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Authors: Chaundra Soliz

A Red Apple (3 page)

BOOK: A Red Apple
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Chapter 4 Piper: We like to Party

Dr. James has been ignoring me in class lately and it is beginning to piss me off. I need to blow off some steam or else I am going to flip out on him. I had taken my girl B up on her suggestion to go after what I wanted. We’d had a momen
t in his office a couple of weeks ago and he is carrying on as if nothing has happened. It is so hard to sit through his lectures knowing I’d practically thrown myself at him and he didn’t take the bait. There is something going on between us and I don’t see how he can deny it. Our attraction is practically palpable. But am I trying to convince myself or is it there, is the question.


All I really want to do is lie in my twin size dorm bed and watch Single Ladies on VH1. My purple and black zebra print comforter is looking pretty tempting at this point. That and my peanut butter ice cream in my mini fridge. I hate going out but B really wants to go meet up with DJ, the AT brother she has been kicking it with. So unfortunately, I can’t be a recluse tonight. I hop in and out of the shower and begin my transformation.

“Take a shot,” Brianna hands me a small cup with a clear substance in it.

“What is it?” I look at it suspiciously and with good reason. “It smells disgusting.”

“It’s goose and it’s going to get us loose,” she laughs. “I can’t remember if you ever had a shot of liquor before?”

“Remember when we had champagne with Thomas after we graduated from high school? That’s the only time I ever drunk any type of alcohol.” I remind her.

“What? Girl, you need to live a little. You have always been a goody two shoe. We are
gonna get fucked up tonight.” I really hate when B tries to low bro me as if she has the game all figured out. Where did she get some liquor from anyway? We are only 18.

“How did you manage to get your hands on some alcohol?” I ask.

“Oh shit I forgot to tell you about this girl in my class name Liz. She has a fake ID and she bought it for me. She is going to get us one made as soon as her girlfriend gets out of jail,” B shrugs casually as if she isn’t talking about committing a crime.

“That’s illegal
, we could go to prison for that!” I scold.

“See that’s why I don’t tell your holier than thou ass anything because you don’t know how to be cool about shit.” B sucks her teeth and rolls her eyes. “Just drink up because you’re fucking up my buzz.”

“Ok fine but we can’t just drink and drive B. You know my dad will kill me if I wreck my Range Rover.” I say giving in.

“That’s why there is a such thing called cabs Piper.”

I take one last look in the mirror before we head out and I look pretty damn good, if I do say so myself. I am looking hot in an Emilio Pucci metallic gold crop top and miniskirt that is tight in all the right places. I am known for mix matching designers and true to myself, I chose my black, peep toe Christian Louboutins with golden spikes on the heel. My make up is on point, black cat eye and a MAC red lip. My Demi Wispy lashes are the cherry on top and I walk out with satisfaction.

By the time we make it to the club
, I am tipsy and feeling myself. The myth about liquid courage is true. I don’t even care that it is a strip club instead of a regular club and that is not like me. I am always worrying about everything. I have even tipped the bouncer a hundred dollar bill to let our underage asses into the joint.

As we walk through the strip club, I can’t help but notice how swank it is. The place is moderately lit but the huge stripper stage in the middle has the majority of the fluorescent lighting. Strippers are dancing on motorcycles that have red lighting. Each table has a pole dead in the center for personal dances.

Two Chains is on “Look back at it yeah look back at it,” I start singing along while twerking my ass. This is my song and I am dancing like a pro putting theses strippers to shame. ‘I could be a stripper,’ I think to myself because none of these dancers have anything on me. Dudes aren’t even looking at the stage because they are too busy throwing money at me like I am the performer. I leave the money right on the floor because I don’t work for breadcrumbs. Hell, I am one rich bitch and I don’t mean that figuratively. I have a black card sitting in my clutch waiting to be swiped.

“Who are you and what have you done with my friend,” B jokes.

I really don’t know the answer to that and I honestly don’t care. So I say what anyone in my shoes would, “I’m doing me.”

DJ has given Brianna $1
00 to make it rain on the strippers since he feels bad for deceiving us about the club. Little does he know, that is chump change to us. We can spend that at a nail salon in one day. I dance to at least three songs before I retire to my seat. DJ has ordered a bottle of Moet and is drinking it straight from the bottle and passing it around. Although he isn’t my type, he is still appealing. His fade is fresh and his waves are looking good against his dark chocolate skin. I can definitely see why my girl has taken an interest in him. I can’t help but stare at both of them and laugh because they are so faded that their eyes are low set. I playfully snatch the bottle of Mo from B and pour me some in a glass.

“Can I gi
ve you a dance,” some random stripper asks DJ.

He looks over at B and she gives him her approval.

“Come back that ass up!” DJ commands with open arms.

She is working him so good I know Brianna has to be jealous.
I know I would be if I were her. But my girl starts putting money in her thong because she is the type to give props where it is due.

DJ’s frat brothers are cool but I have no interest in any of them. Except for Carter AKA Big Brother Ice. He is a
short, fine, dark chocolate brother. He has a body on his attractive ass too. I take his number but don’t intend on putting it to use. This is simply because I don’t date friends of friends. I have shot more guys down on this night than I have since I’ve been in Houston.

I have to use the restroom so I excuse myself. They don’t pay me any mind because they are all too entertained with the stripper. While I am in the bathroom peeing I hear some females talking about some fine ass dude who owns the club and how they hear he
has a big dick. I laugh to myself because they better hope I don’t spot him first. This is definitely the liquid courage in me. I walk out of the ladies room and smack right into someone.

“Oh my god, I am so sorry,” I explain while holding my hand over my mouth with embarrassment.

“Piper?” The man says.

“How do you…
” I step closer to get a better look and it is Dr. James looking more dashing than ever. Then I remember how irritated I am with him for disregarding my existence and my attitude surfaces. “Why are you here?”

