A Hockey Tutor (13 page)

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Authors: Mary Smith

BOOK: A Hockey Tutor
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Chapter 15 – Katie


When I awoke from my drunken slumber, all I wanted to do was stay in Andrew’s arms. However, I knew that wasn’t the brightest idea, so I got up and headed into the kitchen.

Of course, Lindsay was there, ready for every microscopic detail of the happenings in the bedroom. Considering I woke up fully clothed I sadly inform her that nothing happened, or at least nothing I remembered. “If I were you—” Lindsay began.

“But you’re not,” I interrupted.

“I know that. But if I
, I would totally ask him out,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

“Oh please,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Would you like my advice?” Lindsay asked seriously.

“Whether I say yes or no, you’re going to tell me.” I crossed my arms and leaned back in the chair.

“Yes, I am. Now, listen up.” She propped her elbows up on the table. “You like him. I know that you do. And this whole tough-girl attitude you have going on isn’t all that attractive. So, just shut up and ask him out.”

Lindsay was right; I did try to hide behind my smart mouth. Sure, I liked to be social, but I didn't trust people. When Andrew asked me out, I automatically said no, because it was business, but something had changed. I felt something.

“I hate you,” I said teasingly, trying not to think about her feelings right now.

“No you don’t,” Lindsay said, smiling at me. “You love me.”

I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped me as Andrew came through the door. She was right; I did like him. What was I waiting for?




I was on the verge of banging my head against the wall. I was a wreck, and I couldn’t believe that I was getting ready to go out with Andrew. This was either going to be great, or it was going to be a disaster.

I should have stuck to my guns and waited until the semester was over and I had fulfilled my tutoring obligations. I sat on my bed and looked at the picture of me and Nick on my desk. I closed my eyes, wishing that he were here to help me. I liked Andrew. There was something about him that kept drawing me to him, but I needed to keep it professional. Well, I t threw all that out the window when I asked him out. Now I needed to finish getting ready for the date.

As I stood in front of the mirror, I double-checked my outfit. I wasn’t sure where Andrew was taking me, and I needed to be prepared for anything. I had a pair of black skinny jeans on that hugged my ass perfectly. I had paired it with my yellow tank top and red dress jacket. The part of the outfit that I loved the most: my red knee high boots. I always made some crazy excuse to wear them, and tonight I was going to show them off with Andrew next to me.

“Wow, someone looks very happy,” Lindsay said, leaning on the bathroom doorframe.

I remained silent, putting the final touches on my makeup. When I finished, I turned to her and waited for her to say something. She didn't, only grinned at me. There was a knock at the door, and I jumped.

“Are you nervous?” Lindsay asked.

“No,” I lied to her.

“Liar. I know you better than that.” She went to answer the door.

I slipped back into my bedroom and gathered my purse and phone. I could hear Andrew talking in the living room, but I couldn't make out his words.

This wasn't the first time I'd been on a date. Plus, this is just Andrew. I'd been tutoring him for almost a month now.

I shook the thoughts out of my head. This was date, with a guy, and
I asked him
. I decided to forgo my original plan--keep things professional—and pursue this situation. I took a deep breath and walked out of my bedroom door.

Andrew was standing near the front door while Lindsay rambled on about something. He was listening politely to her, but I knew that look. It was the same look he gave Amber when he didn’t care about what she was droning on about.

I couldn’t do anything but gawk at him. He looked different. Not in a strange way, but in a
model kind of way. He had a pair of relaxed fit dark jeans on, and a light blue collared shirt. He pulled it all together with a dark brown leather jacket and matching boots. His -hair was the perfect combination of messy and fixed.

“Well, if you two are done drooling across the room at each other, you might want to go on your date,” Lindsay said, looking between us.

Andrew’s smirk deepened as he looked me up and down. “Come on, Katie, let’s go.” He held the door open for me.

“You kids have fun,” Lindsay sang out, shutting the door behind us.

