A Second Chance (Fated Mate) (10 page)

BOOK: A Second Chance (Fated Mate)
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Chapter 13


Katie ate while Conner explained the complicated security system. She had just finished putting her jammies on, and was brushing her teeth, when her cell phone rang again. “Who is it now?”

Conner looked at the screen and said,
“It’s Shana at pack house. Do you want me to answer?”

At her nod he picked up.
“Hello Alpha.”

Thank God I got a hold of you. Trevor won’t go to bed without speaking to you. Here…”

There was a moment of silence before Conner heard a small voice,
“Hey Uncle Conner, do you have a door to a basement?”

Okay, straight to the point.
“Yes, little guy, I have a basement. You were in it once. Remember when we went down there to the extra freezer, for ice cream for your mommy.”

Yep, I remember. Put a lock on it. Oh, and something that will alarm if it’s opened. Kay, loves you, and don’t forget I’m a big boy now, I’m in kindergarten. Nighty night and tell Katie I said ‘Yo.’”

Conner was aware of a little giggle before the phone cut off.

Katie came out of the bathroom looking like an angel in a white thigh length cotton nightgown. “Who was it?”

She had to repeat the question because Conner was looking at her with mouth agape.
“Uh, it was Trevor. He says ‘Yo.’”

Is that all he said? I’m surprised he wasn’t in bed. It’s nine o’clock.”

No, he also said to put a lock on the basement doors.”

went from drowsy to alert in seconds.

Where are the basement doors, and do they have locks on them?”

No, but there are two very strong shifters outside protecting us, and they’ll pick off anything scary and bad.” He had adopted a voice made for a child.

Don’t patronize me Conner. Take me to the basement, and get your tools. We’re not sleeping until the doors get locked.” She walked out of the room in her pajamas.

Don’t you want to put a robe on over your gown?” Conner was following, trying to catch up.

Why, do you think Quinn will care if I show her a little leg? I’m a floosy remember.” She was smiling and thinking of running into Quinn and the excited exchange that would boil her blood. She liked the Old Bag.

Sweetie, I hate to break it to you, but there are shifters outside and they can see through glass, quite well. Please put on a robe, or I might go a bit nutty again. I don’t want the pack to see your…Goods.”

Oh, how sweet.
She still didn’t care, “I told you we need to lock those doors. If you want to find a robe in this massive house, fine, but I’m going to find the basement right now.”

Conner looked cross for a moment, before going to the nearest room and ripping the blankets off the bed.
He got the sheet and walked over to her with wildness in his eyes. He wrapped the sheet around her toga style. “There, now we may go.”

couldn’t move she was so turned on. She simply gaped at him. He was still wearing his faded worn Levi jeans with a tight black shirt that emphasized all of his muscle groups. Damn he looked sexy. She licked her lips and he traced her action with his eyes.

When Conner looked up at her, his eyes were lighter.
He was also horny, good. “If you keep looking at me like that, we won’t make it out of this room, let alone to the basement.”

She shook off the sensual fog that had surrounded her.
Damn, she needed to be on her game now. She was losing it. “I’m right behind you.”
Yeah, where I’ll be able to watch your ass move in those jeans.

He growled low in his throat.

Oops, I must have accidently said the last part out loud.

I’m not joking Katie, I’m a wolf on the edge.” He started towards her, stalking his prey.

She held up her hand,
“As much as I’d like to play a bunny rabbit waiting to get ravaged by the wolf, we really need to fix the door.” But not go to bed, because she was no longer tired.

He held her gaze for a moment more, before taking her hand and pulling her urgently down the hall.
“I have some sensors in the garage. I’ll set them up tonight. Tomorrow, I’ll go to the store and get a better door lock.”

The sensors will alarm and notify who?”

Damn, she was good.
Sometimes he forgot she was a cop, and knew all about this security stuff. “It will alarm to Twilight Lookout and Security, where the system was set up. It will also send an alarm to all of the pack employee cell phones, and they’ll respond immediately.”

Isn’t that one of your businesses? I mean as pack, you help to run it.”

Yep, one of the many things I help out with. We have numerous businesses, and if a pack member wants to start up a new business we typically help with the start-up fees. If it seems like a lucrative investment. One time, a pack member wanted to start a dog walking business; dogs are extremely frightened of wolves-bad idea.”

What’s the most recent business venture that you have started in town?” She was going to keep talking because he was tinkering in the garage gathering his tools. “How long will this take?”

Not long, maybe an hour. I have to connect all the wiring, and then check the system.”

Oh, okay. What is the most recent business? Is there anything you want to start up yourself?”

No, I don’t want to be obligated to be at a store every day. I help to create the business, and then someone else can take over the everyday running of it.”

You are purposefully avoiding my question. What is the last store that you helped to open, and what is it called?” She was becoming testy.

Conner blushed.

Uh oh, this is going to be good.

Actually, at the request of quite a few of the male shifters, and the Alpha female, we started a shop called ‘Insatiable’. It’s located discretely in town.”

Discrete? Don’t you want to promote your new business? Maybe I can help; we’ll make flyers and put them on car windows. When this whole, someone-is-trying-to-kill-me thing is done.”

It’s an adult store Katie. I’m not putting out flyers for an adult store.” He sounded mortified.

She laughed,
“Oh my God. I can totally see Shana backing up that idea. She was like the virgin maiden until she met Jake. She said she was never going to have sex again, after Ryan, but sure enough Jake comes and gives her a licky and she buys a vibrator. I love that girl.”

