A Wolf's Obsession (29 page)

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Authors: Jennifer T. Alli

BOOK: A Wolf's Obsession
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Then why did you do it!

I thought you were a bear. I called out to you when you were chasing me and you didn’t respond so I thought there was something out there that wanted to eat me. I did what I had to so that I could protect myself.

I wasn’t thinking straight. All I knew was that you were running. My instincts made me chase you I couldn’t put together a sentence until you stopped. And let’s be clear there is definitely something that wants to eat you and as soon as the moon rises I intend to feast on you.

The scent of her arousal thickened and he growled in response. There was nothing he’d like more than to take care of her needs but that was the one thing he couldn’t do.

Again that isn’t my fault.

I wasn’t saying it was.
Groaning, Wyatt shook his head.
Let’s not talk about this. You need clothes.

I know that but where are we going to get any around here. I’m not going to walk back to yours naked.

The thought of anyone seeing his mate in all her naked glory made him see red.
Damn straight. My uncle Ryan built his mate a cabin around here. There should be something there. Even if there isn’t it’ll be warm enough inside. You can spend the day there.
The decision made he walked towards the cabin fully expecting Kass to follow him and it came as an unpleasant surprise to find that she hadn’t moved an inch.

If I spend the day inside will the claiming fail?

He couldn’t help the smile that came to his lips. His mate wanted the claiming as much as he did and was prepared to fight for it. He’d never been so proud of another person in his life.
No. As long as you don’t run from me the claiming will happen.

Thank God for that. I was really not looking forward to spending a day naked in the forest. I know it’s summer but still.

The walk to the cabin was distinctly tense. Without the protection of her clothes Wyatt had never been so tempted. He tried hard to keep his eyes on the path in front of him but he couldn’t resist turning around to see if she was still following and when he did it was all he could do not to jump her bones. Her breasts swayed temptingly with every swing of her glorious hips and the patch of red curls at the apex of her thighs tempted him to nuzzle deeply. When they finally reached the cabin he breathed a deep sigh of relief.

Go inside, there should be some clothes for you to wear.

She walked up the steps but stopped when she realised Wyatt wasn’t with her.
Aren’t you coming in?

His eyes locked on to her sex and he shivered in desire as he imagined her saying the same words to him when they were both naked.
I’d love to.

Seeing the image in Wyatt’s mind, Kass blushed and slapped him playfully.
she laughed.
I’m being serious, aren’t you going to come inside the cabin?

Sighing, he looked longingly at the door.
No. I need to stay outside for the claiming to work.
He pushed her with his muzzle towards the door.
I’ll watch you from the doorway. Go inside and put some clothes on.

Sighing, Kass walked into the cabin wishing that Wyatt could be with her. It was odd being followed by a wolf that looked large enough to eat her without the help of a pack but she shrugged off her sense of unease trying hard to remember that inside the wolf’s body was the man that she loved.

Taking care to make sure that the door was left open she walked into the small room, her eyes quickly locking on to a chest at the base of the bed. She could feel his eyes on her as she dressed and it made her breathless. The plain t-shirt that swamped her body clearly belonged to a man and almost reached her thighs. Wyatt’s growl came as no surprise to Kass. She was learning quickly about wolves though she doubted there would ever come a time when she knew everything about the mystery that was her mate. There was no need for him to say a word, she knew exactly why he was growling.

It’s just a shirt Wyatt. You know I’m yours. What does it matter who I smell like?

Baring his teeth, Wyatt took a menacing step forward.
It matters. Wear the blue one.

Kass couldn’t help but roll her eyes at his words. Sometime
s it was hard to believe that he’d been born in the same century as the rest of the world.
You know, sometimes you could try a little harder to sound as though you’re not a caveman.
Smiling she thumped a fist against her chest
. Me man, you woman. You do as I say.
Wyatt’s low, rumbling growl just made her laugh harder. Turning from him, she reached for the blue shirt and brought it to her nose. Her knees wobbled as the rich scent filled her senses.
Yours I take it?
Wyatt nodded in response though he needn’t have bothered. Her senses might not have been as strong as his but she could recognise his scent anywhere.

