A Second Chance (Fated Mate) (11 page)

BOOK: A Second Chance (Fated Mate)
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There was a bright light, and suddenly Conner was a huge wolf.
He stood up on all four, yes four, hairy legs and licked the side of her face taking her tears onto his tongue. She had never been so relieved. She cried great wracking sobs while Conner was watching her, sitting on his haunches.

They sat for a long while as she ran her hand along his fur.
She stroked from the top of his head down to his tail, paying special attention to his ears. “Your ears are so soft.” She lay down on her side on the floor of the small room and was quickly taken by sleep.

Conner was so proud of his mate.
He had locked her in a room with an angry and hurt shifter, but she’d handled it well. She allowed his wounded beast to exert his dominance, and then she took care of him. He was awake the whole time, but couldn’t move for a fear of inadvertently hurting her. He knew if he spoke while his beast was so close, and he was wounded, he would definitely scare her. He was much milder in human form.

’s wolf crept up to his mate and sniffed her. She smelled divine. Abruptly, he was caught by the most savage and brutal anger he had ever known. Someone wanted to kill his mate, but he would protect her just like he did today. He put himself in the path of a bullet meant for her. He hoped Katie realized that he was willing to die for her.

looked so tired and he had to admit he was feeling a bit weary as well. It took quite a bit of energy to heal a wound. Conner curled up around the length of Katie, and was asleep in minutes.

woke to the soft sounds of snoring, and an intense heat along her back. She could feel breath on her neck, and knew by smell and just the general sense of arousal she had when he was around, it was Conner. She tried to turn but his strong arm clamped down on her waist.

Where do you think you’re going?”

She was awash in relief, he was alive.
“Thank Heavens you’re alive.” She began to tear again, “I have never been so scared in my entire life.”

Shh, no more tears please. I can’t take you being upset any more. Everything is alright, we’re fine.”

What time is it? How long have we been in here?” She stretched

It’s about one thirty in the morning. Jake gave the all clear a while ago but you were sleeping, and I didn’t want to wake you.” He kissed the back of her neck where his wolf bite was evident. “I’m really sorry I growled at you, and bit you.”

Puu lease. I can deal with that, but we’re definitely going to have to discuss shifter anatomy, and treatment of basic wounds. How did you get shot? The last thing I remember was sleeping on your work bench; you picked me up and there was a lot of noise. You ran to this room, locked us in and turned feral.”

He snickered,
“I was taking you to bed and heard a sound outside, so I went to investigate.”

You never investigate unless you’re a half-naked young woman in a horror movie. Or, unless you have a gun and backup.”

He couldn
’t hold in another laugh. “You are such a surprise sometimes.” At her worried expression he continued, “Shifters heal pretty easy, so it wasn’t a problem. In a week it’ll only be a faint scar, no worries.”

I wish you wouldn’t do that. You’re making light of something that’s serious, you could have been killed.” She shrieked the last part and it hurt his ears so he winced. “Are you still in pain?”

No, and you could have been hurt or lost our babies. It is my responsibility to care for you, to protect you. I love you, and I’ll protect you and our children with my life, always.”

She was amazed at this man,
“Thank you.”


She knew exactly what he was fishing for,
“I’ll protect you too.”

Katie…Give me what I want.”

I’ll protect the babies with my life too.”

He sighed,
“Alright, let’s get out of here.” He punched in the code to open the doors.

As he was walking out he heard her softly spoken,
“I love you too.” He stopped and turned as she walked out and she said, “But I’m not happy about it right now.”

He didn
’t allow her to keep walking. Conner picked her up and kissed her long and hard. They were still in a passionate embrace when Quinn and Jake found them. “I think this one will do. I was worried when he brought her home, but she can hold her own. She’ll be a great bitch.”

wanted to laugh but when he saw the look in Katie’s eye he refrained. Katie looked fit to be tied and it didn’t help that Quinn guffawed.

was going to teach this lady a lesson once and for all. She walked up to Quinn with a smile, balled her fist, and hit her right in the kisser. Quinn didn’t go down. She stumbled and righted herself immediately. Katie got into a fighting position and was shocked to hear Quinn’s cackling laughter.

Yep, she’ll do.” And Quinn walked away.

and Conner had dazed expressions on their faces. She twisted to them and uttered a curse, “Damn, she has a hard head. Let that be a lesson, no one calls me a bitch, even if my children turn to wolves, understand?”

Both Conner and
Jake nodded their heads.

Good, shall we head off to bed? Or is there some other emergency at two in the morning that will force you to keep your pregnant mate out of bed?

Uh, go on to bed honey and I’ll handle everything else. I’ll be there in a little while.”

Yeah, yeah.” She threw over her shoulder, “Don’t get shot again, I still have blood under my nails.”

Wow, my woman is so damn hot. You’re going to have to speed through what happened, Jake, I have plans tonight.”


Chapter 14


He didn’t get back to bed until three in the morning, and when he pulled back the covers Katie was nowhere to be seen. He started to worry but there was no way she was able to leave the house without the code and she wouldn’t be dumb enough to stand in front of a window.
Don’t panic, calm down and think.

