A History of the Wife (67 page)

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Authors: Marilyn Yalom

Tags: #Family & Relationships, #Marriage & Long Term Relationships, #Social Science, #Women's Studies, #History, #Civilization, #Marriage

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, 164

Lawrence, D. H., 372 Leah, 8, 9

Leigh, Frances Butler, 218 Lemaire, Ria, 69

Leo IX, Pope, 58 Leo XIII, Pope, 266 Lepidus, 35

lesbianism, 308

in ancient Greece, 24 in Biblical times, 13 Boston marriages, 280

marriage alternatives, 398 in Roman times, 41–42 in Victorian America, 280

“Letter to Artists: Especially Women Artists, A” (Merritt), 280

“Letter to her Husband, A” (Bradstreet), 130

Letter to the Queen on Lord Chancellor Cranworth’s Marriage and Divorce Bill
(Norton), 187

Letters on the Equability of the Sexes
(Grimké), 194

Letters to Mothers
(Sigourney), 183

Lex Julia,

magazine, 351

Life and Adventures of a Clever Woman, The
(F. Trollope), 185

Life of Saint Alexius,
58 Linton, Eliza Lynn, 276,


Lippe-Weissenfeld, William, 283–84

literature and women

Anne Bradstreet, 129–31,


classical Greek, 19–20 late twentieth century,

361–64, 369

medieval European, 45,

53, 75–77

the new sexuality, 308–9 Tudor and Stuart English,


twentieth-century, 16

Victorian era, 180,

183–85, 276–79

and the Woman Question, 263–64

women’s magazines, 286,

364, 372, 392–93

See also
advice literature; misogyny

“Little Woman” (Gift), 175 Livia, 38

Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman,
The (Gilman), 292

Livy, 25

London Times,

love, 394

primacy in marriage arrangements, 111,


See also
romantic love Luce, Clare Booth, 370 Lucretia, 25

Lusanna, 88–92

Luther, Martin, 98–105, 269

Lysias, 23

(Aristophanes), 20

magazine, 317, 364,


McIntosh, Millicent, 357

McKean, Sally, 160

Madame Bovary
(Flaubert), 276–77

Malthus, Robert, 299

Man & Wife in America

(Hartog), 191

Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, The
(Wilson), 362

Marat, Jean Paul, 166 Marietta, 90

marital laws

in America, 189–91

in England, 185–89 Married Women’s Property

Act, 188–89, 227

property rights of wives, 190–91, 264

Stockholm marriages, 265 Mark of Cornwall, 65 Marks, Jeannette, 280

Marlowe, Christopher, 18 marriage

alternatives, 398

childlessness, 398

single mothers, 398

“Marriage” (Caird), 268–70 letters responding to, 268,


Marriage as a Trade

(Hamilton), 292 marriage ceremony

in ancient Greece, 21–22 in the antebellum South,


banns, 53–53 Marriage Certificate

(Currier lithograph),


in the Jewish community, 55–56

June bride,

medieval Europe, 52–55,


Native American, 233–34,


Prayer Book of 1552, 108–9, 113

Puritans and, 114–15

in Roman times, 28–29, 40

same-sex unions, 40–42

as a sacrament, 46, 108 in Tudor England, 114 wedding veils, 208

on the Western frontier, 243–44, 246–52,


marriage contract

in ancient Greece, 21 in Biblical times, 4,

in medieval Europe, 47–49, 49–51, 51–52, 84

in Roman times, 26–27, 30

Martial, 41

Martineau, Harriet, 187

Marvin, Maria, 117, 123

Mary, 11, 16

as the “good” wife, 18 Mary of Oignies, 80 Master of Frankfurt, 94 Masters and Johnson, 373 Maugeret, Marie, 265
Mayor of Casterbridge, The

(Hardy), 277

Medea, 19

medical and health issues clitorodectomy, 41–42 in the late twentieth

century, 372–73

in medieval Europe, 72–73 mental illness, 121,


medieval Europe, 45–96 Christian hierarchy of

womanhood, 58,
60 Christine de Pizan, 81–82 couples, artistic depictions

of, 94–95,

Héloïse and Abelard, 60–65, 69, 91

Lancelot and Guinevere, 66

legal and religious considerations, 45–60

Lusanna and Giovanni, 88–92

Margery Kempe, 70,

77–81, 125

property considerations, 49–51,

romantic love, the birth of, 65–70

Tristan and Iseut, 65–66 Melvin, Charles, 334 Melvin, Alvira Vahlenkamp,


Mémoires de deux jeunes mariées
(Balzac), 276

Ménerville, Elisa Fougeret de, 170–71

Mensinga, Wilhelm Peter, 300 Merritt, Anne Lea, 280
Mesnagier de Paris, Le,
75–76 Metellus, 31

