom?”

“Better.” Sara offered a wan smile. “It’s been tough. I sure
could have used a slow day today.”

Katherine snorted as they rounded the corner to see a
boardroom teeming with all the top staff. “It does not appear you’ll get your

She flicked a quick glance around the room, automatically
making a mental note of Adam’s exact location. It was almost as though she had
radar for him, she thought with annoyance. Memories of last night, her crazed,
panting orgasm over a man who hardly knew she was alive, embarrassed her now,
in the light of day.

Sara grunted. “At least there’s coffee.” She headed straight
for the beverage bar.

Katherine followed closely behind, sending up a silent
prayer of thanks for Shannon’s competence. Without caffeine, there was no
telling how ditzy she’d be this morning. She might even openly moon over
Adam—and he did look especially fine today. Though he wore the uniform of the
company’s computer geeks—a logoed polo shirt and khakis—he managed to fill it
out to perfection.

Katherine and Sara gathered their sustenance and took a spot
at the long table just as Tristan stood and called for everyone’s attention.

“Good morning, all. Thanks for assembling so quickly. Sara,”
he nodded to his marketing genius, “welcome back. Today I have some really
great news. Trillo–Maris has been asked to give a workshop at ComputerCon.”

He waited as the exclamations of excitement rose and fell in
a resounding swell.

“Yeah.” He rubbed his hands together. “Great news for us.
This expo could mean millions in new sales for our cell phone software

Again, cheers rose.

Tristan quieted them with a raised hand. “But in the
meantime, the execution of this presentation is crucial. It must be flawless.
Sara, you’ll be the lead on this. I’d like you to work with Adam and Jack to
prepare the text for the fact sheets. Katherine can provide the financial data.
Katherine, I want charts and graphs to illustrate the numbers. The two of you
can roll the info into one of your kickass PowerPoints. Jenny will help with
the digital video and animation.

“Sara, you and Adam will be leading the seminar in Vegas. As
for the rest of you, make yourselves totally available to our ComputerCon team.
This is, as of now, our number-one priority. Sara and Katherine, I’m going to
want an update tomorrow at noon. Any questions?” There were no questions but a
buzz of excited whispers rocketed through the room. “Very well. Let’s get to

The meeting—blissfully short—broke up quickly as everyone,
grouped in little chattering pods, filed out of the boardroom. Adam and Tristan
lounged at the far end of the room, wrapped in deep conversation as Katherine
and Sara made their way back to the beverage bar for one last gasp of java
juice before buckling down to work.

“God, I love Shannon’s coffee,” Sara said, filling her cup
with the aromatic brew.

“Mmm.” Katherine took a deep whiff. “We’re gonna need it.”

“Yeah. It’s gonna be a long day.” Sara shot Katherine a
quizzical glance. “You don’t mind working late tonight, do you?”

Katherine shook her head. “I have to cancel a date but
that’s no problem.”

“Ooh,” Sara cooed. “The hot internet stud? Howsat goin’

“Hotter than ever.” She bit her lip and added a dollop of
cream to her coffee. “And how about you? Goin’ to Vegas,” Katherine teased. She
laughed as Sara did a subdued little victory dance—a trifle surreal given her
prim-and-proper business suit. Sara really
Vegas. “Yeah. Vegas.”
Katherine chuckled. “I figured you’d be on that assignment like a duck on a
june bug.”

Sara grinned. “Don’t you know it. I loves me my Vegas.” She
sighed ecstatically. “This is gonna be


Across the room, Adam Trillo’s breath stalled. He raised his
stunned gaze to the two women chatting at the beverage bar. Sara and Katherine.
He’d caught the tail end of their conversation, waiting for his shot at
Shannon’s phenomenal coffee. Then he’d heard it. A phrase he’d never heard before
last night. And here it was again.

Like a duck on a june bug.

Those words lashed him with an unexpected shaft of lust.

And they came from Katherine Hart’s mouth.

Katherine! Starched, unbending, cold Katherine. The ultimate
professional automaton. The kind of woman a guy could fantasize about but never
touch. The woman Jack swore—
—was a lesbian based on Stan’s vast
knowledge of the subject.

Although considering the source…

He watched Katherine through the glass walls of the
boardroom as she and Sara, deep in conversation, meandered down the hall toward
their respective offices. For the first time in two years, he studied her,
noticing the sway of her hips, the turn of her cheek, the tightly restrained
hair jammed into a knot at the top of her head.

Could it be? Could she be his Wildkat?

It seemed more than a little unlikely.

First of all, what was the possibility that someone as
buttoned up and reserved as Katherine could transform into a hot, panting siren
at night, one who made him come by threatening to stick her finger in his ass,
for Christ’s sake?

Second of all, what were the odds his internet lover—one of
probably millions of women online—could be a coworker? He pondered the thought
and shook his head. No. No way. As a computer programmer, he was all about
logic and flow. The universe was a tightly constructed net, with strict laws
that governed everything. The probability that he and Katherine could randomly
meet in such a fashion, under those circumstances, was astronomical.

, he thought with a heavy sigh. It must just be a
coincidence. Maybe the phrase was more common than he’d realized.

The prospect that frost-covered Katherine Hart could be his
steamy internet lover was, well, laughable. And still—as he watched her turn
into her office, saw the way her tight pinstripe skirt unobtrusively cupped a
firm, rounded ass—he wasn’t laughing.

Not at all.


Adam had lunch in his office. Not because he was so busy he
couldn’t be bothered to go to a restaurant. He just wanted to watch Katherine.
For some reason he was suddenly fixated on her.

He had to be unobtrusive about it because he didn’t want to
freak her out, but it wasn’t difficult. He simply leaned back in his chair and
pretended he was deep in thought, staring sightlessly out the windows of her
office across the hall. Then he let his vision drift leisurely over to her.

