A Hockey Tutor (12 page)

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Authors: Mary Smith

BOOK: A Hockey Tutor
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The room was eerily quiet.

Finally, Mr. Crown finally spoke. “Can I assume, then, that you won’t be suing?”

“I said my peace to your son already,” I informed him. “Thank you for coming by, but you can leave now.” I handed him the envelope back I watched Lindsay open the front door.

“Please forgive us if we have insulted you in any way,” Mr. Crown said respectfully nodding his head to me. Then they both walked out.

I crumpled onto the couch as I tried to regain a normal heart rate. I couldn't believe he had the nerve to try and pay me off. I didn't care how much money he handed me; I wasn’t going to be bought by anyone.

“Are you okay?” Lindsay asked softly.

“I need to be alone.” I sprang up from the couch, made a beeline for my bedroom, and slammed the door.

I needed the stillness to help me calm down. I could feel the tears building. I was hurt, angry, and felt like a fool. I may not have been raised with a lot of money, but my parents took care of me, and so did Nick. Our house hadn’t been the biggest, or the most modern, but it had been home. A place of safety and comfort. At least until we lost Nick. I thought about the last time I saw him.


“Tomorrow is the big day, huh?” Nick was stretched out on the couch as I sat in the chair. I tried to be brave, but he could hear the sadness in my voice.

“This isn’t the first time I've left.”

I looked at my brother in his flannel pajama bottoms and gray T-shirt. He was right; this wasn't the first time he had left for a deployment, but it still hurt the same.

“Aren’t you worried, Nick?” I asked him.

He sat up and patted the spot next to him on the couch. I went over and sat down. He said, “I’m not scared. I’m going to be fine.”

My eyes were brimming with tears, because it felt different for me this time. “Okay,” I choked. I hung my head so that he couldn't see my face.

“This is my last tour. When I’m done, I’m going to come home and help Dad with the farm, maybe take some college classes. But I’m coming home, okay?” Nick’s voice was confident, and I wanted to believe him.


The sound of the front door closing brought me back to the present. My pillow was wet from my tears. I rolled off the bed and went into the kitchen. I was craving tequila, and I needed it now.

I located the bottle and cracked the seal. I returned to my bedroom and picked up my phone. I sent a text to Andrew telling him that tutoring was canceled today, and chugged from the bottle.

Chapter 14 – Andrew


Tutoring cancelled for today

Katie had never sent me a text like that. Ever. I didn’t know what to make of it. I had just gotten out of the shower after practicing all morning with the team, and was planning to go to the library to see Katie and study. I walked out of the rink and to my car.

Was she upset from last night? Maybe I shouldn’t have gone over there? But I wanted to be with her. I needed to hold her in my arms. Now I was worried if something was really wrong. I didn’t have Lindsay’s number, so I called the next best person.

“Franks, I need to get in contact with Lindsay. Is she with you?” I asked hurriedly.

“She’s in the lab, second floor of the science building. Catch her there?”

"Thanks." I hung up and jumped out of the car. The science building wasn’t that far away, and I could get there faster on foot.

When I reached the building, I raced up the stairs and located Lindsay.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, taking off her safety glasses when I walked into the room.

“Why did Katie cancel tutoring today? Was it because of last night?” I was panting hard.

Lindsay hesitated.

“Please. Please, Lindsay, I’m begging.” I would keep it up until she told me.

She gazed out the window of the room for a few seconds before turning back to me. “Wes and his dad came over today. They offered her money so she wouldn’t sue him for the lies he told about her. She told them off, but I think they hurt her feelings. When I left, she was crying.”

“What the hell? Wes is an arrogant ass.” “Why did you leave if she was crying?” I narrowed my eyes at her. She was supposed to be Katie’s best friend.

“I know that you care for her, Andrew. I do. But you don’t know her that well. She wants to be alone right now.” “Give me your key,” I said, sticking my hand out.

“My key?” she said, stepping back from me.

“Katie cancelled our session, you told me you left her crying, and now I’m really worried. I want to go to the apartment and check on her.”

She didn't move or say anything, and for a moment I thought I was going to have to wrestle her for the key. But then she moved towards her purse that was sitting on the other lab table, and shuffled around until she found her key ring.

“I’m only doing this because I know you really like for her, but my threat from last time still stands.” She tossed me the key.

“I promise,” I said, taking the key, and leaving.

I ran to my car and made it in record time to Katie’s place. I wanted to make sure she was okay.

I parked my BMW behind hers, and dashed up the stairs. I unlocked the door and carefully pushed it open.

“Katie,” I called out, but no one answered. I heard music coming from her bedroom. I followed the sound and knocked loudly on the door.

It quickly opened, and the sound of the bass hit my ears and the pungent smell of tequila took my breath away.

“Andrew,” Katie sang out loudly and swayed back and forth.

I immediately grabbed her arms to keep from falling. “Um, hey, Katie.”

She jerked out of my grip and threw her arms around my neck, cracking the nearly empty tequila bottle on my head.

“Ow,” I said, rubbing the spot while trying to hold her in place.

“I’m so happy you’re here,” she whined into my chest.

I walked back a few steps and guided her to the edge of the bed. She plopped down and took another large swig from the bottle.

“Here, let me have that,” I said, taking the bottle from her hands and setting it on her nightstand.

“Andrew,” she whispered right in my face. It was as if a cloud of alcohol emanated from her mouth. I had to turn my head away from her to keep from choking. “Are you here to have sex with me?”

I turned back and looked at her. “No,” I can honestly say that I’m not here to have sex with you.”

“Darn, because I would totally ride you to the moon right now.” .