Metsys, Quentin, 94–95

midwives, 74, 230

Mill, Harriet Taylor, 189 Mill, John Stuart, 189, 268,


Miller, Henry, 372

Millett, Kate, 372

misogyny, 15, 42 and the Age of

Enlightenment, 147–48,


Christian theologians and, 58, 59

in medieval Europe, 75–77 in the Victorian era, 182 women’s “natural

inferiority,” 148 Mitchell, S. Weir, 291 “Modern Marriage,” 266–67,


monasticism, 15

Money Lender and His Wife, The
(Metsys), 94–95

Monroe, Marilyn, 358

Moral Questions Affecting Married Life
(Pius XII), 307

Morgan, Edmund, 145

Morris, Gertrude, 333–34 Morris, Mrs. Robert, 160 Mosher, Allettie, 301

Mosher, Clelia, 296, 309, 311

Mother’s Book , The
(Child), 183

Mott, Lucretia, 190

Mr. Mom
, 383

Mrs. Doubtfire
, 383

magazine, 372

Mudd, Emily, 357

Napheys, George H., 295, 301

Napier, Robert, 111, 121

Napoleon, 171, 172 National Council of Catholic

Women, 344 National Council of Jewish

Women, 344 National Council of Negro

Women, 344 National Federation of

Business and Professional Women, 343

National Housing Agency, 342–43

National Organization for Women (NOW), 369–70

Native Americans marriage, 142, 144,


marriage (interracial), 235–36, 249–50

missionaries and, 237–38

Nero, 40

New Yeare’s Gift for Shrewes, A


New York Times,
383 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 266

Norris, Pamela, 14 Norton, Caroline Sheridan,


Norton, George, 186 Norton, Mary Beth, 148,


Nucci, Andrea, 88

Octavia (Antony’s wife), 36, 37

Octavia (Nero’s wife), 40

Odd Women, The
(Gissing), 277–79

Odom, Major (slave owner), 220

Odysseus, 16, 18–19

(Homer), 16

Oecolampadius, 105–6

Oedipus, 19

Offen, Karen, 164

“Open Letter to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation” (Luther), 98–99

Orenstein, Peggy, 399

Ouida, 276

Our Bodies, Ourselves,

Our Mutual Friend
(Dickens), 180

Ovid, 28

Owens-Adair, Bethenia, 260,


Ozzie and Harriet
, 359

Paley, Grace, 352

Parker, Thomas, 133

Parsons, Talcott, 357 patriarchy

Christianity and, 14–15 in medieval Europe, 84 in Roman times, 26–27 in Tudor and Stuart

