A Patriot's History of the Modern World (85 page)

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Authors: Larry Schweikart,Dave Dougherty

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American Birth Control League, 185

American Economic Association, 180

American Eugenics Society, 183, 195

American exceptionalism

and ascent to world power, 7–12

European misunderstanding of, 5–6

four pillars of, 4–5, 9, 211, 229

immigrants' challenge to, 6–7

and Lindbergh's flight, 176–77

in postwar world, 423–24

American Relief Administration, 241

Amiens, Battle of, 137

Amundsen, Roald, 2, 62

Anarchism, Spanish, 279, 282, 283

Anderson, Kenneth, 377

Andreas-Salomé, Lou, 62

Anfuso, Filippo, 275

Angell, Norman, 69–70, 293

Antarctic expeditions, 2, 61, 62

Anti-Comintern Pact of 1936, 296


and eugenics theory, 181, 188, 189

in Europe, 188–90

of Hitler, 260, 262–64

Jewish response to, 188–89

in United States, 187

See also

Appleton, Thomas, 76

Arab Bureau, 198

Araki, Sadao, 301

Architecture, 64–68

Arctic expedition, 2, 61–62

Ardennes offensive, 412–13

Argentina, 225, 226

Armenians, Turkish massacre of, 220–22


Army, U.S.
United States Army

Arnold, Henry H. “Hap,” 358

Art, 69

Asada, Sadao, 417


Japanese cult of, 300, 301

political, 82–83

Astor, William Waldorf, 291

Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal, 221

Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 417–18, 419, 421

Auschwitz, 387–88, 389, 390

Australia, 100, 214, 301, 353, 393–94, 405


Dollfuss assassination, 271

Nazism in, 265

Nazi takeover of, 286

Austro-Hungarian Empire

assassination of Franz Ferdinand, 81, 82

and Treaty of Versailles, 155, 164, 219

in World War I, 83, 106

Automobile industry, 269, 353


design advances in, 173–74

Hughes's contributions to, 354–55

and Lindbergh's flight, 175–77

See also
Air power

Azaña, Manuel, 279, 280

Baker, Newton D., Jr., 128, 136, 174

Balaclava, Battle of, 38

Baldwin, Stanley, 273, 290, 293, 329

Balfour, A.J., 249

Balfour, Arthur, 155, 162, 200

Balfour Declaration of 1917, 199, 200

Ballets, of Stravinsky, 68

Banks and banking

failures, 246–47

Federal Reserve System, 8, 118, 123, 241, 247

fractional reserve, 248

regulation of, 253

Barbary pirates, 36

Baring, Maurice, 78

Barnes, Ralph, 244

Barnett, Correlli, 276

Barton, Bruce, 231

Baruch, Bernard, 121–22, 293

Bataan Death March, 363, 366

Batton, Barton, Durstein, and Osborn (BBD&O), 230, 231

Bauhaus school of architecture, 67–68

Baur, Erwin, 194

Bayonet charge, 75, 92, 129, 131

Beard, Charles, 21

Beatty, David, 110

Beaverbrook, Lord, 327, 342

Beck, Ludwig, 271, 288

“Beer Hall” Putsch, 261, 265


in World War I, 81, 84, 85–90

in World War II, 320, 321, 322

Bell, Alexander Graham, 183

Belleau Wood, Battle of, 129–30

Benedict XV, Pope, 164

Beneš, Edvard, 162, 288

Bennett, Paul G., 407

Bensel, Richard, 43, 119–20

Berg, E.J., 205

Berlin, fall of, 413–14

Berlin Congress of 1878, 220

Berlin West Africa Conference of 1884–85, 220

Bernhardi, Friedrich von, 77, 80

Bernstorff, Joann von, 116

Bethmann-Holweg, Theobald von, 101, 115

Beveridge, William, 360

Bierce, Ambrose, 109

Big Parade, The
, 137

Binding, Karl, 179, 192

Birkenau extermination camp, 388

Birth Control Review
, 185

Birth rate decline, in Europe, 190–92

Bismarck, Otto von, 117

Bismarck Sea, Battle of, 400

Blackadder Goes Forth
, 138

(lightning war), 322

Bloch, Ivan S., 75, 90, 139

Block, Harlon, 415

Blomberg, Werner von, 258

Blum, John Morton, 354

Boer War, 2, 39, 40, 79, 85, 89, 161, 206, 328

Bolivia, 225


cease-fire with Germany, 126–27, 147, 154

Jewish, 189, 398