“It’s a good thing the sun is still out then,” I said, smiling, and gently patting her leg. “Stay here, don’t move, and I’ll be right back.” I picked up the bottle and took it into the kitchen with me. I got a glass and filled it with water.

When I went back in to the bedroom, Katie was lying in the bed. I thought she passed out, until she opened her eyes, and smiled.

“Sit up and drink this,” I said, holding the glass to her lips. She took two large gulps and then pushed the glass away.

“Why are you here?” she hiccupped.

I set the glass down and crawled up next to her. “Because I was worried when you canceled our session today.” She curled into my side, and I could smell her strawberry shampoo. “Lindsay told me Wes was here with Mr. Crown.”

“They’re both asses.” She rolled away from me and onto her back.

“Can you tell me what they said?” I gingerly asked.

She relayed what had happened with Wes and his dad. A lot of it was slurred, but I got the gist of it. They thought she was a poor little farm girl whose silence could be bought I was so angry at them for treating her that way. But just like with Wes, she had stood up for herself. His heart filled with pride

“I missed you,” she said, abruptly changing the subject. “You really got me thinking last night.”

“You missed me?” I said, surprised.

She lightly moaned as she curled up against me. I heard her breathing slow, then change to rhythmic inhalation and exhalation. Katie had passed out. I l lay there a little bit longer, rubbing my hand up and down her side. I felt content. I hadn’t felt this way in a very long time.




I moved just a little bit, and I felt a pain in my neck and a throbbing ache in my back. I slowly opened my eyes. I was still in Katie’s room, but I was all alone. I gingerly sat up and stretched my tight muscles. I heard the girls laughing in the other room. I stood up and followed the sounds.

“Wow, you look like shit,” Lindsay giggled as I entered the kitchen.

I ran my hands through my hair. “Well, thanks.” I turned my attention to Katie, who was sitting next Lindsay. Her hair, which usually hung loose, was pulled together in a messy updo. She wasn’t wearing any makeup, and she couldn’t look any more flawless.

“Want something to drink?” Katie asked, jumping up and going to the fridge.

“You know, a few short hours ago, you were passed out, and now, look at you,” I said, waving my hand up and down.

“What are you trying to say?” She put a glass of orange juice in front of me.

“You don’t think I can hold my liquor?” she asked with a challenging smile. Lindsay said with mock sympathy. “Girls can just recover faster than boys.” With that, she got up, flipped her hair, and headed out of the kitchen.

Katie sat down next to me and took my hand in hers. She didn't say anything as I gulped my OJ. She stared at our entwined hands. . What was she thinking? I couldn’t tell from her expression. “Are you doing anything tonight?” Katie said, breaking the silence. .

“Um, no, not that I know of.”

She looked me right in the eye. “Would you like to go out with me tonight?” Her face was serious.

“Wait, really?” I needed to make sure she was really asking me what I thought she was asking me.

“Yes,” she said. She pulled her hand away. “Unless I’m reading this wrong. I mean, I know you asked me out first, and I said no.”

“No, no, no, no,” I quickly rattled, cutting her off. I reached for her hand. “I wanted to make sure, that’s all. Yes, yes, I do want to go out with you,” I practically shouted at her.

“Calm down, Andrew. I’m just asking you out,” she said, trying to suppress a smile.

“Sorry,” I cleared my throat. “I’m still waking up,” he said, trying to cover.

“Yeah, right,” she deadpanned, calling me out on my lie.

I chuckled, kissing the inside of her wrist. “What time should I pick you up?”

“Couple of hours? I need to get ready.” She looked down at her sweats.

“Deal,” I said. I peck her lips, before I stood up and headed out of the apartment.

I drove back to my house and jumped in the shower. I knew exactly where to take her. I wanted this night to be more special than anything she had ever experienced before. I knew that I could do that.

When I was finished, I laid my clothes out on my bed. I figured I couldn’t go wrong with a dark pair of jeans and a nice collared shirt. I didn’t want to do anything fancy; I just wanted to be with her.

I stopped and looked around the room. I had the strangest feeling that I was having some type of out-of-body experience. When had I ever cared about what I wore on a date? Why did I have the urge to make this night so perfect? It was a date. Sure, I hadn't been on a lot of them; I’m more of a party guy, but why was I nervous? I fell back onto my bed and looked up at the ceiling. Katie had asked
on a date. “Hey, when did you get home?” I turned my head to see Franks walk in, chomping on some cereal.

“A little while ago. Hey, Franks, how long have we known each other?” “Fuck, I don’t know, since we were about seven or so. Why?” He sat down at the end of my bed, still shoving food in his mouth.

“Well, Katie asked me out, and I think I’m actually worried about it,” I said uneasily.

Franks began to choke his Raisin Bran. “Are you serious?”

I nodded.

“Wow, I didn’t think you dated anyone. In fact, have you ever been out on a date?” Franks asked.

“Yes—well, no. I mean, I took girls to business functions with my dad, but I mainly snuck off with them to make out and whatnot.” I lay back, thinking about the fact that I actually hadn’t dated anyone. “Shit.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Franks chuckled.

“Well, Franklin Morris, who the hell have you ever dated?” I snapped at him, rolling off the bed.

“Hey,” he jumped off my bed. “First of all, don’t call me Franklin. Second, all the girls I’m with know that I don’t date them. I'm just out for a good time.”

“I don’t know what the hell I’m doing I’m screwed, aren’t I?”

Franks walked over to me and slapped my shoulder. “Yep.”

I watched him walk out of my bedroom. I closed my eyes, listening to the silence, and hoped that I could figure all this out. I liked Katie, there was no doubt about that. Yes, I wanted to make this night memorable, and I did have a plan for that. The big question was, why was I doing all this?

I rubbed my temples and hoped that I would be able to answer my own question soon enough.

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