Yours Book 3: Life Mastered (8 page)

BOOK: Yours Book 3: Life Mastered
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I feast on her a little longer as my cock swells once again. I grab a hold of my shaft and squeeze. I need inside of my wife again.

I back off and look up at her. She is slain, but I just need her once more. “On your hands and knees,” I command.

Sephora huffs out a breathless laugh, but after a few seconds, she rolls onto all fours. Her ass in the air invites me in, and I take the invitation. I place my knee on the bed and guide my hard length into her soft core.

Her pussy quivers around me as she sucks me in deep. I grunt as I slide home. Sephora cries into the mattress. I slap her ass and watch as it ripples around my cock.

“Oh yeah, Baby,” I rasp as Sephora’s pussy squeezes around me, not once, not twice but four times, before she soaks my cock.

I grab ahold of both of her ass cheeks and spread them as I thrust into her from behind, hard. I lick the sweat from the tip of my nose as it starts to drip down my face. I don’t even want to stop to wipe it away.

Sephora’s moans are driving me on. I toss my head back and growl as I hit just the right spot. Sephora starts to keen. It is one long continuous moan that drives me insane. I bend over her body, cupping both of her breasts.

I grind into her, and I squeeze her heavy mounds. My sweat drips onto the back of her neck, causing me to dip my head and lick a path from the base of her neck up to her nape.

“Nick, I’m coming,” Sephora whimpers and shivers in my arms.

“Can you hold on just a little longer,” I breathe in her ear.

“Shit, Nick, I’m so close,” she cries.

I chuckle, pumping faster, chasing my own release. It doesn’t take long for us to come together. My hot seed explodes deep inside of her as I bellow out her name.

Sephora collapses beneath me and so do I, but I catch my weight before I land on her and crush her. I am content and just as spent as she is. I roll to my side and pull her into my arms. Forgetting everything and passing out from exhaustion as my head hits the pillow.





chapter Fourteen



I should be ecstatic right now. I am about to close a multi-billion-dollar deal, but something is off. It has been too quiet. Things have been going too smoothly, and the Blacks are no closer to finding me the answers that I need, no one is.

Once I became distracted with helping Sephora start her new company, I couldn’t bring myself to drag her into this. She is too happy. There has to be a way to keep her both safe and happy. Besides, if we can’t find this phantom, whatever she knows probably won’t get us any closer. At least, that is what I keep telling myself, it is what I need to believe.

I still have a bunch of deals that are flapping in the wind but this deal right here with snap them all in place. They need Nicholas Lincoln and FLI, not the other way around. I don’t know what the fuck has everyone’s hackles up, but that bullshit will cost them more than it will me.

Whatever this douchebag has been spewing, everyone has been tight-lipped about it. However, I have noticed I have been receiving looks of fear from my business associates. Not like the fear I used to receive in the boardroom.

The type of fear that comes with power and the command of authority. No, these looks of fear are the type of fearful looks you give to men like Brooklyn O’Brien and La Sella Locatelli, not me. So I can’t help but wonder what I seem to be missing.

“Gentleman, I think we need to stop stalling. Mr. Lincoln and I have given you our terms and a fair price for our services. What my team has designed will put your firm on the map. We can close this deal, and your company can go into the future with more than secure footing, or you can walk blindly through this economic shift, wishing on a star,” Sephora’s voice breaks into my thoughts bringing a smile to my face.

“Miss. Emilsson, your team, has done excellent work,” Summer, the VP of Natural Tech starts.

Mrs. Lincoln
I correct sharply.

“Oh, I am sorry, Mrs. Lincoln. Congratulations, by the way, to the two of you,” Summer says nervously. “Our firm’s concern comes from the fact that you were shopping this same deal to A&T a few months ago when we were first interested. They even outbid us then. We want to ensure there is nothing wrong with the design and that A&T will not be able to come back down the road to hold us liable for any disputes or intellectual property you may have already shared with them.”

“The A&T deal has nothing to do with this merger. This deal is being structured completely differently, and all rights and intellectual property belong to FLI. Your firm has nothing to worry about. As Sephora just mentioned this is a win, win situation. Either take it or we walk…,” I look down at my watch, “in the next sixty seconds. I have spent enough time here. I’m done playing these games. You have seen the performance, and I have offered more than enough. Take it or leave it.”

I already know they are going to sign the contracts. They are just stalling out. I have had enough. I am not changing my number, and they know this is a hell of a deal. They should be counting their blessings the deal with A&T fell through. Otherwise, their business would be going under.