Still chuckling to herself, Kass pulled the shirt she was wearing off and slipped Wyatt’s on. She hated to admit it but he was right. It did matter. Surrounded by his rich scent she felt safe and protected. If wolves could smirk then the expression on Wyatt’s face definitely qualified as one. He might be right but that didn’t mean she was going to tell him.

Curling his legs beneath him Wyatt settled in, content now that his mate was covered in his scent. It was a primitive gesture but he couldn’t bring himself to care. With his wolf so close to the surface his mind was steeped fairly deeply in primitive. What did it matter that he was acting less than human? He wasn’t one and his mate had finally accepted his differences. If she could accept the mating and go out of her way to instigate a chase then she’d have to deal with the consequences.

Look in the pocket
, he ordered.

There was a slight quiver of nervousness in his voice that made Kass concerned. Wyatt was many things, nervous wasn’t one of them. Hands hesitant, she pulled out a small box from the deep pocket. Just that quickly her heart picked up speed.


He got to his feet and inched forward until there was barely anything separating them.
I know we’re getting mated tonight but I want – no –
He cut himself off.
No, I need it all. I know how much you want normal. I’ve been inside your mind so don’t try to deny it. I can’t give you normal. Even for a wolf I’ve never been normal. My mind has spent so long being broken that I don’t even think I’d recognise normal if I was staring it right in the face.
He sighed, knowing that he was making a mess of this. He’d seen proposals in her mind and they did not look like this.
I can’t give you normal right now but I’ll try for the rest of my life to make it up to you. I need us to be tied so closely together that nothing can come between us. You deserve to have a beautiful wedding. You deserve to have something that’s normal, that’s just for you. So Kass, will you marry me even though I’m the furthest thing from normal that you can probably think of?

Tears of emotion welling in her eyes Kass couldn’t help the laugh that spilled from her lips.
There’s nothing normal about being proposed to by a wolf.
Falling to her knees she wrapped her arms around his furry form.
Normal is overrated. I thought I wanted it but that was practically a lifetime ago. I’m in love with a werewolf and so what if his mind isn’t normal? Normal is boring and if the choice was between you as you are and a you that was completely sane.
She leaned in closer and rubbed herself against his surprisingly soft fur as she whispered in his ear,
I’d choose the crazy you every time. I wouldn’t want to change you for anything.

So is that a yes?

More laughter spilled out of her.
It’s a definite yes.

Pulling the lupine body of her mate closer, Kass was stunned by the way her life was turning out. Only a few short weeks ago she’d been convinced that this day would never come. Charlie might have been optimistic about her future but she’d seriously doubted that she’d ever make it to her twenty-seventh birthday and the immortality the day promised. Now she was not only going to obtain immortality and the peace she had fought so hard for, she was going to have a mate to spend it with.

“It sounds awful.” She began slowly, her voice hesitant as she struggled to give voice to her inner turmoil. “But I really wasn’t looking forward to today. I wanted to be twenty-seven so Ethan would stop chasing me. I was not looking forward to being alone forever. I’ve never met any other phoenixes so for all I know I could be the last one left. The idea of being alone for eternity scared the life out of me. Now I don’t have to worry about that. Thank you Wyatt.”

You don’t ever have to thank me. You owe me nothing. I owe you everything.

With her soul feeling so raw, Kass was no longer inclined to go back into the cabin. There was nothing in the small structure for her. Everything she needed was right out here. Completely at peace for the first time in her life she let herself bask in the sun’s warm rays. Words flowed easily between them as they talked about their plans for the future; it had after all never looked so bright. Lulled by the easy conversation and the soothing rays of sunshine, Kass barely noticed time passing. She didn’t feel her eyelids get heavy until it was too late and they were fluttering shut. Smiling, she let her lids close on the world knowing that all was right with her life. There was nothing that could stop either of them from getting what they wanted out of life now that they had each other.

