A Hockey Tutor (14 page)

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Authors: Mary Smith

BOOK: A Hockey Tutor
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Chapter 17 – Katie


My eyes fluttered open in the dimly lit room. I could feel Andrew behind me. His strong arms, holding me tightly against his body, made me smile. I didn't know how many times we had sex, but I was exhausted, and it was worth it.

Sex with Brandon was good, but I didn’t realize what I was missing. Andrew’s tongue, touch, kisses, and motion were something I had never experienced. I carefully rolled over to see his sleeping face. His full lips were closed tightly as he quietly breathed through his nose. His long, thick eyelashes were spread out over his beautiful face.

I eased out of his arms, and the bed. I had to hold in the moan of pain from between my legs. No, I wasn't a virgin, but it had been a while since I had had sex. I went into the bathroom and cleaned up the best I could.

When I stepped back out, I saw Andrew was still asleep. I hated to leave him, but I needed to go home. I quietly got dressed, and kissed his cheek as I walked out.

“Well, someone is doing the walk of shame,” Lindsay said as I walked into our apartment. “I see someone threw out their infamous rule.” She winked at me.

“Shut up,” I said as I sat down next to her on the couch.

“Ha, moving a little slow?” Lindsay scoffed at me.

“I might be a little sore.” I stretched my legs out to rest on the coffee table.

“Well?” she said, looking at me questioningly.

“Well, what?”

“How was it?”

I smiled brightly. “Incredible.”

“Wow, I can’t remember the last time I've seen that look on your face,” Lindsay observed. “So, what’s next for you two?”

I shrugged, because I really didn’t know. Did Andrew want a relationship? Or was I just going to be a tutor-with-benefits? I didn’t get the impression that it was going to be a causal relationship, but maybe I should ask him.

“Do you want more from him?” she asked.

“Truthfully, I would. I had so much fun last night, and not just the sex. Our date was an absolute blast, and I can’t remember having that much fun in a long time with a guy,” I told her honestly.

Lindsay, my best friend, took my hand and squeezed it. “You deserve it.” She gave me a small smile.

“I need to get ready for our tutoring session. Maybe you and I could go shopping this afternoon for our Halloween costumes?” I suggested. I hadn’t really gotten to hang out with her since I'd been so busy.

“Yes, let’s do it. Oh, let’s have a girls' night.” Her eyes grew wide with excitement.

“You’re on.”




I sent Andrew numerous texts, reminding him that we had a session that morning. I was reading in the library, when two large hands appeared on the table, on either side of me.

“Please explain to me why I didn’t wake up with you in my arms?” Andrew asked, his whisper tickling my ear.

“I had things to do this morning,” I explained, trying to keep my heart rate under control.

“The only
you had to do was me, again.” He kissed the sensitive spot on my neck, just under my ear, and my breath caught.

“Andrew,” I said, swallowing back the arousal I was feeling, “we need to study.” I was trying to state it firmly to him, but my voice cracked, and I knew I had failed.

He lightly chuckled in my ear. “Fine.” He pushed off the table, dropped his bag, and sat down next to me. “I thought if I slept with the tutor, I wouldn’t have to study.”

“Tough. Your dad paid me to do a job, and I am going to see it through. Just because we slept together doesn’t mean that you still don’t have things to do.”

Andrew looked at me for a moment. “You’re right. Let’s get started.”

We went through the classes that were going to have actual midterm tests, and made sure we reviewed all the chapters that would be covered. Then we finished our English paper, and before I knew it, five hours had passed and I was starving.

“Okay,” he said, shutting his book and turning his attention to me. “What are we going to do the rest of the weekend?” He kissed the inside of my wrist.

aren’t doing anything tonight,” I told him.

“What?” Andrew’s expression was confused and shocked.

spending the day with Lindsay and having a girls' night.
can do whatever it is you do,” I said, grinning. I packed my bag, and stood to leave.

“You know, most girls wouldn’t leave my side, and you’re just taking off at the beginning of our relationship.” Andrew shook his head, smiling.

I stopped. He said it. We were in a relationship. It wasn’t just a casual fling. I quickly composed myself, and leaned down to him. “Well, I’m not most girls.” I kissed him hard and fast, then left, leaving him at the table.

I welcomed the brisk autumn air as I walked out of the library and headed to the BMW. I wanted to be in a relationship, right? I liked Andrew, a lot. Of course, the sex was freaking amazing, which was a plus.

Maybe this girls' night was exactly what I needed? I started the car and took off to the apartment.

I parked in my usual spot, and sent a text to Lindsay that I was there. She came flying out the door and jumped into the car.

“Um, are you excited?” I giggled at her.

“Hey, we haven’t had a girls' night since you started tutoring, so yes, I am,” she squealed, and bounced up and down in her seat.

