A Wolf's Obsession (24 page)

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Authors: Jennifer T. Alli

BOOK: A Wolf's Obsession
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The cell that Wyatt was being kept in was a dark, dank place. The minute Michael led Kass in she wanted to leave. The pla
ce felt more like a dungeon than a prison cell. It made her nervous but she kept walking, following Michael’s brisk pace. The quicker she got to her mate, the quicker she could leave.

Wyatt’s cell was at the end of the hall and the instant Kass laid eyes on him she began to reconsider what she’d agreed with Michael. His body was a broken mass of blood and blisters. Cuts and bruises covered his beautiful body. The silver chains at his wrists and ankles had created welts and oozing blisters but that wasn’t what angered her the most. Around his handsome face was a muzzle going from his nose all the way down to his chin before wrapping around the back of his head.

Her hand flew to her mouth in shock. “Wyatt,” she gasped. “What did you do to him?” She turned to Michael accusation blazing from her star filled eyes. “Answer me, what have you done to my mate?”

“He bit through an arm trying to escape. We couldn’t let him do that again.”

“So you decided the best thing to do would be to treat him like an animal?” Breathing hard she began to see red. The desire to be covered in Anna’s blood was strong. It should have felt strange. The blood lust coursing through her veins wasn’t an emotion she’d normally feel but at the moment it felt fully justified. She wanted to go out there and inflict damage on the one who’d hurt her mate. She wanted vengeance. If Wyatt felt even a fraction of the possessiveness she now did all of his previously mad seeming actions were justified. “Let him out,” she ordered.

Michael motioned to the guard and the cell door swung open. Tapping out a steady yet impatient tattoo with her foot, Kass waited until the shackles slipped from his limbs before she rushed into his cell.

Her heart bled for him. Unsure of where exactly to touch him that wouldn’t cause him pain, she choked back a sob then fell to her knees beside him.
How did he hide this from me yesterday? How could I not know how much pain he was in?
The answer was instantaneous. The instinct. It was what had brought their dreams together; it would easily have concealed his wounds from her if it thought that was what she needed.

Now isn’t the time to be weak.
Wyatt needs me.
Her spine stiffened and with a firm push she rolled him onto his back. Disgusted, she ripped the muzzle from his face and threw it to Michael’s feet. “I want you to call his sister Dylan. Wyatt will heal but I’m not going to be able to get him home without help.”

“I can have some of my men help you–”

Shaking her head Kass cut him off. “Your men have done enough. I want Dylan and his family to help him recover.”

“If Dylan sees him like this she’ll want to involve the king.”

“If you don’t get her here now it won’t be Dylan calling your king. My mate needs his family and seeing as it was your mate that did all this you are going to do exactly what I say.”

Grim faced Michael gave a short, sharp nod agreeing with her. “Call Dylan Sutherland,” he told the guard. “Tell her what’s happened here and get her to come here as quickly as she can.”

Saluting before he left, the guard rushed to obey Michael’s orders.

Satisfied that soon they’d be leaving this hell, Kass turned her attention back to Wyatt. She ran her hand through his hair and stroked his face gently. “It’s okay Wyatt, I’m here now,” she cooed softly. His stillness was unnerving. This had to be the longest time he’d stayed still since they’d met and she didn’t like it. Concerned, she reached for his mind hoping to get a message through to him. Pain washed over her but she fully intended to bear with it until howling filled her ears.

Why would you try to join with me when you know how much it’s going to hurt?
Wyatt snarled.
Your heart.

Words fell from her lips without thought.
Because you’re my mate.

A few simple words dulled the worst of his anger. It was impossible to disagree with reasoning like that. It was also impossible to deny that he couldn’t keep talking to her and protect her from his pain at the same time. It was
a mission to be conscious at all after what he’d been through.
And because we’re mates I don’t want you to put yourself at risk like this again. Give me time to heal. I’ll be fine.

Her expression grew tender while she ran her fingertips over his brow.
I know. Just checking.

Don’t worry about me.
He winced as the pain surged again.
Just stay safe.
Satisfied his message had been delivered, he pulled back and let unconsciousness take him.

