Zurlo, Michele - Two Masters for Samantha [Awakenings 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (19 page)

BOOK: Zurlo, Michele - Two Masters for Samantha [Awakenings 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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The pulsing had yet to stop. Her entire body was jelly. Using all her energy, she focused on Alexei. His bright blue eyes were blurred with passion and the veins in his neck stood out with the effort it cost him to hold back. That full bottom lip was clasped between his teeth.

Suddenly, he hefted her legs up. Stefano’s hands closed around her ankles, holding them high above her head. Her body split in two to open itself up to Alexei. His thrusts went deeper. The position and the pressure made her aware of each bead inside her ass.

Lights danced behind her eyes, white spots the blotted out her vision. Screams reached her ears and a hand clamped over her mouth. Her body bucked as much as it could with two large men holding it down. She thought she had come before, but now she could see the place where they had been driving her.

To reach it, she would have to surrender completely. Alexei had been right when he said she hadn’t completely given herself over to them. It was second chance at a one-night stand. Why would she?

But things were different now. Bliss was so close. With a breath, she gave up everything. Her body and her soul were in the hands of these Morozov brothers, and she could live with that.

Waves washed her somewhere else. She floated above her tingling, pleasure-filled body, watching as Alexei climaxed. His roar was muted. He collapsed next to her, his body creating a valley in the mattress whose gravity forced her to roll to him. He was warm, his skin covered with a sheen of sweat, and he felt so good next to her.

Stefano whispered in her ear. Praises, she thought. But that was muted, too.

Exhaustion claimed her. The last piece of information she processed before losing consciousness came from Stefano.

“It’s not enough, Sammy.”

Chapter 7

Sam stared down at the two best lovers she was likely to ever meet. She let her eyes wander over the curves of their faces, completely identical, especially now that they were relaxed in sleep. She memorized the ripples that made up their shoulders and chests, marveling that one of them wasn’t the least bit larger than the other in that department. That was probably by design. She had no trouble picturing the pair of them counting out the repetitions on the weights they lifted to make sure they each did the same amount.

The sheet was pulled up to just above Alexei’s hips. It was a little higher on Stefano. Otherwise, she would have compared them that way, too.

She had learned her lesson since the last time she woke up sandwiched between Alexei and Stefano. They didn’t want her to leave without saying goodbye. She couldn’t hurt them like that, especially not after what they had given her.

Last night had been incredible. They had spanked her, bound her, and whipped her. They had given her the largest orgasms she’d ever experienced. The only thing they hadn’t done was to fuck her at the same time. She missed that. It now ranked as one of her top five sexual experiences. She was sure her time with Lex and Stef would round out the other four positions on the list, but she wasn’t in the mood to think about that just yet.

A glance at the clock showed that it was only a little after six in the morning. Even if they were the kind of men who were cranky until they consumed caffeine, she reasoned they wouldn’t mind being awakened by the kind of goodbye kiss she planned.

Her hair was still damp from the shower she had just taken. She dropped her towel and climbed up to straddle Alexei, tugging the sheet from his body as she moved up him. He started all of this, so she would bid farewell to him first. She bent her head and licked his unsuspecting penis. He still smelled fresh from the shower he had taken before joining her in bed last night.

His erection formed slowly. His leg shifted under her.

“You don’t have to do that, Samantha.”

Lex’s sleep-roughened voice rumbled across the short distance. She lifted her head to smile at him before resuming her actions. He moaned and thrust lazily into her mouth. She stopped, releasing him from her mouth with a soft popping sound, and sat up to kneel between him and Stefano.

Alexei raised his head from the pillow. His thick black hair was wild from falling asleep with it still wet. “Why’d you stop?”

She grinned at him. “You said I didn’t have to do it.”

“I was being polite. You can’t tease like that, Samantha. It’s not nice.”

“Oh, I think you teased the hell out of me enough for this to not be adequate revenge.”

He narrowed his eyes at her, and she wondered if her early morning effervescence was too much for him. People who hated the mornings usually found her hard to take this early in the day.

“Ignore him, Sammy. Lex tends to be an ass before
” Stefano didn’t bother to keep the amusement from his tone.

That was another difference. It looked like Stefano was more pleasant in the morning than Alexei. She looked from Lex to Stef and back before frowning apologetically at Alexei. “I can’t stay until ten. I have stuff to do, places to go, people to see.”

Alexei’s glare hardened, and he growled. Before he could say anything, Samantha wrapped her hand around his erection. Her other hand delved under the covers and found Stefano already hard.

“I wouldn’t leave you high and dry, Lex. I want you both at the same time.”

His demeanor changed immediately. While he didn’t smile, flames smoldered in his eyes. Her pussy flooded at the promise in his eyes.

Two sets of hands reached for her, touching her all over and situating her body how they wanted it. Samantha didn’t mind in the least. Last night, she found out she was a masochist after all, and the label of submissive no longer seemed demeaning and weak. It took strength, confidence, and determination to admit what she wanted.