Andrew chuckled as he took my hand and led me to his car. I didn't know why, but him simply holding my hand always made me feel good.

His sweet gestures continued when he opened the car door for me and made sure that I was in comfortably. The smile hadn’t left my face since the moment I left the apartment. As he got into the car, I wondered where he was going to take me for this date.

“So, what’s in store for tonight?” I finally asked him.

“It’s a surprise.” He kissed the inside of my wrist, sending a shiver down my spine.

I didn’t say anything, and enjoyed him holding my hand, as he drove towards downtown St. Paul. I thought maybe he was going to take me to somewhere fancy, and I was hoping that I was dressed okay.

“Hey, Andrew, what I’m wearing, is it okay?”

“Trust me, your ass is perfect in those tight jeans” He chuckled.

“Andrew, I’m serious. Where are you taking me?” I persisted.

“Somewhere quiet.” He turned the car down a side street. As I looked around, I wasn’t sure where in the world I was. I could have been in Wisconsin for all I knew.

The soft sounds of the music filled the car. I could have almost fallen asleep, if I wasn’t still nervous about where Andrew was taking me.

Finally, Andrew pulled up in front of a very long building. The parking lot was full of cars.

“Where are we?” I asked as he shut off the car. He didn’t answer; he just came around and opened my door. “Andrew?” I questioned him again as I stood up.

He leaned into me and softly kissed my lips. He smiled, still not saying a word. He nudged his head in the direction of the line of people standing outside of the door. I thought it might be a bar, but I saw many families and kids in line.

I could hear the music from inside the building, and see lights of all sorts of colors moving around. If we weren’t at a bar, then it must be a bowling alley. God, I sucked at bowling, and Andrew would probably just end up laughing at me.

We made our way to the booth, where Andrew gave the guy behind the counter some money in exchange for a couple tickets. As we walked into the building, I stopped, looked at Andrew, then back out to the crowd in front of me.

I threw my head back and busted out laughing. I held onto my side and was stumbling because I was laughing so hard. I felt Andrew put his arm around my waist to keep me up.

“Okay, I didn’t think you would find it that funny,” he said.

“Oh my God,” I wiped the tears away from my eyes. The strobe lights were spinning in every direction, and there was a giant disco ball in the center of all the lights. The best part: in the center of the room was a huge roller skating rink. “I haven’t been rolling skating in forever. This is going to be so much fun.” I felt as giddy as a kid.

“Really? Good, I’m glad that you’re excited. I wasn’t really sure what to do this evening, since I didn’t have a whole lot of time to plan.” Andrew kissed my temple, placed his hand on my lower back, and guided me over to where we rented the skates. I told him my size, and the attendant handed me a pair of old brown leather skates. .

I sat down at the nearest bench, took off my boots, and slipped on the skates. I laced them, and stood up to get the feel for them. I easily maneuvered to a locker and put my purse and shoes inside. When I spun around, I slammed right into Andrew’s chest. He put his shoes in the locker next to mine and took my hand.

The disco music was loud once our skates hit the shiny hardwood floor. Everyone was gliding in a perfect oval on the floor, and music was thumping. Andrew took my hand as we skated around. We went around a few times before the deejay announced it was ladies' choice. I stopped and turned towards Andrew.

“Gosh, I’m so nervous. Who do you think I should ask to skate with me?” I bit down on my lip to hold back my laughter.

“Well, there is that birthday party of seven-year-olds that keep staring at you.” Andrew pointed over to the small group of boys.

“Well, I can tell they are very good looking young men, but I’m a sucker for an older man.” I said, winking at him.

“Older?” He cocked his eyebrow at me. “I’m thinking
more experienced
is a better word than older.”

“Andrew Moore, would you skate with me?” I said, holding out my hand.

He bowed down and said, “It would be my pleasure. “I giggled as he took my hand and we began to skate around the rink to “It’s Raining Men.” Sure, it was a childish date, but the whole thing was really sweet. The music floated around us as we continued our pattern on the floor.