Marxism-Leninism, 140–43

revolutionary agenda of, 143–45

seizure of power, 145–48

Bombers, long-range, 174

Bombing raids.
Air power

Bonar Law, Andrew, 214

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 361

Bonnet, William, 289

Bonus Army, 395

Borah, William, 170, 224

Bormann, Martin, 217

Bourdieu, Pierre, 232

Boxer Rebellion, 8

Bradley, Omar, 396, 407, 413

Brandeis, Louis, 113

Brauchitsch, Walther von, 270

Braun, Eva, 413

Brazil, 225

Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of, 127, 154, 173

Briand, Aristide, 173


and Abyssinian (Ethiopian) conflict, 273–75

air power of, 269, 315, 341, 357–58

Antarctic expedition of, 2, 61, 62

appeasement of Hitler, 286, 288–91, 293, 295

Arab Bureau, 198

Balfour Declaration, 199, 200

in Boer War, 2, 39, 40, 79, 85, 89, 206, 328

declaration of war against Hitler, 298

diplomatic response to Hitler, 271–72, 276–78

diplomatic response to Mussolini, 275–76

economic growth of, 71

Egyptian/Sudan expedition, 1–2, 37–38

end of world leadership, 2

eugenics movement in, 179, 188, 193

–French relations, 168–69

in Ireland, 41–42

–Japan relations, 172

“lost generation” of, 138

in Middle East, 198–99, 200

as naval power, 60–61, 110, 111, 114, 170, 213–14, 318, 326, 357

Nazi sympathizers in, 291–92

and Panama Canal project, 53

rearmament policy in, 277, 329

and Spanish-American War, 21–23, 27

at Versailles Conference, 155, 159, 160, 164

welfare state in, 360–61

in World War I, 81, 83–85, 90, 93–103, 111, 114, 126, 132, 134, 136

and World War I aftermath, 138, 139

in World War II

Battle of Britain, 326–30

in Burma, 366

at Casablanca Conference, 401–2

casualties of, 414

Churchill-Stalin talks, 410–11

in Crete, 335–36, 374

D-Day invasion, 409–10

fall of France, 320, 321

in Greece, 374

Lend-Lease aid to, 306, 331, 347

in Libya, 335

in Middle East, 336, 374, 375–76

in North Africa, 377–78

in Norway, 318

“Phony War,” 313, 317

and Soviet aid, 341–43, 403

British Empire

American colonies, 210–11

colonial system of, 36–37, 41, 196–97

decolonization policy in, 203

economic costs of, 40, 204–5

equal rights movement in, 197–98

imports from, 311

Mahdist uprising, 34–36, 38–39, 85

security exposure of, 213–14

wars in, 38–39, 40–41

Brockdorff-Rantzau, Ulrich von, 162, 312

Brooke, Alan, 376, 377–78, 406, 407–8

Brooke, Rupert, 78, 138

Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR), 132

Brüning, Heinrich, 217, 257

Bryan-Chamorro Treaty of 1916, 224

Bryan, William Jennings, 3, 31, 44, 107, 111

Buckmaster, Elliott, 381

Buck v. Bell
, 183

Bulgaria, 165, 256, 335, 402

Bullard, Robert, 132

Buller, Redvers, 328

Bullitt, William, 113

Bülow, Karl von, 88, 96, 97, 98

Bunau-Varilla, Philippe, 52, 53

Burbank, Luther, 183

Bureau of the Budget, 121

Burgdörfer, Friedrich, 191

Burleson, Albert Sidney, 124

Burma, 366, 401

Bushhido, 208, 300, 302, 391, 393

Business and industry

advertising, 230–32

and consumer interaction, 228–30

development of, 44–45

inventors and innovators, 354–56

in Latin America, 226–27

military production, 119–20, 121–23, 353–56

and New Deal policies, 252–53, 354

in northern states, 44

postwar decline, 240

railroad expansion, 45, 72

Rotary International promotion of, 227–28

and tax cuts, 236

trust regulation, 45–47, 240

See also
Banks and banking

Butcher, Harry, 409

Butler, Smedley, 34, 223, 224

Byas, Hugh, 303

Caco Wars, 34

Calvo Sotelo, José, 281

Campbell-Bannerman, Henry, 161

Camus, Albert, 360

Canada, 168, 172

agriculture in, 245

autonomy of, 197–98

in World War I, 100

Capitalist system

and American exceptionalism, 5