“Trying to enjoy a night out
at the club ma… I mean Piper so imagine my surprise when I run into my students.”

“I’m a grown woman so what’s it to you?” My arms are crossed and I have shifted all my weight on one side.

“That you are,” He rubs his chin and let’s his eyes roam over my body sexually. It is uncomfortable but it feels damn good.

“See you in class,” I begin to walk off but he grabs my arm and pulls me into him. Then the moment of truth happens, his hands slide down my backside and grabs my ass. This time there is no doubt that he desires me just as much as I do him. I knew I wasn’t crazy.

“I’ve noticed you don’t wear panties to my class and you sit carelessly in those skimpy dresses… teasing me why do you do that Piper?” His breath is on my lips. He is so close that I can bite his bottom lip and suck it into my mouth.

“I like sitting in class without them.” I try to explain myself. “It feels liberating.”

“So disobedient…I bet you don’t have on any now do you?” He uses his fingertips to brush across the outline of my nipple through my crop top.

“No I don’t Dr. James.” I moan out of breath and boy my pussy is on fire.

“Piper, I want you to show me your body right here right now.”

I bite my bottom lip and lower my eyes. I’m trying to decide if this is a good idea with all of these people around. But my hands have a mind of there on because they are slowly pulling down my crop top. I raise my eyes up to see his face as my breast
s pop out exposing my stiff nipples.

Mmmmmmm.” Dr. James cups my breasts and flicks his thumbs across my nipples causing them to swell even more. “Very responsive...Now the pussy. I want to see that.”

“Huh?” I ask as I enjoy the feeling of him fondling my nipples.

“Will you show me your pussy Piper? You like to in class but I want to see it now so I can taste you.” He fixes my top to cover me back up and begins to stroke my thighs. “Say yes to me?”

I nod my head yes and begin to reach for the hem of my skirt so I can pull it up. I am looking into his deep blue eyes,
still biting my lower lip and slowly lifting my skirt. The expression on his face is so naughty and erotic and we both know we are doing something wrong but that’s what feels so good. He bends down and places my right leg over his shoulder. I almost lose my balance when I feel his fingers brush up against my lips. He runs his fingertips up and down my slit and I begin to feel my juices leaking out of me onto my lips, his fingers and along the crevices of my thighs.

“Oh I can’t take it.” I sigh hotly.

“What a pretty glistening pussy you have down there. Let me have it?” He has resurfaced and his eyes are begging for me to answer.

I tongue kiss him like our lives depend on it. His hands are moving up and down my backside like a mad man. He pushes me up against a free wall and his hands start to explore again while we stare deep into each other eyes. His mouth is slightly open as he runs his hands up the middle of my thighs. When he reaches my opening he rolls his thumb against my clitoris. I look at him and exhale because his touch is comforting. He speeds up the pace of his thumb then inserts two fingers inside me and something strange happens. I start shaking uncontrollably and let out an involuntary squeal. He smiles and gently places his other hand on my mouth. After I finish shaking he removes his fingers from me and sucks my juices off of them. It is so erotic.

“You taste sweet,” He licks his lower lip. “I’m going to eat that pussy again and again and…again.”

“I don’t know,” I am so nervous and the liquid courage is wearing off. “I… umm…”

“Go tell your little friend your out and then I want you to meet me outside at the Valet booth.” He demands.

“But… but I can’t just leave?” I try to think of a good excuse to escape. I am not sure I am ready to do this. I want to but I am scared and have no idea what to expect. I have many hesitations but my desire to have him is so much stronger.

“Scratch saying goodbye. We are leaving now and when we make it to my spot, I am going to eat that sweet ass pussy of yours and then I am going to fuck your brains out. You understand what I am about to do to you, right Piper?”

I nod and follow him out. I really don’t understand but I want to feel that sensation between my legs again so I could care less about anything else. I send my girl a text letting her know I am leaving with a friend. The ride to his apartment is quiet and a little too long because my aching for him has reached new heights. My body is blazing and I just can’t help but want him to put out the fire again. I keep debating on rather or not to tell him I am a virgin. I want to but I am so afraid he will not want me in that way anymore and that is something I can’t bare to think of.


My eyes light up when we walk into his condo. His spot is not exactly what I think a professor’s salary can afford and I am pretty impressed. It isn’t the mansion I grew up in but it is nice. Wall to wall windows, vaulted ceilings, recessed lighting;
and hand-scraped oak wood floors greet us at the entrance. His kitchen is all black everything except for the stainless steel appliances and the Venetian gold countertops. Black marble floors, black cabinetry with a glass front… the whole shebang.

“Take your clothes off
,” he instructs as he pours us both a glass of wine and pulls a dining room chair in front of me.

I look at him and wonder what he is going to have me do. He retires into the chair and I am standing in front of him feeling a lot less courageous than earlier. I have taken my clothes off in front of him before but this time seems so bad.

“Right now?” My arms are crossed and my shoulders are hunched over.

“Yo! I don’t got all night woman,” he grabs something out of his pocket and put
s it in his mouth. It’s a blunt, he lights it and the distinct smell fills the air. I have a professor who smokes? This is a side of him I never thought I would see. He’s so bossy, so relaxed, so gutter and it turns me on.

I take of
f my outfit and try to cover my breasts with my arms. This is one day I wish I had worn a bra and some panties. I feel so naked and ashamed.

“Drop your arms Piper,” I do as he says and watch him take a hit off the blunt and blow it out of his nose. “So ma you like to have all that ass and titties out at the club
but you fold over in front of me huh? I’ve already seen it all so what’s the problem?”

“It’s different and you are making me feel uncomfortable Dr. James. I didn’t come here for this.”

BOOK: A Red Apple
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