Zurlo, Michele - Two Masters for Samantha [Awakenings 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (27 page)

BOOK: Zurlo, Michele - Two Masters for Samantha [Awakenings 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Another deep breath helped. She was more afraid he would stop the play than that he would be angry at her for refusing to wear the collar. “I’m not a thing. I’m a woman, a person, not a possession. I know what wearing a collar means. I may not have done this before, but that doesn’t mean I’m ignorant of the rules and the customs. I’m here to play and to learn, not to become an object.”

Alexei’s nod was brief. He lifted the collar. “This isn’t that kind of collar. This serves the same function as the cuffs on your wrists and ankles. It’s so we can attach and release your bindings faster. Plus, I like the way it looks on you.”

Her anger deflated. That’s why he was negotiating. He knew what she assumed, but he made her vocalize her reasons before telling her she was wrong. Still, she couldn’t just give in. “You’ve never seen it on me.”

He grinned. “I’ve pictured you in all the clothes we bought for you, Samantha. I’m very good at visualizing.” His gazed raked down her body and back up. “The corset fits perfectly. The moment I saw it in the store, I knew it was exactly what I wanted for you.”

That feeling of possessiveness flared again. Samantha tamped it down for now. Lifting her hair, she presented her naked neck to him. The leather was cool and soft. Its gentle weight had the same effect on her as the corset. The euphoric feeling came back with a vengeance.


Sam knelt, resting her bottom on her heels and lacing her fingers together behind her neck. One of the metal rings brushed against the sensitive part of her wrist, sending a shiver of anticipation down her spine. The corset forced her to sit up straight with her breasts thrust forward. She stared straight ahead, aware of Alexei, but unwilling to look at him.

Alexei’s shoe-covered foot nudged at the inside of her knees. “Wider, Samantha. Never hide yourself from me.”

Wordlessly, she shifted, spreading her knees until they were shoulder-width apart.

“When you’re given a command, you will not only obey, but you will answer with a ‘yes, Sir’ or a ‘yes, Master.’ Do you understand?”

Samantha raised her eyes to meet his. “Alexei, I…”

He cut her off with the wave of his hand. “No, Samantha. You may not talk. You can answer. You can plead, but you can’t talk.”

She wanted to remind him that she specifically said she wouldn’t call either of them Master. Biting her lip, she remembered that she hadn’t specified anything about the other title. She lowered her gaze and swallowed her pride for the sake of the game. “Yes, Sir.”

“When you enter the playroom, you will kneel in the center. There is a clearly marked space for this. You’ll see what I mean when you get there. There are three ways to kneel. Right now, you’re in a relaxed position. Kneeling at attention means you’re not resting on your heels. In the playroom, you will present yourself in the center, kneeling in offering. Do you remember the position I showed you last time we were together?”

Samantha frowned as she fought to remember. The corset and the leather bindings combined in a curious way to short-circuit her brain. Her body was primed and ready for anything they wanted to dish out. “No, Sir.”

From the edge of her vision, she noted the hands on his hips. He wasn’t happy with her answer. “Kneel at attention.”

She lifted herself into the position she had assumed earlier when he had asked her to kneel.

“Hands on your ankles. Let your head fall back.”

Now she remembered. She had been kneeling over him on the sofa. His hands had explored her body. She altered her pose. “Yes, Sir.”

“This is now you will present yourself in the playroom. In this position, you offer your most precious gift. You offer yourself for our pleasure. You give your body to us to use as we please. You are a submissive, a slave. You are willing to serve your Masters in whatever way we want. Are you ready, Samantha?”

“Yes, Sir.” Even though he worked in the use of terms she didn’t like, she didn’t hesitate in answering. She was so ready that she was going to burst if he didn’t do something soon.

“Rise and follow me.”

He didn’t help her to her feet.

The house was massive. It was tastefully furnished with expensive things. Samantha ignored it all. The artist in her filed away statues and paintings to explore later. The submissive masochist in her eagerly followed Alexei down the hallway and down the stairs.

The playroom wasn’t very far away from the guest room they gave her. The door was open. Even though Alexei stood with his palm spread, indicating she should enter, Sam paused in the doorway.

As far as rooms went, it was large, but then, all the rooms in the house were large. It had no windows, and the walls were thickly padded. She noted the soundproofing while her eyes focused on the equipment spread through the room. A rack, similar to the one used in the demonstration, occupied one corner. A large bed, sans pillows and blankets, was centered against the wall to her right.

A table with extensions perfect for binding limbs was spread out along another wall. Another piece with a similar intent sat next to it, only it would require her body to be bent instead of lying down. From the way the bottom part jutted out, she wasn’t clear as to whether she would be positioned bent over the device on her knees or seated on her bottom. Either way, it looked promising.

Stefano stood near a cabinet along another wall. One long door was open. She could see different kinds of whips hanging neatly inside. More equipment was in the room, but Alexei nudged her lower back, urging her to enter the room. He didn’t use enough pressure to make his action anything more than encouragement.

Across the room, Stefano watched her.

Samantha understood that she was to enter the room of her own free will or they would not proceed with the play. Heat flooded between her legs. There was no way she was leaving now.

The place in the center of the room where Lex had instructed her to kneel wasn’t clearly marked. It was the only empty space in the room, so she knew it was the place he wanted her to present herself.