Conner had to close his eyes, to stop from seeing the pink color that he knew was flushing her pale skin.
When he opened his eyes, it was to find Katie right in front of him. She had a lovely blush on her face and she was touching her neck and cleavage. Damn but he wanted her.

What’s wrong Conner? You don’t approve of sex toys?” She was teasing him.

His eyes lightened and he was totally focused on her flush.
“I don’t have a problem with toys Katie, but you should know that if you attempt to use them without me, they won’t work. They’ll only leave you achy and wanting-for me.” Smug smile in place-check.

She scrutinized him before smirking at him,
“I know. There were many nights I lay in my bed trying to get off and couldn’t. I went to a sex shop and bought four different vibrators, and none did anything for me. I bought different lubricants and warming oil, still nothing. But I’m sure that wouldn’t be the case if you were at the controls. Would it Conner?”

He was drooling by the time she was done talking.
He could picture her at home in her nice comfortable big bed, trying to bring herself pleasure. Rubbing herself until she was raw. Her clit would be super swollen and sensitive; so much that when she closed her legs it would send a jolt of delight through her body. And she would be wet constantly. So much cream that her panties would be infused with her scent. Oh yes, they would be going to ‘Insatiable’ pronto.

He looked over at her and said,
“If you want to get this done tonight, go sit over there, and don’t talk to me, or look at me, or think about me. Just sit as far away as you can, and stop smelling like that.”

Like what, love?”

God damn it Katie. I can’t think when all I can smell is your arousal. Not to mention after your little speech I’m picturing you doing…naughty things. Go over there and sit, nicely, please.” He pointed to the work bench in the garage.

She ambled over to the workbench and took a seat crossing her legs and giving him a peek of thigh.

Conner just knew Katie was going to be the death of him. He quickly worked with the sensor and got it hooked up in record time. “Done, it only took me forty five minutes. Ready to go to our room?” When he looked over and saw Katie sleeping soundly, he cursed.

There went his erotic plans for the evening.
“Katie, wake up. Let’s go to bed.”

Just leave me here.” Her words were slurred and she had a bit of drool on her cheek.

Conner picked up his mate, glad she was so agreeable, in sleep at least.
He was walking her through the house when he heard a noise from outside. He turned to the window, as he heard the click of a gun being cocked. He turned to protect his sleeping Katie and felt an impact to his shoulder as he moved.

The loud bang woke
Katie, who was surprised to find herself in Conner’s arms. She looked up into his eyes, “Hey.” It was then she noticed the look of agony on his face.

She tried to get out of his arms when he suddenly burst into a run down the hall, carrying her.
He went into one of the empty rooms, and pulled a lever to open another room. This room was simply four walls and a TV monitor in the corner.

He closed the door behind them, pushed a red button on the wall, and put her on her feet.

She turned to him,
“What the hell is going on? Where is this room? What is this room?”

Conner was hunched over with blood all over his shirt.
“Jesus, what happened? What do I do?” Katie was frantic; she didn’t know how to treat wounds. Wait, she did. But was he different because he was a shifter?

She went to him slowly, while removing the sheet he had placed on her.
She gently approached, “Conner, sit down and I’ll help you get your shirt off. We need to put pressure on the wound.”

He snarled at her and began to pace the small room.

“Conner,” she roared. “Sit down right now so I can look at your wound. If you don’t, I’m going to leave, get my gun and shoot off your balls. I hope our kids aren’t as obtuse as you.”

He twisted to look at her, his eyes were completely yellow while his face had elongated.
His fangs were bared.

Shit, probably not the best time to poke the wild beast.
Too late.

Conner was slowly walking toward her.
When he reached her he placed his fangs on her neck. She tilted her head to give him better access. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her. He bit down hard but it wasn’t painful. He licked the wound, and collapsed to the floor in front of her.

She was trembling but managed to drop next to him.
She saw the hole in his shirt and knew he’d been shot, but by who? She put her fingers in the hole the bullet made in his shirt, and ripped the shirt. Conner was out for the count and she didn’t know how to get out of this bloody room.

was trying to find a way out of this room, to find a phone, to call an ambulance. She looked down at Conner who had a puddle under him now. What would she do for a human? Put pressure on the wound, elevate it above the heart, ice if available. It was a low point that she was locked in this room with an injured shifter, her mate, and all she could think of was an ice pack.

What did she know about shifters?
A whole lotta nothing. What did she know about werewolves? Aha! She was onto something. They heal fast, maybe it was a silver bullet and he was allergic. Eew, she really didn’t want to dig in his shoulder for a bullet. But she would, because she loved him, and she was scared shitless.

probed the edge of the wound to see if Conner would wake. Nope, still out. She turned him slightly to make sure that it hadn’t gone all the way through. No way, she wasn’t that lucky. She took a deep breath and speared her index finger into his wound. She explored the wound with her finger and came upon a sharp object, deep in the wound. She couldn’t get a grip on it and started to cry frustrated tears. She chanted, “Please, please, please, please.” She yelled, “Come on.”              

Finally, she stuck another finger in his wound and was able to pull the bullet out using her fingers like tweezers.
She sat back on her haunches and felt for his pulse, a little fast but it was there. He was breathing, so he had to be alive, right? She whispered, “Please be alive. You can’t die because I’ve just found you, and I love you, and we’re going to have three puppies, and I’ve never had a dog, so I won’t know how to care for these kids. Please, please just wake up and be with me.”

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