I laughed at her giddiness. “To the mall!” I announced, and we headed off.

Our first stop was the Halloween Store, to search for our costumes. Last year, I went as a naughty nurse, but I had no clue what I was going to be this year. I searched rack after rack, and saw nothing that I liked.

Lindsay squealed next to me. “This is the one.” She pulled it off the hanger and inspected it.

“Smutty cop? Really?”

“Yes. Besides, it comes with its own handcuffs, and mine broke last week.” She said it so casually, it cracked me up.

“You broke your handcuffs?” I asked, still giggling.

“Well, it’s not like they were standard-issue, or anything,” Lindsay said with a wink. “I’m getting it. Now, your turn,” she said as she pointed over to another rack of costumes.

I took a deep breath, and headed towards them. One after another I skimmed through them, and found nothing. I was about to give up, when Lindsay called me over.

“How about slutty Snow White?” Lindsay said, pointing to the costume next to it.

“Perfect,” I said confidently.

We paid for our items and headed to the food court inside the mall. We discussed school, and projects that we were working on. It was nice just to hang out with Lindsay. It had been a long time.

We got a slice of pizza and some chips, and sat down. I hadn't realized I was so hungry, until I started shoveling the contents into my mouth.

My phone alerted me of a text. It was from Andrew.

I just got out of the shower, now I’m thinking of you

I smiled. I could imagine him all wet, lying on the bed, naked, and me on top of him.

“Are you blushing?” Lindsay asked.

I shifted in my chair. “Maybe.”

“You know, Katie, I’m happy that you found someone. I was beginning to worry.” Lindsay took a drink of her pop.

“Why?” I sat my phone down, and looked at her, confused.

“Well, last year you didn’t really date anyone, and didn’t
anyone. Plus, this summer was all about Brandon, and even that wasn’t all that great. I’m glad that you are with someone.” I took a deep breath, and announced proudly, “I really like him.” I clamped my mouth shut as soon as the words came out.

“I don’t think that’s breaking news, Katie” Lindsay said, smirking at me. “I saw it the first time you two were in a room together.”

“Isn’t it strange, though? I mean, I was hired to be his tutor, and then we hung out more, and . . .” I trailed off.

“That doesn’t mean you can’t have feelings for the guy. Of course, I’m sure that wasn’t what Mr. Moore had in mind, but it happened. Just enjoy it.”

I let Lindsay’s words sink in. She’s right, and I should enjoy it. There was no harm in dating Andrew. We still could study together, and not let the relationship cause any issues. I think we proved that today.

Lindsay and I finished our food and resumed our shopping. I laughed, teased, and had an amazing afternoon with my friend. As we left the mall, we talked about what we should do that night. We decided to stay home and see what was on Netflix.

We dragged our bags into the apartment and tossed them into our respective rooms. I slipped into some comfy pajamas bottoms and a big sweatshirt. We decided to order some takeout, and watch a
Sex and the City

“It’s going to snow, again,” Lindsay said, looking up from her the weather app on her phone.

“Then it’s a perfect night to stay in and cozy up with the TV.” I said, flopping down on the couch next to her.

Lindsay and I piled our plates high with the chicken wings, as we discussed the details of the show. Of course, Lindsay kept comparing herself to Samantha. I shook my head, because I knew she was really a Miranda. She wanted to have the career, the kids, and the home life, all the while running down the street in Gucci heels.

I was still inhaling my food when there was a knock at the door. We both looked at each other. It was almost ten at night, and we weren't expecting anyone. The knock came again, louder this time.

Lindsay got up from the couch and went to the door, peeking through the peephole. She turned to me and rolled her eyes. As she opened the door, I could see why: Franks and Andrew walked in.

“We brought beer!” Franks announced, setting the case of beer on our table.

“It's girls' night,” I said.

“We know,” Andrew said, kissing my forehead. “We’re crashing it.” He grabbed my plate and took a huge bite of food.

“Hey!” I shouted, pulling the plate away from him.

Franks tugged Lindsay down onto his lap, and when the queue came up, both of the boys groaned loudly.

“It’s our night,” I said, taking another bite of my food. “What did you think we were watching?”

“Hockey,” they said simultaneously. Lindsay and I groaned.

“I guess our night is over.” I looked over at her. She nodded.

“Great,” Andrew reached for the remote, and turned on the Minnesota Wild game.

I put my plate down, and saw Franks whispering in Lindsay’s ear. I knew it wouldn’t be long before they left the room.

“Good night, everyone,” Lindsay giggled as they left the room.

I was right. Andrew took my hand and kissed my wrist. “Why aren’t you having a party tonight?” I asked him. I think it was the first weekend since I'd known him that he
had a party.

“I wanted to spend time with you” He spun around in his seat, and cupped my face. “I
have missed you today.”

“I highly doubt that,” I said softly.

