Zurlo, Michele - Two Masters for Samantha [Awakenings 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (24 page)

BOOK: Zurlo, Michele - Two Masters for Samantha [Awakenings 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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No collar. No public displays of anything, especially her body. If they even took her out for meals, all bets were off until they returned to the privacy of their home.

Alexei stared at Stefano. “What about in the car?”

He smiled. “She didn’t say anything about that. Also, I asked her specifically about remaining naked in the house and she didn’t have a problem with it. She’s willing to be our slave, but only at home and only for the weekend.”

“Did you mention this was a trial run?”

“No,” Stefano said. “She’s skittish. I told her we want to train her, but I think she took it as a one-shot deal. She’s treating this weekend like a seminar. Let’s take it one day at a time for all our sakes.”

Alexei nodded in agreement. “I’ll clear our schedules this weekend. You reorder the lingerie. Her rule is no public displays, but that doesn’t mean she is against wearing what we tell her to wear under her clothes.”

Stefano grinned. “She’s going to balk.”

Alexei’s grin matched his brother’s. “We’ll all enjoy that.”

The next day and a half passed incredibly slowly and much too quickly. Rearranging their social calendar wasn’t easily done. The holiday weekend had been fully booked. Some cancellations needed to be rescheduled. Alexei issued apologies when other arrangements couldn’t be made.

When Lex poked his head into his brother’s office the next afternoon, Stefano was ready to leave. He straightened his tie and grabbed a stack of envelopes.

Inclining his head, Alexei nodded toward the stack. “Do you have the bag?”

Stefano held his other hand up. A pink plastic bag dangled from thin straps. The logo of an exclusive boutique graced the outside. “Are we going to make her change in the airport bathroom?”

“Yes. We need to establish dominance from the beginning. She may have a rule against public displays, but that doesn’t change the fact she’s our slave, even if it’s only for the weekend. She will wear the underclothes we bought for her or she will face a punishment.”

The ride to the airport took too long. Afternoon traffic on the Friday before a national holiday represented the finest mess
had to offer. They arrived at the terminal just as the board announced Samantha’s flight.

They found her waiting by the baggage claim. Looking out across the rows of circling conveyors, she hadn’t seen them approaching. Blonde hair spilled to the middle of her naked shoulder blades. The sundress she wore dipped nearly to her waist in back. A thin line of skin, lighter than the rest, announced that she had not sunbathed in the nude. Alexei wanted to run his tongue along that stripe.

The dress, edged in white, was a delicate shade of pink. The flowing design was light and carefree. Where it tightened around her hips and the way it ended well above her knees emphasized the length of her sexy legs.

She wore sandals on her feet, and her toenails were painted pink to match the dress.

“She’s wearing pink,” Alexei said. He wondered if the nails on her hands were pink as well.

“She’s damn sexy in pink,” Stefano said.

At that moment, Samantha turned. The ability to breathe left Alexei. He forgot about the nails. She wore a minimal amount of makeup. The frosted pink lip gloss on her lips captured his attention. He never understood what it was about a woman in pink that made him react this way, but the reaction was undeniable. Stefano shared his fascination with the color.

She smiled, greeting Stefano who moved forward with his arms spread. Slipping into his embrace, she returned his kiss enthusiastically.

Alexei’s pants were becoming uncomfortably tight, and he needed to lose the tie if he was going to have any hope of breathing regularly.

Stefano pulled back. “How was your flight?”

She blushed, a tiny bit of color staining her cheeks. “You didn’t have to buy me a first class ticket, Stefano. Coach is fine for me.”

“Did you miss me?”

Alexei wasn’t surprised that Stefano would ignore her protest. There was no way they would allow her to fly anything but first class. However, he was surprised to hear a question like that come from his brother’s mouth.

Samantha laughed and ran her finger along Stef’s lower lip. “You have a high opinion of yourself, don’t you?”

Before his brother could shove his foot further down his throat, Alexei spoke up. “Stef, don’t ask things like that. Don’t put her on the spot.”

Samantha tilted her head to the side, regarding Alexei curiously. Disengaging herself from Stefano’s embrace, she closed the distance between them. Most of her lip gloss was gone, but the scent of strawberries remained. He wanted to nibble on her lips, working his way across her jaw to that spot just below her ear that drove her nuts.

Lifting to her toes, she braced her hands against his chest and brushed her lips against his. He wanted to resist. By rights, she should have asked permission to touch him. However, the reality of the situation was that he wanted her kiss. He wanted her to have missed his touch. It had been almost three weeks since his last taste of her.

Pressing his lips to hers, he coaxed her mouth open and slid his tongue inside. She tasted like strawberries and something uniquely Samantha. The problem in his pants grew. Snaking one arm around her waist, he pulled her closer. She melted, submitting to him. Her arms came around his neck and he crushed her closer.

With his free hand, he caressed her cheek. When the kiss ended, they were both breathing hard. Samantha’s blue eyes fluttered open. Her smile was a quirky combination of bemused and wicked.

“Let’s say I cherished fond memories of you, and I’ve been looking forward to seeing you again.”

