AdamsObsession (14 page)

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Authors: Sabrina York

BOOK: AdamsObsession
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He stepped forward and snapped, “Where the hell did you get
an idea like that?”

Jack stepped back, probably intimidated a little by Adam’s
vehemence. Okay, probably intimidated a lot. “Well, Stan, of course.” His eyes
flicked from the right to the left, as though he was searching for an escape.

“Stan?” Adam searched his memory to match a face with the
name. Then he had him. A short, skinny kid with a raft of pimples sprinkled
over his countenance. “And what did Stan tell you?”

“It was that vest, you know, the one she wore the other day?
Jesus, Adam. Back up, will you?”

“What about the vest?” Kat spoke with deliberate softness,
the way a woman did when she was trying to keep one guy from ripping another
guy’s face off.

“Um, yeah.” Jack sidled away from Adam toward Kat. “That
vest came from a boutique Stan knows. They specialize in, well, submissive

Kat’s jaw dropped. “I had no idea.”

“It’s Sara’s vest,” Adam snapped.

“Really?” Jack blinked several times in rapid succession.
“Dude. Sara? Huh. Imagine that.” Distracted by this new information, he sidled
toward the restaurant—apparently intent on searching for Sara.

Kat called him back. “Oh, Jack?”

“Um, yeah?”

“Isn’t Stan the guy who convinced you I was a lesbian?”

He answered with a slow, “Yeah.”

“Well, he was wrong about that. He may be wrong about this
too. And by the way, if you’re going to approach Sara, be a gentleman, will

“Oh, sure.” Jack nodded vehemently and hightailed it into
the restaurant.

Kat watched him go. She smiled at Adam. “So. Where were we?”

“Finding a more private place.” He led her farther into the
shadows, around one wing of the restaurant into a moonlit garden. They could
hear the music and low rumble of conversation from the banquet hall, along with
the occasional laugh and tinkle of ice in glasses, but the garden, nestled in
the “L” of the building, was private.

“It’s lovely.” She gazed out across the moon-kissed plants
and stones to a small pond and gazebo in the distance.

Adam nodded his assent but he wasn’t taking in the view. His
eyes were fixed on Kat. She caught his expression and blushed.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he said on a breath.

She reached up to adjust his lapel—though it was perfect as
it was. “You’re quite handsome yourself.” Their eyes met. They shared a smile.

With great effort, Adam tamed the demons clamoring within
him. All he wanted was to take her in his arms and kiss her. But they had
something to discuss. Something important.

“Are you going to tell me what Jack has over you?” The
curiosity was killing him.

Kat quirked a brow. “Are you sure you want to know?”

He stared at her in silence, just taking in her beauty,
wrestling with the emotions swirling in his gut…and he grinned. A year ago,
hell, a month ago, his jealousy would have torn him apart. There was just
something about Katherine Hart that put him at ease, something that made him
feel safe with her.

Perhaps it was the enthusiasm with which she approached
their lovemaking or knowing she never, ever, looked at another man with lust in
her eyes. Or perhaps it was her aura, so loving and warm and calm, or that
she’d told him, straight-out, she didn’t see the point of marrying someone if
you didn’t intend to be faithful. Whatever it was, he had no doubts about her.
None at all.

“Absolutely, I want to know.”

“Well,” she said playfully. “It seems the company I work for
has a very advanced VoIP system.”

“Is that so?” His lips twitched as he recalled some of the
fun he’d had with that program.

“Yes. And someone—who shall remain nameless—demanded I get a
hold of a copy of that program.”

“I see.”

“So I went to Jack. I asked him for a copy and he gave me a
beta of the new version.”

“And you promised him a dance.”

“I was rather desperate. I mean, I was getting carpal tunnel
in one wrist.” Her smile warmed a cold place in his heart. “Can you ever
forgive me? If it’s any consolation, it was a miserable dance.”

Adam chuckled and pulled her into his arms. “There’s nothing
to forgive. Although I did go a little primal when I saw his hands on your
ass.” He slipped his hands down the satin of her dress and gently cupped the
same two slopes.

Kat murmured in pleasure and went up on her tiptoes to
nibble on his neck. “You taste good.”