It was then he noticed the light down the hall.
He went into the master bedroom, and found Katie snuggled under the covers of the king bed he had waited years to climb in with his mate; it had finally happened.

Conner was about to pull back the covers and climb into bed, when he remembered all the blood on him.
He walked into the master bathroom that he had never used before, and turned on the spray. There were several showerheads that beat down on him. The water felt good on his injured shoulder.

He was enjoying the warm water and steam when
Katie unexpectedly pulled open the shower door. She was naked and had a wicked twinkle in her eye. “Well, hello there mate. Took you long enough, I missed you.”

I’m sorry if the shower woke you, you deserve more sleep. I feel like you deserve better than I’m giving you. It was very nice to come in and see you in our bed, I’ve dreamed of that moment for the past month. And years before that.” He wasn’t going to admit that he would stand outside the door to this room and imagine her in his bed. Yikes, he needed to think of something less carnal, his limp member was twitching.

looked down to see Conner’s cock beckon her. She entered the shower stall and seized his hard flesh. She held him loosely and stroked him from base to tip. He shuddered at the light contact, “More?”

Yes, more. You feel so good my love.” Conner was already so close; he wouldn’t be able to take much more affection.

dropped to her knees and licked the crown, while her hand circled and stroked him. Conner’s eyes closed as he sucked in a breath. “Katie, I won’t last.”

Good, that way we won’t be standing in cold water again.” She opened her mouth wide and took him in. She drew him into her mouth, but couldn’t take him all the way. He was so thick and hard. She could taste his essence on her tongue and it added to her excitement. “You taste so good Conner, wild.”

Conner tried to pull her head back because he didn
’t want this to be over so soon. “Babe, slow down or I’m going to explode.” The little slurping sounds she made were driving him crazy.

She sucked harder and took him to the back of her mouth, and hummed, causing him to pump harder into her mouth.
She was so wet and turned on. She couldn’t help herself from taking her other hand and touching herself. She was so swollen and needy.

Conner moaned when
Katie’s tongue pressed into the slit of his penis. Damn his woman was perfect, knew just what he liked. When she whimpered he knew she was close to completion. “Katie just a little more, I’m almost with you.”

Katie turned her eyes up to him, grabbed his ball sac, cupped it close to his body hitting the part of him right behind the scrotum and he went off like a firecracker in her mouth.
She also moaned her orgasm around his shaft, but she stayed connected to him, and swallowed his essence. They were both panting and the water was cold, so Conner switched it off and grabbed a towel.

After Conner dried her, he carried her to the bed and placed her under the covers.

My hair is going to get the sheets wet. I hope you don’t mind.” She was already half asleep, sated.

Conner actually couldn
’t care less about the sheets because she was finally here with him, his precious mate. He climbed in next to her and hugged her tight to him. He was asleep moments later.


* * * * *


“What is that damn noise? Where’s the fire?”

Katie was not a morning person apparently. “It’s your cell phone.” He reached over her and retrieved the phone from the bedside table, noting the clock said nine o’clock.

Conner answered,
“Hello, Decker. It’s Conner what’s up?”

There was a beat of silence on the other line before Decker responded,
“Hi, Uh, Is Katie there, I kinda need to talk to her.”

Conner handed her the phone and kissed her cheek.
“Here babe, it’s for you.”

Shocker since it is my phone, dumbass.”

Okay, I’ll just go make you some coffee, and maybe breakfast too.” He went to walk away, and thought of something, “Wait, is coffee good for the babies?”

looked at the uncovered cellphone in her hand, and then back to Conner, “You’re a jackass. One more thing I have to deal with today. No more oral sex in the shower, it goes straight to your head.” She snickered at herself at the pun.

Putting the receiver to her ear,
“What do you want so early in the morning?”

Okay, that last part about the shower was not cool for big brother to hear. Second, you’re pregnant?”

Yeah, I’m going to have puppies. Once again what do you want?”

I have news. Big Eddie got beat up yesterday, and when he came in today, he got canned.”

Shut up, he got fired? No freakin’ way! I’m so happy I could dance.” She got up out of bed and was about to do a jig, when she felt extremely nauseated. “Gotta go heave Decker, I’ll call you back.”

She barely made it to the bathroom before she was puking.
She really hated to be sick.

Conner ran into the bathroom,
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

Her saucy attitude started,
“Yeah, it would appear your super swimmers didn’t agree with me last night, I don’t see what the big deal is about swallowing anyway. Damn men and their semen. Or maybe Quinn poisoned me; I wouldn’t put it past that Old Biddy.”

He chuckled,
“I’m sure it was all my fault.”

It is! You put your babies in me and now look what happened. They hate me already. You don’t see Shana barfing, do you?”

No, but I don’t exactly wake up with her in my bed, or even in my house. Retching is no big deal, it’ll pass.”

She knew he was trying to be comforting but,
“If it’s no big deal then you can come spew with me big boy.”

He gave her a sympathetic look,
“I’d take away everything bad from your world if I could.”

She gave a slight smile, rose from the ground, and rinsed her mouth.
“Where’s the coffee?”

