A Wolf's Obsession (25 page)

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Authors: Jennifer T. Alli

BOOK: A Wolf's Obsession
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Biting her lip, Dylan nodded in agreement. “It won’t be good.” She thought back to what Sebastian had said, her need to help her brother at war with her desire to follow instructions. Her expressive face told of her inner turmoil and Kass couldn’t help but be concerned.

“What’s the matter Dylan?”

“I want to protect you but Wyatt needs you to be with him when he wakes up. That isn’t going to happen if I don’t carry you and run home.”

“Then why don’t you do it? It’s perfectly safe. Wyatt does it all the time.”


“Yeah. It’s how be brought me here in the first place.”

“And your heart?”

I could be with Wyatt in minutes if she takes me.
Wanting to allay Dylan's fears, Kass forced her lips into a smile. “It’s never been a problem.” Probably because it was Wyatt carrying me but he’s worth the risk.

“If that’s the case then hold on tight.” Dylan lifted Kass into her arms and took off. With her brother’s life on the line she wasn’t going to give the woman the chance to change her mind.

The world around them became a blur of colour as Dylan's strong thighs carried them both back to Wyatt. It didn’t take long to realise that they weren’t heading for the cabin but by then Kass had other things to worry about. Her heart had started beating faster. She took deep breaths trying to calm the frantic organ, all too aware that Dylan would stop if she realised she was in distress.

Just a few more minutes.
A few more minutes then I’ll be with Wyatt again.
Her breathing became erratic and she clutched at her chest trying to keep the inevitable at bay all the while knowing she was doomed to fail.

“Kass, Kass.” Dylan's quick pace slowed as she gradually became aware that all was not well with her brother’s mate. “Dammit, I should have known better.”

“I’ll be fine,” she lied as black spots danced before her eyes.

“You told me you’d done this before. You didn’t lie I would have smelt it.” Seeing awareness fade from Kass’ vision Dylan jostled her hard. The estate wasn’t far now. If she could just keep Kass awake until then her chances at recovery would improve massively. The question was should she keep running and hope the journey didn’t make Kass worse or slow down and pray her heart took notice?

“Wyatt can control my heart bear. When…run…calms me.” Her words were slurred, the black spots becoming thicker and more numerous in number.

“You didn’t think that was something I should know?”

Coughing, Kass managed a small smile. “Wanted to be with Wyatt. He needs me.”

“You two deserve each other, you’re both so stubborn. It does you no good.” The estate was in sight now and Dylan picked up her pace. She risked a glance down at her precious cargo and paled. Kass was out for the count. She looked up and paled even more. Sebastian was just coming out of the estate and he did not look happy to see her. Pushing down her rising sense of apprehension, she raced past him and headed straight for the infirmary. Sebastian might be angry with her but Wyatt would kill her if Kass didn’t recover.

And I’d deserve it.
If Kass died because of her inability to follow orders, she’d save Wyatt a job and kill herself. It would be the least she could do for her brother.
I’d better make sure it doesn’t come to that.
Determination filling her, Dylan let all distractions fall to the wayside. She had a job to do and several lives depending on her ability to save a woman she’d put in danger


Chapter Seventeen


If you love someone, you’ll let them go.
Sitting in a very uncomfortable chair watching another hour tick past, Wyatt felt he was finally coming to truly understand what those words meant.

It had been two days since Dylan and Sebastian had brought them home and he’d spent most of that time unconscious and healing from his wounds. It was only in the last few hours that he’d regained consciousness and gotten the strength to get out of bed. The problem was that Kass hadn’t woken up yet. According to Dylan she was doing much better even though to his eyes it didn’t look it. When his sister had told him that in the first few hours she’d had a tube down her throat, which breathed for her, he was glad that he’d been unconscious at the time. He wasn’t sure he could have coped with seeing her like that. As it stood he wasn’t coping well seeing her lying as still as death against the sheets. She was so pale that it looked like she could fade away into nothing and it was that realisation that had led him to this unwanted conclusion. He had to let her go.

He loved his mate with every fibre of his being. She was everything that was good in the world and the world without her in it would be a dark, terrible place but it was something he’d have to get used to. Because he loved her, he wanted the best for her. Everything she wanted, she should get. Anything that made her happy should be given to her immediately and anything that might harm her needed to be annihilated. Kass deserved nothing but the best and that wasn’t him. He was a mad, feral wolf that had nothing to offer her.

Anna might have gone about it the wrong way but she was right. He didn’t deserve his mate. Her birthday and immortality were only a few short days away. He’d keep her with him until then and then he’d let her go. Wyatt sighed and cast his gaze upward. His wolf was not happy about this and Wyatt wasn’t looking forward to telling Kass his decision. It was hard to stand by his decision when the wolf had done nothing but howl since he’d decided to let her go. It was a particularly strange feeling knowing that he’d be losing his mind in a few days. It felt even more peculiar to be at ease with his impending madness. This would be the greatest sacrifice he’d ever have to make but Kass was worth it.