“You smell divine.” He leaned in to suck on her earlobe. As
he grazed, he reveled in the feel of her against him. It didn’t take long for
his passion to rise. “God, I want you.”

She rubbed her hips against his, even as she whispered, “Not

His hunger sharpened. “No one’s watching.”

“Umm. I know. But Adam, we should talk.”

He frowned a little. “The last time we talked we got into a

“I know. But I wanted to talk to you about that. I found a
solution to our problem.”

“Really?” He smiled, stroking her back, moving her
surreptitiously out of the moonlight and into the shadow of the building. He
leaned closer and pressed against her. She gasped at the incontrovertible proof
of his arousal. “So did I.” He bent his head to nuzzle her ear until she
shivered. “You go first.”

She hissed as his tongue danced into the bell of her ear. He
loved the way it felt when she arched against him. “Oh, Adam. Yes.”

“Hmm. I like your idea.”

She turned her head—so he couldn’t continue such delightful
torture—and fixed him with a scolding expression. “Behave.”

His palm skimmed down her thigh and back up, on the
underside of her dress.

“I am behaving,” he insisted. “Tell me your idea.”

“Are you listening or… Adam!” She shuddered as he danced
closer to the damp heat of her center.

“I’m listening.”

“Okay. Here’s my idea. Monday, I’m going to call

Adam’s hands stilled, along with his heart. He lifted his
head and stared into her eyes. “What?”

“It’s perfect. They wanted to hire me three years ago. I’m
sure the offer will still be good. I saw Charles Whitney at a conference last
year and he asked me if I was interested in making a change.”

“You’re not leaving.” Adam’s fingers clenched on her thigh.
All passion evaporated in a wave of panic. She couldn’t leave. God. No.

“But it will solve everything. We can continue seeing each
other. I’ll just work elsewhere.”



“No. No. No. God. No. For one thing, Tristan would kill me
if I let you leave.”

“Tristan? He has nothing to do with this.”

“More than that, it would kill me not to see you every day.

“But Adam…”

“But nothing. I can’t stand the thought of losing you.”

“Your argument doesn’t make any sense. If I go to work for
Parkinson–Whitney, you won’t lose me.”

“The company would lose you. Tristan would lose you.”

“I don’t care about Tristan. Will you stop talking about

you care about?”

“I care about you, Adam. If I have to choose between my job
and you, I choose you.”

Her words sent a shaft of hope through him. “My idea is

“All right.” She sighed. “What’s your idea?”

“Marry me.”

“What? Adam, that’s crazy. We’ve only been seeing each other
a week.”

“Wrong. We’ve been seeing each other for two years. And
‘dating’ for over a month.”


“Our online conversations were more intimate than any you or
I have ever had. And you know it. I know you better than I ever knew Betsy when
I married her. What’s more, I trust you, Kat.”

“Those aren’t valid reasons to get married. For heaven’s
sake, Adam—”

“Come on, Kat. It makes perfect sense. This way, you and I
can see each other every day and sleep together every night. And no
one—especially Jack—would dare to write you into a macro.”

“Write me into a… What are you talking about?”

He frowned. “Never mind about that. Just say you’ll marry

“Adam.” She fit her palm to the contours of his cheek.
Stroked him with her thumb. “People don’t get married because they know each
other or trust each other or even because they want to see each other every

“I know. There’s more to it than that.”


“Don’t you know?”

She dropped her eyes, shook her head. “No.”

He tipped her face back up and looked her directly in the
eye. “I love you, Kat.”

She didn’t respond. Not at all. Her expression was blank.
Panic was beginning to roil in his gut when she finally spoke. Through stiff
lips, she whispered, “Are you sure?”

He nodded, watching every emotion flit across her face. “I
love you. I adore you. I want you every moment of the day. But there’s more
than that. I feel at home in your arms. Can you understand that?”

“Yes.” A brilliant smile unlike any he’d ever seen flooded
her face. She stood on her tiptoes to press a soft kiss on his lips. “I do. I
feel the same way, Adam. I love you too. Madly.”


Joy and relief and a powerful surge of lust swelled within
him and he swept her into his arms for a long, passionate kiss. “Thank God we
have that settled.”

