A Life Plan Without You. (21 page)

Read A Life Plan Without You. Online

Authors: Christine Wood

Tags: #bullying, #longing, #first love, #lonliness, #ballroom dancing, #insecurities, #age differences, #80s disco era, #family fudes

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“Wow, I need to breathe Sam, what’s the matter?” He looked

“I’ve had an amazing weekend and I just don’t want it to end.
Can I come and see you tomorrow, or have you got plans?” He looked
at me with those dreamy eyes and almost begging for an

“I can’t see why not, they all know about you now. I have to
be in bed early, college in the morning… We will have a house full,
so no funny stuff.” He nuzzled my neck as I said yes, and sighed.
How serious, was this getting, was he after something casual, or
what? He’d already said he loved me loads of times, sheisk I hope
he wants more, lots more.

“I’m sure I don’t know, what you mean. I need to ask Susan if
I can take you out at the weekend anyhow, because it’s bound to be
a late night I’m sure she’ll be fine with it, if I tell her I’m
walking you home?” I laughed because he didn’t know Susan, like I
knew Susan! She was no pushover wasn’t my mother, and she was
nothing compared to Dad.

“Good luck, I argued for the midnight curfew on Saturday
night. That one, I’m going to leave in your hands.” He will need
it, Dad wants me in at night and looked after he needs to know
where I am, I’m still eight in his eyes, not eighteen, though when
he said those things to Sam about people out to get him through me,
I know now why he has worries about going out alone, and in pubs
and clubs.

We took the short cut down the path to the cricket steps. My
come to think on steps. I often sit on these at dinnertime and just
tell them my problems they listen and don’t judge me; but they’re
not really good on the advice though.

“We still have an hour.” I grabbed that cute bum of his and we
sat on the steps. Sam sat down and I sat on his lap facing him my
legs behind him clinging to his backside. I was cold, Sam had me in
a tight hug, and he kissed me. He had me tightly wrapped in his
arms, and it was spine chillingly wonderful. I kissed him back and
wow the snake had awoken and his moaning deepened, his kisses
became more urgent.

“I want you, Michelle, and how I want you.” He was busy
kissing my neck.

“I want you too, but not here and not now.” He continued to
kiss my neck. “Ouch, what did you do?” He stopped what he was doing
and winked.

“You have a hicky from Sam, not Kenickie. See I did learn
something from the film.” I was well… I don’t know what I was? So I
returned the favour right back, this wasn’t a punishment after all.
He was now, even more worked up in the trouser department and I
wasn’t helping him any, as my bum was massaging the little bugger,
he begged me to carry on, so I did, we made out and our kisses were
wild, he held my head to his as our tongues worked together
feverishly, I continued with the bum massage whilst sat on his lap,
his breathing laboured. His kisses were hot and needy, this felt
weird and yet wonderful.

“Please Michelle… Oh hell yes…God, yesssss…”


Oh hell I could stop here all night doing just this, her
backside grinds into my lap, and as it’s so nice I want more, I’m
hard for her and need her, but what if I do that and she leaves me
what will I do then? No we need to wait, I want to wait well at
least until we have known each other and I get my shit sorted? But
for now yeah this I can do all night, fuck arghhhh stop baby I’m
coming this is too much, too much fuck, fuck, fuck


I didn’t know what he expected, but I carried on rubbing his
bulge with my bum, I loved he feelings in my own sex too, very
arousing, to say the least. Whilst kissing him harder and harder,
my sex got tinglier and tinglier. He grabbed my hair and pulled my
head back his kisses were as wild as that first time, in the alley.
He grabbed my tongue with his teeth, and let out a long slow moan,
he it seems liked the bum massage…

“That wasn’t quite what I had planned and it was something I
had not at all prepared for, but that was fantastic. I love you so
much… It’s crazy, people talk all the time about love at first
sight and I never believed them, but from the moment I saw you
dancing down there.” He pointed to the path alongside the field. “I
was hooked, one hundred per cent hooked.” I blushed at him
declaring his love for me I too was so smitten, I loved him and he
loved me back… Wow.