It felt like hours passed as Wyatt continued to watch over Kass. He looked on as colour slowly returned to her cheeks, her heart quickened until it matched the wild pace of his and finally her eyes fluttered open. The sense of relief he felt when he could once again look into her starry eyes was enormous.

He clutched her hand even tighter. Their time together was short, he had to savour every touch because these memories would be all he had to sustain himself if he decided to try and keep living without her.

“Wyatt,” she managed to croak. Her hand flew to her throat. It wasn’t meant to hurt when you spoke, especially if you’d only said a single word.

Sensing her pain, Wyatt grabbed the glass of water from the table. Dylan had warned him that her throat would be sore and told him what to do. He pressed the cool glass to her lips. “Don’t try to talk
mon cœur. Drink this, it’ll help.”

Completely unfazed by the situation, Kass did as Wyatt said, sighing in relief as the cold water erased the pain in her throat. She’d been in this situation before. Usually she’d feel panicked and vulnerable, wondering if Ethan was waiting to pounce but with Wyatt at her side she felt completely safe. Nothing and no-one would get to her without going through him first
. Mon cœur? You’ve never called me that before. What does it mean?

My heart. My love. My heart belongs to you, why shouldn’t I make that clear to everyone?

His voice lacked its normal confidence and Kass quickly grew concerned.
How are you feeling? Ok?
Her voice may have been useless but their connection meant that didn’t matter.

I’m healed. No permanent damage.

Kass’ brow drew together in confusion. Wyatt’s body might have healed but he was anything but ok. There was something bothering him, there was nothing he could hide from her thanks to their bond. Wyatt, she began slowly, trying to keep him calm. Nothing would be gained if he got angry and lost control.
What’s the matter and don’t try to lie to me. I might not be able to smell a lie but I can feel one.

He stood up and began pacing, his movements reminiscent of a caged animal. “I’d never lie to you.”

Then you can tell me exactly what it is that’s bothering you.

His pacing grew more frantic. Suddenly he stopped and rushed back to his chair. He lifted her hand tenderly to his lips and placed a quick kiss to her soft skin. Stroking her flesh with his thumb he looked her straight in the eye, drawing strength from her. “Today’s the third of July which means it’ll be your birthday in a few days.”

She blinked, stunned that so much time had passed. It seemed impossible that only a few weeks ago she hadn’t even known Wyatt existed and now he was an essential part of her life. Sensing that Wyatt was struggling to deliver his message she kept her thoughts to herself.

“In a few days you’ll be immortal. You won’t need me to protect you anymore. You’ll be able to take care of yourself. When that happens…I’ll let you go. I’ll take you back to your life and you’ll never have to see me again.”

Silence filled the room. Glaring at him, Kass tightened her grip on his hand and made sure her voice was firm and her stance immovable. “That is never going to happen!” She burst into a coughing fit. Reaching for her glass of water she gulped down half the glass, glaring at her mate as she did it.
What’s gotten into you? Has something happened with Anna and Michael? What would make you say something like that?
The thought that Wyatt didn’t want her anymore never even came into her mind. Wyatt would always want her, which meant something must have happened while she’d been unconscious.
Whatever it is, we can work through it…together.

Kass, this has nothing to do with anyone else. I made this decision myself.

she spluttered, confusion covering her face.
Why? Is it something I did?

, he rushed.
You’re perfect. This isn’t your fault, it’s mine.
He ran a shaky hand through his hair freeing the strands from the band that had contained them.
Kass, you’re my mate.

Which is why I don’t understand why you’d want to send me away.

I’m meant to care for you, look out for you and protect you from harm. I’m failing and you deserve better. You deserve nothing but the best and I finally understand that isn’t me. I forced you to come here. I tore you away from your family and I’ve laid hands on you. I don’t deserve a mate, let alone one as perfect as you. It’s taken me a while but I can finally see what’s best for you and I have the strength to do right by you.

Stunned, it took Kass a moment to fully process what Wyatt had said but slowly everything he’d said fell into place and began to make sense. It should have been obvious that the only reason he’d think of letting her go was to protect her but his announcement had stolen all logic from her mind. Thankfully now it was back. Wyatt, I don’t want to go anywhere. She took a deep breath and tried to relax her throat. He needed to hear her words aloud. “I love you.” His jaw dropped and Kass couldn’t help but smile. Flooding his mind with her emotions, she forced him to feel exactly how she felt about him and the truth that was in her words. She would be going nowhere without him and now it was time to explain why.
I know why you feel that you haven’t protected me but you’ve forgotten something very important. Ethan. You’ve been protecting me from the biggest threat to my life and you’ve done a fantastic job. I know that you’ve hurt me in the past but your mind was broken then and you haven’t hurt me since you started to get better. Anna lured us into a trap. She was responsible for all of this. Now she’s gone all we have to worry about us what we’re going to do for the rest of our lives together and mark my words Wyatt, we will be spending that time together.