“Everything looks in order to me,” Stern, the President of Natural Tech, speaks up quickly and clicks his pen open.

I snort to myself.
Just as I thought.
Over the next five years, this company is now guaranteed to generate three digit millions. I, in turn, will make billions. Like I said they were going to close this deal.

I look at Sephora, and she looks tired. We had to fly here to Vancouver for this deal. I think the trip and her schedule is taking a bit of a toll. She is only four months along now, but she has already started to pop. I love her little baby bump.

This is the first time I am noticing her looking so tired. She has been handling the new business and her workload like a champ, but right now she looks exhausted. That is why this meeting is ending for us. I want to get her back to the hotel and rested for a bit before we board the jet for home. It is just a short flight, but I’d rather her rest in the suite for a few hours.

“Ladies, gentleman, we are going to ask that you excuse us. Marcus will be overseeing the finalization of the contracts. My wife and I will need to head out,” I say as I smooth down my tie and stand.

I turn to Marcus Mairettie and shake his hand. I know he will handle things from here. I never have to worry about my legal team. Mairettie and Mairettie always does right by me and FLI.

“Good seeing you, Nick. Hope to see you on the East Coast soon,” Marcus says as we shake.

“We will make that happen soon,” I laugh. “Your brother owes me a rematch in a poker game.”

“Which one,” Marcus chuckles.

“Believe it or not Bobby. He suckered me into a game,” I reply.

“Yeah, he is the sleeper. See you soon,” Marcus chuckles and pats me on the shoulder. “And congratulations. On your beautiful wife and starting a family. I know it is the greatest feeling in the world. It was very nice to meet you, Sephora.”

“Likewise, Marcus. Thank you,” Sephora says with a tired smile. I wrap an arm around her waist and cover her bump with my hand protectively.

I kiss her temple and nod my goodbye to Marcus dismissing everyone else in the room. My job here is done. If I couldn’t fatten the pockets in this room, they wouldn’t give a care for my pregnant wife. My patience is limited today.

“How are you feeling,” I ask as I lead Sephora to the elevator.

“Hungry and sleepy,” she yawns.

“What would you like to eat,” I ask as I wrap my arms around her from behind as we wait for the elevator. I rest my chin on the top of her head and sway her gently.

“Something that is not going to make me feel like a cow,” Sephora sighs.

“Oh please, you are gorgeous, I knew you would be, but you are more adorable with your little bump than I ever dreamed of.

“You have to say that, you did this to me,” she huffs.

I laugh and place a kiss to her head. She really is beautiful in the grey wrap dress she is wearing. She has started to wear more sensible heels, but they are still sexy on her.

“So cranky, I thought the babies were supposed to be the fussy ones,” I tease knowing I am going to piss her off, but not able to help myself. She has been so cute when she gets cranky.

“Shut up, Nick,” Sephora fusses, but her phone cuts her rant short. I sigh. I was looking forward to her little wrinkled nose and a little bit of her sassy attitude.

It would have turned me on. I have plans to help her go down for that nap at the hotel. I bury my face in her neck as I think of all of the things I want to do to her to help her have a peaceful nap.

“Ettie, what’s up,” Sephora says tiredly into the phone. “What….when….is she here already? Oh God, no we are in Vancouver.”

“What is it,” I ask turning her to face me.

“Kimmie is in labor,” Sephora says as her bottom lip trembles. “I’m going to miss it.”

“No, you won’t, Baby. We can go straight home,” I say as I kiss her forehead and pull my phone from my pocket.

I curse in my head this was what she had been afraid of as we had to do some travel over the last few weeks. She wants to be there so badly for the arrival of her new little niece. Honestly, I want to be there too.

Luke has been so excited and nervous. He has a big surprise for Kimmie once the baby is born. He finally came clean to Faraz and the only reason he is still breathing is because he allowed her to help with the surprise, well she actually took over.

Sephora and Ettie still don’t have a clue to what’s going on with Luke and Kimmie. I decided a long time ago that I am staying out of it, and I will deal with the aftermath when I have to. Sephora being pissed at me is much better than dealing with Kimmie and Luke’s drama. Those two give me a headache.

I send off a text to get our flight in order. The elevator arrives, and Sephora rushes in, ending her call. I can see the worry on her face.

“Relax, Baby,” I soothe. “It is a little over a two-hour flight. We’ll make it. Little Lilla will wait for her auntie to get there. I’m sure of it.”