You’re kidding right? You were just expelling the contents of your stomach and you want coffee?”

Yes, I do. I need to call Decker back.” She picked up her phone and dialed.

When Decker picked up the phone he was making gagging sounds.

Very mature, you’re such a charmer.”

Sorry, I couldn’t resist. That didn’t take long.”

I can’t believe you, no sympathy at all. So, I have news too. Someone tried to shoot me last night, but Conner took my bullet.”

He doesn’t sound like he’s in the hospital to me. What kind of bullet was it? Pellet gun? Come on, I need details. You’re okay, right?”

Someone shot us through the window and caught him in the shoulder, he’s a fast healer.” She wasn’t supposed to tell Decker about the whole shifter thing, right?

It must have just been a graze, he’s lucky. Do you need to move again? My offer still stands, especially if I get some shower action too.”

She felt like retching again,
“Eew, that’s like sucking off my brother. Not gonna happen.”

I know, I kinda creeped my own self out with that one.”

I haven’t talked to Conner about it, and seeing as this is his house I probably should. I’d like to stay here and fight it out, stop running, but it’s his decision. I wonder who beat up Big Eddie. I guess he’s just Eddie now.”

I dunno but he looked pretty bad this morning. He had stitches to his head and his arm was broken. Anyway, he was bellowing and cursing as he left so I’m pretty sure he got in trouble, but I have no idea why. Someone at the station, in the file room, mentioned illegal phone taps and hidden trackers, but it’s all rumor.”

Conner walked into the doorway holding up a steaming cup of coffee.

Hey, I gotta go and eat, call me if you hear anything else.”

Sure will, take care.”

Looking at Conner,
“Thank you so much. I need that.” She took the cup of coffee and sipped, “Yum, perfect.”

I know I am, but how’s the coffee?” He grinned, “I hear your boss got fired, what happened?”

No one knows, but Decker says he came in wounded. Had to get stitches and broke his arm.”

Conner grabbed her upper arms,

Chill Conner, I didn’t do it. I have no idea, and he didn’t say anything. Could you let me go, you’re hurting my arms.”

He released her immediately, and began to rub her upper arms.
“I’m sorry, Katie. Are you sure Decker didn’t say how he got hurt?”

I would have remembered who hurt him because I would have sent them a Christmas card. What’s wrong?” He looked agitated.

Last night the person who shot me got away, but before they left Grant got some good licks in. He was able to knock one man down and he clawed him. The other man shot at him, so Grant backed off. They got into a car and sped away.”

Wow, I had no idea all that had happened after you got shot. Is Grant okay?”

Yeah, the bullet went wide and missed him.” Conner sounded resigned “Maybe we should have our police call and make and official inquiry, based on last night’s events.”

That’s a great idea. I’ll make breakfast while you contact Paul, that’s the name of the sheriff right? Put in a good word for me. When this is all done I want to stay, and maybe work here.”

Conner got an optimistic look on his face,
“Really? You want to stay, with me?”

Duh, you’re going to be my baby daddy. I can’t make you leave your family, especially when you made us this wonderful house filled with love.” She smiled, “Except Quinn.”

He laughed and picked her up and began walking to the kitchen.
“What am I going to do with you?”

Let me walk or I’ll get lazy.”

He sobered and put her down,
“I’m really concerned about your old boss; I’m going to call Paul now.”

She wondered why he had to leave to call
Paul; he could have talked in front of her. Oh well, it probably would have given her reflux anyway.

She walked into the kitchen and found food left on the table with a note,
“Breakfast is at seven, if you don’t show up your food is cold. Enjoy, Quinn.”
Man, that lady was a hopeless case.

She looked down at the cold eggs and sausage, maybe tomorrow.
She skimmed through the cabinets and found some blueberry pop tarts, excellent. She decided to eat them in her room so she could call Shana and have privacy. Her stomach was still a little queasy.

She walked out of the kitchen and into the main hallway when the house unexpectedly shook.
At first she thought it was an earthquake, they were in California after all, but after seeing the ramming bar of a car come through the front door she knew she was in deep shit.

A man hopped out of the car, and out of the blue, snatched her.
Katie screamed and hit the stinky brute on his back. She attempted to kick him in the balls, but he held her too tight. He propelled her into the back, hitting her head on the side of the van.

saw stars but she held onto consciousness, barely. “What is it you want from me, gentlemen?” She sounded cool and calm because she was pretty sure she knew who had taken her.

It was Big Eddie
’s voice that she heard in the front of the van, “Where the hell did she find this kind of protection? These guys won’t let up.”

She gave a secret smile knowing that these assholes were going to get what they deserved.
“It would be best, for all of you, if you let me go now. No hard feelings. Heck, I won’t even press charges.”

Funny Ward. You were always such a hard bitch; I’m going to enjoy fucking a little softness into you. It has been my dream to make you writhe beneath me in pleasure. Nothing ever cracked your hard shell. Well baby, I plan on doing just that.”

She was dumbfounded,
“You seriously kidnapped me and tried to shoot me for a lay? Damn but you’re pathetic. Go to a whore house, or find a prostitute.”

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