If this was what it felt like to be truly mated then she understood why her mate had lost his mind. She couldn’t imagine a world without Wyatt in it. God help anyone who tried to come between them. It had taken her a long time to understand that she wasn’t, and never could be, normal but she’d fully embraced her phoenix. If someone took Wyatt from her she’d spend eternity hunting them down. Wyatt thought that she was teaching him how to regain some semblance of normality but it was the other way around. He was teaching her. He was showing her exactly how to deal with those that stood between her and the man she loved. Without pity or mercy. As she drifted off, dreaming of her future, she couldn’t help but think at the back of her mind of the things she would do to anyone who tried to come between them


Chapter Twenty


She was so beautiful. Looking upon his mate’s beautiful face was fast becoming Wyatt’s favourite hobby. When he looked at her the madness of his mind retreated. With her he was normal. Looking at her did come at a cost; simply glancing at her had its own set of perils. Her parted pink lips were a temptation and he ached to slide certain hard parts of his anatomy between them. His mind was filled with images of her sucking his throbbing shaft deep into her mouth. It was all too easy to imagine the searing heat of her mouth and the pleasured moans that would slip from her mouth. Shifting, he tried to make himself comfortable. There was nothing he could do to act on his desires while he was trapped in the body of a wolf.

It had been a long, difficult day staying at Kass’ side. Torn between desire and instinct, he’d counted the minutes until the sunset. While Kass had slept, oblivious to his torment, he’d cursed the long summer days. Dusk seemed to take an eternity to arrive though he suspected the slow passage of time might have had something to do with his impatience for night to fall.

The moment night fell and he regained his human form Wyatt was on his feet. Heart pounding within his chest he lifted Kass into his arms. The time was now and he wasn’t going to waste another second. Moving quickly but silently he walked away from the cabin and into the welcoming darkness of the forest that surrounded them. It had been a long time since he’d walked through the forest on two legs rather than four and while Kass was out for the count he was able to fully appreciate the beauty of nature without the ferocity of his animal instincts to get in the way. He was able to smile as he watched the small creatures of the night go about their lives without thinking that they might make a tasty snack to tide him over until he hunted down bigger prey. Wyatt was pretty sure that if he told Kass that he’d spent years of his life living as a wolf in these forests that she would not be too pleased. Despite knowing that he would incur her displeasure, Wyatt smiled. He didn’t have to tell her now. They would have years together.

“After our first cub is born,” he muttered to himself. “I’ll tell her after our first cub is born.”

Pleased with his decision he continued walking, his destination at the front of his mind. The night seemed so much brighter than it normally did with his mate in his arms. For the first time in a long time Wyatt was at peace with himself, confident in the decision that he was about to make. His peace didn’t last long.

Soft lips pressing against his throat made his step falter. He risked a glance down at his precious cargo. Her eyes were still closed and her breathing was still deep and even. She was dead to the world.
She must have moved in her sleep
. He said the words slowly to himself; unnerved that such a simple movement from her had shaken him so deeply. He started walking again, determined to get to the special place he’d prepared before she woke up. Just as he managed to convince himself that the movement was accidental and that Kass was still asleep, the movement came again. Soft heated kisses rained down upon the exposed flesh of his throat and Wyatt couldn’t help the groan that escaped his lips. He felt electricity race along his skin and settle in his rapidly hardening shaft.


Nuzzling closer she swung her arms around his shoulders and lapped at his skin with her hot tongue. Refusing to leave her delicious task she reached for his mind.

“You need to stop otherwise I’m going to take you right here.” His vision blurred as she sucked at his throat but he kept moving. There was somewhere they needed to be before he lost any and all control.

Groaning at the sensual vibrations that slid along her lips as he spoke, she kissed him harder. The skin beneath her lips was hot and tasted uniquely of Wyatt. His rich scent surrounded her and his delicious taste was addictive. There was no way she was going to stop. She kissed him harder, nibbling gently to give him a silent answer.

Thoughts of the beautiful meadow he’d prepared flitted through his mind as he stood still as stone, enduring her delicious torture. He thought of the soft blanket that he’d lain on the cool grass to protect her skin from rough twigs and stones. He remembered the light sheet he’d acquired to keep her warm during the night. He thought of the candles that he’d planned to light to keep the darkness at bay. She nipped his skin harder and he let those thoughts vanish.