Kass managed a small smile. Even when he was a bloody and bruised mess he managed to give out ordered. “I’ll do that.”

It took a while but soon Kass heard the sound of footsteps along the corridor. “The cavalry’s here,” she whispered to a still unconscious Wyatt.

Seeing Kass’ flaming red hair, Dylan shouted down the corridor to her brother’s mate never slowing her quick pace. “Kass, what’s going on? I got a call telling me to come down here but no-one said what had happened. Care to–” Whatever she’d be about to say died in her throat when she stopped in the doorway of the cell and saw the battered body of her brother.

“Hi Dylan, it’s good to see you.”

Amber flooded her eyes and her voice changed, becoming more gravelly as anger filled her. “What the fuck happened to him and who do I need to make suffer for it?”

Pausing to stare at the other woman, Kass’ lips twisted as she thought before she nodded, a decision made. “You might not look it but I can definitely see that you two are twins. I didn’t believe it before but after what you just said…the family resemblance is remarkable.”

“Who did this to my brother? No one hurts my twin and gets away with it. Tell me what happened Kass.”

She sighed heavily. “Anna was convinced that we weren’t mates. When we got here she said Wyatt was guilty of hurting someone else’s mate. She had him restrained but I’ve spoken to her mate and we’ve come to an agreement.”

“That bitch. I hope your agreement was her death.”

Maybe I don’t tell her the finer details until after we’ve gone. These wolves are intense.
“We need to get Wyatt to a safe place so that he can heal.”

Her sudden change in topic went unnoticed. “I’ll call Sebastian.”

“Your sister’s mate?”

Urgency mea
nt all Kass got in response was a sharp nod before Dylan was on the phone explaining to her family what had happened. Kass shrugged her shoulders. Wyatt’s family wasn’t important. All that mattered was getting him to safety.

“Wyatt,” she whispered softly. “I can’t wait to get home. It’ll be just the two of us. I’m looking forward to it aren’t you? We’re not going to leave that cabin for days and we won’t let anyone in. I know you’d like that.”

Wyatt didn’t say a word but Kass could feel him agreeing with her at the back of her mind and despite the blood and gore surrounding her she felt herself relax. There was nothing to worry about anymore.

“Dylan, I got here as fast as I could.” The deep male voice made Kass turn around. “What the hell happened to him?”

The voice belonged to a red haired man with piercing brown eyes that were rapidly turning amber. The laughter lines on his face seemed out of place considering the deep scowl that he was giving the room. If his clenching fists were anything to go by he was furious.

And we don’t have time for any pointless displays of testosterone.
“We need to get Wyatt out of here.” Her voice was calm and clear despite the pain she felt. “It doesn’t matter what happened. It’s over now. We need to focus on what’s important and that’s getting Wyatt the best help we can find so that he recovers properly.”

Sebastian looked her over, his eyes coming to rest on the mark at her neck. “You’re Wyatt’s mate.” His scowl disappeared and was replaced by a massive smile. “Thank god for that! Are you hurt?”

“It’s nothing I can’t handle. Let’s focus on Wyatt okay?” She begged him with her eyes and he sighed heavily as he gave in to her plea.

Reaching for Wyatt, Sebastian lifted his dead weight into his arms easily. “You have eyes just like Emily,” he said softly. “I told you that you’d find her son.”

When Sebastian turned to leave the cell, Kass shot to her feet. “I’m going with him.” She lifted her chin and held his gaze daring him to contradict her. She wasn’t going to be separated from Wyatt so easily from now on.

“I would never leave you behind. You have no idea how much you mean to this family. Even though you can’t die without Wyatt dying too, it doesn’t mean we won’t protect you.”

She couldn’t look at him knowing that what he thought was true was actually a lie. “Sebastian, I’m not immortal yet. Wyatt hasn’t claimed me and I’m not twenty seven either.”

Colour rushed out of not just his face but Dylan's as well. “I don’t understand. You’re marked. How can you not have been claimed?”