“I don’t,” he said, kissing me. Wow, his lips could turn me on like no other.

“I’m sure you want to watch this game,” I said breathlessly. He didn’t say anything; he just searched my face. I watched his beautiful blue eyes. “Why don’t I clean this up, then we can hang out?” I suggested.

He nodded, releasing my face. I gathered the food, and trash, as Andrew sat back and watched the game. I was on the brink of ripping his clothes off, right there on the couch. I cleaned up everything, before going back into the living room.

Andrew was stretched out on the couch. He seemed relaxed and at home. It was nice to see him that way. His messy blonde hair contrasted with the black microfiber couch. He was watching the game so intently that I almost didn’t want to disturb him. At the final second of the game, he looked up and smiled.

I walked over to him. He started to get up, but I pushed him back on the couch, and followed him down. I curled up into his chest, inhaled his cologne, and closed my eyes. Andrew gently rubbed my back, and my eyes grew heavy. My last thought was, I didn’t want to be anywhere else but right here.

Chapter 18 – Andrew


I felt her against my chest, her breathing even and low. My Katie fell asleep in my arms. No girl had ever done that. I turned the TV off, because I really didn’t care about the game, and I continued to rub her back. I had thought about her since the moment she left the library. This had turned out to be the best bye week that I'd had in a long time.

I eased myself up, bringing Katie up with me. I gathered her up in my arms, carried her to the bedroom, and carefully laid her in the bed. I removed the bags that covered it, noticing the Snow White costume. I couldn’t wait to see her in that outfit.

I took the blanket that was at the end of her bed, and covered her up with it. I strolled over to the other side of the bed. I took my sneakers off and crawled into bed with her. I pushed her hair away from her face and looked at her. I kissed her forehead curled up next to her, and fell asleep.




I woke up and realized that I was in bed alone. I sat up and rolled my neck around. Katie’s bed was not the most comfortable, but I was with her, that’s what mattered to me.

I got up and went into the kitchen, where Katie was sitting at the table.

“Cereal?” Katie pushed a box towards me.

“Sure.” I sat next to her and poured some cereal into the empty bowl in front of me. Katie then handed me the milk.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes, with only the crunch of breakfast in the air.

“Sorry, I fell asleep on you,” Katie said finally.

“It was fine. I actually didn’t realize how tired I was,” I told her honestly.

“Well, let’s get our studying done, and then we can have the afternoon off,” she said, patting my hand.

“How about we study later? I have somewhere I need to be.” I checked the clock on my phone. I wanted to get to church early and talk to Uncle Mike.

“It’s Sunday, where do you have to be?” Katie sat back in the chair, and looked at me.

“I have an appointment,” I said. I stood up and kissed her on the forehead, then went back to her bedroom and slipped my sneakers on.

I left her place and drove over to my house. I quickly got ready and headed to Uncle Mike's morning mass. As usual, the church was packed. I sat in the back and listened to the sermon, but all I could think about was Katie. Why hadn’t I told her I was going to church? Ever since my mom had died, I had been coming to church alone. It felt sacred, personal, and I guess I wasn’t comfortable sharing it with anyone, even Katie.

When the service was over, the church emptied out, but I didn’t move from my spot. I watched Uncle Mike talking to the members of the church. My mother always said that Uncle Mike was meant to be a priest because of his good-hearted soul. Of course, being a smart-mouthed kid, I didn’t see what the she was talking about. Now I understood. When Mom died, it was Uncle Mike that I turned to. He really listened to me, and he cared for me.

When the last person left, Father Michael sat down next to me. I looked down at my hands and didn’t say anything.

“Am I going to have to pry it out of you?” he finally asked.

“I think I’m in love.” Yep, I just blurted it out. Even hearing it, my stomach did flips and my heart was racing.

“Before I jump to conclusions, are we talking about a person, or a piece of hockey equipment?” Uncle Mike asked.

I laughed. Uncle Mike always tried to make me laugh. I looked up at him. “It’s a girl.”

He put his hands up. “I’m just making sure,” he said smiling and slapping him on the back. ”But considering our last conversation, I should’ve guessed.”

“It’s Katie, my tutor.” I took a deep breath and told him everything. I explained what happened and what led to our first date. I described how much fun we had at the rink, and how she still made me study the day after. The more I talked about her, the more I missed her.

“Andrew, I truly don’t think I’ve ever heard you express that much emotion about a person.”

“I know. It’s too soon, right?”

“Want to hear something?” Uncle Mike turned fully to me.

I nodded.

“When your mother told me about the first time she met your dad, she said she knew he was the one. Her exact words, ‘When it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be.’” He patted my shoulder. “So I’m going to say the same thing to you.”

“Thank you,” I said. I needed to hear my mom’s words, because it made me feel like she was there with me.