And what if I lose control again?

You won’t.

Her voice said
she was completely confident in him and it made Wyatt want to smile. Could this really be happening? He’d offered her freedom and she’d turned it down because she wanted to be with him.

, she continued.
Even if you’d managed to not listen to your wolf and let me leave, how long do you think you’d last before he made you chase me down? I don’t have to speak to him to know that he is one hundred percent against this idea.

You’re right, the wolf is definitely not happy about the idea of you leaving but if it’s what you want then I’ll fight him every step of the way for the rest of my life. I just want you to be happy even if that means I have to get out of the picture.

Cupping his face in her open palms, she fixed him with a hard, penetrating stare.
You. I want you. If we’re anything like the original phoenix and wolf I doubt I’d survive without you…and I wouldn’t want to either. I don’t know if there’s a phoenix equivalent for mates but if there is one then you’re mine. I love you Wyatt and if I have to I’ll fight to stay with you.

Humbled couldn’t even begin to describe how Wyatt felt after hearing Kass’ words. His mate was beautiful inside and out, how else could she have forgiven him after all he’d put her through? He’d tried to do the right thing by letting her go and she’d turned him down. He wasn’t going to be doing that again. If she wanted to stay then he’d make sure she was kept.

“You’re right.” He kissed her slowly, savouring the sweetness of her lips and groaning as his body reacted to her nearness. “There’s no way that I’d have been able to let you go for long. You might have got out of the estate, you might even have made it to the city but I’d have never let you go…my wolf just wouldn’t allow it.” He chuckled to himself. “Though the chase would have made the claiming even better.” Brows furrowing at an unwelcome realisation, he shook his head. “Actually maybe not.”

The look on his face made Kass’ curiosity rise. “Why not?”

He turned to face her, his amber eyes glowing wildly within his face. “Because when I caught you, and make no mistake I would have done, I’d have been wild, barely in control and the claiming would have been savage.” He shook his head despite the fact there was a smile playing on his lips. “That’s definitely not what you want for your first time. For your first time you want gentle. You need someone who can be careful with your body and treat you like the treasure you are.”


Fangs erupted from his mouth. “Me,” he snarled. “There will only ever be me. No one else is going to be looking at your naked body let alone touching it.” The hardness of his shaft pressed uncomfortably against the seam of his trousers forcing Wyatt to shift within his chair as he tried to find the most comfortable position. It was futile. Nothing he did helped. Now that he had the image of Kass’ naked body in his head with the full knowledge that in a few days he’d be able to claim her fully, there was nothing he could do to stop his thoughts wandering to the upcoming claiming.

And for those of us that haven’t been dreaming of the claiming for the last few years? What exactly is going to happen? I get the feeling that it’s a little more than the two of us finally being able to make love without the risk of me dying during the event?

Strands of his hair flew around his face as he nodded quickly in response. “The claiming is where our hearts and souls join so that our lives are forever connected.”

“Didn’t we already do that?” She traced her hand over his bare chest, caressing the marks where her name was carved into his flesh. She didn’t normally appreciate body art but for this she was willing to make an exception. She suddenly felt very possessive of her mate. Wyatt was a beautiful man and if ever a woman should look at him she wanted them to know that he was taken. Having never had anything in her life that wasn’t disposable, the feeling was distinctly strange but she embraced it warmly. Her life was changing…for the better and that was all thanks to Wyatt. There was nothing she would change about it. Soon she’d be immortal and happily mated, life had never looked so good.

“Just because we’re wearing each other’s marks doesn’t mean that you’ve been claimed. The instinct allowed me to mark you because your life was in danger but that isn’t enough.”

“Why not?”

He sighed heavily feeling stress weigh down on him. Most males practiced what they would say to their mate about the claiming for years before they met them and they thought twice as hard if they knew their mate was human. For women who hadn’t been immersed in werewolf culture and even for those that had, the claiming was a difficult concept to grasp. Human women often had difficulty with the idea of belonging to another person heart, body and soul. As soon as they heard ‘belong to’ they presumed that the claiming was a step back for all womankind and that it dealt a mortal blow to their independence. It was hard to explain that the belonging went both ways.

After Emily died Wyatt hadn’t seen the point in practicing a speech he’d never get the chance to deliver especially when it was going to do nothing but remind him of what he’d lost and the connection he’d never have. He was sorely regretting making that decision now. His tongue felt thick within his mouth and his thoughts were a jumbled mess that barely made sense to him let alone another person even if she were his mate.

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