“Sam I fell for you too and as soon as you came into Ridgley’s
that night. I thought you were so damn sexy, and I couldn’t wait
for Friday nights.” We kissed and he walked me to the door. I felt
on top of the world with his arm wrapped tightly around

“This isn’t the door I posted your cards through by the way.
It was next door.”


Shit, there were a few valentines cards too, I do hope they
didn’t open them, how did I get it so wrong? I never saw the actual
house for fear of her seeing me? I just knew it was either this one
or the one I chose…


“Next door? Alice, she wouldn’t have thought to post it
through our door, and she will still have it, she’s a compulsive
hoarder, thank the Lord, wow I get to see my birthday card. I’ll
pop in tomorrow for it. The flower shop know who we are, that’s why
they didn’t question it. My Dad’s always getting Mum flowers when
they’ve rowed. As to the card on them perhaps Millie their
daughter, and not one of my friends, read it and had taken it off?
She’s a bit of an interfering, jealous, and nosey bitch.” He
laughed taking his hand from my waist and holding my chin in his
hand leant down and kissed me.

“Mystery solved then.” He kissed me good night, and waved as
he rounded the corner. Wow what a weekend. Off to face mum. I
closed the front door and walked into the front room, dad wasn’t
there and mum was watching the telly.

“Your back a bit late Michelle, don’t make a habit you’ve got
college in the morning.” I shook my head in disbelief, how old did
she think I was? It’s not even ten o’clock.

“I’m off to bed Mum night.” I undressed in the dark so as not
to wake Becky, but she was awake.

“What’s made you be in a happy mood then, and when did you get

“In the summer, now go to sleep.” Tonight I would dream about
a weekend of new things, wild things, sexy things him and me

Waking up in the morning to Becky, screaming abuse at her
clothes drawers wasn’t a great start to the day! She is looking for
her missing jumper that was just there and now had just gone? She
is so damn loud. I turned and pointed at the door.

“I know I took it off somewhere, Mum says it’s in the bottom
drawer, it isn’t, though.” I shook my head.

“It’s on the back of the door open your sodding eyes can’t you
see it?” She’s so unorganized.

“Thanks, Mum says get your bum outta bed now or you’ll be
late.” As if, we live less than two hundred yards from the college
gates, and I’m organized. Getting dressed today was easy I didn’t
have to faff with the hair, it went up in a bobble and sprayed it
to my head, and it had a sort of coconut meets pineapple thing
going on? My clothes are already waiting for me on the back of the
door, grabbing a slice of toast, and out I go. Mandy walked with
me, talking about Paul, Paul this and Paul that, I wasn’t
interested, but I listened, it would have been rude not

“How was your weekend then Michelle? The last thing I saw was
you heading off with that hunky fella, at dance classes.” I wanted
to scream his name aloud…

“Oh it was great. I’m actually seeing him now, and he’s Called
Sam.” She looked as shocked as the others did yesterday. However
with that Paul came by and I was history.

“See you later.” Off she went via the park and into the
shelters for a quickie, classy or what? My merry band of mates
we’re waiting by the gates for me, as I rounded the corner to the
gates. I didn’t expect a welcoming committee, but those who hadn’t
been there yesterday had all been told today that I had a fella and
he was a lot older than I was.

“You kept that quiet Michelle, why has he got two heads?” I
was about to answer when I was grabbed from behind. I didn’t have
to turn because I knew who it was, from the hands.

“So, you came to walk me ten foot to college did you? Or is
there an ulterior motive, perhaps letting a certain person know I’m
yours?” He just shrugged his shoulders.

“I’m on my way to uni, fancy meeting me at dinner? The other
is an added bonus.” He kissed me and asked again about dinner, the
others were watching opened mouthed as his kiss deepened. He pulled
away kissing my nose as he repeated, the question.

“Sorry I can’t, we’ve got hockey practice at dinner time.
You’re going to have to make do with tonight.” I kissed him again
and off he went, smiling. I watched as he crossed the yard and up
the hill towards uni, his mission had worked. My heart was without
a doubt Sam Todd’s, and his alone.


