A Wolf's Obsession (28 page)

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Authors: Jennifer T. Alli

BOOK: A Wolf's Obsession
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Wyatt’s going to be so pissed if I get eaten by a bear on the same day that he was going to make me immortal.
Simply thinking of Wyatt gave her strength and suddenly her fear became anger. Today was meant to be the happiest day of her life and she was being hunted like prey. She’d been hunted her entire life and she’d had enough. Nothing was going to stop her going through with this claiming. The phoenixes in legends were fearless and that idea had to have some basis in reality. It was high time she sent out the message that she was a being that you didn’t mess about with if you didn’t want to experience serious repercussions.

Reaching into her pocket she slipped the lighter into her palm. The metal felt heavy in her hand but it was a comforting weight. It had been habit that made her take it into the woods but she was grateful now that she never went anywhere without it. After escaping Ethan by the skin of her teeth by setting his building on fire, Kass made sure that she always had access to a ready source of fire. She couldn’t rely on there being smokers around when her life was on the line. It had been a while since she’d set herself on fire but if that was the only way to deter whatever it was that was following her then so be it.

She flicked the lighter into life angrily but as soon as she saw the orange flicker of flame a sense of calm wafted over her. She knew exactly what she needed to do and that sense of purpose made her relax while doing something that most people would consider madness. The flickering flame made her stop. There was no way that she would be able to do what she needed to do and run at the same time. If the bear came upon her she would just have to hope that the fire had spread far enough that it would turn and run from her in fear.

Putting the flame up against her sleeve she watched as the fire began to burn through her shirt. The heat against her skin was soothing and as soon as the fire touched her flesh she breathed a sigh of relief. Whilst turning herself into a human torch wasn’t something she did on a regular basis it always felt liberating when she did it. The fire settled into her skin sending her body temperature rocketing and giving her a degree of control over the violent element.

The sound of paws hitting the earth should have made her heart race but she felt surprisingly calm even though she knew the beast at her back was gaining on her. Glancing down at her flaming arm she urged the flames to spread. The fire reacted quickly to her wishes and spread up her arm, over her chest and down her legs until she was covered from head to toe in a fiery shield.

Feeling protected and sure of herself Kass turned around, determined to face her pursuer head on. She wasn’t going to cower any more. Feeling every inch a phoenix, she cast her scorching blue gaze into the woods expecting a bear to come lumbering out of the trees. The trees rustled but it wasn’t a bear that came out from the trees. A very familiar looking wolf stood directly in front of her, it’s amber eyes narrowed in what looked very much like angry annoyance.

Kass stared at the wolf for long moments before she found her voice. “Wyatt?”

The wolf threw its head back and howled.

Kass smacked a flaming hand against her head. “He’s a wolf, it’s not like he could speak even if he wanted to.” Annoyed with herself she tried again.
Wyatt is that you?

Of course it’s me,
he snarled. His obvious annoyance clear in his voice.
What are you doing? You’ve set yourself of fire!

I know that. I thought there was a bear chasing me. I was doing what I had to to protect myself.

Anger made it difficult for him to even think clearly let alone speak but he tried hard to rein in his temper so that he was coherent enough to explain just how pissed he was.
You shouldn’t be worrying about bears. You shouldn’t even be out here.

The chase is an important part of the claiming. I want this claiming to happen don’t you?

The wolf stalked closer uncaring of the flames still licking at her skin.
Who the fuck told you about the chase? I’m going to kill them.

I don’t think that’s possible.

Don’t underestimate me Kass. I’m going to find whoever told you and rip their head off.

A smile touched her lips and she tilted her head to the side to regard him carefully.
Tearing your heart out didn’t kill you but I think the tearing your own head off thing would probably slow even you down. Seeing as I want to spend the rest of my life with you I’m not going to recommend you do that.

Me? You’re saying that I told you? I said nothing about the chase.

The flames were dying down now and Kass was sorely tempted to light up again. Braving the woods naked was not her idea of a good day out. Still, she persevered.
You might not have said anything but you’re forgetting I’m in your head. You thought about it and that was enough for me to find out about it. Her voice softened. Why didn’t you tell me? It’s important. What would we have done if the claiming had failed because we didn’t do the chase?

I didn’t want you out here. I didn’t want to risk your heart. If the claiming failed then we could always try again when you’re immortal. My wolf would have given me endless grief but I could have coped. I can cope with anything except knowing that I’ve hurt you, that you’ve put yourself in danger because of me.

