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Authors: Chaundra Soliz

A Red Apple (2 page)

BOOK: A Red Apple
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Chapter 2 B: College Life

“Welcome to Biology 101. I’m Dr.
Berhane and if you haven’t heard about me by now you will probably be asking about me soon. Don’t bother because I will let you know now. I don’t accept late work, I am not friendly with students and coming to me with tears at the end of the semester asking for mercy will not manipulate me into boosting your final grade. In a minute, I would like for you all to get to know the people sitting next to you because that is whom you will need to call if you miss class for any reason. Do not call me and I will say it again, DO NOT CALL ME. You all are probably thinking I am being over the top. However, trust me, someone in this class is going to call me although I have said not to twice and it is on the syllabi. Now get acquainted because I happen to move at a fast pace because there is a lot to learn in a short period of time. Welcome to college ladies and gentleman.” My professor has an arrogant smirk on her face that tells me she is a bitch.

“I’m Brianna and everyone calls me B,” I say to a Hispanic girl sitting next to me.

“I’m Liz. It’s nice to meet you,” She extends her hand for me to shake it. “Has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like Joy Bryant?”

“Yes all the time,” I cackle. People have been telling me that for as long as I can remember. “So have you ever taken Dr.
Berhane before?”

“This is my second time taking her and she’s a real bitch. The whole class is four exams. Doesn’t seem like a lot but those tes
ts are hard and the study guides she gives you are like fifty pages long so you might as well memorize the whole textbook by heart,” She jokes.

“Are you serious? Thanks for the 411.”
I respond.

Liz and I exchange cell phone numbers and await the lecture. In the short time we converse I find out a lot about her. Liz is
a lesbian fish and by fish she means the feminine partner. I am learning something new everyday. She is also a sophomore and has a hookup on fake ID’s. She tells me to hit her up if I need a fake and I fully intend to do so. All in all, she is a cool girl and I am happy to meet someone new.

‘What’s up B you talking about partying tonight?’ It is a text from DJ.

‘I don’t know y’all be doing too much at them parties’ I respond because the last party Piper and I went to that they threw, we had to leave like two minutes after we made it there because a fight broke out. I never even had the chance to introduce them before the police hauled us out.

‘That was a one time thing. I really want to chill with you so just come and I will make it worth while=)’

‘Okay what time?’ I give in.

‘Same place starts at 8:30.’


My girl Piper and I are checking ourselves out in my car mirror for last minute touch ups before we get out to go into the frat house party. My makeup is the shit, a smoky brown eye shadow
and true purple lipstick. I am sporting a tan romper and brown strappy Valentino heels. My girl Piper has on an orange Alexander McQueen, crochet knit mini dress. I hope they are ready for us in there.

The party is hype as hell. The
greeks are parading around in their lines representing. The latest music has everybody getting down. They have a mini bar set up along the back wall, keggers throughout the house and beer pong games. People are getting wasted and my girl and I are about to join in on the action.

Ayyyyyeeeee get it B,” my girl Piper is egging me on while I dance. She is doing her thing right along with me. We always hype each other up when it is time to shake our romps. It is like a tradition of ours. My girl Piper is a goody two shoe but there are two things she can do well; party hard when she wants to and whoop a bitch ass if she has to.

“What’s up sexy?” It is DJ standing in front of me with low set, smoldering eyes.

“Nothing much. What’s up with you?” I shrug my shoulders and lean into him.

“Just out
chea ya know. I’m glad you could make it to my party. You look good,” he lightly brushes his hand up against my hips. “Whose this?”

Ohhhh my bad. DJ this is Piper and Piper this is DJ.” I was proud to show DJ off to my best bitch.

“Its nice to meet you DJ
. You are all I hear about these days.” Piper smiles at DJ and shakes his hand. I feel like they hold hands a little too long but I am probably being dramatic. Piper is a very beautiful girl so how could I not be.

“No bullshit?” DJ flashes me a smile and grabs a hold of my hand. “That’s good to know. Can I steal your girl a way for a few minutes Piper?”

“Of course you can if she wants to go,” Piper looks at me.

“I will be right back,” I tell her.

DJ takes me into a dark room on the second floor. I am scared at first but once he switches the lights on I feel better about it. The room is dirty and smells like soiled socks. There are empty bottles of sodas lying around, clothes all over a bed and a dirty razor with hair in it on the dresser. Boys are such pigs.