It took him a moment to register that she was answering Stefano’s question. It didn’t alarm him that she didn’t admit to pining for them. She would have been lying if she had. He preferred honesty. It was vital to making sure the kinds of things they wanted to do to her and with her were the things she wanted done.

He ran his fingers through her hair, stroking the silky strands. “Nervous?”

Her chin dipped a millimeter with the brief, imperceptible nod. If he hadn’t been running his thumb along her chin, Alexei never would have known she answered.

“Samantha, we require a verbal response.”

Those cornflower-blue eyes had been turned away in shame. They snapped up to meet his. Spots of anger stained her cheeks. This was the little spitfire he liked.

“I’m not a child, Alexei.”

He purposely used his most chilling smile. She paled under her tan and trembled in his arms, but she didn’t pull away.

“Then you should have no problem articulating your answer to my question.”

A sharp intake of breath had the tips of her breasts pressing into his chest. Slowly, she exhaled. “Yes.”

“You should be nervous,” he said. “Anxiety, not knowing what’s coming next, it heightens the experience. You will learn to control your fears instead of letting them control you.”

She licked her lips, a nervous gesture. “You can’t know that about me.”

Amusement sparkled in his eyes. He knew it was there and he couldn’t stop it. Years of watching Stefano taught him that he wasn’t at his most intimidating when he was amused. His features softened, and the remote man became approachable. “Samantha, we know a great many things about you. You have the rest of the world fooled, but Stef and I know what you keep hidden. You showed it to us a little our last night together. Now, tell me how wet you are.”

She flushed pink, matching her dress, and buried her face in his shoulder.

Threading his fingers through the hair at the base of her head, he forced her to look at him. He knew he was pulling her hair. From the way her eyes turned opaque, he knew he had found another erogenous zone. “Have you ruined your underwear?”

That wicked smile resurfaced. “I’m not wearing underwear, Lex. Just this dress and my shoes. Nothing else.”

By the grace of a higher power, Alexei refrained from reacting. “Let’s get your bags.”

Samantha leaned down and grasped the strap of an oversized black bag. “I only brought the essentials. I figure you plan to keep me naked and at your house, so I only brought a couple changes of clothes.”

Stefano held out a hand. “Are you ready?”

“Yes.” Samantha gave him her bag, smiling brightly.

Oh, but she was going to pay for playing with them like this.

“From this moment forward, Samantha, you must do what we say. You are our slave for the weekend.”

She stiffened. “I don’t like that word.”

Alexei raised a brow, but he noticed Stef didn’t appear to be surprised. “It’s what you are, my dear.”

Her frown turned to a scowl. “I like the way you say my name, Alexei. I don’t care to be called by derogatory or demeaning names.”

In his world, it was a term of affection and respect. She would come to accept it in time. Then he frowned, matching her expression. By rights, she should be calling him
, but he liked the way she said his name. He liked that she always seemed to know the difference between him and Stef.

“We will revisit the issue at a later time.” That was all he was willing to budge on the issue. “Have you eaten dinner?”

Chapter 10

Dinner was nothing like she expected. Given the snippets she’d heard about the D/s world, she fully expected them to take her home, strip her naked, and force her to eat kneeling on the floor. She would have had to impose another hard limit. After all, she had promised her mother she wouldn’t let them make her do things like that.

Instead, they took her to an upscale bistro where her sundress fit in. They allowed her to order any entrée she wanted. The only restriction they imposed was the forbidding of alcohol. She ordered a margarita, something she drank all the time, but they amended the order so that it was a virgin drink.

They chatted about nothing in particular, letting the topics drift from the weather to sports to favorite television shows. When it came time to leave, Stefano steered her toward the bathroom and handed her a small pink bag.

“Put this on,” he said, placing a peck on her cheek.

She waited until she was alone in a locked stall before opening the bag. Inside, she found a pair of pink panties. This was the first time a man had asked her to put on underwear. She frowned and fished them out of the bag.

They were heavier than a scrap of lace should be. Unfolding them, she found a strategically-placed dildo sewn into the liner. It was small, hardly more than four inches long, and thin. What did they hope to accomplish with that thing?

With a shrug, she put them on, making sure the fingerlike projection was where they meant it to be. One step had her halting in her tracks. The thing was slipping out. Unless she was sitting, she would need to keep her vaginal muscles clenched or she’d lose it completely.

When she emerged, Stefano put his hand on the middle of her lower back to guide her to the front door. “Questions?” he asked as soon as they were outside the restaurant.

Samantha shook her head. She barely felt the tiny dildo inside her, but she knew they planned something with it.

Having gone ahead to the valet stand, Alexei waited with the car. Leaning against it in his blue suit and white shirt, he looked like a model arranged to help sell the car. She admired his broad shoulders and the way his body taped to his slim hips. He grinned at them and tossed the keys to Stefano before opening the back door for Samantha.

It was on the tip of her tongue to make a snarky comment about slaves not meriting the front seat, but she refrained. The comment would have been the result of nervousness, and while she might like the punishment, she wanted to see what they had in store for her before she misbehaved.

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