His smooth steps came to an abrupt halt as his lips crashed against hers. Heat rolled through his body like a tsunami and washed away his control. He devoured her mouth like a starving man given a feast. Slanting his lips over hers, he savoured the sugary sweet taste of her but soon it wasn’t enough. Biting hard on her lip he swallowed her stunned gasp and slipped his tongue into the hot cavern of her mouth. Their tongues duelled for supremacy but Kass quickly lost the battle.

Possessed. Up until this moment Kass hadn’t truly understood what it meant to have someone completely possess her but as Wyatt’s talented tongue continued to knock down any and all defences she had against him the true meaning of the word became clear. Control. Wyatt had complete and utter control of her body. He was playing her like an instrument and she loved every minute of it. Her nipples had hardened to painful peaks and she wanted nothing other than to beg for his lips to move lower and to suck the hard nubs into the heat of his mouth. Her body was his instrument and he had total control over her reactions.

He shifted her body in his arms and she went willingly. The idea of resisting him never even entered her mind. She let him slide her down the length of his hard body. Electricity rolled through her as her nipples pressed against his chest. Moaning into his mouth she rocked her hips against his hardness, desire riding her hard. Wyatt’s tortured groan was her reward. His body tensed and she could feel the struggle that was waging inside him. He needed this as much as she did. A smile flitted across her lips as an idea formed in her desirous mind.

Kissing her was heaven and if he wasn’t so intent on claiming her fully Wyatt was sure he could die now a happy man. As it stood he wanted more and was going to get it. Her lungs were struggling under the onslaught of his powerful tongue and he was torn between allowing her the air she needed and giving her the kisses that she wanted. His need to keep her safe eventually won out and he reluctantly pulled back. Her kiss-swollen lips were temptation incarnate and he almost succumbed, taking her lips again. Resisting was the hardest thing he’d had to do in a long time but he managed it because while he could happily kiss her all night there were other things he wanted to do before the sun rose.

When their lips parted Kass sucked in deep breaths trying to get air to the oxygen-starved parts of her body. Time had stood still while they had kissed and now it was catching up with her. Her eyes flew up to meet Wyatt’s, her smile fading when she saw his chest rise and fall evenly. Clearly he hadn’t been as affected by their kiss as she had been.

“Kass.” His groaned utterance of her name sounded pained. She looked him over carefully, scanning for any injuries. Slashes of red were on both his cheeks and his fists were clenched so hard that his knuckles had turned white.

At the back of her mind she’d had her reservations about this moment. She’d worried that she wouldn’t know how to give him pleasure but it was becoming increasingly clear that her concerns were unwarranted. Feeling powerful and sexy, Kass closed the distance that separated them. Her fingers danced around his waist and she smiled when his breath hitched. It was a heady sensation to know that this powerful man was hers. Emboldened by the knowledge that Wyatt was leaving her in charge she pulled his shirt over his head. His bare skin was a feast for her eyes. Hard muscle stacked upon hard muscle. Unable to resist, her hands swept over the wide expanse of his chest, the heat of his skin searing her and marking her forever as his.

His mate was a minx. Her soft palms sweeping over his skin were making his shaft throb. When her hands swept lower he stopped breathing all together. Her deft hands pulled his pants open and his heart stopped. She sank to her knees, taking his trousers with her. His shaft sprung free, the thick swollen head weeping at the thought of her taking him between her lips. Their eyes locked and he could sense her nervousness. Threading his fingers through her hair he silently reassured her before need overwhelmed him.

“Suck it.” Need made his words harsh. Desire burned in his gaze, his mind swamped by thoughts of what it would be like to have her lips wrapped around his shaft.

Her heart beating fast, Kass couldn’t take her eyes off the rock hard flesh in front of her. The thick head looked angry, swollen with need. Throbbing veins pulsed in tandem with his heartbeat and when a bead of creamy liquid spilled from the tip Kass felt her mouth water. She’d never thought that this part of a man’s body could have her feeling so weak with want but with Wyatt nothing was ever as she imagined it would be. Her f
ingers curled around his length and her ears were filled the sound of his deep groan of pleasure. She glanced up at his face and felt heat fill her at the scorching look he gave her. His amber eyes glowed, beating back the darkness of the night and making her nipples tighten painfully. Unable to resist any longer she sucked him deep into her mouth and moaned around his length. He tasted delicious and she lapped at his flesh like it was her favourite treat.