“Sorry about the mess,” DJ says as he pushes the clothes on the bed onto the floor. “Sit down with me.”

“This is ridiculous don’t y’all have a cleaning lady or something?” I ask referring to the filth.

Haha very funny B. Do you have a cleaning lady or know one that will do it for free?” He asks as we both take a seat on the bed.

“I do have a cleaning lady but she not
gon…” DJ kissing me softly on my uncovered shoulder cuts me off.

“Feel good?” He asks pulling my romper down to expose my hardened nipples. “
Yesss,” I hiss. His fingers are pinching my nipples getting me in the mood. DJ licks all of his fingers and began to roll my nipples between them as he nibbles my ear. “Take this off,” He tugs at my romper. I do as he says and sit back down. His fingers are traveling slowly over my breast, to my stomach and when he makes it my pussy he sticks three fingers inside. The twisting and pushing in and out of me with his fingers has my pussy pleading for more. I feel myself about to explode, “I’m about to cum” I moan. He speeds up his pace and I release what feels like my entire insides out of my pulsating kitty cat. “Oooooohhhh,” my body is so pleased I begin shaking. “You gone let me fuck or what?” He asks. I nod my head yes and seconds later he is tight booty pumping inside of me. A few minutes later he cums and collapses on top of me. How can we go from mind-blowing foreplay one minute to heartbreaking sex the next? Someone needs to enter this room and tell me I am being pranked because this has to be a joke.

“You like that huh?” DJ asks as we redress. This nigga has to be kidding me. Yeah
, sure, for the whole minute that his ass lasted.

Mmmhmm,” I lie. He has to have the worst dick game in the history. Not saying it was small because he has a monster on his hands but he doesn’t know how to work it and he is a minuteman. “I almost came again.”

“Shit I can wake the beast back up and get you if you want?”

“Oh no that’s okay my girl is probably looking for me.” I had to think of something to escape that torture.

When we make it back downstairs Piper is tooting her booty in the air. I laugh my ass off because my girl was notorious for working her back in high school. We went to a Caucasian school but them white boys always wanted to post up behind my girl at the dances. Piper had mastered that ‘Uh Oh’ move Beyoncé had created.

“I’m about to
holla at a few of my frats.” DJ’s tells me and I nod as he walks away.

“Your ass down here showing off without me,” I grab Piper when she finally stops dancing and pull her over to an empty couch so we can sit down.

“You know how I do it. So what you and DJ was doing? Y’all did a disappearing act on me.” We both laugh.

“I let him fuck me upstairs and girl let me tell you,” I shake my head as if there is much to say. I don’t want to let her know he was an awful fuck.

“You little hoe!” She screams playfully.

Shhhhhhhhh,” I place my index finger over my mouth and look around to see if anyone heard her. “You trying to alert the whole damn world or something?”

“Oh my bad. So how was it?”

“It was the best dick I ever had,” I fib. “Now we have to get your virgin ass some. You probably got cob webs and everything down in that vault.”

“I’m waiting on my prince charming and I know he’s out here somewhere,” Piper says sarcastically with her nose up in the air like a snooty bitch.

“Baahahahahahahah,” I can’t help but crack up and Piper does so along with me. “Girl boo… your uptight ass is missing out.”

“I actually found someone I like a lot,” She snickers. “He’s reall
y handsome, smart and confident.”

“Spill it then bitch, who is he?” My nosey ass is ready for the scoop.

“Not yet…I don’t want to jinx it,” Piper sucks her breath in through her teeth. “I really really like him though B.”

“Yeah and you probably making him up like you made up that boyfriend you had in high school that no one ever met. Are you gay or something? Piper just tell me, I wont look at you any different.” I mean what I say wholeheartedly. Piper is my girl and if she is playing for the same team
, I will never turn my back on her.

“Umm no… I like boys. It’s not like that this time B
; he is real. Watch you will see,” Piper warns.

“Ok I believe you. You do know that you are supposed to tell your best friend everything but I won’t meddle. Just promise me you will really go after this dude.
We both know how serious and boring you can be. You have to show guys that you’re fun and spontaneous.”

“I promise B,” Piper gives me a look that tells me she won’t disappoint me.

For the duration of the party we dance and play spades with a few of the Alpha Theta brothers. We win a few dollars too but that’s no surprise. My girl and me are pros in spades because we’ve been playing since high school. If you spend enough time doing something you eventually get good at it. That’s what I intend to do with DJ and his dick game or lack there of because practice makes perfect.

