A Second Chance (Fated Mate) (7 page)

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Katie’s gasp he knew he’d said something wrong.

Do you mean to say that I’ll have pups? I know they’ll probably be shifters, but will they come out furry? How will I breast feed when they have fangs?”

was saved from further discomfort by the doctor and nurses arrival. Dr. Holtz came around to the foot of the gurney to speak to Katie. “The blood work has come back, and everything looks fine. We’ll release you after the ultrasound, if the fetus looks okay, and there’s no bleeding.”

Thank you Dr. Holtz, for your wonderful care. I appreciate all you’ve done, and I’m so sorry about the gun and balls thing earlier.”

looked at her and chuckled.

The doctor looked to
Katie and then to Jake, “Is your Alpha to be present during the exam?”

Uh, no. Thank you Jake, for the talk. Could you please go get Conner? He should probably be here.”

looked relieved as he sped out the door calling over his shoulder, “He’ll be here, right away.”


Chapter 8


Shana and Conner sat in the stuffy crowded ER waiting room glaring at each other. They were both concerned for Katie, and only wanted what was in her best interest.

I don’t know what else to do to prove I love Katie, and only want what’s best for her. We both love her, but you need to be able to forgive my past errors. Normally I would say ‘it’s none of your damn business’, but you are my Alpha and Katie’s family. If she can forgive me, why can’t you? Don’t you want us to be happy?” He was speaking clear, with the least amount of emotion so he wouldn’t set her off again.

You’re right; I apologize for treating you poorly. It’s just…I have a very special place for Katie in my heart. She helped me through so much, and to return the favor I’m acting like a child and upsetting her. You are also right that the way you mated is none of my concern, so I will cease bringing it up. But you should know she had a rough childhood after her parents died. She had to defend herself, a lot, and she has some trust issues. The good part about that is; when you get into her heart, you stay forever. She is a loyal friend to me and Decker, who she considers her family also. She lets us see the real her. Not the bitchy standoffish person, but the real woman under all of her layers. You broke her trust once, and now you have to redeem yourself, as you can see she’s not very forgiving. If she’ll love you and accept you, I can do no less. Plus, it’s not very Alpha of me to punish you for something that you’re being punished for already.” She gave a wicked smile, “Welcome to the family.”

Conner let out the breath he was holding.
Hopefully she meant it. He wanted his family together. Shana, Jake, and Trevor were already family. He had always dreamed of raising his cubs with Jake’s.

came over to Conner, and suddenly flung her arms around his neck in a big hug. “I’m glad we worked it out.”

At the full male Alpha wolf growl of displeasure, Conner pushed
Shana off him, and scooted down a couple chairs to put distance between them. “How is Katie? Can I see her yet?”

had barely restrained his beast when he saw Shana and Conner hugging. He was stuck in a room with a pregnant gun toting crazy lady, talking about emotions, and his mate was snuggled up to his best friend, unacceptable.

went over to Shana, pulled her up from the chair, and proceeded to ravage her lips in a heated kiss. He rubbed his face all over hers, and then ran his teeth over the mate mark he’d placed on her a little over a month ago. She shivered and giggled.

Uh, Jake? Katie…?” Conner felt uncomfortable with the easy and open affection his Alpha’s shared. But that was probably because he wasn’t giving, or getting any.

Oh yeah. Doc says he’s going to do the ultrasound, and Katie said you’d want to be there. So, go.” He didn’t need to say the last, because Conner was already sprinting to his mate’s room to be by her side.

When Conner entered
Katie’s room, he noticed that she was on the same gurney, but somehow there were stirrups and the bottom had folded down. Katie had her legs in the stirrups with her knees closed and a sheet was covering her. Conner had to swallow the immediate burst of anger and jealousy that another man, the doctor, was between her naked spread legs. When he looked at Katie and saw the longing and fear in her eyes, he rushed to her side. He took her hand in his and placed a light kiss on her temple.

Welcome back,” she whispered.

Holding up something that looked like a long skinny dildo, with a cable attached to the ultrasound machine; covered in what appeared to be a lubricated condom
Dr. Holtz said, “Katie, this is the ultrasound probe and it is inserted into the vagina. You are going to feel the cold probe, okay?” He was talking to Katie, but he turned anxious eyes to Conner whose eyes had turned golden again. The room suddenly smelled bitter.

turned to Conner and brought their joined hands to her lips, and gently kissed the back of his hand as she stroked his knuckles with her thumb. “Look at me. It’ll be fine, over before you know it. Go ahead doc, we’re alright up here.”

Conner closed his eyes briefly and said,
“Isn’t that my line?” And smiled so bright, it stole Katie’s breath away. When he opened his eyes again to look at her they were the color of the brightest summer sky.