He’d died and gone to heaven. As his head fell back and his knees weakened Wyatt became increasingly convinced that was what had happened. Kass’ mouth was nothing short of perfection.

“Fuck Kass.”

The words slipped from his lips while he wrapped her hair around his fingers and urged her to take him deeper. She sucked hard, her tongue lapping at the sensitive underside all while her hand stroked what wouldn’t fit into her mouth.

You taste so good Wyatt. She moaned around his length, the vibration almost making his knees buckle. Her hands and mouth moved faster and the heat that had been steadily building threatened to overwhelm him. He felt his balls tighten ready to give her the seed she so clearly wanted. Groaning helplessly, he thrust his shaft between her lips setting up a spine tingling rhythm that had him ready to explode within her mouth.

The light of the moon breached the canopy of the trees surrounding them and his lupine instincts rose to the fore. Where only seconds before he couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t related to his release now he could smell the liquid evidence of his mate’s desire and it was maddening. Pulling his shaft free of her tempting lips, Wyatt yanked Kass to her feet. Hungry eyes scanned her body, smiling at the tint to her cheeks and the pebbled nipples standing to attention beneath her shirt.

Searing palms squeezed her breasts, thumbing the nipples and sending waves of desire to her already pulsing sheath.

“Mine,” he growled, the need to possess clear in his voice.

He pinched her nipple hard enough that Kass gasped, straddling the razor thin line between pleasure and pain. Gripping his shoulders she anchored herself against his solid body and moaned in his ear. “Wyatt.”

“Tell me you’re mine.”

His talented hands were sweeping all over her body, cupping her arse and skating over the patch of hair that guarded her sex all while he caressed her throbbing nipples. “Say it,” he ordered.

Pleasure was addling her mind and when his lips crashed into her she knew nothing would ever be the same again.
I’m yours.

Unwilling to waste precious time on buttons Wyatt ripped the two ends of her shirt apart quickly, exposing the naked body beneath the flimsy material. His lips kept up the assault as he stripped her. Her thoughts addled from his kiss, Kass wasn’t even aware of him taking her clothes off until she was pressed against his naked skin.

Gasping for breath she pulled back and looked at him through desirous eyes. “Wyatt, I need you.”

Dropping to his knees, Wyatt spread her thighs, his thumbs caressing the soft flesh until she quivered against him. The scent of her arousal teased his senses until he couldn’t take any more. Slinging one of her thighs over his shoulder, he stared at the new centre of his universe. Liquid heat ran down her thigh sending a bolt of masculine pride through him. His mate had enjoyed sucking him; she’d found pleasure in the act, which was exactly how he’d felt when he’d tasted her before.

Taunted by memories of her sweet taste Wyatt delved in. He licked her drenched folds, his grip on her thighs tightening to almost painful levels as her slick heat slid over his tongue. Devouring her flesh he thrust his tongue deep into her tight sheath and she screamed, her head falling back helplessly as he stroked her pleasure to fever pitch.

When his tongue circled the sensitive nub of her clit her breath hitched. Unfazed by her weakening knees and sweat slicked body, Wyatt’s tongue drew lazy circles around the small bud pushing her closer and closer to the brink. Pleasure mounted but the frenzied kisses that would have pushed her over the edge were gone, replaced by gentle licks that had tears building in her eyes.

“Wyatt,” she begged, sinking her fingers into the thick strands of his hair. “Please.”

He pulled back, a wolfish grin on his glistening lips. “You want to come?” Words failed her and all she could do was nod. His grin widened. “Then come.”

He sunk two fingers into her scorching sheath and sucked her clit between his lips hard. The result was almost instantaneous. Kass shattered. Legs that had tried valiantly to hold her upright for Wyatt’s ministrations collapsed as waves of pleasure rolled through her. She might have screamed but her mind couldn’t process anything but the earth shattering climax that left her light headed and boneless from the sheer pleasure of it. Through it all Wyatt was there, holding her body to his mouth while he lapped at the nectar between her legs and pushed her back to the precipice for another round.

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