Chapter 3 Zeke: Slipping

Between work and the nightlife, I am beginning to feel like a bitch-juggling clown. They are in my classroom, in my office, in the break room, at the gym, at my club and they are tempting me, throwing it at
me, left and right. Bitches everywhere, I can’t get a break. My life is a got damn bitch galore and I love it. The only hard part is I can’t fuck all of them but Lord knows I try. At some point though, I just have to say no.

The best part about being a professor is being able to wear jeans to work. Business casual is the proper term for the dress code. Whatever you want to call it, I am a mafuckin pussy magnet, always dressed to impress. And today will be no different. My long sleeve, baby blue Michael Kors button up, LRG dark blue jeans and brown Louboutin loafers are the truth. I let my dreads dangle because for some reason that gives women an illusion. They think about how they can pull
my shits as I beat their box up. At least that’s what a bitch I used to fuck with told me.

“Alright guys,” I begin. It is time to get my professional on. “Is anyone having any issues with the syllabus? Getting the textbook? Financial aid? I need to know so I can make a note of your situation.”

“I…umm actually ordered mine online because the bookstore sold out of them,” It is the young lady I exchanged words with at The Chicken House last week.

“I’m sorry, your name?” I ask.

“Piper Smith.”

“When will the book be in your possession? We have a lot of homework and I don’t want anyone to fall behind.”

“By next week. But I have a classmate who is...”

“Save the extra details Piper,” I cut her off on purpose.
I want to get under her skin because it is so easy to do. “Find someone willing to share their textbook. Anyone else with problems?”

The lecture isn’t too bad at least I have everyone’s full attention. There are a lot more young ladies in my class this semester, lucky for me. Perhaps
, the rumors I hear from my colleagues about my popular good looks are true. They always tell me the young ladies love me but I remain modest. I’m well aware of the effect I have on women. However, I have to be smart and make silent moves. Which is best in my case because I have a lot to lose if things get out of hand.

The end of the class is where all of the action takes place. My students, especially the young ladies all want a moment of my time. Some are genuinely inquiring about assignments they don’t understand, a few of them want information on internships, but the
majority of them want me to lay that pipe. I am happy to oblige some of the time. In fact, if they are worthy, I might indulge on more than one occasion. But I have only had a long-term sexual relationship with one former student of mine, named Alexis. She was one of the baddest bitches I’d ever had the pleasure of bagging. Unfortunately, she has transferred to a university in New York. My hometown.


I am in my office having lunch when I hear a knock on the door.

“Come in,” I yell.

“Hi Dr. James,” It’s Piper. She has on a short, peach sundress and a pair of sexy brown heels. “I don’t mean to bother you but can I have a minute?”

lutely.” I say. Toying with her mind is going to be fun. I have been looking forward to this very moment. “Have a seat. What can I help you with Ms. Smith?”

“I was just wondering if you had a problem with me? I know I was a little inappropriate with you at lunch that day and I apologize. I brought you a red apple as a peace offering.” She states softly and places the apple on my desk.

An apple? Really? She is either trying to humor me or kiss my ass. I never realized how beautiful this damn girl is. My dick is getting stiff just looking at her glossed up lips open and close.

“That’s putting it lightly. We are both adults here so I’m going to be blunt. First you stare at my dick, next you tell me how to run my classroom and then you throw yourself at me. I would say that was a lot more than a little inappropriate, wouldn’t you Piper?”
I say all of this with a straight face.

“I said I was sorry,” she clears her throat nervously. “How can we move on from that?”

I get up to lock my office door so she can get a glimpse of my rock hard dick. When I sit back down, I begin unbuttoning my shirt just to heat things up a bit. Watching her grow uncomfortable with me is even more arousing. I like young, passive women because they are easy to train. I want to fuck her sexy ass right here and now but that is out of the question because I’m at work.

“You can start by telling me why you did the things you did?” My eyes are fixated on hers and she is so tense.

“Well… I…can you stop doing that? It’s distracting,” she looks away.

“What taking off my shirt?” I laugh. “I’m hot Piper.”

“Yes you are. No! I mean… Yes you are right, it is hot,” Piper is starting to stress. She is jittery and rubbing her palms together trying to relieve her eagerness. The light in my office, is putting the moisture forming on her forehead on full display. Her armpits are even a little sweaty and to the untrained eye these little details mean nothing. But I know better and her nonverbal behavior means she is dying for me to put her fire out.