England, 114–15 during the late Victorian


Paul, Saint, 98, 135

on homosexuality, 13

on marriage, 15, 110 on the subjugation of

wives, 14–15

Pearson, Maryon, 391

Penelope, 16–19

Peninnah, 7

Pericles, 20

Peter, Saint, 98

Phyllis, Aunt (slave), 220 Pickering, Mary Carpenter,


Pico de Avila, Maria Inocent, 249

Pitcher, Mollie, 322 Pius X, Pope, 307 Pius XII, Pope, 307

Pivot of Civilization, The

(Sanger), 306

Place, Francis, 299

Planned Parenthood, 316

Plath, Sylvia, 361

Plato, 24

Pliny the Younger, 27, 32,


Plummer, Beatrice, 139

Plutarch, 24, 31, 33, 36, 37,


Pocahontas, 142,

political involvement of women

American Revolutionary War, 158–61

Civil Rights Act, 369 French Revolution,


late twentieth century, 363

Victorian England, 279

polygamy, 55, 235

in Biblical times, 3–4, 7 Mormon plural marriages,


See also
bigamy Pooley, Greville, 142

Pompey, 30, 33, 34

Poppaea, 40

popular media and a wife’s image, 458–59,


population of women in America, 141–42,

144–45, 205

in Victorian England, 277–78

Porter, Lavinia, 259–60

Powers, Betty, 214, 219–20

Powhatan, 142

Prayer Book of 1552, 108–9,


“Prelude on the Babylonian Captivity” (Luther), 98–99

prenuptial agreements, 139

Pride and Prejudice
(Austen), 183

“Prologue, The” (Bradstreet), 131

property, wives considered as, 4, 42–44, 46

in medieval Europe, 47–49 prostitution, 299 Protestantism

and birth control, 306–7 clerical marriage, 98 Germany and the

Reformation, 98–108

Martin Luther, 98–105 Puritan New England,


Tudor and Stuart England, 108–25

See also
Catholicism Proverbs, on the ideal wife,


Purcell, Anne, 304

Purgatory of Married Men, The,


and adultery, 120–21 “Antinomian controversy,”


and divorce, 135

marital practices, 114–15 in New England, 126–45 separation of sexes, 131 and women in church,

135, 136

Quintus, 31

Rachel, 8–9

rape, 25

ritual enactment of, 29

slavery, sexual exploitation of, 219–21

See also
spousal abuse Rawlins, Stephan, 111 Reagan, Leslie J., 304,


Reagan, Nancy, 392

Reagan, Ronald, 390

Rebekah, 8

magazine, 359, 364,

374, 393

Reed, Esther, 160

Research in Marriage, A

(Hamilton), 309 responsibilities of wives

in Roman times, 33–35 Reynolds, Debbie, 358

Reynolds, Mary, 217

Rhythm of Sterility and Fertility in Women, The,

Rich, Adrienne, 134 Richards, Franklin D., 257 Richards, Jane Snyder, 257
Riveting and Rationing in Dixie

(Thomas), 331 Robespierre, Maximilien,

166, 167, 168, 169

Roland, Marie-Jeanne (Manon) Phlipon, 162,


Rolfe, John, 142

Roman times, 25–42 Anthony and Cleopatra,


Augustus and Livia, 37–38 fidelity to dead spouse,


illustrations of,
34 Pliny the Younger and Calpurnia, 38–39

political, 33–34, 35

same-sex unions, 40–42 romantic love

the birth of, 65–70, 175–76

late twentieth century, 394 medieval songs, 68–69
See also

Romeo and Juliet

(Shakespeare), 117–18

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 363

Rosen, Ruth, 390

Rosenberg, Samuel, 55–56 Rosenblatt, Wilbrandis,


Roth, Philip, 16

Roussel, Nelly, 265

Roussel, Jean-Jacques, 147,


Rudd, Lydia A., 239–40 Rufus (slave), 214–15 Ruga, Spurius Carvilius, 30 Rupp, Leila J., 322

Rush, Julia Stockton, 160 Ruskin, John, 182

Russell, Rosalind, 358


San Francisco Chronicle,
385 Sanford, Byron N., 241, 243,


Sanford, Mollie Dorsey, 231, 241–46

Sand, George, 276

Sanger, Margaret, 304–6, 313

Sappho, 24–25

Sarah, 7–8

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 362

Savannah Telegraph,
School Girls
(Orenstein), 399 Schoolcraft, Marie Howard,


Schreiner, Olive, 265–66,



Scott, Anne Firor, 222–23 Scribonia, 37

Second Sex, The
(Beauvoir), 362, 369

Secundus, Julius, 39 Seneca Falls Convention,

190, 202

Seneca the Younger, 38, 41

Ser Luca, 84

servants, 137–38

sexual harassment of, 138

Several Poems Compiled with Great Variety of Wit and Learning
(Bradstreet), 133

Sexual Politics
(Millett), 372 sexual relations

the new sexuality, 308–13 premarital sex, 352–53

and procreation, 297–98 post-betrothal activities,


as a solemn duty, 56–57 as vice, 299–300

sexual revolution (1950–2000), 355–79

literature, 201, 362–63,

369, 373–73

opposition to, 357, 370

oral contraception, 363

political involvement, 363,


popular media and advertising, 458–59,

, 361

premarital sex, 352–53

psychiatry and, 361–62 reports and studies,

355–57 373, 374,


Roe v. Wade,
373 women’s magazines and,

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