This’ll be cold Katie.” Dr. Holtz said, as Betsy placed her hand on Katie’s knee to open her legs and provide comfort. The nurse would probably never know how much that small gesture helped. Katie kept her eyes on Conner, whose expression looked pained.

Okay Katie, I see the sacs, and they’re intact. I don’t see any bleeding. Are you having any pelvic pain?” When the doctor said sacs, pleural, Katie’s eyes closed and her hand tightened on Conner’s.

Conner placed his other hand on
Katie’s head, and began to unconsciously pet her hair. When her eyes opened, a tear slipped out the corner of her eye and Conner wiped it away.

No pain doc, but…sacs? Can I see please?”

Holtz turned the machine so that both Katie and Conner could see the monitor. Immediately Katie looked but could only see-goo.
What the hell was that? She was so caught up in the icky stuff on the screen she forgot to listen to the doctor. “So…twins huh?”

Conner looked over at her with a flush of joy covering his whole face.
“Babe, weren’t you listening? We’re going to be parents!” He kissed her loudly.

When he pulled away she smiled and said,
“Yes, but how many puppies? I mean babies?”

Holtz chuckled and pointed back to the goo on the screen. “This is your uterus,”
which looked like a big black circle,
“And these are the gestational sacs. Three in total; it is common for true bond shifters to have multiple births. It’s too early to see the heartbeats, which will develop at six weeks gestation. You are approximately 4-5 weeks pregnant. Congratulations.”

She looked anxiously around the room for someone to yell,
‘just kidding’ but everyone was smiling at her.
They were all on drugs.
“Wait, I’m not a shifter. I’m just a regular human chick that has to work for a living. How am I supposed to work, and raise three pups? Babies? What do you call them?”
Three, not possible. Damn, I’m so screwed.

I’ll take care of you Katie. I’m your mate, so I provide for you financially and emotionally. I have a great job, and I’ll be a great dad. I’ve been waiting for you…for this, forever. If you want to work, you can. If you want to stay home, you can. We’ll work it out. We’re a team now, if you’ll have me.

wanted to feel happy, but she was still reserved. There was still so much to work out. She began to cry, again.
Freakin’ pregnancy hormones.
“Dr. Holtz, I’d really appreciate it if you could take your magic wand out of me. I’d like to go home now.”

had tears in her eyes as she put the stirrups away and pulled the bottom of the bed up. “Congratulations. You’ve got a wonderful family starting. A true mate bond is such a blessing.”

The doctor and nurse left after providing them a copy of the ultrasound.
“What now?” Katie asked, “I don’t think it’s safe to go back to Alpha house if someone is trying to hurt me. I don’t want Trevor or Shana in danger because of me. My house is out of the question, seeing as it’s…gone. I could go stay with my partner Decker…”

She was cut off by an angrily growled statement,
“I don’t think so babe. Those are my pups you’re carrying, and I intend to be there for you, and them. Like I said, we’re a team.”

She looked into his eyes, searching for something that she couldn
’t even describe. “Okay, well…What do we do? I could stay at a hotel.” Growl. “You do that kind of a lot. Did you notice? Every time I’m in the room, and speaking, you growl. Do you have any better suggestions than just and angry growl?”

If you’re comfortable, I’d like you to stay at my house, with me. I have the best security system available, so it’s safe. If you’re uncomfortable sleeping with me, I have a spare room. Or you could stay in my room, and I’ll take the spare.” The thought of her sleeping in his sheets; he could imagine her rolling around in his scent, oh yeah. He wiggled his eyebrows at her and she couldn’t help but laugh. He knew just what to say, or do, to break the tension between them.

A little late for that, Papa wolf. If you’re okay with your house possibly being burned to the ground, or your car being thrashed, I’m game. I trust you.”

He gave her a genuine smile that lit up his face, and made his eyes crinkle.
He loved her so much, “Sweeter words have never been spoken.”

noticed his smell had changed. He smelled like himself but combined with gingerbread cookies, her favorite. “By the way I’m still hungry. Do you think we could stop by and get food, or go to the grocery store?” Her stomach growled making Conner smile again.

Do you want to eat here? I know the hospital cafeteria doesn’t sound great, but the food is surprisingly delicious.” He turned around when she got dressed because he didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable.

Let’s go, I’m hungry enough to eat a horse. Can we have dessert first? I have a craving for gingerbread cookies.”

Why would you say that?” Conner started to panic. He was thinking about how much he loved her; she must have picked up the scent of his love, gingerbread, and such a sweet smell.
He didn’t want her to know yet, because then she would run away from him thinking he was going to push her into something she wasn’t ready for. He didn’t think he could live through another rejection. Especially knowing if she ran she’d be taking his pups with her, possibly into danger.

What’s wrong Conner?” She placed her small hand on his forearm gently, “Did you change your mind?”