Kass released a gentle sigh and with her flames extinguished knelt on the ground and pulled his furry form close.
I’m safe, nothing happened and now tonight we know that the claiming will work.

he mumbled contently.

When she pulled back and stood up he cursed.
What the hell Kass? Where are your clothes?

She turned and cast a glance at the ashen pile behind her.
You saw what happened to my clothes. I might be immune to fire but my clothes most certainly aren’t.

Then why did you do it!

I thought you were a bear,
she retorted angrily.
I called out to you when you were chasing me and you didn’t respond so I thought there was something out there that wanted to eat me. I did what I had to so that I could protect myself.

I wasn’t thinking straight. All I knew was that you were running. My instincts made me chase you I couldn’t put together a sentence until you stopped. And let’s be clear there is definitely something that wants to eat you and as soon as the moon rises I intend to feast on you.

Kass couldn’t help the shiver that ran through her at his heated words but she gathered her anger about her like a shield and snapped
, Again that isn’t my fault.

I wasn’t saying it was
. Groaning, Wyatt shook his head.
Let’s not talk about this. You need clothes.

I know that but where are we going to get any around here. I’m not going to walk back to yours naked.

An angry growl filled the air. There was no way that Wyatt was going to let anyone gaze on the perfection of his mate’s body. Even in his wolf form he was tempted to take her.
Damn straight. My uncle Ryan built his mate a cabin around here. There should be something there. Even if there isn’t it’ll be warm enough inside. You can spend the day there.
He began to move towards the cabin but quickly became aware that his mate wasn’t following him.

She hadn’t moved a muscle.
If I spend the day inside will the claiming fail?

He couldn’t help the smile that came to his lips. His mate wanted the claiming as much as he did and was prepared to fight for it. He’d never been so proud of another person in his life.
No. As long as you don’t run from me the claiming will happen.

She sighed in relief.
Thank God for that. I was really not looking forward to spending a day naked in the forest. I know it’s summer but still.
Her modesty assured she followed Wyatt deeper into the woods, her mind filled to the brim with want. The claiming was finally going to happen and she couldn’t wait.


Chapter Nineteen


“Today’s the day.” Exhausted, Wyatt could barely form the words. Lying collapsed in the middle of a field should have made him feel concerned at the very least and terrified in the worst case. He felt neither. While his body was well beyond fatigued, his mind was slowly becoming re-energised. His war with his wolf was finally at an end.

He’d battled against his wolf day and night trying to protect his mate from harm. It had been a draining fight but the pain had been worth it. His mate was safe and his suffering had made that possible. Now that he could guarantee Kass would survive the claiming it was time to head back. They had both waited a long time for this moment, decades for him and lifetimes for her; it was time that they put each other out of their misery.

With a great big sigh Wyatt lumbered to his feet. “The mind is willing but the body is weak.” The words were mumbled to himself as he tried not to fall back on the long grass. His legs were so shaky after hours of constant running that he feared they would give out at any moment. Rolling his eyes Wyatt reached for his wolf. There was only one way they’d be making it back to the arms of their mate. After days of fighting against each other it was time they did as the instinct demanded and worked together.

I need your help.

The wolf sneered.
You wouldn’t need my help if you hadn’t abandoned our mate.

Growling in annoyance Wyatt ran a hand through his hair and counted slowly to ten hoping to rein in his anger. This wasn’t the first time he’d had this conversation with his wolf and it was getting repetitive.
What would you have had me do? Stay with her and be so crazy from the moon that I hunted her down like an animal? If, and this is a big if, her heart hadn’t given out when she’d been running from us in terror do you really think that she would have agreed to spend a day with us in our wolf form? Do you really think that she wouldn’t look at us with disgust in her eyes? Our mate is the most forgiving woman I’ve ever met but even she has limits.

You make the chase sound filthy. I wouldn’t have hurt her.

And you can guarantee that can you? After what we’ve done to her in the past? I couldn’t and I still can’t. Running might not have been the best thing for us but it was the best for her and are you really going to tell me that you don’t want what’s best for our mate?

Of course not. Need to claim our mate.

And we will. If you give me your support we’ll be back with her in a few hours. If we reach her before it gets too late in the day we can spend the rest of the day with her and claim her tonight but the longer we’re away from her the less likely it is that the instinct will let us claim her when the moon rises. Stop fucking bickering with me and give me your support. We have a mate to claim.
His outburst shocked the wolf into silence but Wyatt remained quiet and waited for the wolf to come up with a response. He’d laid down the gauntlet, the ball was in the wolf’s court now.

