A Wolf's Obsession (19 page)

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Authors: Jennifer T. Alli

BOOK: A Wolf's Obsession
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“Why are you crying? Did Anna do something to you?” He reached up to brush her tears away but the absence of fingers made him frown until he remembered what had happened to them. A smile broke out on his face. His plan had clearly worked. He’d gotten away from Anna and found his mate.

Shame I can’t remember any of it.
He would have liked to make sure that he’d taken care of Anna in the most painful way possible. Still, he had more important things to deal with, namely Kass’ tears. “Don’t cry Kass. I took care of Anna.”
I think.
“She’s not going to hurt you anymore. Everything is going to be okay. I promise.”

Sniffing Kass wiped away her tears with the back of her hand. “That isn’t why I’m crying. Only you would think that I’m crying over myself instead of you. Wyatt,” she sobbed, her tears coming back in force as she tried to explain herself. She reached out for his arm and gently ran her fingers over the jagged skin that should have led to a hand. “What happened to your hand? What did they do to you?”

He shrugged unconcerned by the self-inflicted injury. “I did this to myself.” Kass’ face lost all colour, her eyes widening in horror and her lips parting in a silent scream. Wyatt rushed to explain, forcing himself to sit up even though he wanted nothing more than to stay exactly where he was. “It’s okay Kass, it’ll heal.”

“What were you thinking?” she shrieked. “What possessed you to do this to yourself?”

“I was in a silver cage, bound by silver chains. I tried everything I could to get out but nothing worked. I had to get to you. When Anna said she was going to have others scent you to see if you were their mate I lost it. I bit my hand off and got out of the shackles and then I came to get you.”

“Wyatt what are you talking about? I haven’t met any other men and I don’t remember you coming to rescue me.”

“But I must have come for you otherwise how are we here?”

“The last thing I remember was someone carrying me to bed. I fell asleep and I was here.”

Amber eyes looked around the room again seeing their surroundings with new eyes. The walls weren’t real and neither was the floor, both were hazy and couldn’t really be touched. “A dream? This is a dream?” He looked at Kass and sighed. He’d so wanted this to be real. He touched her face with the fingers on his good hand. “You feel so real.”

“I am real,” Kass snapped. “You’re in my dream.” She slapped a hand against her brow and shook her head. Although why I’d dream that you’d bitten your hand off I don’t know. Maybe I’m going crazy too.”

If there was one thing his mate wasn’t it was crazy. If they both felt real then there had to be another explanation.

Of course there is,
his wolf yawned.

Care to enlighten us?
It was the first time Kass had ever spoken directly to the wolf but nervousness made her fear of the creature fade. While the wolf was clearly deranged and feral it was still part of Wyatt. It wasn’t going to hurt her.

Anything for you mate. You’re sharing a dream. Idiot up front refused to reach for our bond when he needed it most and the instinct responded.

“If you needed me Wyatt why didn’t you try to speak to me? Before I fell asleep I kept trying to talk to you but you didn’t let me in. You pushed me out. Why?”

His eyes flashed brown but the gentle shade disappeared in an instant as unwanted memories came to the front of his mind. “Because my pain killed you. Your heart stopped because your body couldn’t take what they were doing to me outside. What I did to myself in that cell was worse. I couldn’t let you go through that again. I couldn’t take the risk of it happening again.”

What he’d done to himself because he couldn’t talk to her was awful but Kass found herself agreeing with his reasons. She’d died, her heart had stopped beating and it was lucky that someone had managed to restart it. They couldn’t take that chance again. “It doesn’t matter, you’re here now and whatever you did to yourself, I can’t feel it.”

“But for how long? Y
ou could wake up any minute and Anna will be waiting.” His body tensed, his hands balling into fists. “There’ll be males lined up waiting to try and take you from me.”

Kass sighed and leaned into Wyatt. His arms surrounded her in his warmth and she smiled. “It doesn’t matter how many men she puts in front of me. I
only have one mate.”