If Nick could see this now, he would be laughing. This was something he would’ve picked for me and my date to do. He had told me several times that if a guy took you to the movies, it was only to make out with you, and you shouldn’t do that on the first date. My first date with Brandon was a friendly chaperoned party, approved by Nick.

I swallowed back my tears, and sadness, at the thought. I wasn’t going to cry on this date. It wasn’t going to happen, I told myself. I squeezed Andrew’s hand as we took another lap around.

The next song, when it was time for guys’ choice, Andrew looked around the room as I stood with my arms crossed, waiting for him to ask me.

“Gosh, so many choices,” he said, tapping his finger on his chin as if he was faced with a real dilemma.

“Jerk,” I mumbled.

Andrew laughed, taking my hand and pulling me back into the swarm of skaters. I could feel my legs growing tired. Even though I wanted to finish this song, I didn’t know how much longer I could skate. Of course, Andrew was a conditioned athlete, this was nothing for him.

When the song finally ended, I was thankful Andrew suggested getting something to drink. We glided over to the snack bar, and he got us a large vanilla milkshake to share. We rolled over to an empty bench and sat down.

“So, you couldn’t afford to get me my own shake. Gosh, cheap-o,” I said, bumping Andrew’s shoulder.

“Well, excuse me for trying to be romantic” he teased back, pulling the drink away from me.

“Don’t mess with me and ice cream, Andrew Moore,” I said in a mock serious tone.

“Oh, so this is your weakness?” he chuckled, handing me the drink.

We sat on the bench for a while and watched the skaters. The music was more pop now, and more of the younger kids were out there. I smiled seeing all the happiness in the room.

“Want to go out again?” Andrew’s hot breath was against my neck, and I was thankful that I was sitting down.

“I hate to say this, but my legs are on fire right now.”

“How about we head to the next part of the date then?” He put his arm around my shoulders.

I turned up to him and was mesmerized by his blue eyes. “I would love to go on the next part of our date.”

We unlaced our skates and headed over to the lockers to retrieve our items from the locker. Back in our original footwear, we left, dropping the skates off as we exited the building.

The cold air cut right through me as we crossed the threshold.

Andrew opened the door for me again when we got to the car. Then he jumped into the driver seat and let the car warm up before pulling out of the parking lot.

“I’m enjoying myself,” I told him honestly.

“Me, too,” he said, kissing the inside of my wrist again. I loved the sweet gesture of his lips on my skin.

As we drove away from the roller skating rink, I stared out the window. Andrew was still holding my hand, and he softly rubbed his thumb over my knuckles. The simplicity of the motion was so sweet, it made my heart flutter.

I realized Andrew was taking me to his house. The tender moment was gone.

“Andrew,” I chided him.

“Don’t want to hear it, because it’s not what you think,” he answered before I could even finish my sentence.

As we pulled onto his street, I noticed the house was filled with people coming in and out. He was having a party. Okay, I could handle that. I wasn’t sure if I could have held out if I was alone with him, but since there was going to be a bunch of people there, I’d be fine. I hoped.

Chapter 16 – Andrew


I stood next to Franks and watched my girl on the dance floor. The party was in full swing when we walked through the door. Lindsay had rushed over and dragged Katie off to the corner, no doubt to talk about our date.

I chugged down a beer as Franks drone on about some topic I could care less about. All I wanted to do was pick up Katie and take her to my bed.

Katie was really smiling, having fun, and I’m glad I was the one who had put the smile on her face. She always seemed to have a serious hard shell around her, and I didn't know if I would ever see her let loose. That night in my bed, I did catch glimpses of a softer side, but she hid it a lot of.

“Are you listening to me?” Franks pushed on my shoulder to bring me out of my thoughts.

“Sorry, what?” I tore my eyes away from Katie, to look at him.

“Dude, you’ve got it bad,” he said, shaking his head.


“Don’t play around with me. I see how you look at her. You’re in love.”

“I am not in love,” I said forcefully.