inventors and innovators in, 354–56

military dominance of, 40

war blamed on, 361

Cárdenas, Julio, 108

Cárdenas, Lázaro, 227

Caribbean interventions, U.S., 33–34.
See also
Spanish-American War

Carlton, Julian, 64

Carnegie, Andrew, 17, 19–20, 54, 121, 186

Carol II, King of Romania, 272

Carr, Edward Hallett, 291

Carranza, Venustiano, 106, 107, 108, 109

Carter, Jimmy, 11

Casablanca Conference, 377, 401–2, 403

Castelar, Emilio, 24

Catholic Church

Concordat with Nazis, 360

and Holocaust, 389

Spanish anarchist attacks on, 279

in Spanish Civil War, 282–83

Cavalry, end of, 75, 90

CEDA (Confederation of the Autonomous Right), 280

Censorship, in World War I, 124–25

Chamberlain, Austen, 172

Chamberlain, Neville, 272, 286, 288–90, 293, 294, 330, 348

Chamorro, Emiliano, 224

Chaplin, Charlie, 300

Chautemps, Camille, 293

Chelmno extermination camp, 387

Cheney, Mamah, 64

Chiang Kai-shek, 306, 366, 391

Chichibu, Prince, 302

Chile, 225


Japanese atrocities in, 391

Japanese expansionism in, 209–10, 301, 304

modernization of, 208

Nationalist, 306, 366, 391

under Sun Yat-sen, 208–9

unskilled labor in, 210

Chlorine gas, 101


blamed for Nazi rise, 361

Nazi persecution of, 264

See also
Catholic Church

Christie, J. Walter, 122, 356

Christmas truce, 99–100

Churchill, Winston

and Battle of Britain, 327–28

at Casablanca Conference, 401–2

and fall of France, 323–26

and Holocaust, 390

and Middle East, 199

military adventures of, 1–2, 328

on obsolescence of war, 70, 75

opposition to Hitler, 199, 291, 293, 329–30

oratory of, 325–26, 330

political career of, 328, 329, 330

as prime minister, 330

and rearmament, 277, 329

and Stalin, 403, 410–11

at Tehran Conference, 402

wartime leadership of, 334, 358, 374, 376, 393–94

in World War I, 328

writings of, 330

Ciano, Galeazzo, 275

Citizenship, in U.S., 37

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 252

Civil War (U.S.)

casualties, 91–92

guerrilla warfare in, 89

Hitler's view of, 316

regiment recruitment in, 134–35

weapons and supplies, 119–20

Clark, Mark, 396

Clausewitz, 419

Clayton Act, 240

Clayton-Bulwer Treaty of 1850, 53

Clemenceau, Georges

as antitraditionalist, 160–61

on French prewar malaise, 77

at Versailles Conference, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160

Cliveden set, 291

Cobb, Humphrey, 139

Coca-Cola, 227

Colindres, Vicente Mejía, 226

Colombia, 53


and decolonization policy, 201–6, 213

dependency theory of, 225

economic costs of, 204–5

economic growth in, 205–6

European ruling class in, 196–97

and land ownership, 210–11

native administration in, 212

security requirements of, 213–14

trade with, 311

and Versailles Conference, 162, 198, 199

in World War I, 100–101, 102, 104, 196

See also
British Empire

Colt, Samuel, 120

Common-law heritage, and American exceptionalism, 4–5

Commons, John R., 181

Communications technology, in World War I, 91

Communist International (Comintern), 296

Communist Party, Spanish, 280, 281

Comstock Law, 185

Condor Legion, 285

Conquest, Robert, 150, 244

Progressives, 3–4, 11

Consumerism, American, 228–30

Cook, Frederick A., 61

Coolidge, Calvin, 4, 11, 308

agriculture policy of, 236–37, 245

and Hoover, 241

isolationism of, 224

Lindbergh honored by, 175

and Mitchell court-martial, 176

tax cuts of, 215, 236

Cortés, 38

Cox, James M., 119, 235

Creel, George, 124

Cremation, Nazi, 386, 387–88

Crete, in World War II, 335–36, 374

Creveld, Martin van, 379

Croly, Herbert, 180

Cromwell, William Nelson, 52–53

Crzellitzer, Arthur, 188


in Spanish-American War, 25–38

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