After hearing those words Wyatt was sure he could die a happy man. “My mate,” he breathed, content with his lot in life. “You know that’s the first time you’ve called me your mate?”

Red stained her cheeks but she smiled nonetheless. “Well that’s what you are Wyatt and the fact we’re having this conversation proves that. You might be a very strange wolf but you’re brave and loyal to a fault and most importantly you never give up on me.”

“That because I love you mate, from the bottom of my heart and with every fibre of my being. You’re my life Kass.” His eyes slid shut when she leaned up to kiss his cheek. Her scent was intoxicating and having her in his arms was a slice of heaven but he couldn’t get away from the fact that this peace could be torn away at any second.
It doesn’t matter if she wakes up soon. I’ll escape that cell and find her.

Pulling back Kass fixed him with a stern glare. “No you won’t Wyatt. I know what happened when you’re restrained
, I saw it in your memories. Trying to escape will only cause you more pain and then you’ll end up doing something rash.”

“I can’t leave you with her. The idea that she’ll be trying to have someone else claim you for their mate drives me crazy.”

“I’ll find a way to get free Wyatt. It’s something of a speciality of mine. Besides, if I don’t like something that she’s doing I can always set myself on fire.” He growled in response. “Don’t try to take that tone with me Mr. torn out heart-bitten off hand. My stunt with fire would leave me in perfect health unlike some people I know. I’d be naked but I’d have all my limbs, all my organs would be in my body and I wouldn’t have a single burn to show for it. As soon as I found clothes I could be on my way to rescue you.”

Wyatt groaned as his shaft hardened, the mere thought of her naked sent his blood racing south. His desire grew quickly and soon he had trouble making out any of the words she spoke. All he could think of was her beautiful mouth. He couldn’t help himself from running his thumb over the soft skin of her bottom lip.

That one simple caress had him springing into action. He pulled her close and captured her mouth. Pleasure spiked through him and his mind went blank. All he could think about was getting more. He slanted his lips over her, devouring her moans of pleasure as he pulled her closer. He could feel her nipples tightening against his chest and the thought of touching the hard little nubs spurred him on even more. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, thrusting hard as though it was their mouths that were having sex.

She tastes so good, so sweet.
He groaned into her mouth and moved her body so that she was straddling his hips.

“Wyatt!” Kass screamed, shuddering with pleasure as the hardness of Wyatt’s shaft ground against her sex. She could feel her body readying for him. Her underwear was wet, clinging to the silken folds of her sex as she ground her hips against him reaching for the pleasure that was just out of reach. An inhuman growl filled the air but rather than scare her, the sound excited her. She threw her head back, threaded her fingers around his neck and ground herself against him, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body.

“Kass.” His eyes were drawn to her lips and he couldn’t help himself. He kissed her, drew her full lower lip between his teeth and bit her. His instincts were riding him hard.

Mark her,
the wolf demanded.
Mark her so that everyone knows who her true mate really is.

When she licked the blood from her lips and smiled
, the apology that had been on the tip of his tongue vanished. He needed her badly and had serious doubts over the strength of his control. If she wanted wild he would be more than happy to meet her needs.

She leaned back in, eager for another taste of his lips but pulled back when she felt a sharp yank from within her body. Eyes wide, she shook her head in denial but that didn’t stop the pulling sensation from getting stronger. “Wyatt,” she panicked. “I’m waking up!”

He growled and bared his teeth. “No, no Kass. Stay with me”

A sad smile came to her face. “I can’t. If only you knew how much I want to stay here with you.”

He cupped her cheeks and forced her to meet his fierce gaze. “I know. I know.”

She laid her hand over his and sighed, relishing their connection. “Promise me Wyatt, promise me you won’t do anything else to hurt yourself. I’ll find a way to get you out. Don’t do anything rash while we’re apart. Promise me.”