Her thighs felt weak, but she forced herself to walk gracefully and confidently into the room. She knelt. The hard wood was an unyielding surface against her knees. Samantha shifted her weight back, resting most of it on the hands she wrapped around her ankles. The corset forced her spine to remain straight. The pose Alexei ordered would have been easier to achieve with a curved back.

She stayed there, her knees spread and her breasts jutting into the air, and waited for the next command. Her hair spilled down behind her. The tips brushed against her arms, hands, and feet, bringing a softness to the position that was sorely lacking.

After far too long, a shadow fell over her and a hand caressed her breast. She couldn’t raise her head to see who touched her, but at this point, it didn’t matter. The tingling feeling brought on by the bindings grew as more hands touched her. She sighed, giving herself over to the caresses whispering across her skin.

Fingertips grazed her nipples, teasing them to sensitive rocks that sent signals straight to her pussy. Something cold and hard closed around one nipple, pinching it sharply. A tiny weight both squeezed and pulled at her peak. Samantha exhaled at the pain that didn’t ease.

A twin pain gripped the other nipple. She closed her eyes against the flood of desire that surged through her entire body.

Two fingers traced her lips before plunging inside. Samantha wrapped her tongue around them and sucked hard, easing enough to let them rock in and out. Then they were gone.

“On your feet, Sammy.”

Two sets of hands hauled her up. Samantha frowned. She had wanted to show them that she could get up on her own, just like the woman at the demonstration.

“If you’re going to pout, I’m going to give you something better to do with those lips.” Stefano’s admonition was accompanied by the sharp crack of his hand on her ass.

Samantha flinched. She was still sore from Alexei’s punishment. The frown melted away, forgotten in favor of the new kind of pleasure pulsing from her ass and from her nipples. Though it hurt initially, the shards of pleasure that shot through her body at regular intervals more than made up for that small sacrifice.

Stefano led her to the square-shaped ladder contraption. He positioned her in the middle. “Kneel.”

They had thrown a large pillow on the floor. She knelt on that. Behind her, Alexei attached nylon straps to the loops on her collar and to those on her wrist cuffs. Between the two of them, it had taken only seconds to tie her to the wooden beams at the arms and neck.

Arms spread to the sides, Samantha jerked with all of her might to test the strength of her bonds. She couldn’t move at all. They hadn’t left even a half-inch of give. Weakness seeped into her muscles. Stefano stood in front of her, the bulge in his jeans announcing his arousal, and she was thankful he made her kneel.

He loosened his jeans and drew out his cock. Samantha licked her lips, wanting and needing to make him feel a little of what he made her feel. She opened her mouth without being told. Stefano held her head between his palms and pumped into her wet warmth. Sam made little sounds of pleasure in the back of her throat, knowing the vibrations would drive him crazy.

The sounds of Stefano’s enjoyment were punctuated with encouragement and praise. “Oh, Sammy, you feel so good. It’s been far too long since I’ve touched you.”

She had closed her eyes to focus on his scent and on giving him the best blowjob of his life. Feeling Alexei’s eyes on her, she opened them to throw a promise in his direction. He unsnapped and unzipped. Palming his dick, he masturbated as he watched.

Stefano’s sounds of pleasure peaked as he climaxed. Samantha closed her eyes and sucked him harder. He came in her mouth, shouting long and low. At soon as he withdrew, Lex was there, demanding his due. Samantha couldn’t move to wrap her arms around him, squeeze his ass, or draw him closer. She couldn’t lean forward. She could only open her mouth and accept what he gave her.

She felt something release deep inside, allowing her to revel in this role. Stefano’s hands caressed her shoulders and the bare skin above where the corset fastened in back. He lifted her hair, twisted it, and secured it out of the way.

They were preparing for what was coming next. Anticipation brought more heat flooding to her chest and between her thighs. She sucked Alexei faster and harder, not that she needed to hurry him along. He had been primed and ready before he slid his cock between her waiting lips. Two more thrusts and he froze, crying out as his hot semen surged to the back of her throat.

The straps holding her neck in place slackened just in time for Alexei to jerk her head back and kiss her hard. His lips sucked at her while his tongue plunged deep to claim every inch of her mouth. Sam melted into him. She knew a reward when it came her way.

The tension pulling her arms to the sides shifted higher. Alexei lifted Sam to her feet without breaking the kiss. The tension returned as Stef tightened her bindings. When Lex finally released her, Sam panted from the lack of oxygen and from the anticipation building to a fever pitch inside her stomach. She dreaded what they were about to do, but she wanted it with all her heart.

Alexei tugged his zipper up as he crossed the room to the cabinet where Stefano had been standing when they first entered the room. He snagged something. When he returned, Samantha saw he held two bean-filled balls. He watched as Stefano finished securing her ankles. Samantha was bound to the rack at her wrists and ankles. They left her neck free.

He pressed a ball into each of her palms. Samantha closed her fists around them.

“Do you remember what these are for?”

These were the balls she held in the hotel when they gagged her. If she dropped one, it indicated she wanted them to stop what they were doing. Did this mean they were going to gag her? She hadn’t seen a gag anywhere.

“Yes,” she said, answering in a voice so steady it surprised her. Sam’s entire body trembled, inside and out, yet her voice was strong and even. “If I drop one, you’ll stop.”

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