Well this is embarrassing. Who’d have thought I’d be discussing my sex life with strangers?
She looked at Wyatt and sighed knowing that she’d be telling them whatever they wanted to hear. Wyatt would want her protected and this was the best way to do it. “My heart isn’t strong enough yet for the claiming but we had to prove that we were mates before they’d let us leave. Anna threatened me so the instinct changed. It let us mark each other without the claiming.”

“You marked him?”

His question surprised her. Wyatt had said it was an honour for her to mark him; she wasn’t going to entertain any thoughts to the contrary. “Yes I did. So what?”

He tilted his head to the side exposing his own mark. “It’s not normally done but the men in this family seem to like it. I’m proud to wear my mate’s mark and I’m sure Wyatt feels the same way.” Sebastian turned to Dylan, his expression turning serious again. “I’m going on ahead. I’ll drop Wyatt off and come back for her.” Out of the corner of his eye Sebastian saw Kass’ lips begin to form a protest. He rushed to stop her. “Dylan, start walking home and I’ll double back to escort you. If she’s not immortal then we can’t risk running with her through the forest.”

Anything else Kass might have wanted to say fell on absent ears. One minute Sebastian was standing in the doorway and the next he was gone. Dylan's laugh switched her attention away from the disappearing man.

“You get used to it. Sebastian always gets the last word even if he has to do a disappearing act to do it. There’s no point getting annoyed about it. Usually he’s right. Come on; let’s get out of here. I can’t imagine you’d want to stay in a place like this any longer than you absolutely have to.”

Nodding as she rose to her feet, Kass agreed whole-heartedly. She could think of nothing she’d like more than to leave.

It was a surprisingly short walk from the prison cell to the forest outside and as soon as the sun’s rays touched her face Kass couldn’t help but smile. She basked in the glorious sunshine, feeling as though she hadn’t seen light for weeks. Everything around her from emerald green leaves to the clear blue sky seemed to be saying that things would change for the better now that they were both free of Anna’s grasp.

“So,” Dylan began casually. “Are you going to tell me now what Anna’s punishment is for hurting Wyatt? I want to be able to watch her suffer.”

Kass’ steps faltered. She’d hoped that Dylan would have forgotten about that. “She isn’t going to be punished,” she admitted reluctantly. “I agreed with Michael that he’d let us go and that would be the end of it.”

“Unacceptable.” Dylan's growl was menacing and for a split second Kass forgot that the wolf beside her was on her side. “This is the second time that she’s tried to hurt a mate in our family. When Wyatt wakes up I doubt that he’s going to be so forgiving and neither will Sebastian. Those two are as thick as thieves and they’ll think of a way to make her pay.”

“But it isn’t her that’s going to suffer. It’ll be Michael and he had nothing to do with this.”

Dylan's scowl softened. “Michael isn’t a bad man he just has a crazy mate. Still, he shouldn’t have called Wyatt back for his service. He knows how broken my brother was after losing Emily. To lose you would be worse Kass. I doubt even Sebastian could save him this time if something happened to you.”

“This time? What do you mean this time?”

Sighing heavily Dylan cast her gaze skyward. “When he lost Emily Wyatt tried to kill himself. He almost succeeded too. He’d ripped half his neck open by the time Sebastian found him. Sebastian took him into the woods and they lived there for two months. I don’t know what he told Wyatt but whatever he did convinced him to live on for us. Now that he’s marked you that isn’t going to work. He lives for you now. Only you.”

Dylan's hard stare told Kass that she wanted a response even though she hadn’t asked a question. “I feel the same way.”
I think I love him.
Admitting the feeling to herself felt right. There was truth in her thoughts and it was liberating.
I love Wyatt. I really do.
He might be half crazed but he was also the most intense, fearlessly brave man she’d ever met. Just thinking about him sent butterflies to her stomach and made her heart race and her palms sweat. He was the one. Laughter bubbled up inside her until it spilled from her lips and filled the air. The world suddenly seemed a much brighter place. “We need to hurry,” she said to Dylan, her feet picking up the pace. “Wyatt needs me.”
And I need him too.
She needed to tell him how she felt. If he woke without her by his side he would search her mind and find out for himself and she wanted to be the one to tell him. “I don’t want to even think about what will happen if he wakes up and I’m not there.”

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