Let’s go.

The two words were all Wyatt needed. Stretching his arms above his head he tried to loosen tense muscles as he reached for his wolf. The urgency of the situation pressed heavy on him and he didn’t give himself much time to stretch. A few seconds were all he needed and then he was off. He reached for the wolf and let the change come over him. It took only seconds for him to be on his way. His human body might have been suffering the effects of exhaustion but the wolf’s energy supply was endless. His paws hit the earth hard as he raced back towards Kass. His steps were sure, his pace swift and miles passed beneath his feet in a blur. As he ran Wyatt was completely unaware of the world around him

Running as thought the devil himself was snapping at his heels, Wyatt doubted that he’d ever run faster. His massive paws had quickly eaten up acres of wild land. With his wolf finally working with him he didn’t feel the fatigue that had meant he could barely stand at o
ne point. Now that his speed had effectively doubled, it didn’t surprise him that he soon found himself on familiar ground. Trees that he’d grown up with soared skyward and surrounded him on all sides. What did stun him was the sugary sweet scent that laced the air.

He’d recognise his mate’s scent anywhere, no one else smelt like sugar and light. He breathed it in, revelling for a moment in how good she smelt. The scent became stronger and a growl slipped past his lips. There was no way her scent should have been so heavy in the forest. She should be safely within the walls of the estate waiting for him to come for her. If that wasn’t where she was then they had a problem.

Reaching for their connection, he let his mind gently brush over hers. The answer to the mystery of why her scent was so strong quickly became obvious. She was out in the forest hoping that he’d chase her. His body trembled with want as instincts he’d tried to suppress rushed to the fore. His mate wanted to be chased. She wanted him to hunt her so she’d know that he was a strong and capable partner for her. If that was what she wanted then he’d give it to her.

The small voice of reason tried to argue with him. It tried valiantly to remind him that he hadn’t told her about the chase for a reason. Wyatt struggled to remember what that reason was. Surrendering to his feral instincts he struggled to recall anything that wasn’t directly linked to how to catch his mate. All too soon the tiny voice of logic and reason was drowned out by the tidal wave of pure instinct.

All he could hear was the pounding of his own heart as he ran headlong towards her. He’d locked on to her scent now and nothing would stop him from reaching her quickly.

Wyatt? It’s Kass.

Her voice in his head sent his pulse into over drive. Why she felt the need to introduce herself he didn’t know. He’d recognise her voice anywhere. Her voice brought the wolf further to the fore. Desire was a rampaging beast in his mind shredding any traces of restraint he might once have had.
I’m coming for you.
The words left his mind automatically. Unable to censor his thoughts with the wolf so close to the surface, he couldn’t give her the words of reassurance she needed.
I’ll have you soon.

I know.

She sounded pleased by the idea rather than disgusted and his stomach clenched hard in anticipation. He couldn’t resist delving deeper into her mind for an answer to why she sounded so excited by the idea of him catching up to her. The wave of need that swamped him almost had his legs falling out from under him. He pulled back from her mind and focused instead on reaching her. She was close and soon he’d be able to act on his urges and give her what she so clearly needed.

Fully aware now that she wasn’t within the safety of the clan, Wyatt hunted her down. Her scent thickened, the wind telling him that she was moving closer. Steps that had once led her away from him had changed course. An angry snarl left his lips. She was trying to hunt him! She clearly didn’t understand the point of the chase was to prove that he was worthy of her. How could the instinct ever be satisfied that he was worthy of her if she offered herself up like a lamb to the slaughter? If she wanted the chase then he’d give her one she’d never forget.

When her scent became so thick in the air he thought he might choke on it, Wyatt stopped. Hidden deep within the woods he let nature conceal him and waited patiently for his prey to arrive. With a patience possessed only by the best hunters, he stood as still as stone. It didn’t take long for her to arrive. The sight of her made his heart ache and the urge to tackle her to the ground and take her was almost overwhelming. It was only the knowledge that if he did the claiming would fail that kept him from reacting to her presence.

When her body tensed, her eyes darting about the areas, he knew that she could feel a predator at her back. She turned in frantic circles, trying to find him but it was pointless. Unless her eyes were as good as his she’d never find him.


He stayed silent, stalking towards her, fully intending to make her aware of him. Then she made a fatal mistake. She ran. A haze descended over his eyes consuming what was left of his sanity. In that moment life boiled down to a single thought. If she ran then he’d give chase.