“Ha,” was his only comeback, as Lindsay and Katie came up to us.

Lindsay whispered something in his ear, and I could tell by the look on his face that they were about to run off to the bedroom together. Katie squeezed my hand, and my attention was immediately drawn to her. I wanted her, and everything else in the room fell away as I stared at her.

I nudged Franks' shoulder and nodded my head towards the door. He smiled, knowing that it was time to end the party.

“Stay here,” I told Katie, as we walked around and started shuffling people out. Franks was able to get the deejay to turn off the music, and he took over the mic: “Okay, everybody out, party’s over!”

It seemed to take longer than usual to get everyone out. I was on the verge of pushing people out the door to make them go faster. Finally, the house was cleared. I went through and locked all the doors while Katie sat on the couch. Franks was already upstairs with Lindsay, and I took Katie’s hand and led her to my bedroom.

I felt nervous, opening the door and letting her into the room. Nervous? I had never been nervous about bringing a girl to my room before. But there was something about Katie, something about having her here with me. I watched her intently as she sat on my bed. Her golden eyes drank me in, and I felt a warmth in my cheeks, in my heart, and lower.

“I still have my rule, Andrew,” she said assertively.

I nodded, moving closer to her. “I know; no sex.” I dropped to my knees in front of her, making her just a little taller than me. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t do other things, right?” I ran my hands up and down her arms.

She was a millimeter from my lips. “Most definitely,” she whispered. The smell of strawberries overtook my senses as I closed the gap between us. Her moan against my lips instantly turned me on. I stood up, pulling her with me. I removed her jacket and tossed it on the floor, not leaving her lips.

I broke apart from her, staring at her stunning porcelain face. Katie kept her eyes closed, and as she slowly opened them, it was pure lust looking back at me. I thought I was going to bust through my jeans I was so hard for her. I held her tightly in place, because I was trying to regain control of my hormones.

“Katie,” my voice was ragged as I let go of her and stepped back.

“Yes,” her voice was soft and sexual.

“I can’t,” I stammered out. I truly couldn’t form a sentence right now, because my thoughts were wrapped around my other head.

“Um, Andrew, are you okay?” she asked, sounding sincerely concerned.

“Katie, I don’t have a whole lot of control right now,” I told her honestly.

“I kind of guessed that,” she said, biting down on her sexy swollen lips. “How about this?” She picked up her jacket and kissed me on the cheek. “I’m going to leave, and we can start over later.”

As much as I wanted her to stay, I was on the brink of ripping off her shirt right then. I raked my fingers through my hair. I had never treated a girl like this before; then again, I’d never felt this way before.

“I’m going to go.” She turned to leave, and I grabbed her wrist.

“I’ll take you home.”

“No,” she said, putting her hand up to stop me. “I’m just a few blocks away, and I’ll be fine.”

I folded my arms. “What kind of date would I be if I just let you walk home at two in the morning?” There was no way I was letting her walk home.

“You would be that date that understands that a girl needs time to cool off, too,” Katie said in a stern voice. “This isn’t a negotiation, Andrew.” With that, she opened the door, and left.

Damn, she was even hotter when she was horny. I figured I would wait a minute, then go and follow her. I sure as hell wasn’t going to let her walk home alone. I closed my eyes, and willed my hard-on to go away, which wasn’t working very well. The more I thought about Katie, the harder I got.

The soft knocking on the door brought me back to reality. I jerked the door open to see the one face that I wanted to see the most.

“I have a question,” she said, the trace of a smile on her lips.

“Okay,” I said, unsure what she could possible ask.

“Our date is over, correct?” Her smile deepened.

“Correct.” Where was she going with this?

“So, if you asked me out again, and we, let’s say, start our second date in thirty seconds, then we wouldn’t be on our first date anymore, right?” “You want to start our second date right now?”

“Yes,” she leaned into me. “I don’t have any rules for a second date.”