“I think you said what you meant the first time.”
I confront her.

“Are you flirting with me Dr. James?” She grins. Her smile is beautiful and she has the cutest dimples.

“No I’m just stating the obvious. Do you want me to flirt with you Ms. Smith?” I can’t wait for her response. “You can be honest in here.”

She is silent with her head down.

“Do I make you nervous?” I’m testing her now because I want to see how limitless her submission digs. “Look at me, not the ground. Tell me how you feel, you’re a grown woman right?”

“Yeah,” she nods her head and looks up into my eyes. She is such a good girl, so compliant. “You make me nervous because I have a crush on you and I know you don’t like it because it’s inappropriate. But I can’t help how I feel.”

“I understand how you feel, trust me I do. But you’re a student of mine, you’re young and you seem a little inexperienced so I don’t think you are quite ready for a man like me.”

“I may be young and a little inexperienced but that doesn’t mean I don’t know what I want!” She raises her voice at me. I want to laugh at how mad she i
s but she is so passionate and I don’t want her to get any louder and cause chaos in my office. That is the last thing I need, a student in my office confessing her attraction to me.

I walk over to her and pull her up to stand in front of me. Then I remember we are at my daytime gig so I take a few steps back.  Her big
, innocent, dough eyes look into mine for guidance and I am so weak with lust. All I want to do is push her onto my desk and ram my ten inches inside of her doggy style. I know that’s what she wants, and so do I but we are at the university.

Piper walks back up to me and kisses me but I don’t return the favor. I don’t push her away either, I just
throw my hands up in surrender. Our situation feels impossible. “You said I could be honest right? I did those things because I want you Dr. James. I can’t stop thinking about you. I know you feel the same way… It’s not just me right?”

What can I say to that? No doubt, she is right; the chemistry is undeniably there. The problem is I don’t have any self-control and that’s no bueno. If I put my hands on Piper, there will be no turning back. I have never felt this strongly over some pussy, not even Alexis’s. Every bone in my body wants to bang Piper shit out the frame more than anything right about now.

She slides her dress over her head and tosses it to the side. Got damn her body is banging; I ain’t lying. There isn’t a single blemish, stretchmark or dent in sight, flawless. A woman this fine can make a religious man loose his faith. By no means am I a holy man, but it is going to take Jesus to stop me from laying the pipe to this fine piece of ass standing naked right in front of my face. My fucking dick is so hard I feel like it’s about to break off and shatter into pieces on the floor.


“Dr. James, is everything okay in there? I heard a lot of commotion,” It is one of my colleagues, Rachel Jones.

“Yeah, give me one second.” I yell.

I throw Piper her dress and watch her put it back on. I am
definitely going to hit that shit first chance I get. I open the door and forget all about taking my shirt off. My damn dick is also still hard and I know she ain’t miss that because it is the first thing she looks at. That damn Piper has me losing my cool; no one has ever caught me slipping. Rachel walks straight past me and into my office. She looks at me suspiciously and then at Piper.

“What is going on in here Dr. James?” She asks me warily.

“I was just talking to one of my students. Is there anything you need Dr. Jones?” I am pissed that she has barged into my office with her old nosey ass. I know damn well she hasn’t heard any commotion. She would have had she came knocking a minute or so later.

“What about you sweetheart,” she asks Piper. “Are you okay?

Piper stands up and walks square into Rachel’s face. I don’t know what kind of shit this girl has up her sleeve.

“Perhaps, I would have been.” Piper says with a smile and turns to walk out of my office.

“Piper,” I call out behind her. “I prefer peaches over red apples because I could eat on one for hours.”

“I will keep that in mind.” I
am watching her strut her stuff down the hall and don’t give a damn who is watching me gawk. Rachel is so out done with our behavior that she huffs her big, old ass out of my office. Good ridden you intrusive old bitch.

I can’t get past the pompous attitude Piper gave
off to Rachel when only moments before she was too nervous to look me in my face. Not only that but she got naked in front of me which was unexpected. ‘She really thinks who she is, that one.’ I say to myself. It’s on now and I am determined to make her young ass fall prey to a nigga so I can have her open. She has just set herself up for failure because I am about that life.

BOOK: A Red Apple
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