Leaping to his feet, he hounded her through the woods. Paws that could easily have caught up to her slowed regularly, his desire to prolong the chase temporarily outweighing his need to catch her. Content with how things were going, he ran after her marvelling at her speed. For a woman running on two legs she was surprisingly fast. His sense of contentment vanished when the rancid smell of smoke began to overwhelm her delicious sweet fragrance.


The game was over. Picking up the pace Wyatt ran as fast as his body allowed. With every step the smell of smoke grew more intense until it was all he could smell. Cursing himself fiercely for dragging out the chase Wyatt felt reason and logic make an unwelcome comeback. There were a hundred things that could have happened to her because he couldn’t control himself. Her heart could have given up, she could have fallen and hurt herself or…she could have set herself on fire.

Stood in the middle of an empty clearing Kass looked ready to take on the world. Flames as red as the hair skimming her shoulders lapped at her skin daring anyone to touch her and get singed in return. Her eyes glowed, the stars shining brighter than he’d ever seen them. When she’d said she could set herself on fire Wyatt had had difficulties imagining it and now he knew why. The idea of her being on fire was terrifying. She seemed unfazed by the inferno blazing around her…he didn’t share her confidence. Who knew how long she could burn like that? Who knew what sort of strain it was putting on her heart? She knew about as much as he did about her transition into immortality, which was very little. Just because it was the day of her birth didn’t mean that she was immortal already.


Her voice floated slowly to his ears, his mind still very distracted by the idea that if her control slipped she could seriously hurt herself. He stepped closer in a trance inexorably drawn to her much like the proverbial moth to a flame. When he heard her heart start to pick up pace, as fear threatened to overwhelm her brave façade, he threw his head back and howled.

Wyatt, is that you?

Her soft voice calmed the worst of his fears. She didn’t seem perturbed in the least and he couldn’t scent anyone nearby which meant she’d done this to herself
. Of course it’s me. What are you doing? You’ve set yourself on fire!

I know that. I thought there was a bear chasing me. I was doing what I had to to protect myself.

He silently cursed himself. She must have been terrified while he’d been having the ti
me of his life. An apology almost left his lips until he remembered that she was meant to be safe indoors. She shouldn’t have been out in the first place.
You shouldn’t be worrying about bears. You shouldn’t even be out here.

The chase is an important part of the claiming. I want this claiming to happen don’t you?

Now there was a ridiculous question if he’d never heard one. He wanted to claim her more than he wanted his next breath but the fact remained that this chase had put her life at risk. He moved closer, anger clear in his every step. Fury made him blind to the flames that still surrounded her. He’d let every hair be burned from his body before he let the person who had told her get away with doing it.
Who the fuck told you about the chase? I’m going to kill them.
Death was the only way they could compensate for putting his mate’s life at risk. Her chuckle made him even angrier.

I don’t think that’s possible.

He snarled revealing deadly fangs. She was clearly trying to protect someone from his wrath. Her attempt was doomed to fail. He’d have the bastard’s throat between his fangs soon enough.
Don’t underestimate me Kass. I’m going to find whoever told you and rip their head off.

She smiled and he snarled. This was not a laughing matter.

Tearing your heart out didn’t kill you but I think the tearing your own head off thing would probably slow even you down. Seeing as I want to spend the rest of my life with you I’m not going to recommend you do that.

The raging waves of his anger died down slightly at the revelation. His mind was quite clearly not as fixed as he’d thought. He couldn’t remember telling her and he’d worked hard to keep the information from her but her scent said that she wasn’t lying so he must have said something.
Me? You’re saying that I told you? I said nothing about the chase.

The flames died down. Wyatt saw her lips move so he knew that she was speaking. He thought he might have produced coherent responses to whatever she said but if he lived forever he’d never be sure. Every brain cell he had was concentrating on what he thought he could see beyond the flames. It looked like she had no clothes on but he couldn’t be sure even with his superior sight. His worst thoughts were confirmed when she knelt to the ground and hugged him tightly. There was no way that he’d be able to feel her luscious curves and soft skin if she was protected by the barrier that clothes provided.

She pulled away from him and his eyes confirmed what his fur had felt.
What the hell Kass? Where are your clothes?

She looked behind her and his eyes were drawn to the ash that he presumed had once been clothes.
You saw what happened to my clothes. I might be immune to fire but my clothes most certainly aren’t.

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