I finally understood what Katie was implying. It hit me like a puck to my head. “So, the rule of no sex on the first date wouldn’t apply, because technically, we would be on our second date, correct?” She didn’t say a word, just raised an eyebrow at me. That was all the answer I needed. I pulled her into the room, slammed the door shut, and pushed her against the wall.

“Took you long enough, Hockey Player,” Katie giggled.

“Hey, I’ve been hit a lot in the head by flying pucks” I said, kissing her neck, inhaling her scent as if it was the air I needed to survive.

“Andrew, you didn’t ask me out?” she said, her breath catching.

“Will,” I kissed her neck. “You,” I nibbled on her ear lobe. “Go,” I brushed my lips across her cheek. “Out with me,” I kissed her hard on the lips, not letting her answer.

I got her confirmation when she began to unbutton my shirt. She opened her mouth wider, and I drove my tongue into her waiting mouth. Her moan vibrated through me, and I pushed my hips into her.

“Andrew, I need you.”

“What?” I was panting.

“I need you, please.” Katie’s eyes were sincere and full of lust. The only thing I could think of was being between her legs, and feeling every part of her on every part of me.

I picked her up, and she immediately wrapped her legs around my waist. I moved over to the bed, never breaking eye contact with her. I laid her down, took off my shirt, and watched her gawk at my abs.

She sat up and pulled her tank top over her head. I could see through her white lacy bra was, see what was waiting for me. She climbed up on her knees and gripped the top of my jeans, pulling me closer to her.

Katie looked at me through hooded eyes as she undid my pants. The only sound in the room was the zipper being pulled down. Without hesitation, she plunged her hands down my pants and began to stroke.

I laid my head back, moaning at her soft strokes. I have had hand jobs before, but nothing like this. Katie delicately kissed my chest as I pushed my jeans and boxers down.

I thought I was going to release right there in her hand if she kept it up, but she stopped. Katie scooted away from me, still on her knees, while she unhooked her bra. My mouth went dry as she tossed it to the side, exposing her perky, exquisite breasts to me.

Katie fell back and unbuttoned her jeans, chucking them on the floor. Her matching white, lacy thong made my heart beat almost out of my chest.

“Andrew, either you’re coming over here, or I’m going to have to go home and finish this myself.” A giggle escaped her.

“I’m not going to let that happen.” I toed out of my boots and stepped out of my jeans.

I crawled onto the bed, hovering over her. I leaned down, kissing her smooth lips. I kissed a path down her neck, to her right breast. She arched her back as I took her nipple into my mouth. Her nails raked up my back as I slightly bit down.

I kissed over to her other breast, swirling my tongue around her nipple. I didn’t know how long I could hold out. My heart was beating faster, and I felt like I was about to explode. I was just about to pull her thong to the side and impale her, but then I halted everything I was doing, and hovered over her.

“Andrew, are you okay?” Katie asked softly as she placed her hands on either side of my face.

My eyes were connected with hers. I had never had any girl in this bed that had worked me into this type of frenzy.

“I’m fine. But right now,” I pushed up onto my hunches and yanked her thong off, “I need to fuck you.” I reached over and retrieved a condom from my nightstand.

I rolled it on and position myself over her. I stayed in my position for a moment. I wasn’t sure if I should go fast or not. I didn’t think she was a virgin, but I didn’t want to be a brute, either.

“Andrew, please,” she spread wider to accommodate me.

That was the only plea I needed. I thrust into her, and Katie let out a small yelp. I pulled out and rammed again. She locked her legs around my waist as I continued my motion. Katie dug her nails into the small of my back, motivating me to go faster.

Katie moaned and panted my name, over and over, and it was like music in the room, with the rhythm of our bodies. I could feel myself getting close to release as Katie tightened around me.

“Harder,” she commanded, and I obliged. It didn’t take long for me to feel the tension in my body release; at the same time, I felt Katie’s body let go.

“Oh . . . my . . . Andrew,” Katie panted. I watched her chest go up and down, trying to regain her breath.

“Good thing that was just round one,” I kissed her, chuckling.

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