His hand skated back up her thigh, where he had unimpeded
access to her crotch. He realized, with a shock to his system, she was wearing
the thong he’d given her. And it was wet.

His cock snapped to attention.

“Oh, it’s not completely settled.” Kat sent him a
mischievous glance, reaching down to mold the bulge she’d created.

He hissed through his teeth as a shudder racked him. “What
do you mean?”

She licked her lips and tightened her grip, nearly bringing
him to his knees. “I’ll marry you under one condition.”

“What’s that?” He stilled.
Holy crap.
The little minx
was unfastening his pants, right there in the garden. Thank God the rooms
behind them and to the left weren’t in use and the windows were dark. Kat freed
his cock and stroked him twice in brazen succession before she spoke.

“Once in a while,” she said, licking his ear, “I get to tie
you up.”

Adam chuckled. He grabbed her teasing hand and raised it,
along with its mate, over her head. “We’ll see.”

He backed her up against the wall and yanked the thong to
her knees. So loosened, it fell, forgotten, to the ground. Holding her gaze, he
fondled her slick clit until she cried out with pleasure. Then he slipped a
thick finger into her and fucked her slowly with one, then two fat digits. When
he could stand it no more, he forced her knees apart and bent to find her
opening with his hard cock.

It wasn’t difficult. She was dripping wet.

With a meaningful glance, he thrust upward and she arched
into him with a cry. He grabbed her knee and yanked it up over his hip so he
could reach a better angle and he thrust again. She was slick and soft and
smooth. He wanted to nest inside her and never, ever leave.

“God, I love you.” He shivered as the walls of her pussy
clasped about him. He recognized the signs by now. He knew when her breathing
devolved into rapid, frantic pants, when her hips began to thrust
uncontrollably and when her abdomen started to quiver and quake. She was going
to come.

The thought made his cock swell and ache even more.

“I love you,” he repeated, timing his words with a deep
plunge. Then again. And again.

“Adam!” She wrested her wrists free from his grasp to clutch
at his shoulders. “Do it. Fuck me.”

“Yes. You like that, don’t you, Wildkat?”

“Yes. I do. My Savage. Ah. Yes.”

And she came. All around him. Squeezing and writhing and
grunting, biting his neck as primal need swamped her and stole her sanity.

He buried himself again and again, noting that the friction
in her pussy had increased to a near intolerable bliss. Both the walls of her
canal and his cock were swollen, thrumming in tandem.

Light flared around them and she jerked in shock. That
tight, frantic squeeze, intense as it was, sent him over the edge and he poured
himself into her. Jet after jet of hot cum. Wave after wave of pleasure. He
shuddered and groaned at the power of his release.

She was his. Completely and forever. His.

It took a second or two to recuperate, given the intensity
of their encounter, but when he did recover himself, it was to cheers and

He glanced into the restaurant to realize the empty room to
their left was empty no longer. Jack and his interns were there. And they were

Two thoughts fought for dominance in Adam’s mind. First was
fury that Jack—or anyone—was looking at Kat, especially in such a state of
carnal bliss. He quickly checked to make sure his body was covering hers and
was relieved to see that, thanks to a well-placed bush, Kat was not exposed to
the nerd herd.

The second thought was one of utter victory.

Kat was his and now
all knew it beyond a shadow
of a doubt.

There would be no more bets, no more lame attempts at
flirting, no more ass-grab dancing and for God’s sake, no more macros.

She moaned and covered her face with her hands. “Oh my God.
Are they watching?”

He chuckled. “Yes. But they can only see my ass.”

She peeped at him through her fingers and he caught a
glimpse of an impudent grin. “I’m sure that’s quite a thrill for some of them.”

Adam smiled back and bent his head for a long, lingering
kiss—resulting in another round of applause. He shot his audience a warning
glare. It took less than a second for Jack and the interns to get the message.
Chortling amongst themselves, they left the room, switching off the light.

“Oh, heavens.” Kat quickly readjusted her dress and hair.
“That was embarrassing.” Adam chuckled and she rounded on him. “Why are you
laughing? It’s not funny.”

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