Closing his eyes against the silent plea in her sparking gaze Wyatt sighed. “I can’t Kass. Here I have you and you push the madness back. When I wake up my mind will be lost to me. I won’t be able to think of anything besides getting to you. I can’t promise you anything knowing that I’m going to break it.” Already he could feel his grip on sanity loosening as Kass faded out of his arms.

She pressed a short, hard kiss to his lips. “Wyatt, try not to do anything stupid. I’m coming for you and that’s a promise.”

She was nearly gone now. Her body had become insubstantial leaving him with nothing but an outline. “Why?”

Her words were barely audible even with his enhanced hearing but they would provide him comfort in the long, dark times ahead.

“Because you’re my mate.”

And with those words she was gone leaving Wyatt with nothing but memories to try and hold back the madness that was creeping on him once again.

Chapter Fourteen


Looking around the room Kass sighed. Nothing had changed since she’d fallen asleep. The walls were still pale, the bed still large and the door was probably still locked.

“One, I’m alive,” she began, her daily ritual unchanged by her location. “Two, I’m relatively safe.” She touched a finger to her tingling lips and a large smile came to her face. Her lip was bleeding and she knew exactly who the culprit was. “Three, that dream was real.”

She shot out of bed. The dream was real which meant that Wyatt was in danger. If she didn’t find a way to get him out he would do more damage to himself. She shuddered remembering the ugly stump on his arm. He’d bitten through his skin and bone trying to reach her and failed. Who knew what he would do next? Her stomach tightened with dread. It was strange to feel so worried about someone else but she couldn’t stop herself with Wyatt. He brought out feelings she’d never experienced before and she had a sinking feeling she’d only ever feel that way about him.

“Wyatt.” Even just saying his name sent butterflies to her stomach and made her heart flutter. It also spurred her into action.

She rushed to the door, vainly hoping that it wouldn’t be locked. When she turned the handle nothing happened but Kass was undeterred. Dashing to the nearest window she pulled open the blinds and tottered back. She was most definitely not on the ground. Most girls dreamt of being a fairytale princess but Kass had certainly never wanted to be a damsel in distress trapped in a tower. Anna definitely wasn’t trying to make her feel like a guest.

The door opened and Anna walked in. Kass froze trying to decide what the best greeting would be. Should she be on the offensive and demand to be released or should she try a different approach?

Decisions, decision. Well she’s not going to let me out if I ask her to. If she wasn’t determined to keep me here she wouldn’t have locked the door.
Decision made, Kass forced her body to relax and pushed the anger from her mind. This wasn’t the first time she’d had to pretend to feel something in order to escape. It was hard but she had to appear helpless. People let their guard down around those they thought were vulnerable and as soon as Anna’s guard slipped, Kass would slip out the door.

“Where am I?” She cast her eyes around the room trying hard to look confused. “What happened to me?”

The brief smile that came to Anna’s face made Kass want to jump up and down in celebration. Her lie was working.

“You poor thing,” Anna cooed, walking into the room and taking Kass by the hand. “Don’t worry, I’ll explain everything. There’s no need to be afraid.”

It grated on Kass’ nerves when Anna took her by the hand and made her sit down. She wanted to snap that she wasn’t a child but forced her temper away. Anna was clearly a woman that was happiest when she was in control.
Let her think she has it. Her arrogance is going to let me get away.
She bowed her head and hid a small smile behind a curtain of hair.

“Kass? Kassandra?” Kass looked up and quickly forced her face to go blank once again. “Do you prefer Kass or would you like to be called Kassandra?”

“Kass. I like Kass.”

Anna’s nose twitched as she scented the air and Kass’ heart sank.

She can smell a lie.
Blue eyes wandered assessingly over Kass’ frame.
That’s going to make things difficult. Difficult but not impossible.
Even more determined now, Kass resumed her helpless persona. “Are you going to explain to me what happened?”

“Of course,” Anna gushed. “I just don’t want you to pass out again and some of the things I have to say aren’t pleasant.”

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