Sephora wraps her arms around my waist and holds me tight. “Promise,” Sephora says softly.

“Yes, I have a feeling she is going to hold out for you,” I promise.

~ B~


I promised Kimmie I would be there for her, and I’m not. This is eating me up inside. I wish I could make this car move faster. That plane ride was agony. No one is answering their phones, and I am sure it is because they are all in the hospital meeting my new little niece.

I can’t help but hold my hands over Nick’s as he rests his large hands over my baby bump. Someone could have warned me that having twins was going to blow me up like crazy. However, these little ones are my anchor right now. Their big cousin is making her debut, and I want to be there so bad.

I am going to be so mad if I miss this. I have talked to Kimmie constantly. We just spoke this morning, and she didn’t tell me that she was feeling any different or going into labor. Ugh, I could choke her right now.

“We’re almost there. This is her first baby, Sephora she could be in labor for hours. We’ll make it,” Nick tries to reassure me.

I turn my head to look at my husband like he is a stranger. “How do you know that,” I ask and lift a brow at him.

Nick’s cheeks actually turn pink, and he gives me that little smile I rarely get to see. The adorable one that I imagine our little one giving me when they want something. “I read it,” he says with a shrug.

I start to laugh at him. I know he has been so excited about the babies, but I had no idea he started to go as far as reading baby books. He is going to make an awesome dad. He is already an amazing husband.

Before I can tease him, the car pulls to a stop. I feel the air swoosh from my lips in relief to finally be here. I take the chance to get one good rib in before Winston get to my door to open it for me.

I open my mouth, but the look on Nick’s face stills me. His eyes are hard, and he is looking at something behind me. I turn to see what has gotten his attention, and I find five of the Black brothers standing on the curb to the hospital. I furrow my brows in confusion.

Yeah, I now know that Luke and Wyatt are friends, but I did not expect to see him and his brothers here. From the looks on their faces, I know this is not a friendly visit. I look at Nick and for the millionth time, I wonder if I should just blurt out what I know.

I know Nick is intentionally not asking me what I found out. I want to respect that he doesn’t want my help on this. Honestly, it is the death threat and my little babies in my belly that have kept me silent this long.

“Winston will walk you inside. I will be there shortly,” Nick says and pecks my lips.

I nod because the tone in his voice is so final. I know there is no point arguing. I get out of the car as Winston holds his hand out for me. When I get out of the car all of the guys’ eyes drop to my belly, and their faces soften.

Instinctively, I place my hand on my bump. Ry moves forward and wraps me in a hug. He pulls away, placing his hand over mine and looks behind me.

“How are my two step children doing,” he teases, obviously trying to lighten the mood for me.

Nick grunts from behind me. I stifle a giggle. Ryan knows just how to push Nick’s buttons. Noah reaches to slap Ryan in the back of the head, and Wyatt glares at his little brother the same way Nick is.

I can’t help the giggle that bubbles up as Ryan rubs the back of his head still smirking. Felix looks like he wants to laugh with me. Braxton just shakes his head before he starts texting on his phone.

“One of these days you are going to learn when I am not in the mood for your shit,” Nick grumbles.

“And one of these days you are going to learn that I just don’t give a damn, Lincoln,” Ryan croons and lets out a deep laugh. “Learn to share, Nick. Just think, Sephora could be my wife on the weekends. I promise to treat the kiddies just like they’re my own.”

“We don’t have time for this shit,” Noah interjects shaking his head. “Get Sephora inside to Luke, before Kimmie loses her shit again.”

“Fine,” Ryan grumbles and hooks his arm around my shoulders. “We’ll talk about this later, Lincoln.” Ryan tosses over his shoulder.

“Keep trying me, kid,” Nick growls.

I elbow Ry and pick up the pace to make it to Kimmie and my new little niece. I am so excited that I just barely manage to push the scene I am leaving behind to the back of my mind.

~ B~


“What,” I say to Wyatt knowing whatever he is about to tell me is going to piss me off.

I should be inside awaiting my niece’s arrival with my wife, but I know for the brothers to be here this is something serious. For the last month and a half finding this threat has been one of their priorities. I know they are working hard, and nonstop so I should be relieved that they are finally here with some type of news. I am just so tired of this situation interrupting my life.

“We have a private conference room waiting in the hospital,” Wyatt offers and nods his head in the direction of the hospital for me to follow.

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