He took a deep calming breath and felt for their connection through her touch.
“No way, I could eat a horse too.” He grabbed her hand and walked with her to the waiting room to update Jake and Shana.

stopped him in the hall and pulled him into an empty patient’s room “Wait, before we go I really need to ask you a question.” At Conner’s questioning look she asked, “When I have these babies will they have, I mean to say, will they be…Furry when they come out? Like four legs and fangs?”

Conner couldn
’t help but laugh openly and loudly. Katie hit him in the arm, “It’s not funny you, butthead. I’m scared, everyone keeps calling them pups.”

He sobered quickly, noting for the first time her fear.
“No, my love. They will be little, pink, crying, human appearing infants with no fangs or fur. But they will be shifters, are you okay with that?” At her nod he smiled and pulled her into his arms for a long passionate kiss. Jake and Shana could wait while he kissed away his mates fear.


Chapter 9


Katie, Conner, Jake and Shana went to the cafeteria at the hospital to eat together. Katie was hoping that Conner and Shana could share a meal without going for each other’s throats, or hers.

could feel Katie’s tension. They sat down at the table in the corner while the men got their food. Shana said, “Conner and I talked and we won’t be fighting anymore. I’m really sorry about the bickering. We use to be very close friends. Somehow, the friendship was strained over the month you were gone, with all the times he asked for your contact information, and then everything that happened when you came back. We both wanted to care for you, I see now that it is his job and I will learn to back-off. If you ever need me, you know I’m only a call away.” Shana leaned over and hugged her friend, “Still friends?”

Always,” was Katie’s tearful reply. They hugged, cried and laughed.

When the men saw the women hugging and crying, they went back into line to give them extra time.
Neither of them wanted to have to deal with anymore tears.

While going through the line
Jake mentioned, “Um, did you happen to talk to Katie about the pups? She seemed worried that they’d come out in wolf form.” Jake was attempting to suppress his laughter.

Conner started to laugh openly,
“Yeah, we talked briefly about it. I’ll explain it all to her later. We have some news though. I better wait until the mates are here.” Jake looked at him questioning, “Don’t worry. I hope it won’t cause anymore tears. Why do they keep crying?”

Well, they’ve been through a lot of traumatic events this past couple months. Plus, your woman was just in a car accident today, and my woman is dealing with the loss of her best friend.” At Conner’s look of confusion Jake explained, “Before I met Shana it was only Shana, Trevor and Katie. Now Shana has to deal with her best friend getting mated, and having babies and possibly leaving again. She wants to have Katie close, and is afraid she’ll leave. Shana feels like Katie just got to where she belongs.”

I have to admit, I’m worried Katie will leave. And to be honest, if she leaves, I’ll follow-anywhere. I need her and the babies. I not only need them, I want them more than you could ever know.” Conner felt and smelled sad, for the first time since he’d come to Jake’s Pack he was sad.

I understand. Please try and make Katie understand that pack is forever, we don’t leave unless forced out or we choose to leave when we grow. I would hate for you to go. Not just as your Alpha, but as your best friend. I’d like to raise our children together, and have Wednesday night BBQ’s, and watch football and baseball. I am Alpha; I could force you to stay, but I’d never do that.”

Conner smiled,
“I know you’d never force me to stay. I think when Katie realizes that this is where her family is, she’ll feel more secure. She’s been through a lot. It seems that every time she starts to get into a routine, or becomes comfortable around us, some tragedy happens.” They had gone through the line, and were walking to the table where the ladies were, dry eyed.
Thank God.

Conner slid in next to
Katie, before he was able to greet her, she began to dig in. She was shoving a vegetable quesadilla in to her mouth, after slathering it in sour cream and guacamole. He looked across the table at Shana, who was doing the same thing to her BLT sandwich. “I guess y’all were hungry.”

blushed and said, “I’m so sorry, that was rude. Thank you for the food.” And she gave him a chaste kiss on his lips.

Conner licked his lips that were tingling from her salsa, and immediately became aroused, thinking of her in his bed again.
, he thought to himself.

was shoving another bite of quesadilla into her mouth when she developed a sudden urge to take Conner home, to bed. She looked over at Conner’s half lidded expression, and then further down at his manhood that was straining against his pants.

She finished her bite and looked over at
Jake and Shana. “We need to talk and then leave.” She turned to Conner once again sneaking a look at his bulging pants, “You tell ‘em while I finish eating.”

Conner started,
“So, Katie has concerns about the safety of everyone at Alpha house. There are two pregnant females, and little Trevor. She’s agreed to stay at my house until the danger passes, or until she realizes that it’s where she wants to stay, raise our children together, and be my beloved mate.” He turned a dazzling smile to Katie who almost choked on her food. “I would, please, ask that we are allowed privacy and no one knows that she’s moved.”

Of course we’ll keep quiet about it. I’m so glad that you’ve decided to stay together.” Jake said, “Do you think you’ll need extra protection for the house?”