Samantha was going to call Ellen to pick her up, but Alexei and Stefano insisted on providing transportation. While their morning dalliance meant they didn’t have the time to drive her home themselves, they did arrange a car and a driver.

She hadn’t been lying about having places to go and people to see. The first place on her list was the travel agency. She had a report to file.

The building that housed the Keyes agency was located in a strip mall. The brown brick façade and the sedate signs labeling each store were classy, which meant the agency was located in
. Nothing this nice would be caught dead in one of the Downriver communities.

“Hello, Samantha.”

Elizabeth Keyes was a few inches shorter than Samantha, which wasn’t surprising since most people fell into that category. Her hair was streaked with so many shades of brown and blonde that her original color was impossible to discern. At sixty-two,
wasn’t into natural anymore, especially not if it would make her look like she was sixty-two.

Her warm brown eyes smiled every bit as much as her mouth.

“Hi, Liz. How are you?”

tilted her head to the side, studying Samantha. “I think I’m not doing half as well as you are, honey. Was the hotel that good?”

A slow blush heated Sam’s neck, and she hoped it wouldn’t travel any further. The hotel had been that good, just not the one Liz meant. “No. The resort in
isn’t up to your standards. The beds were lumpy, the sheets had rust stains from the washing machines, and the rugs were threadbare. I found some kind of food stuck to one of the walls.”

Samantha took out the card where she stored her digital photographs. She loaded it into the closest unoccupied computer to show Liz the details of her trip. Out of everything, the only activity she could recommend was the plane tour of the Alaskan wilderness. The two companies she had used to take her on whale watching excursions didn’t pamper their guests the way
would expect. They were fine for the average tourist, but they wouldn’t do for a clientele that expected their munchies to include caviar.

A half hour later,
sat back and stared at Samantha. “You met someone, didn’t you?”

She’d met a couple of someones, but Sam didn’t know how to say that to someone who treated her like a daughter. She knew what she had done was pretty unconventional. Maybe Ellen and her friends wouldn’t judge her, but even the idea of telling her family or any acquaintances made dread pool in her stomach. “Yeah, but he lives in
, so it didn’t work out.”

Guilt stabbed her. Which of the brothers was she leaving out of that statement?

Walking to her van in the parking lot after she finished with
, Samantha adjusted the straps of her sundress and wondered if Alexei or Stefano admitted to sharing women. They probably did. It was one of those things men would brag about that would make them seem like complete studs, while a woman would need to keep it to herself to avoid the slut label.

That stung, too.

Samantha blasted the air conditioning and rested her head against the steering wheel while the car cooled down.
had assigned her to go back to
. This time, she mandated a longer trip. Samantha was not to come back without finding an excellent hotel, several acceptable places to eat, and at least three excursions. The trip would take her away from home until it was time to meet her family in
for their annual Spencer family vacation.

This time, she was packing her paints as well as her camera equipment. It had been too long since she’d devoted time to her craft. First, the wedding preparations had stolen her time. Now, her job was interfering. Her art was soul food. She needed it.

She had time to visit her mother before she had to pack. Her flight left the next afternoon, but Sam still had a lot of things to do.

Samantha was cut from the same cloth as her mother. Alyssa Spencer was a leggy blonde with a toned body. Sam had inherited her athleticism from her mother. Her siblings and her father all had to work much harder to master physical skills. She was grateful for that gift.

When she pulled up in the driveway, only her mother’s car was there. That wasn’t a surprise. As a human resources supervisor for Ford, her father didn’t usually get home from work before six.

She parked in the street and found her mother in the back yard, weeding her flower beds. Her long, golden hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and she wore a big, floppy, straw hat. Denim shorts covered her lower half and a bikini top did the rest of the job.

“I hope you’re wearing sunscreen this time,” Samantha said. “You got so burnt last year that you couldn’t go outside for over a week.”

Leaning back on her heels, Alyssa smiled up at her daughter. “Yes, and Jonas was too busy to help me out. You were so sweet to weed my flower beds.”

Samantha knelt next to her mom and tugged at a patch of grass growing where it shouldn’t. “Yeah, well, I have no time this year, so don’t get burnt.”

Alyssa threw an arm around her daughter’s shoulders, squeezed her, and planted a loud kiss on her cheek. “How was

“It was nice. Warm, but not hot or muggy. I liked it. I’m heading back tomorrow.”

Her mother had always been perceptive. She heard the sigh in her daughter’s voice. “You didn’t like it that much, did you?”

“I didn’t find anything good enough. Liz is sending me back. She really wants to put this package together. I’ll get back just in time to drive to
with Amanda, Rich, and the kids. I feel like I haven’t seen Faith or Ricky in so long.”

Samantha’s niece and nephew were the loves of her life. She played the part of the busy aunt who traveled frequently, stopping to sweep into their lives with excitement and gifts every few weeks. Though she liked her life, Sam knew she longed for something long-term and stable like what her big sister had found with her middle school sweetheart all those years ago.

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