Her head was bent. She was absorbed in her project. Every so
often she would glance up, but like him, she would stare into the distance as
she pondered. Then she’d lick her lips and nod and turn back to her work.
Occasionally, she’d reach up and tug a tendril of hair from her topknot and
twine it madly around her fingers.

This, Adam found, was a rather disturbing habit. It gave him
visions of her wrapping that soft rope around something else entirely. He’d
never noticed her doing that before—in two long years of sitting across from
her, facing her office.

He’d never noticed a lot of things before.

Idiot that he was.

To be fair, Katherine had come to work at Trillo–Maris at
the tail end of Adam’s nasty divorce, at a time when he had no intention of
being with a woman again, like ever. He’d convinced himself that every woman
was as faithless as Betsy. That any woman would gleefully rip out his heart and
stomp on it.

As time passed, he’d recovered from the betrayal. He still
had no desire to enter into a real relationship—the wound was far too raw—hence
his forays onto the internet for sexual gratification. But at least he didn’t
believe every woman was an evil succubus determined to suck out his soul. Not

At any rate, when Katherine joined the team, Adam hadn’t
noticed her other than the typical boss-like observations. She was always on
time, her work was excellent and she consistently behaved in a professional
manner. Over the years, he’d come to appreciate her more and more. The woman
was truly brilliant. Her analyses often helped the company avoid potential
disasters and on one particular occasion, she’d made a suggestion that saved
them nearly a million dollars. He, Tristan and Jack had even talked about
making her a partner.

To see her now, sitting there in her office, stroking that
long strand of honeyed hair, all thoughts of her business acumen fled. Adam
tried to imagine her without those glasses, with her hair down, in a satin
teddy, stroking her swollen nipples, and his temperature rose. He closed his
eyes and tried to recapture the timbre of Wildkat’s voice, tried to remember
the sound, the tempo, the dulcet tones. And his eyes flew open.

Last night, just as a mind-blowing orgasm had consumed him,
she’d cried out a name. Wrapped in the claws of his own ravening passion, he’d
name. Naturally he’d assumed his imagination was working

What if… What if…

He peeped at Katherine and to his surprise found her staring
directly at him. Their eyes met and a shock wave crested within him, settling
in his groin. His cockstand was immediate. Curious as to how she would react to
his bold stare, he held her gaze and watched as a slow flush stole up her
creamy cheeks.

She looked away.

A second or so later, she flicked another questing glance in
his direction.

Holy crap
, he thought.
She’s flirting.

flirting—not the way a normal woman
would flirt. She was
flirting. It was subtle and understated,
something a man might almost miss. But Adam didn’t miss it. The timid glance,
the quick retreat, the tentative parry. It was electrifying.

He sucked in a deep breath as the realization flooded him.

Katherine Hart was hot.

And it was the most alluring kind of hot. Not a flashy,
blowsy I’m-so-hot kind of hot. It was a hidden, smoldering
come-and-get-me-if-you-dare kind of hot. And it had him poleaxed. He shifted
uncomfortably as a certain restlessness stole over him.

He wanted to fuck her, he realized with surprise. For the
first time in two years, here was a woman—a real, live, flesh-and-blood
woman—he desperately wanted to taste. He wanted to throw her to the ground and
cover her, spread her legs and plow into her. He wanted…

Hell. He wanted.

“Hey, Adam?” Sara’s cheerful voice shattered his welling
fantasy. Damn. He slid his notebook over the lip of his desk to shield his
raging hard-on, blithely pretending to consult the figures on the page. It
wouldn’t do to frighten the staff with the size of his…staff.


“Do you have the blurb we wrote up for the Carlson
presentation last fall? I was thinking we could use that in the PowerPoint.”

Huh? What? Oh. Yeah.
Sara was talking about work. The
remaining whiffs of his fantasy drifted away and with them the sharp edge of his
desire. “Yeah. I think I have it on my laptop. Let me check and I’ll email it
to you.”

“’Kay. Thanks.” With a sketchy wave, she was gone.

Her interruption had been fortuitous. Had his errant
thoughts been allowed to rove unchecked, he could easily have become carried
away, stormed over to Katherine’s office and bent her over her desk or

He could be
her by now.

That quickly, his wilted erection sprang back to life.
he thought, shooting a surreptitious glance across the hall. He was in trouble.

He forced himself to focus on work, to ignore the elegant
little movements he could see her making out of the corner of his eye. He
flipped open his laptop and switched it on, pretending to study it diligently
as it sped through its routine. It chimed. Loudly.

Katherine’s head shot up at the sound. She eyed him warily
from across the hall, like a cornered rabbit.

Adam merely ignored her and filed this odd reaction away,
pressing the mute button on his speakers as he logged online. He was supposed to
be hunting for Sara’s file. He knew that. But for some reason, he was drawn
inexorably toward his chat room. Toward Wildkat. Somehow he knew, he hoped,
there’d be a message from her.

And holy hell, there was.

His hand shook as he clicked open the message box and read.


WILDKAT: Savage, I have to work tonight, so I have to cancel
our date. Sorry.


Adam stared at the message. Hope and a hint of certainty
skirled in his gut. What were the odds? He kept asking himself and the answer
kept coming back fuzzy. Statistically, it was a billion to one that Katherine
could be Wildkat. The thought was insane.

But the
were piling up. Her “duck on a
june bug” comment, the familiar tenor of Wildkat’s voice and now this? That
they both had to work late? On the same night? It could be nothing more than a
bizarre twist of fate but the odds on that were increasing by the moment. All
in all, it was pretty convincing evidence.

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