No, I think we should be okay as long as no one knows where she’s going. We’ll hide. And when they can’t find her, hopefully they’ll make a mistake, and we’ll catch ‘em.” Conner replied confidently while the women continued to eat voraciously.

Does that mean we can begin to plan a mating ceremony?” Jake innocently questioned.

choked on her food as Shana began to hoot her laughter. “What the hell is a mating ceremony? Why do you guys keep springing this shit on me?”


Conner scowled at Jake and replied, “It’s okay that you’re not ready, Katie. It’s why I haven’t asked you. When the time is right, and you’re sure of us, then I’ll explain a mating ceremony, and ask you properly. No need to overly stress yourself.” He kissed her temple again.

was wondering why he was acting so weird when she noticed the teasing look on Shana’s face, “What are you snickering at? What’s so funny?”

Jake is trying to act so cool, but he keeps forgetting that just a few months ago he was the one in this same position.” Shana turned to Jake and winked, “He seems to forget that these things take time, and us ‘mere humans’ don’t like to be dictated to. We also kinda freak out when someone professes their love after only knowing each other for a few days.” Now looking at Katie and Conner, “Don’t worry I’ll remind him.”

It was Conner that began hysterically laughing,
“You should have seen him, Katie. He literally ran after her as a wolf.” At Conner’s teasing they all enjoyed a good laugh.

wiped the tears that were collecting in her eyes, from laughing too hard. She turned to her husband admitting, “It is funny when you think back on it. I’m really sorry I gave you such a hard time, but it turned out okay in the end. I love you, Jakie.” Jake smiled at the endearment that Trevor had started for him.

was mid bite when she noticed the same smell of gingerbread cookies. “Alright, who’s hiding the cookies?” At their confused looks she said, “I smell gingerbread, and it’s not the first time today, so someone must have ‘em.”

’s eyes got wide, and Conner looked down at the table blushing. Jake was the one to explain, “You have mated Conner, so you have some of his enhanced senses. Conner will be the one to teach you what the individual smells mean in terms of emotions, but I believe you were picking up the love between me and my mate. The smell of love is similar to cookies; you must be partial to gingerbread.”

Oh, I get it. So when you feel love for someone, you smell like cookies,” Katie said.

Simply put. I think you get the concept. I always love Shana, but when I’m having particularly strong emotions, they are easily picked up. Which is why I don’t always smell like cookies. I can remember the first time Shana fell in love with me. We were having a BBQ with the pack, she was across the room from me, but I still caught the scent and couldn’t resist going to her.” Shana smiled at the memory, placed her palm to Jake’s cheek while she leaned forward to kiss him.

I’ll never forget either. It was the first time I’d felt safe and loved.” Shana stated.

Shana and Jake were bantering, Katie was thinking. She’d smelled cookies earlier in the day, while she was in the hospital room with Conner, after the ultrasound. Did she love Conner, or was she picking up his love for his future family? She looked over at him, and he was still looking down at the table pushing his food around on the plate. It was a question that needed answering…maybe later. Instead of asking him uncomfortable questions in front of their friends she said, “You gonna eat that?”

Conner gazed into
Katie’s eyes expecting to find panic, but instead, he saw acceptance. Why was she not yelling at him, or raging, or crying? He hated not knowing what was going to happen between them. “Are you still hungry? I can get you something more.”

He was even more stunned at her reply,
“No, I just want to go home now, your home. I’d like a tour, before I fall asleep and don’t get out of bed for days.”

He beamed at her,
“Really, you want to stay in the bed for days? I’m ready when you are toots.” And then he winked at her.

couldn’t believe he had just said that. OMG, she really had meant she wanted to sleep, but now he was expecting some kind of sex marathon.
Bloody hell, why do I keep finding myself in impossible situations?

Relax Katie, I was just joking. I understand you’re probably tired, so I’ll take you straight home. We’ll send Mrs. Quinn to retrieve your stuff from Alpha house, and pick up some more food.”

Mrs. Quinn? Who’s that?” Katie was even more confused now.

She helps to run the house because I am often away on pack business, or working. I’ll be spending a lot of time at home though, if that’s where you’ll be. I think you’ll enjoy Mrs. Quinn.”

smirked when Conner was done talking about this Quinn lady, odd, what was she missing?


* * * * *


Shana was disappointed to hear that Katie was moving out, but she knew it was in her friend’s best interest. Katie and Conner needed to get to know each other, and let the emotional bond develop. Plus, Conner’s home was safe, and if Katie went and spent some time there, maybe it would convince her to stay in the area. She didn’t want to lose her friend, and she knew it would devastate Conner if he had to switch packs again. She briefly wondered if she should tell Katie how important Conner was to the pack. No, she was not going to interfere again. If Katie wanted to talk, she could simply call.

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