I head of towards tech, her kiss still lingering on my lips,
and God do I feel like the cat that got the cream. Slapping sad
lads back on the way there, he’s with that cow Karen. I get to my
classes and I grab my week’s assignments, and I’m immediately
called through to the office, and I’m handed a note.

“Can you let my tutors know please that I have to get to the
hospital? My mum’s been rushed in?” I grab a taxi and I head to the
reception area.

“Emma Todd, she’s my mother she’s been brought in by
ambulance?” I’m panicking. What’s he done to her this time? I dread
these phone calls, never knowing how bad the injuries are or how
life threatening. One day we will get that phone call.

“Mr Todd she’s in x-ray, follow the red line around and its
sign posted please don’t worry.” I thank her and find her waiting
to be seen, I didn’t need the red line my feet know the way. She
was sat on her own her leg up and looking frail.

“Sam love, I fell down the stairs and well the postman found
me, I could have been there all day.” I smiled.

“Dad’s been busy again Mum? This has to stop please!” She
gave me the look, as if to say I’m telling the truth. I get my
books out and go over the assignments for next week, as she sits
patiently, and after about an hour, the doctor looks at her ankle,
and her x-rays.

“Nothing is broken Mrs Todd, but you will have to keep your
leg raised and try to keep off it for a few days.” I smiled as they
wrapped her knee down to her ankle, I phoned for a taxi, I could
have phoned Aunty, but mum wouldn’t let me. We get in a taxi and
headed home. Waiting for Jimmy to come home I get annoyed when he
isn’t home by eight, the little shit didn’t come home at all, he’d
told mum he was going to Aunt Allison’s for the night, and she’d

Andy is a no show as is dad. So it meant I couldn’t see
Michelle, I need to get her Aunty Liz’s phone number. Shit, she’s
going to be mad as hell with me, but I can’t leave mum. I do my
course work and decide we really need to get a telephone put in our
bedroom, blast dad and him not wanting one. It’s too handy for
emergency services and he thinks I don’t know the real reason for
our lack of outside communication, when I get a house there will be
a phone in every sodding room, even the damn toilet. Neither dad
nor Andy turned up all night. I’m hoping Aunty Allison will have
taken Jimmy to college, because he has an exam this morning. She
never comes in the house, because of her hatred of dad. I make mum
breakfast and sit with her until Andy gets in. Having a right go at
him when he finally bothers to come home.

“Cheers Andy, I only needed half an hour to tell her I had a
problem, it wouldn’t have killed you to come back would it?” He
apologised. I phoned in work explained about mum and told them I
would be in, all day Friday and make up the hours, they told me to
take as long as I needed, they knew mum was ill a lot and were used
to me taking time off. I went back with the groceries from the shop
we needed. Jimmy could stop home tomorrow, no exams. Andy can take
a day off too, so that covers the time needed for her to get
better, this could all be sorted, if she would bloody well leave
him, she doesn’t need this and I’m getting fed up of it now. Andy
feels the same too. I need someone to talk this through with, but I
can talk until I’m blue in the face with mum, and she won’t budge,
and I don’t know why?


The rest of the yard had seen him kiss me, as had Becky, Jimmy
however looked mad as Sam slapped him on the back as he passed him.
I laughed as Karen didn’t look any too pleased either, glaring in
my direction. Perhaps Sam had given me confidence enough to not be
the one being bullied and taken the micky out off, because I did
feel more confident in myself, more than I had ever done before.
Was the reason for that, walking his hunky arse across the college
grounds to uni, my fella, Sam?

“That girls, was Sam Todd, Jimmy’s older brother, and my
gorgeous boyfriend.” I giggled at the things running through my
mind the things we had done, wow. Tasha hummed, as did Sasha. The
wasp sniggered.

“What does he see in you?” I smiled.

“Apparently, lots he’s been watching me for months, plucking
up the courage to ask me, and wow isn’t he wonderful? Well he’s all
mine and yes he’s perfect thank you Kelly.” The morning dragged
maths and English followed by a practice session in goals at dinner
and I have to say, I half hoped he was watching. I had a great
practice session and even threatened, Jimmy with the promised kick
to his balls, in games.

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