I hugged him as I left. I drove home, thinking about Mom. She would like Katie. I could see them getting along, laughing and joking. I missed her. I thought after a couple years it would be easier, and the pain would go away, but it was the opposite. The heartache was still there, and every time I thought of her, it l hurt as if I had just lost her.

I walked into the house and went to my bedroom. I changed out of my suit and into a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt. I sent a text to Katie.

I’m heading to the library. You need me to pick you up?

I packed my bag up, when my phone alerted me.

I’m already here.

Of course she was; I should have known. I slung the bag over my shoulder and headed back to my car and to the library.

I found her at the same table we were at yesterday. Her brown hair was in a ponytail, and all I wanted to do was kiss her neck. Her golden eyes met mine as I set my stuff down next to her.

“Hey,” I said, kissing her cheek.

“Hey yourself,” she said, giving me a small smile. “Ready?”

I grinned. “I’m always ready for you.”

She rolled her eyes, and I knew that she was in tutor mode. I got my books out, and she dove right into explaining the rest of the business management project I needed to finish.

In the next four hours, we finished one business project and one ethics paper and did a ton of studying for our history midterm. I had never been this prepared for midterms before. I had done more studying in the past month than in my whole college career.

“We’re done for today,” Katie announced, shutting her book.

“So you’re not my tutor right now, right?” I asked.


I reached around her neck and brought her lips to mine. Her cherry lip gloss just added to the sweetness of her mouth. She moaned against my mouth, and I had to restrain myself from throwing her up on the table.

“Let’s go get some dinner, and maybe go see a movie, or something?” I broke away from her.

“Nope,” she said as stood up and threw books into her bag.

“Are you kidding?”

“No, I have to take some pictures for my final project in photography.”

“You’re ditching me to take some pictures?” I teased her.

“Photography is my favorite class, and my minor. So, yep, I’m ditching you.” She gave me a quick kiss on the lips and walked out of the library.

I needed a workout. I hadn’t done anything all weekend, and sex didn’t count. I headed back to the house, and I changed for the third time today, into workout clothes.

I went to the rink, where there was an attached workout room. I started out on the treadmill. I turned up the music and began to run.

The season was in full swing, and I had been doing really well. I didn’t want to jinx myself, but I was hoping for at least a shutout or two. That would really help my chances of getting into the NHL. Then again, I didn’t want them to think I could do that all the time. Letting one or two goals past was okay, and thankfully, I hadn’t had any more than that.

Juniors came to the forefront of my mind. Damn Wes and his cheating ways. I could still remember the anger that pulsed through me after finding out that he had been stacking his pads. Then it just enraged me more coming to St. Paul, and he was here. I was going to be the starting goalie, but I still had to deal with him.

I looked down at the display and saw that I had gone three miles. That was enough for me. I didn’t need to over work myself, especially, since I was going to be doing another workout in the early morning.

I needed my workout with a set of bench presses, and a hot shower.

I didn’t realize it was getting so late, and the bed was calling my name.




Practice, class, midterm, study, practice, workout, repeat. Monday through Friday, that was my week. When Friday finally came, I didn't know if I was going to be able to play. I was so tired. Coach was tougher on us this week because we had two big games this weekend.

I had wanted to spend more time with Katie this week, but it was just impossible. Besides classes and studying, where she was in tutor mindset, there were just a few kisses and some late-night texting between us.

Now, the wait began. Midterm grades were going to be released onto the website at four thirty. Dean Davidson told me that I couldn’t go to the locker room until I knew my grades, and Coach was made aware of this.

I was sitting at my desk, logged into the college’s site, waiting. My leg was bouncing nervously. I knew I had done well. Hell, I actually knew some of the questions on the test without looking at the multiple choice answers. On top of that, all of my projects were turned in.

“Hey.” Katie’s soft voice broke into my thoughts. “Grades up yet?”

I hit refresh and shook my head. “Not yet.”

She walked over and sat on my lap. Katie kissed my cheek. “I know that you did fine.”

“Thanks, Katie.” I kissed her. It was supposed to be an innocent peck, but she opened her mouth, and I felt her tongue touch mine. I softly tugged on her hair, causing her to open wider for me. My hand on her thigh crept up higher.

“Andrew, they’re up!” I heard Franks yell from downstairs.

I broke our kiss, but I didn’t look at the computer right away. I stared at Katie. Her swollen lips, golden brown eyes, and stunning face; that’s what I wanted.

She reached around me and hit refresh, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She wasn’t looking at me. Her attention was on the screen. “You passed!” she squealed. She spun around, smiling.

“What?” I shook my head and gawked at the screen. It wasn’t all A’s, but it was all passing. I did it. I was eligible to play.

“Congrats, Andrew,” Katie said warmly, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing my cheek. “Now, get to the rink.”

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